The only place you 11 find more than a thousand Chinese

The only place you 11 find more than a thousand Chinese manufacturers waiting to do business. Chem. Eng. News , 2006, 84 (32), p 37. DOI: 10.1021/cen-...
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API China

The only place you 11findmore than a thousand Chinese manufacturers waiting to do business!


ou probably know that China is one of the world s leading suppliers of pharmaceutical chemicals. What you may not know is that the API China exhibition is the best place to find out exactly what's available. Why? Because at this event there will be more Chinese manufacturers displaying their products and services than at any other event of its kind in the world. So, if you're involved in the purchasing of ingredients or out-sourcing and want to stay ahead of the competition in this rapidly changing industry, attendance is a must.

And, at API China, our aim is to create the most business friendly environment possible so that our overseas visitors can take advantage of all that China has to offer. That's why we're providing a range of services such as assistance with booking your hotel, a guide book in English, fast track registration, comprehensive information on all the exhibitors, interpreters, and assistance with networking and match-making. Also, there will be VIP rooms available with internet access to allow you to conduct business in private.

API China is organized by Reed Sinopharm, a joint venture between the world's leading exhibition organiser and China's largest pharmaceutical company. With these two companies involved you can be confident that both the exhibition and services will be of a world class standard. We know you want to make your company more successful. That's why we think you should attend API China. If you would like more information, please visit our website.

APlChina API China 2006 Autumn incorporating INTERPHEX China 15-17 November 2006 Qingdao International Convention Center For more information, please visit www.apichinaxomxn Or contact Wei Qjnghua (+86-10-6202-3434 or [email protected])