the optical rotatory power of polyamino acids and proteins

Received March. 10, 1950. THE OPTICAL ROTATORY POWER OF POLYAMINO. ACIDS AND PROTEINS. Sir: In a recent article,1 we derived an expression for...
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T H E OPTICAL ROTATORY P O W E R O F POLYAMINO TABLE I ACIDS AND P R O T E I N S ELUTION OF PROTEISS BY CARBON DIOXIDE Sir: 100 mg. of exchanger, 10 mg. of protein in 10 ml. of H 2 0 ; In a recent article,l we derived an expression for washed with 10 ml. of HzO; and eluted with 10 ml. of H 2 0 in equilibrium with 1 a t m . of COz. the optical rotatory power of an infinitely long Yo Sorbed 70Desorbed helical molecule. Our result for polyglycine in the by exchanger by COza Hemoglobinb 60 35 Serum Albumin" 25 25 Egg Albumind BO 10 30 4a Catalasee Cathepsin' 25 40 Pepsin0 30