The organic world of Rhône-Poulenc. At your fingertips. - C&EN

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The organic world of Rhdne-Poulenc. At yourfingertips.

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We have compiled all the important organic intermediates produced by Rh6ne-Poulenc and our main subsidiaries in a useful booklet that we would like you to have. It is divided into two sections: an alphabetical index of the products and a complete tabulation by chemical class. For each organic intermediate, you can see at a glance the French, English and IUPAC chemical names, the synonyms and structural formula, as well as the Rh6nePoulenc subsidiary which can supply it. To obtain your copy, all you have to do is complete and send the coupon to the address below.

Rhone-Poulenc, Specialites Chimiques, Service Publicity. Cedex 29,92097 Paris la Defense. France. I would like to receive a copy of Rh6ne-Poulenc Organic Intermediates. I understand that there is no charge or obligation. Name: Company: Title: Address:

Rhone-Poulenc Rhdne-Poulenc Inc. • P.O. Box 125, Monmouth Junction, N J . 08852 • 201-297-0100. CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD
