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HluwinR Glaaewilre. J u s t before Mold I8 Closed
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A u t o m a t i c Bulb Marliine
years in bringing out automalic and semi-autonlalir machinery for the production of bulbs and other products. I wenty rrars ago the company, realizing the need for systematic research and study to develop facts then not known regardiog the physical an ical properties of diffcicnt types of glasses. established a r laboratory, which has since been I.
maintaincd and enlarged and has greatly added to the strength of t h e orgaiiizatiori. Among the earlier results of its research departnxnt was a series of low-enpansian glasses w i t h properties uiiusual and valuable. These glasses have been applied to many lines, iiicluding railroad ware, chemical appiliatii~ware, gl -
Hand Tubinn. Rehesfins Gather J u s t before Drawin*
hakin8 ware, radio insolation, and othcr uses i n the ditrerent manufactoring industries. In 1!)11) Alanson B. Houghton, the oldest son uf Amory Hough. 1011,Jr., became president, and retained the office until he was elected 10 represent Iiis I k t r i c t iii the Congress at Washington. He was followed by his brother, Arthur A. Houghton. as president. who held tlic office until 1920, when he w ~ succeeded s by A. D. Falck, who is the present president. Tlic company own plants at Corning, X . Y.. 'M'ellsboro. I % . , Kingsport. Tenn., and Central Palls, I