The Oxidation of 1,l-Dibenzylhydrazines'

2-benzylidene-l-(o-tolyl)-hydra~ine was obtained: ..... lS70j of white needles, m.p. 95-96', A mixed m.p. 95-97" was ob- tained with an authentic samp...
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essentially negative in 2.5 hours. Excess reducing agent was decomposed by the addition of 1070 aqueous acetic acid. ildditional chloroform and water were added and the mixture extracted with chloroform. The chloroform extract was washed with dilute potassium bicarbonate and water and dried over magnesium sulfate. Crystallization of the residue from acetone gave 200 mg. of the 200-acetate-21-01 111, m.p. 237-243'. Chromatography of the mother liquors on 20 g. of neutral alumina gave 270 mg. of the 20601-21-acetate I1 crystallized from acetone-ether, m.p. 206210". Paper chromatography (benzene-cyclohexane 2: 1forniamide system) of pertinent fractions indicated the presence of minor amounts of corticosterone acetate ( I ) , a non-ultraviolet absorbing component probably resulting from reduction of the 3 as well as the 20-carbonyl group, and niixed fractions of I1 and 111. Conversion of the 2Op-01 21-Acetate I1 into the 208Acetate 21-01 111.-To a solution of 30 mg. of the 20p-ol-21acetate I1 in 0.6 ml. of dimethylformamide was added 0.6 ml. of 2Y0 aqueous potassium bicarbonate. The clear solution was seeded with the 206-acetate-21-01 111. Within 5 minutes a precipitate of small prisms appeared. The mix' for 30 minutes, filtered, the precipitate ture was kept at 0 washed with water, 5070 aqueous acetone and dried in air; 15 mg., m.p. 240-245" undepressed with authentic 206acetate-21-01 111. The respective infrared spectra were identical. An additional 4 mg. of 111, m.p. 241-245', was obtained from the mother liquors on standing overnight. Similar treatment of 50 mg. of I1 in 1 ml. of dimethylformamide with 1 ml. of 1% aqueous sodium borohydride led to 38 mg. of 111, m.p. 238-243'. However, when a solution of 50 mg. of I1 in 2 ml. of 50% aqueous dimethylformamide was seeded with 111 and permitted to cool slowly, essentially unchanged I1 (35 mg.2 was recovered in 2 crops of long needles, m.p. 208-212 with a trace remaining to 245". The mixed melting point with authentic I1 was uridepressed and the respective infrared spectra were identical. A~-Pregnene-llp,17~,206,21-tetrol-3-one20-Acetate (Reichstein's Substance E Monoacetate) (XII).-To a stirred solution of 2.00 g. of hydrocortisone 21-acetate (XI) in 80 xnl. of dimethylformamide a t 20" was added 400 mg. of sodium borohydride in 20 ml. of water. Starting material partly precipitated. Stirring was continued a t 20" for four hours at which time all the material was in solution and a blue tetrazolium test on a n aliquot was negative. Excess cold 107, aqueous acetic acid was added slowly, water and chloroform were added and the mixture extracted with chloroform. The chloroform extract was washed with potassium bicarbonate solution, water and dried over magnesium sulfate. The crystalline residue was chromatographed on 60 g. of neutral alumina. T h e fractions from 507, benzene-chloroform to 1007, chloroform (1.15 g.) were crystalline and consisted primarily of the monoacetate XII. Crystallization from acetone-ether gave prisms, m.p. 225-235' (233-236' capillary m.p.), A%?'" 242 m r (15,600); undepressed with an authentic sample of Reich-



Vol. 81

stein's Substance E 21-monoa~etate.'~T h e respective infrared spectra were identical. Acetylation of 50 mg. of XI1 in acetic anhydride-pyridine a t 25' gave the corresponding 20/3,2l-diacetate, m.p. 212-220", likewise identical with authentic material. Paper chromatography (benzene-chloroforin 1:2 --forlllamide system) of the individual chromatogram fr:tc.tioiis iudicated the total yield of the 20-monoacetate XI1 formed to be about 707;. Also present were small amounts of a more polar ultraviolet absorbing component (negative blue tetrazolium test) which may be the 206-monoacetate analogous t o 111 and a very polar non-ultraviolet absorbing coinponent (negative blue tetrazolium test) in which the 3- as well as the 20-carbonyl group has been reduced. These substances were not isolated. A4-Pregnene-17~,20~,21-triol-3,11-dione 21-Acetate (Reichstein's Substance U Monoacetate) (XIV) .-lteduction of a suspension of 2.00 g. of cortisone 21-acetate XI11 with 383 mg. of sodium borohydride in 100 nil. of 807, aqueous dimethylformamide at 15-20' as in the preceding experiment was complete (negative blue tetrazolium test) in 2.5 hours. The mixture was worked up as above and chromatographed on 60 g. of neutral alumina. The fractions from 307, benzene-chloroform through 50 7, berizene-chloroform (670 mg.) were crystalline and essentially pure monoacetate XIV. Crystallization from acetoneether gave prismatic needles, m.p. 181-183",14 .l ~.~ ~ l C , ~ ~ ~ a CH on 4-174'; Amn: 238 mp (15,300); A::lp~ 2.74, 2.80-2.85, 5.74, 5.84,, 8.0 U . Anal. Calcd. for C23H7206: C, 68.29; H, 7.98. Found: C, 68.23; H, 7.96. Paper chromatography (benzene-chloroform 1: l-formamide system) of representative chromatogram fractions indicated the presence of small quantity of a more polar ultraviolet absorbing component t h a t gave a negative blue tetrazolium test and a very polar component (no ultraviolet; negative tetrazolium test). These materials were not characterized. Acetylation of a sample the monoacetate XIV in acetic anhydride-pytidine a t 25 led t o the 20/3,21-diacetate, m.p. 245-249 , identical with authentic Reichstein's Substance U-20,21-diacetate by mixed melting point and infrared criteria. Chromium trioxide-acetic acid ~ x i d a t i o n 'of~ a sample of the monoacetate XIV led to a neutral product resolved by paper chromatography (benzene-formamide system) iiito cortisone acetate (XIII) and adrenosterone.


(13) This substance mas first prepared by partial acetylation of Reichstein's Substance E by Huang-Minlon a n d R. € I . I'ettehone, Trim J O U R N A L , 74, 1562 (1953). (14) T h e monoacetate XIV mas first obtained by partial acetylation of Reichstein's Substance U by L. H. Sarett [ J . Bioi. Chem., 162, G31 (1946)) who reported m.p. 172-174'.



The Oxidation of 1,l-Dibenzylhydrazines' B Y R. L.


K. L. HAh1bf3

RECEIVED NOVEMBER 29, 1958 A series of unsymmetrically substituted dibenzylhydrazines (p-XCsH4CH*S(SH,)CH*C~H~, where X = CHPO-, (CI%)*K-, CH,-, C1-) have been oxidized with yellow mercuric oxide and in each case the only product identified was the unsymmetrical bibenzyl, p-XCsHaCHzCH&6Ha. Similarly, 2-(&phenylethyl)-furan was obtained from the oxidation of l-benzyl-lfurfurylhydrazine. The oxidation of 1-benzyl-1-(p-methoxybenzy1)-hydrazine by potassium permanganate, Fehling solution, or air also yielded the unsymmetrical bibenzyl, but oxidation of the same hydrazine with mercuric acetate or quinone produced the corresponding tetrazene. T h e benzenesulfonyl derivatives of 1-benzyl-1-(p-methoxybenzy1)-hydrazine and c,f 1-benzyl-1-(p-chlorobenzy1)-hydrazine were converted in good yield to the unsymmetrical bibenzyls by treatment with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide. (1) Presented before t h e Organic Division of t h e American Chemical Society, September 16, 1956. (2) Author to whom inquiries should be addressed: Union Carbide Research Institute, 32 Depot Plaza, White Plains, Pi. Y . :.J) Department or Chemistry, Carthage College, Carthage, 111.

-4 1arg.e number of 1.1-disubstituted hvdrazines (I) havg been oxidized with many comminly used oxidizing agents, including potassium permanganate, bromine, sodium hypochlorite, ferric chloride,

July 5, 1959



bibenzyl was formed: (1) 4-methoxybibenzyl was isolated in 53% yield; ( 2 ) in most cases the bibenzyl was isolated by crystallization from the concentrated reaction mixture; if other products of similar structure had been present, i t is unlikely R I R I1 R that the low-melting bibenzyls would have crystallized so easily; (3) in the case of 2-(/3-phenylethyl)The first anomalous oxidation of a 1,l-disubsti- furan, which was isolated by distillation rather tuted hydrazine was reported in 1900 by Busch than crystallization, after the identified product and we is^,^ who oxidized 1,l-dibenzylhydrazine had been distilled, the residual oil was heated to (111) with yellow mercuric oxide and obtained temperatures far in excess of the expected boiling bibenzyl (IV) together with the theoretical quan- points of the other possible products of the bibenzyl tity of nitrogen gas. Symmetrically disubstituted type, but no additional material distilled. bibenzyls have also been obtained from the oxi-

quinone and mercuric oxide, and in general a tetrazene (11) has been obtained as the primary product. R' ) S X H z (02 R)XS=KN< R'


I dations of l,l-bis-(o-nitr~benzyl)-hydrazine,~~~ 1,l(RCHzNCH2C8Hs)BY YELLOW MERCURIC OXIDE bis-(p-nitrobenzyl)-hydrazine,jand 1,l-bis-(o-broYield of Method of identification R RCHzCHzCsHs. % of RCHiCHzCeHi m~benzyl)-hydrazine.~Recently, interest in the 53 Comparison with authentic conversion of 1,l-dibenzylhydrazines t o bibenzyls p - CHaO C s H r specimen" has been renewed with studies on both the mech27 M.p., C, H analysis* and oxianism and synthetic possibilities of the reaction.* p - CHaCsHr tion to benzoic and terephI t was the purpose of the work reported here to thalic acids' delineate the scope and limitations of these interest28 Comparison with authentic ing oxidation reactions more fully. Whereas the P-ClCsHr specimend previous investigations were carried out with 1,l~Comparison Kith authentic dibenzylhydrazines in which both rings were identi- p-( C H ~ ) ~ N C ~ H , H12 specimena cally substituted, the present study is concerned 35 Ream. with maleic anhydride with the oxidation of 1,l-dibenzylhydrazines in 2-Fury1 to give knownc 3-(p-phenwhich only one ring bears a substituent (V), in ylethy1)-3,6-endoxo-Adorder to ascertain whether this reaction yields tetrahydro-o-phthalic "mixed" bibenzyls (VI), a result which would be of anhydride value from both the synthetic and the mechanistic Prepared by the method of M. Freundoand P. Remse, points of view.


p-XC6HdCH2 CsHsCHz





P - X C ~ H ~ C H Z C H ~$. C ~HH8~f XLT~ I- HyO

Ber., 23, 2859 (1890). bM.p. found 24-26 ; lit. m.p. 27' (W. Mann., Ber., 14,1645 (1881). Calcd. for ClSHl6: C, 91.77;

H , 8.23. Found: C, 92.07; H, 8.43. See Experlmental. Prepared by the method of F. Bergmann, J. Weizmann and D. Shapiro, J . Org. Chem., 9, 408 (1944). @R.B. Woodward, THISJOURNAL, 6 2 , 1480 (1940).

VI The mechanism of the oxidation of dibenzylA series of 1,l-dibenzylhydrazines (V) was prehydrazines has been discussed a t some length,8b8C pared where X = CHzO-, CHs-, C1- and (CH&N-. A fifth hydrazine, 1-benzyl-1-furfurylhydrazine and i t has been suggested that the reaction prowas also s y n t h e ~ i z e d . ~Each hydrazine was oxi- ceeds by way of an intermediate (VII), the terminal dized by yellow mercuric oxide in 9570 ethanol. nitrogen of which lacks the hydrogens of the origiIn each case the "mixed" bibenzyl VI was the only nal hydrazine, and is electron deficient,l0 A identifiable product. The remainder of the prod- closely related reaction is the well-known converuct in each case was a viscous oil, which was not sion of hydrazones to diazo compounds by yellow identified. Table I summarizes the results of the oxidations and the methods used to identify the products. Because of the low yields of bibenzyls TI1 (Table I) it is impossible to rule out completely the possibility of the formation of more than one mercuric oxide (>C=NNHz+> CNZ). An inbibenzyl in each oxidation. The following facts termediate such as 171, not as well resonancemake it unlikely, however, that more than one stabilized as the aliphatic diazo compound, collapses with simultaneous loss of nitrogen and col(4) See for example. (a) E. Fischer, A n n . , 190, G7 (1877); (b) E. lision of the benzyl residues. The suggestionsb Fischer, i b i d . , 199, 281 (1879); (c) E. Renouf, Ber., 13, 21G9 (1880); (d) T . Curtius and H. Franzen, ibid., 34, 552 (1901); (e) €1. Wieland that this is a concerted process is supported by the and H . Fressel, A n n . , 392, 133 (1912). results reported here. ( 5 ) M. Busch and B. Weiss, Be?., 33, 2701 (1900). (6) H. Duval, Bull. S G C . chim. France, [GI 7, 728 (1910). (7) J . Kenner and J . Wilson, J. Chem. SGC.,1108 (1927). (8) (a) C. G. Overberger and B. S. Marks, THISJOURNAL, 7 7 , 4104 (1955); (b) C. G. Overberger, J. G. Lombardino and R. G. Hiskey, ibid., 79,6430 (1957) ; (c) ibid.,80,3009 (1958) ; (d) L. A. Carpino, ibid., 79,4427 (1957). (9) T h e synthesis of these hydrazines is described in a previous paper: R . L. Hinman and K . L. H a m m , J . Ovg. Chem., 23, 529 (1958).

(10) This type of intermediate was first proposed by J. Kenner and E. C. Knight, B e r . , 69, 341 (19361, and is similar t o t h a t suggested earlier by Goldschmidt (S. Goldschmidt and V. Voeth, A n n . , 436, 265 (1924)) t o account for the mode of oxidation of amines by oxidizing agents such as potassium permanganate and lead dioxide. Evidence for the existence of an intermediate such as VI1 in the oxidations of 1,l-dialkylhydrazines has recently been reported (W. R. McBride and H. W. Kruse, THISJOURNAL, 79, 672 (1957)).

lrul. s1



From the experiments described in this paper obtained with yellow mercuric oxide.l6#lTI t is and in the literature, certain limitations can be noteworthy that when quinone or mercuric acetate cited with regard to the number and nature of the was employed as the oxidizing agent the tctrazene substituents on the hydrazine molecule which will was obtained.l8 permit a successful oxidation with loss of nitrogen Other attempts to increase the yield of thc biand coupling of the substituent residues. In the benzyl included varying the reaction temperature first place, one nitrogen of the hydrazine must be and the pH. Thus, the reaction was complete after unsubstituted. Thus, the oxidation of l,l-di-. 1.5 hr. in refluxing ethanol, but required 6-8 hr. benzyl-2-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-hydrazine with lead a t room temperature. When a still higher boiling l-benzylidene-2-(2,4,6-trinitrodioxide yielded solvent, 1-butanol, was used, the yield of the biphenyl)-hydrazine." Only starting material was benzyl decreased. The yield also decreased when obtained from the oxidation of 1,l-dibenzyl-Z-t- the pH of the ethanolic reaction mixture was butylhydrazine." Goldschmidt also reported'" raised by the addition of sodium hydroxide, an that benzoyltribenzylhydrazine was obtained from experiment suggested by the different products the oxidation of tetrabenzylhydrazine with potas- obtained from the oxidation of 1,l-dibenzylhydrasium permanganate.12 zine and from its hydrochloride. l 2 I t is known that bibenzyl is a major product froiii X second limitation appears in the nature of the two substituents attached to the substituted nitro- the alkaline decomposition of l,l-dibenzyl-2which presuniably ocgen. Although the work of OverbergerI3has shown benzenesulfony1hydrazinejsd that the successful oxidation of 1,l-disubstituted curs as shown in the equation14 hydrazines with elimination of nitrogen is not OHd limited to molecules containing benzyl substituents, (CsHSCHa)n~SI-ISOzCcHj+(CbHjC1-I*),SS'~SO1CaH:, i t appears that the nature of the substituent must be such that the intermediate fragment produced during the oxidation is well stabilized.14 The suca cessful oxidation of 1-benzyl-1-furfurylhydrazine ( C G ~ ~ ; C H ~ ) 2 ? z+ ~ 1cGl