The Oxidation of Oxalate Ion by Peroxodisulfate ... - ACS Publications

The Kinetics and Mechanism of the Catalysis by Silver(1)'. The silver(1)-catalyzed oxidation of oxalate ion by peroxodisulfate has been studied. The r...
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Dec. 5 , 1964

a t 0' and ionic strength 0.084 F. The data of Wagner ' and PreissZ2lead to the result k26/kI5 = 0.19 a t 0 and ionic strength -1.1 F (chloride medium). Since these four parameters were not measured under the same conditions, the calculation indicated i n eq. 24 can be only approximate. The value calculated is 1.4 W , compared with the experimental 15 X lop6 x






M 2 . Considering the variation in temperature and medium, these results appear not inconsistent. Especially gratifying is the observation t h a t the concentration dependences of these four measured parameters are in not only apparent internal agreement, but t h a t they combine to the correct form for the equilibrium quotient of reaction 23.




The Oxidation of Oxalate Ion by Peroxodisulfate. 111. The Kinetics and Mechanism of the Catalysis by Silver(1)' BY A.



RECEIVED JCSE 29, 1964 T h e silver(1)-catalyzed oxidation of oxalate ion b y peroxodisulfate has been studied. The rate law for this reaction in deaerated solution, a t concentrations of peroxodisulfate greater than about 0.004 M,is -d[S20g-2] / dt = k I [S,08-2]'/l[.Ag?;Ol] '12, with an activation energy of 16.4 kcal./mole. At peroxodisulfate concentraIn-this ~]~ concentration . region a black tions of 0,004 M or less, the rate law is -d[S208-2]/dt = ~ I I [ S Y O ~ precipitate forms during the reaction. I t was identified by its X-ray diffraction pattern as metallic silver with traces of silver oxalate. chain mechanism in which radical-ion chain carriers participate in one-electrontransfer reactions accounts for both rate laws (reactions 1-6). If the catalyst is present as the complex ion AgC20,-, rate laws of the same form are obtained. T h e effect of p H indicates t h a t -4g+ catalyzes the reaction a t low p H , AgC20,- a t high p H . Oxygen inhibits the reaction. At partial pressures of oxygen between 2.9 X 10-5 and 1.31 X 10-3 a t m . , the rate law is -d[S~08-2]/dt = koz[S~0~-2]a/2[XgNOs]1/~/P'/z, with an activation energy of 22.4 kcal./mole. Inclusion of the additional reactions 19 and 20 in the mechanism leads to the observed rate l a w The dissociation energy of 02C02- is estimated to be approximately 8.2 kcal./mole.

The silver(1)-catalyzed oxidations of various substrates by peroxodisulfate a1e believed to be initiated by a reaction of silver(1) with peroxodisulfate ion.3 The exact nature of this reaction is not clear although a one-electron oxidation -4g7



---+ Ag+2

+ so,- + SO,-*


is in accord with the experimental evidence. 3 , 4 Reaction 1 appears to be rate-determining in the silver(1)-catalyzed oxidations of most substrates. 3 , 4 In this respect, the oxidation of oxalate ion is exceptional. King5 found t h a t , in partially deaerated solutions, this reaction was about 4000 times as fast as the oxidations of other substrates under similar conditions. The erratic nature of his results precluded a quantitative kinetic investigation. Later i t was shown that, in solutions of very low copper concentration but not deaerated, the silver(1)catalyzed oxidation of oxalate is only slightly faster than the oxidations of other substratesfi The catalytic properties of copper and the inhibitory nature of oxygen in the oxidation of oxalate ion have been confirmed in a recent study.; For the copper(11)-catalyzed reaction the experimental rate law -d [SzOs-?]/dt


k [S*OE-'] [CU"(CZO~)Z-~]~"

is consistent with a chain mechanism involving the radical ions COz- and sod- and oxidation of copper to (1) Abstracted in part from t h e P h . D . Dissertation of A. Joseph Kalb, University of California, Davis, Calif., 1963, presented in part a t the 144th Sational lLIeeting of the American Chemical Society, Los hngeles, Calif., March 31-April 5 , 1963. (2) Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow., 1962-1963. ( 3 ) W . K . U'ilmarth and A. Haim in "Peroxide Reaction Mechanisms, Conference, Providence, Khode Island, 1960," J . 0. Edwards, Ed., Interscience Publishers, New York, S . Y . ,1962, p , 175, (4) D. .4. House, Chem. Rea., 6Z, 185 (lU62). (5) C . V. King, J . A n i . C h e m . Soc., 6 0 , 2089 (1928). ( 6 ) T. 1,. Allen, i b i d . , 73, 3589 (1951). 17) E . Ben-Zvi and T . L . Allen, ibid., 83, 4352 (1961).

the tervalent state. Inhibition by oxygen occurs through reaction with C o n - radicals followed by chain termination. As silver(1) is susceptible to one-electron oxidation to the unstable silver(II), it can play a role similar to t h a t of copper(I1) in catalyzing propagation. It can also initiate chains by reaction 1. Therefore, silver(1) should be a t least as effective a catalyst as copper(I1). The present kinetic investigation was undertaken to uncover the mechanism of the silver(1)-catalyzed oxidation of oxalate ion by peroxodisulfate Experimental Materials .-Water was purified by distillation through a 36in. Vigreux column equipped with an electric heating tape a t the takeoff t o prevent diffusion of impurities into the distillate.* The distillate was collected and stored in polyethylene bottles. Sational Bureau of Standards standard sodiuni oxalate (batch No. 40g), Mallinckrodt analytical reagent grade potassium peroxodisulfate, silver nitrate, and cupric sulfate, and Baker and Adamson reagent grade anhydrous sodium sulfate were used without further purification. Gases used were Matheson helium and Liquid Carbonic Industrial oxygen. Baker and hdamson reagent grade concentrated sulfuric acid was redistilled in an all-Pyrex apparatus and stored in a groundglass-stoppered Pyrex flask. Eastman Kodak (\.T;hite Label) allyl acetate was fractionally distilled through a l k m . column . fraction boiling packed with glass helices shortly before use. S a t 103" was used. Reaction mixtures were made from standard stock solutions in most of the experiments. These were prepared with redistilled water and stored in polyethylene bottles. All pipets and other glassware were Pyrex glass and were thoroughly washed with redistilled hydrochloric acid and redistilled water as a precaution against metal contamination. Apparatus .-Since oxygen is a powerful inhibitor of the silver(1)-catalyzed reaction, the reaction vessel was a Pyrex gaswashing bottle with a fritted disk (flask I ) to facilitate deaeration of reaction mixtures b y flushing with helium. h 21 .O-ml. pipet, equipped with a ground-glass joint fitting snugly into the cover of the reaction vessel, was used for sampling. Aliquots could (8) R. Ballentine, A n a l . Chem., 26, 549 (1954).




10 I


Vol. 86

spacings were calculated by the Bragg equation from the measured diameters of the diffraction circles and co n p x e d with spacings listed in the ASTM file of X-ray powder patterns.'O

Results Stoichiometry-The stoichiometry of the reaction was verified by allowing a solution containing 0.0540 Na2C204, 0.0450 M K ~ S Z Oand ~ , 1.8 X lop5 M AgN03 to react for 4.5 hr., a t which time virtually all of the peroxodisulfate had been consumed. The decrease in peroxodisulfate concentration was found to be equal to that in oxalate concentration, within 0.370, in accordance with the equation 0





coo4 --2


lO3[AgKO3]l12, . L f 1 / 2 .

Fig. 1.-Dependence of the three-halves-order rate constant on the square root of silver nitrate concentration. be forced into the pipet, without seriously slowing the flow of helium, by partly closing the gas outlet of the flask. Except during sampling, when it was open to the atmosphere, the pipet was flushed with helium. A second gas-washing bottle (flask I I ) , with a hole for removal of aliquots, was used for thermal equilibration and deaeration of a reactant before mixing. Tygon tubing was used for all connections. The flasks were maintained a t constant temperature ( 1 0 . 0 2 ' ) in a water thermostat (except where otherwise stated the temperature was 25.0"). Measurements of p H were made with a Beckman Model G p H meter. Optical density was measured with a Beckman Model D E spectrophotometer. The apparatus was modified slightly to enable quantitative determination of the inhibitory effect of oxygen. A glass Tjoint, equipped with a calibrated capillary inlet for oxygen, was included in the helium line, and a flowmeter (Greiner Model G9144B) was used to measure the helium flow rate. T h u s a reaction mixture could be flushed with mixtures of helium and oxygen of known composition. Procedures.-ilppropriate volumes of stock solutions and redistilled water were pipetted into the flasks. Flask I was usually charged with sodium oxalate and flask I1 with potassium peroxodisulfate. Silver nitrate was sometimes included in flask I , sometimes in flask 11. When silver nitrate was added t o sodium oxalate, care was taken t o avoid local precipitation of silver oxalate. Turbid solutions were discarded. In some experiments, sulfuric acid was added t o lower the p H . The flasks were placed in the thermostat and their contents were flushed with helium (or a mixture of helium and oxygen) for 30 min. X reaction was started b y transferring a 25-ml. aliquot from flask I1 to flask I. The sampling pipet, flushed with the gas, was introduced and aliquot samples were withdrawn a t appropriate times. A ground-glass stopper was used to close the sampling port whenever the pipet was removed. For experiments with allyl acetate, ordinary glass-stoppered erlenmeyer flasks were used. Reaction mixtures were not deaerated and samples were withdrawn with a 25-ml. pipet. Analyses.-Samples were analyzed for peroxodisulfate by an iodometric titration.' T h e reaction was quenched by exposure to air and by precipitation of the catalyst as silver iodide. Five samples were usually taken during an experiment and t h e reactions were followed to a t least 65% completion. Changes in silver(1) concentration were followed in some experiments by the Fischer dithizone monocolor m e t h ~ d . Samples ~ were passed through a sintered glass filter, acidified with nitric acid, heated for 1 hr. in a boiling water bath to destroy peroxodisulfate (which interferes with the analysis), cooled, and diluted to constant volume with redistilled water. Concentration of silver was evaluated by reference to a standard curve. A black powder, which appears a t low peroxodisulfate concentration, was collected by centrifugation, washed, dried, and identified by its X-ray diffraction pattern. The sample, mounted on a glass filament, was exposed in an ?-ray powder camera to Si-filtered Cu K a radiation ( X = 1.54 -4.).Exposure time was ;i hr. in one experiment and 10 hr. in another. Interplanar (9) F.J . Welcher, "Organic Analytical Reagents," Vol. 111, D. Van Nostrand C o . , Inc., New York, N. y . ,1947, p. 517.

+ S208


+2 c 0 2

+ 2so4--2

The Reaction a t High Peroxodisulfate Concentration. Peroxodisulfate Dependence.-At peroxodisulfate concentrations greater than approximately 0.004 -If, the rate is proportional to [s208-2]3 * as shown by the hearity, up to a t least 7070 reaction, of plots of [SzSilver Nitrate Dependence.-As shown in Fig. 1, k ~ ' is proportional t o the square root of the silver nitrate concentration. Accordingly -d [S208-']/dt


k~ [S~0~-2]s'2[AgN0~]1'' (A)

where k~ = k1'/[AgN0~]'''. Analysis of reaction mixtures in the high range of peroxodisulfate concentration showed no change in catalyst concentration during at least 75% of the reaction. The dependence on silver nitrate concentration at low pH is discussed below in the section on pH dependence. Oxalate Dependence.-The data in Table I show t h a t k I is practically constant over a 50-fold range of TABLE I SECOSD-ORDER RATECONSTASTS kr

M [C206-2]0 M lO~[Ag;LO,l M 0 0080 0 080 7 5 0 0160 0 080 7 5 0 0160" 0 080 7 5 0 0560 0 080 7 5 0 0160 0 200 7 5 0 O16Ob 0 020 7 5 0 02005 0 004 1 1 0 0160 0 080 1 1 0 120 0 0960 1 1 0 200 1 1 0 0960 0 0160 15 5 0 080 0 004 0 0200 1 1 a 0 016 .If Na2SOa also present 0 present SIO OS-^]^






0 628 0 26 0 29 0 664 0 34 0 650 0 724 0 41 0 65 0 650 0 35 0 638 0 31 0 682 0 29 0 658 0 65 0 596 0 89 0 622 0 29 0 690 0 07 0 840 080 %I KaoSOa also

initial oxalate concentrations, and therefore, the rate law is zero order in oxalate concentration in this range. The constancy of k~ over a 12-fold range of initial peroxodisulfate concentrations and a l 4 f o l d range of catalyst concentrations confirms the correctness of the rate law. Excluding the last experiment (in which the ionic strength was much lower than in the others). the average rate constant is 0.65.5 i 0.026 If-' set.-'. (10) "X-Ray Powder D a t a File, Sets 1-5 (Revised)." J. V. Smith, Ed., American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, P a . , 1960. (11) I n these solutions the catalyst is probably present a s Ag-, AgC204-. and Ag-2, a point which will be considered in more detail in t h e Discussion. To avoid ambiguity, experimental results are expressed in terms of the concentration of silver nitrate used to prepare the solutions.


Dec. 5 , 1964




/ ”




1 0











Fig, 2.- Dependence of the three-halves-order rate constant on p H a t 0 016 li S ~ O S 8.0 ~ ,X 10-j ,lf AgN03, and 0.080 M total oxalate concentration ([C204-*] [HC?O4-] [H2C204]); the curve was calculated by means of eq. 18.



Ionic Strength Dependence.-Except a t the lowest salt concentration ( j t = 0.07), the rate is insensitive t o changes in ionic strength (Table I ) . No quantitative evaluation was made of the negative salt effect at low ionic strength. Sulfate Dependence.-& sulfate ion is a reaction product, its concentration increases during an experiment. However, the second and third experiments listed in Table I show t h a t the addition of sodium sulfate had no effect on the rate. Surface Effect.-The reaction is not markedly sensitive to changes in surface area. Addition of 1 g. of diatomaceous earth (Celite analytical filter aid) depressed the rate by 257;. This may have been caused b y traces of some inhibitor. Furthermore, i t is not necessary to condition the walls of the reaction vessels in order to obtain reproducible results. (In the copper(11)-catalyzed reaction, the reaction vessel must be conditioned and a special washing technique is needed to obtain repr~ducibility.~) pH Dependence.- p the rate is somewhat depressed by increasing hydrogen ion concentration (Fig. 2). The reaction is three-halves order in peroxodisulfate concentration a t every pH studied. Table TI presents the results of a series of experiments a t low pH, where oxalic acid is the principal oxalate species. Although the rate is independent of TABLE I1 OXIDATIOSOF OXALICACIDBY PEROXODISULFATE’ IOakI’, [S2O*-?]r,. .VI

0.016b 0.016 0.040 0 020 0 G20 0 020 0 020

[NanCKhlc. .M

10j[AgNOs]. M


1 6

0 080


0 080 0 080 0 020 0 080 0 080

8.0 24 0 24.0 40 0 80 0

p H adjusted to 0 40 by addition of H 8 0 4 J I Sa2S04


0.38 1.88 1.40 4.64 4.98

7.10 10.72 p H 1 10, 0 08

the concentration of reducing agent and three-halves order in peroxodisulfate concentration as at higher p H , the order with respect to silver nitrate concentra-


50 p-112,

100 atm.-1/2





Fig. 3.-Dependence of the apparent second-order rate constant on the reciprocal of the square root of oxygen pressure

tion changes from first order a t low catalyst concentration to half order a t higher concentration. Copper Sulfate Dependence.-In these oxygen-free solutions, the rate was unaffected by the presence of CuSO? at concentrations of 8.0 X lop5 and 64.0 X M. These results contrast sharply with the extreme sensitivity of the rate to traces of copper sulfate when oxygen is not excluded.B Allyl Acetate Inhibition.-Allyl acetate, an effective captor of sulfate radical ions,I2 inhibits the reaction. However, the very slow silver-catalyzed decomposition of peroxodisulfate in the presence of allyl acetate is about two and one-half times faster when oxalate is also present than when it is absent. The rate of the inhibited reaction depends only slightly on oxalate concentration from 0.004 to 0.080 M (Table 111). TABLE I11 ALLYLACETATEIS HI BIT ION^ M


0 080 0 .O l O b 0 004b

i ~ / ~hr,

90 102



248 0 . O8Oc 0 5 0.01 M &S20Sr 8 X 10-j ill AgXO3, and 0.02 M allyl acetate. b Ionic strength adjusted to that of the first experiment by addition of Sa2S04. c No allyl acetate, oxygen-free solution. .


Oxygen Dependence.-The fact t h a t oxygen is a powerful inhibitor of the reaction was demonstrated by conducting an experiment without flushing with helium. Although the temperature was 39.7”, it took 90 hr. for half of the peroxodisulfate to react. In oxygen-free solutions, the half-life for a comparable reaction mixture is about 1 hr. a t 25.0”. At low oxygen pressures, the rate is inversely proportional to the square root of the partial pressure of oxygen (Fig. 3). Dependence on peroxodisulfate, oxalate, and silver nitrate concentrations is the same as in the absence of oxygen (Table IV). The rate does not increase without limit as oxygen pressure decreases. Thus, a suitable rate law is


-d [S20~-~]/dk = k~ [ S z O ~ - ~ ] ~ ’ * [ h g N 0 ~1 ]’’*/( P ( k ~ / k o p ) ~ } ”(B) ~ (12) I. M. Kolthoff, E. J. Meehan, and E . M . C a n , J . A m . Chem. Soc., 76, 1439 (1953).







ki (apparent) ICeO.




0 0 0 0

10 13 10 4 10 2 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 15h 0 0 25 0 0 10 a 0 02 izI K&Ob and AgSOa


1 5 4 67 60 60 29 29 75 X

M - 1 sec

Vol. 86

103k0,, ' 1 2 sec

M-' atm


051 097 187 268 0 303 0 288 0 451 0 461 M AgS03 0 0 0 0

103 x [ S Z O S - ~ I O , [Cz0~-210,


85 05 90 19 35 2 23 2 13 2 50 15.5 x 10-5 M


where P is the partial pressure of oxygen. As P approaches zero, B reduces to A, the rate law in oxygenfree solutions. ,4t values of P greater than about 3X atm., B becomes

M 0.080


1 2 2 2 2


105 x [AgNOal, M

4 0 8.0 2 4 0.080 8 0 2.4 0.080 16.0 2.4 0,080 1.6 2.4 0 003 8.0 2 4 0 003 8.0 0.16 Jd X'alSOa also present.



IOkii, ,M-1 set.-'

0 25 0.25 0 25 0 25

1.15 1.18 0.92 0.97 1.19 3 40

0.50" 0 016

During these experiments a slight black precipitate appeared, which was identified b y its X-ray diffraction pattern as metallic silver with traces of silver oxalate (Table VII) . Concurrently, the catalyst concentraTABLE VI1 INTERPLANAR SPACINGS ( d , A. j FROM X - R A YDIFFRACTION


Since no experiments were conducted a t partial pressures of oxygen between zero and 3 X l(1-j a t m . , only the extreme cases represented by A and C were observed. Temperature Dependence.-The effect of temperature on kI over a range of 25" and ko, over a range of 20" is given in Table V. Arrhenius plots of these TABLE V TEMPERATCRE DEPEXDEXCE~ IO3 ko,, Temp., OK

k 1 , M-1 sec.-1



atm.'/l set.-'

283 4 0.148 , . . 288 3 . . . 0.68* 288.6 0.296 , . 293.3 0.384 . . 298.2 0.655 i 0.026' 2 . 3 1 f 0.23d 303.0 1 .04 . . 308.2 1.61" 8 . 56b hl AgXOa. a 0.020 ?il K~S208, 0.080 J4 XazC204, and 7 . 5 X a t m . oxygen pressure. c Average of eleven experib 6.0 X ments with various initial concentrations. d Average of eight experiments with various initial concentrations, and oxygen pressures from 2.9 X to 131 X 10-5 atin. e 3.5 X M Agh-03.

data are linear and give kI


5.90 X 10" exp( - 16,400,'RT) M - I set.-'

koz - 5.05 x sec.-'


e x p ( - 2 2 , 4 0 0 , / ~ ~I)I - ~atm.'"

The Reaction at Low Peroxodisulfate Concentrations.---At peroxodisulfate concentrations of about 0.004 ;Cf or less, there is considerable deviation from linearity in plots of [S20s-2]-1~'2 us. time. Under these conditions, i t is the reciprocal of peroxodisulfate concentration which is linear with time showing secondorder dependence of the rate on peroxodisulfate concentration. In this range, the rate is independent of oxalate. sulfate, and silver nitrate concentrations. Except a t the lowest salt Concentration ( f i = O . O l ( j ) , it is insensitive to changes in ionic strength (Table l 7 1 ) , ,Iccordingly, the rate law a t peroxodisulfate concentrations of 0.004 M o r less is

Black p p t washed with Hz0'

2 2 2 2 1 1

98' 75' 34 04 44 23 16 02 93 91

Black p p t washed with H2SOI

2 34 2 04 1 44 1 23 1 16 1 02 0 93 0 91


2 359 2 044 1 445 1 231 1 1796 1 0215 0 9375 0 9137 0 8341

1 1 0 0 0 83 0 83 0 7gd o igd a \'ery faint !ines corresponding t o spacings of 1.91, 1.76, 1.70, 1.54, and 0.86 A. were also present. Their source was not determined. Reference 10. c T h e most intense reflections for Ag2C204 are a t 2.97 and 2.74 A. (ref. 10). This spacing corresponds closely t o a third-order overtone of the 2.359-A. spacing.

tion decreased. With the same initial concentrations as the first experiment listed in Table VI, the silver concentration dropped to 90% of its initial value after 30 rnin. Subsequent values were 83YG a t 70 min., 75y0 a t 100 min., 73y0 a t 120 min., and 65% a t 160 min. Discussion The silver (I)-catalyzed oxidation of oxalate by peroxodisulfate is believed to be a free-radical chain reaction for the following reasons : 1. The reaction is strongly inhibited by allyl acetate, an efficient captor of SO4-.'? Further, the inhibited reaction proceeds a t about the same rate as the silver (1)-catalyzed oxidation of water by peroxodisulfate under similar conditions. 2 . The marked inhibition by oxygen implicates C 0 2 - (or C204--)as a reactive intermediate, (Evidence for the existence of COz- in y-irradiated crystals of sodium forniate has been reported recently. 13) Oxygen is known to inhibit certain chain reactions involving COz--,such as the oxidation of oxalate by permanganate, 1 4 - ' 6 by mercuric and by per(I: