The P-K Vacuum Tumbler Dryer - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 6, 2010 - The P-K Vacuum Tumbler Dryer. Chem. Eng. News , 1958, 36 (11), p 47. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v036n011.p047. Publication Date: March 17, 1958...
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Completely Integroted vacuum drying system using P-K Voeuum Tumbler Dryer Blender.

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The P-K Vacuum Tumbler Dryer A faster, better way to vacuum-dry heat sensitive materials The remarkably fast drying action of the P-K Vacuum Tumbler Dryer-a fraction of the time required by conventional methods—is partly accomplished by baffling in the jacket, which circulates the heating medium uniformly around the containing vessel. In addition, rapid generation of vapors produces a scrubbing action on the walls of the blender, improving the heat transfer rate to a marked degree. These factors, important as they are, do not tell the whole story. The P-K Dryer operates at optimum efficiency when it is part of a completely integrated, factory engineered system, instead of an on-site assembly of component parts and piping—which increases the cost and impairs the attainable benefits. For heat senstive material drying, in a closed system, there must be a perfect balance of jacket

Patterson €Hmmkml mmi

circulation, vapor filter, vapor line, compact piping, vacuum line, vacuum pump and effective controls. These essential relationships P-K provides, including factort designed supports to house the entire operation. The illustrations show a unit used in P-K s Customer Service Laboratory to pre-test the specific requirements of your formulae. You are urged to use this service without cost or obligation. Similar integrated units can be designed for your needs in capacities from 1 to 150 cubic feet. Use the coupon to secure Data Sheet No. 1530. Better yet, contact our Customer Pre-test Department for a test if your heat sensitive formulations are difficult to produce rapidly, satisfactorily-and economically.

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Exociftivo O M C M owd ploitt: cost 5tfOUvpMff9# • •)• P*

"Twin Slitir* Blenders • Htat Eidwifers • Picketed Pilot Pleats P«K lew-lock Doors • P-K Cont and Ribbon Blenders

Patterson-Kelfey Co., Inc. 1603 Hanson Street East Stroudsburg, Pa. Send me the information on vacuum drying checked lielmv: D Data Sheet No. 1530 n P-K pre-test of our product \mwr-— TUU

Street A*M**— City



MARCH 17. 1958 C&EN