The p-nitrobenzyl group was removed by catalytic hydro - American

Mar 24, 1975 - D. Gutsche, J. Org. Cham., 31, 1390 (1966). (8) S. Kukolja and ... Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. Received ... 2537 Á in thepresence of ...
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5584 Table I.

Spectral Data of 2.3-Methylenecephamsa ~~









173 (6, 9.5) 165 (6.5, 8.5) 174 (6, 9) 111 ( 5 . 5 , 9.5) 114 ( 5 . 5 , 8.0) 112 (6.0, 7.5) 114 ( 5 . 5 , 8.0) 109 (5.0, 8.0) 110 (5.5,7.5)

310 288 323 304 294 298 29 1 277 303 (4.0)

320 (4.2) 268 (4.0) 303 (3.8) 305.5 (4.0) 317 (4.0) 301 (4.0) 318 (4.0) 290 (4.0)

361 (4.2) 362 (4.0) 367 (3.8) 338.5 (4.0) 330 (4.0) 338 (4.0) 333 (4.0) 335e (4.0, 8.5) 321e (4.0, 8.0)

1782 1785 1785 1788 1788 1785 1790 1780 1787



6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17


79 95 101 94 88 94 85 81 69

aNMR chemical shifts measured in Hz from TMS on a Varian HA-60 instrument, J (Hz)in parentheses. b Azetidinone C=O. CSatisfactory analyses were obtained for all new compounds. dDoublet. eQuartet.

possibly three, competing reactions of 2. First is the reaction of 2 with HC1 to give the chloromethylsulfoxide 5, the major reaction product. Products 6, 7, and 8 arise from the diazosulfoxide intermediate by one or both of two possible routes; that is, via the sulfoxo carbene intermediate 3 or the pyrazoline 4. Inasmuch as our ultimate goal was to prepare tricyclic azetidinones for biological testing, the sulfoxides were reduced to the corresponding sulfides, and subsequently, the carboxyl protective group was removed. Thus, 6 and 8 were reduced with 1 equiv of phosphorus tribromide in dimethylformamide to the corresponding 2a,3a-methylenecepham (9) (22O, 20 min, 90%). Likewise, compound 7 was reduced to provide the corresponding 2P,3@-methylene(10) (94%).



ido derivative 14 which is treated with 2 equiv of methylhydrazine (THF, -70') to give the water soluble amino acid 15. Both isomers (a-and &methylene) of 15 were prepared by this route from their respective p-nitrobenzyl esters. A Schotten-Baumann acylation of the isomers of 15 with phenylacetyl chloride gives the desired phenylacetamido compounds 16 and 17 (>50% yield) based on the diacid 13. In a standard disk assay test both 16 and 17 at 2 mg/ml exhibited activity against: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis. Sarcina lutea, Proteus vulgari, and Escherichi coli. Of the two compounds, 16 consistently showed slightly better activity. References and Notes (1) D. 0. Spry, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 671 (1973); G. Lowe and M. V. J. Ramsay, J. Chem. SOC., 479 (1973): B. 1.Golding and D. R. Hall, bid., 293 (1973); R. J. Stoodley, Prog. Org. Chem., 8, 102 (1973): S. Kukolja, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94, 7590 (1972): J. C. Sheehan and M. Dadic, J. Heterocycl. Chem., 5, 779 (1968); S.Wolfe, J. B. Ducep, G. Kannenaiesser. and W, S.Lee. Can. J. Chem.. 50. 2907 (1972): R. Scartazzini, Gosteli. H. Bickel, and R. B. Woodward; Helv. Chim."Acta, 55, 2567 (1972). S. Kukolja and S. R. Lammert, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 12, 67 (1973). G. Stork and J. Ficini, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,83, 4678 (1961). The reaction of sulfinyl chlorides and diazomethane has been reported. See, e.g., C. G. Venler, H.-H. Hsieh, and H. J. Barager, J. Org. Chem., 38, 17 (1973), and references therein. Note further the reaction of aromatic suifines with diazo compounds in C. B. Venier and C. G. Gibbs, Tetrahedron Lett., 2293 (1972). The chiral sulfur diastereomer of the chioromethyisulfoxide 5 was also a reaction product and was present in the mother liquor from which the major diastereomer crystallized. No attempt was made, however, to isolate this minor component. R. D. G. Cooper, P. V. Demarco, and D. 0. Spry, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,91, 1528 (1969). See, e.g., G. Stork and J. Ficini, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 83, 4678 (1961): M. M. Fawzi and C. D. Gutsche, J. Org. Chem., 31, 1390 (1966). S. Kukolja and S. R. Lammert, J. Am. Chem. SOC., preceding paper in this issue. Hydrolysis of the pnitrobenzyi ester group under these conditions has been found to be generally applicable.


'COOR,' 9, R = Ft, R, = pNB; 11, R = Ft, R, = H;

10, R = Ft, R, = pNB;


Is, R = NH2, R, = H 16, R = PhCH,CONH, R, = H


= NH2, R, = H; R = PhCH2COSH, R, = H

12, R = Ft, R, = H;

The p-nitrobenzyl group was removed by catalytic hydrogenation (Pd/C, THF-ethanol) from compounds 9 and 10 to give acids 11 and 12. Compounds 11 and 12 exhibited no antibacterial activity as determined by a standard disk assay test. Removal of the phthaloyl group was accomplished in accordance with the general procedures discussed earlier.* Scheme I illustrates the three-step sequence for conversion of 9 and 10 to their respective isomeric amino acids (15). Scheme I

Steven R. Lammert, Stjepan Kukolja* The Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lirly and Company Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Received March 24, 1975




Hydrolysis of the phthalimido protected tricyclic cepham ester (2 equiv of Na2S9H20, aqueous T H F , 0') gives the diacid 13 (>95%).9 Treatment of 13 with 1 equiv of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (THF, 25') provides the phthalisoimJournal of the American Chemical Society

Sir: The simplest perfluoroannulene occupies a place of special interest, particularly in light of the striking contrasts which set fluorocarbons apart from their hydrocarbon analogs.' We wish to report a synthesis of the short-lived tetrafluorocy~lobutadiene,~~~ whose intermediacy is revealed by its transformation and trapping products. Hexafluoro(Dewar benzene), prepared by vapor-phase

/ 97:19 / September 17, I975

5585 photoisomerization of hexaflu~robenzene~ at 2537 A, was treated in methylene chloride solution with an equivalent of ozone at -18'. The solution was stirred for 24 hr with water at room temperature, and the aqueous phase was then evaporated in vacuo. Sublimation of the residue (0.1 mm, looo) gave the powerfully acidic tetrafluorocyclobutene3,4-dicarboxylic acid (1) as hygroscopic white crystals: mp 128-129°;5 ir (KBr) 2.9-4.2 (br, v(0-H)), 5.59 (m, u(C=C)), 5.73 (s, v(C=O)), 7.31 (s, v(C-F)) p; 19F N M R (CD3CN) 6 41.9, 86.7 (each t, 13 Hz band width);6 'HN M R (CD3CN) 6 9.7 (s). A mixture of the diacid with



F F F F F F F F 4

F F 5



ing 7 and 8, respectively, followed by photoelimination of carbon monoxide and dioxide.' Several observations con-

excess phosphorus pentoxide was heated at 130' and 50 mm. Anhydride 2 crystallized on the walls of a tube which projected vertically from the reaction vessel. Because it hydrolyzes readily to the diacid when exposed to air, the volatile anhydride was generally manipulated on a vacuum line. Resublimation gave 2 with the mp 104.5-105.5' (44% yield 7 8 based on hexafluorobenzene): ir (CH2C12) 5.29 (w, spire to undermine this interpretation. They include the fact v(C=O), as), 5.49 (s, v(C=O), sym), 5.65 (m, u(C=C)), that (1) ample precedent exists for photofragmentation of 7.36 (s, v(C-F)) p ; 19F N M R (CH2C12) 6 31.8, 101.8 cyclobutenedicarboxylic anhydrides to cyclobutadienes,2 (symmetrical sextets, band width 16 Hz); M S 196 (parent), (2) our reaction conditions (gas phase,