The Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - The Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (7), ... Talented 12 issue. We've spent months searching high and low for these b...
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CONTENTS, continued Overcoming Effect of Manganese Dioxide in Fluoride Determinatio Samuel Deutsch


Gravimetric Determination of Small Amounts oF Tellurium in Sulfur Alelcsander Aaremae and G. O . Assarsson


Procedure for Routine Assay of Tritium in Water C. G . Swain, V . P. Kreiter, and W . A . Sheppard


Determination of Tannins and Related Polyphenols in Foods C. J. B. Smit, M . A . Joslyn, and Aaron Lukton


Rapid Microprocedure For Determination of Mercury in Biological and Mineral Materials Dorothy Polley and V . L Miller


Precipitation of Cuprous Hydroxide by Ferrous Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate K. L. Chens

PRE-TEST Your Production Blending In The Lab Unique design of |»-lc twin shell blenders allows exact scale-up of lab tests to production runs Here's the one piece of blending equipment that has everything: a mixing action that blends most materials perfectly in 3 to 5 minutes . . . large access openings and smooth baffle-free interiors for fast and easy charging, discharging and cleaning . . . interchangeable shells and accessories that give exceptional versatility . . . and . . . a unique, patented design that provides identical mixing results in all sizes, from one pint lab models up to 500 cu. ft. production units. |>4c twin shell lab blenders are used for small production runs as well as research in hundreds of plants. Priced low and available from stock. Dust-tight, corrosion and abrasion-resistant Lucite shells are standard. Also available in stainless steel. L i g h t w e i g h t cast a l u m i n u m b a s e h a s sturdy grey crackle finish, adjusts for 4 and 8 quart shells and yokes. G.E. motor is 1/20 H P , single phase, 115 volts, 60 cycle, AC. Chain guard furnished. Yoke Model holds t w o 1-quart or 1pint shells, or one o f e a c h , or o n e 2 - q u a r t shell w i t h e i t h e r , or a d a p t s into a s t a n d a r d 4 or 8 quart blender. Handles t w o jobs at once.

• . .


Ceriometric Determination of Sugars A . A . Forist and J. C. Speck, Jr.


Determination of Trace Amounts of Carbonyl Sulfide in Gaseous Hydrocarbons R. E. Snyder and R. O . Clark


Determination of Lead in Urine W. M . McCord and J. W. Zemp


Standardization of Sulfuric A c i d against Sodium Carbonate E. W. Balis, L B. Bronk, H. A . Liebhafsky, and H . G. Pfeiffer


Interferences in Titanium Sulfate Method for Hydrogen Peroxide C. N. SatterField, and A . H. Bonnell


Determination of Titanium in Titanium Metal R. A . Papucci


Nonaqueous Titration of Dilute Acids and Bases in Acrylonitrile M . L. Owens, Jr., and R. L. Maute


Circular Paper Chromatographic Method for Estimation of Thiamine and Riboflavin in Multivitamin Preparations K. V . Giri and S. Balakrishnan


Barite Analysis with X-Ray Spectrograph L. B. Gulbransen


Determination of Organic Substances by Standard Chromous Chloride Solution R. S. Bottei and N. H. Furman


Precise Determination of Chloride in Plasma by Differential Potentiometric Titration V . P. Dole and N . A . Thorn


Spectrophotometry Determination of Ruthenium G. A . Stoner


Application of Volhard Titration to 2-Ethyl-1 -Hexanol Separation Method for Determination of Lithium J. C. White and Gerald Goldberg


Location of Symmetric Peaks by Simple Least Squares Method W. S. Horton


Routine Exchange Capacity Determinations of Ion Exchange Resins Sa Mie Fisher and Robert Kunin


Weighing Titanium(IV) Chloride for Quantitative Chemical Analysis I. J. Dzikowski and R. G. Novak


Spectrophotometry Determination of Serum Copper with Biscyclohexanoneoxalyldihydratone . . . . R. E. Peterson and M . E. Bollier


Colorimetric Coulometer T. C. Franklin and C. C. Roth


Determination of Small Amounts of Chlorate in Ammonium Perchlorate Chaim Eger


Spectrophotometry Determination of Nickel in Tungsten Powder K. L. Rohrer



DATA 1203

D-Fructose 2,4-Dinïtrophenylhydrazone Pyridine Solvate F. T. Jones, D. R. Black, and L. M . White MEETING REPORTS Society for Applied Spectroscopy


Society for Analytical Chemistry



Intensifier Bar Model gives particularly intense local m i x i n g action, breaking up lumps, dispersing liquids into solid mixes.

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All-Glass Rotary Film Evaporator M . E. Volk


Matched Test Tubes in Beckman DU Spectrophotometer B. E. Saltzman

1 207

G U I D E FOR A U T H O R S , published in December 1954 issue, page 2032, gives copy requirements w h i c h should be observed in preparing manuscripts for editorial consideration. Manuscript (2 copies) should be submitted t o the Editor, 1155 Sixteenth S t . , N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n 6,-D. C. T h e American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors t o its publications. Views expressed in the editorials arc those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of t h e American Chemical Society. Published m o n t h l y by the American Chemical Society, from 20th and N o r t h a m p t o n Sts., E a s t o n , Pa. Executive Offices, Editorial Headquarters, and Circulation D e p a r t m e n t , 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n 6, D. C. Advertising Office: 430 Park A v e . , New York 22, N . Y . Branch Editorial Offices: 86 East R a n d o l p h St., Chicago 1, 111.; 623 West BIdg., H o u s t o n 2 , T e x . ; 2 P a r k Ave., N e w York 16, N . Y . ; 703 Mechanics' Institute BIdg., San Francisco 4, Calif.; Bush House, A l d w y c h , L o n d o n . Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at E a s t o n , Pa., U.S.A., February 18, 1948, under the Act of M a r c h 3, 1879Annual subscriptions: members $4.00, nonmembers $5.00. Postage t o countries n o t in the Pan-American Union $1.20. Canadian postage $0.35- Single copies: current issues, $1.00 ( A p r i l , issued in t w o parts, priced at $2.00). Claims for missing numbers will n o t be allowed if received more than 60 days from date of mailing plus time normally required for postal delivery of journal and claim. N o claims allowed from subscribers in Central Europe, Asia, or the Pacific Islands o t h e r t h a n H a w a i i , or because of failure to notify the Circulation Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files." C H A N G E O F ADDRESS: Notify Circulation D e p a r t m e n t , American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n 6, D . C. Such notification should include both old and new addresses and postal zone number, if any. T h e American Chemical Society also publishes- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Chemical and Engineering News, Chemical Abstracts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Rates on'request.