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INSTRUMENT DIGEST A condensation of some articles in the Fall issue cf THE PERKIN-ELMER INSTRUMENT NEWS, a publication of The Perkin-Eimer Corporation, manufacturers of scientific instruments—Infrared Spectrometers. Tiselius Electrophoresis Apparatus, Monochromators, Flame Photometers, Continuous Infra-

Norwalk, Conn.

red Analyzers, Amplifiers, Astronomical Equipment, Thermocouples, Lenses, Crystal Optics, Special Designs for the Government. For further information, write The Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. Offices i n : New Orleans, Chicago, Washington, D. C , and Zurich.

Vol. 6, No. I

January, 1955

P E R K I N - E L M E R BUYS GERMAIN I N S T R U M E N T P L A N T ; ALSO E S T A B L I S H E S V E R N I S T A T D I V I S I O N During September, Perkin-Elmer made two important announcements. First, it has acquired an optical plant in West Germany. Second, a new division, the VERNISTAT Division, was established. © G e r m a n Plant—Perkin-Elmer's new G e r m a n plant is B o d e n s e e w e r k of Ueberlingen, Germany, located on Lake Constance near the Swiss border. The plant covers 14,000 square feet and employs over 200 persons. Its principal products are cameras, theodolites, sound recorders, compasses, aircraft-testing instruments and testing apparatus for rocket and bomb-releases. Until 1952, Bodenseewerk was operated as the southern branch of AskaniaBerlin, the well-known German optical company. Much of the company's current output is for British, French and American governments. Eventually products of Perkin-Elmer design will be made there. • V e r n i s t a t Division—The VERNISTAT, a new type of precision variable-ratio transformer, is Perkin-Elmer's latest product. Complete technical details of this voltage divider are available on request. Because of its unique properties: low output impedance combined with high resolution and linearity, VERNISTAT will find wide usage in analog computors, servos and control systems. " I V . Tr-t- perkin-Elmer Corporation

The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 810 Main Ave., N o r w a l k , Conn. SEND ME my complete copy of 8-page INSTRUMENT NEWS. Put my name on your mailing list to receive this quarterly publication without charge.






Bodenseewerk:: Perkin-Elm&r's new German plant on the shores of Lake


Analytical Control AAeans "On-the-lins" Savings Perkin-Elmer^s role in instriimentation centers about the words "Analytical C o n t r o l . " T o d a y ' s t y p i c a l chemical processing plant seems t o run itself. Hundreds of accurate, reliable instruments maintain constant c h e c k s on the quantity, pressure, and temperature of the great mass of materia-ls that flow through the maze of pipes and towers in the plant. Yet with these instruments alone, it would be next to impossible to operate the plant. Suppose the composition of a raw material stream crtanges—or a catalyst slips in efficiency. These are only two changes that c a n occur without conventional instruments noting any change—for they r e c o r d only the stream environment-not tlie composition of the stream itself. Only the Analytical Laboratory reveals the stream's true composition, hence "True Control Begirts with Analysis. " In most cases today tfie analytical lab is anywhere from minutes to hours behind the process stream itself, but with on-the-line process control (right), even this delay will disappear. Perkin-Elmer's concern -with Analytical Control is i n both t h e laboratory and plant itself. Perkin-E-lmer instru~,^~*„ «^„,«.-i^*u i~~„4:~~~ n~4 *i nii ments cover both locations-and the allimportant connecting p i l o t plant link.

TRI-NONS Up Ammonia Plant Efficiency 1 0 % . By checking CO* and CO level, ammonia throughput can be increased 10% —without plant expansion.

TRI-NONS Up Efficiency in Light Hydrocarbon Separations. Analyzers measure concentration of hydrocarbons, indicate ethane purity.

Aromatic Recovery Increased with BICHROMATOR* Analyzer. Analyzers tnony ]ueasure Uor benzene purigyt h enzene toss and p-xylene purity.