T H E PHILADELPHIA MEETING. T h e second general meeting of the American Chemical Society was held a t Pliiladelphia December 30 and 31 as announced. Eighty chemists were registered at, the meeting. T h e meeting was opened with a short informal address by Prof. 1%B. Nason, l'resident of the Society. Prof. G. F. Rarker, President of t h e Society for 1891, presided a t the second session, and delivered an i tiaugnral address upon T h e Borderland hetween Physics and Chemistry."* Twclve papers were read a t the mccting. A conference of committecs from different chemical organizations was hcld, and resolutionswere adopted recommending t h e union of all Atuerican chemists i n onc body under the Constitution of the American Chemical Society, with suc,h modificatioiis as m n j be hereafter agreed upon. A further conference was recommended. A full report of the I'liiladelpl~ia meeting will appear in t h e J a n u a r y number of t,lie Joui~ntil. ((
This address will be printed
in f u l l i n the January numbei..