The photolysis of methane at 584 A - Journal of the American

Richard E. Rebbert, and Peter Ausloos. J. Am. Chem. ... James A. Kinsinger , William L. Stebbings , Richard A. Valenzi , and James W. Taylor. Analytic...
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is less than observed for LiON (1.3$ m d ~ n / 8 , ) ,LiO ~ (1.59 mdyn/8,),8 and LizO (2.0 mdyn/A)? however, it is not surprising that a single lithium bonded to two oxygen atoms would have a lower force constant, as is observed for Liz02 with the rhombus structure (0.56 mdyn/8,). Acknowledgment. The author gratefully acknowledges support by the National Science Foundation under Grant GP-8587. Lester Andrews Chemistry Department, University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia Received October 16, 1968

The Photolysis of Methane at 584 A’ Sir: Recent studies from this laboratory2-5 have demonstrated the feasibility of using conventional closedsystem photolysis techniques with high-energy light sources as a means of studying the unimolecular fragmentation of parent ions and superexcited molecules, as well as the ensuing reactions of fragment ions or radicals. Such studies have be:n carried out using kryptona resonance lamps (1236 A, 10.0 eV) and, more recently, argon resonance lamp^^-^ (1067-1048 A, 11.6-11.8 eV) which emit photons of energy high enough to ionize most hydrocarbons. Such photons can be transmitted through ordinary lithium fluoride windows. In order to extend such studies to still higher energies, a helium resonance la,mp (584 A, 21.2 eV) and neon resonance lamp (744 A, 16.7 eV) have now been constructed utilizing the same simple enclosed-lamp design as described before2 for argon, krypton, and xenon lamps. Aluminum, which transmits in this wavelength region, was considered to be the best material for a window.6a The window was thus constructed of an aluminumsb film, 2000-4000 8, thick, attached to a fine-mesh backing. These titanium gettered lamps only emit the strongly reversed rare gas resonance lines. They are leak-free and capable of withstanding a pressure differential of at least 25 torr without damage to the window. The helium lamp used in this study actually has been operated for 1000 hr without deterioration; there is no diffusion of helium through the window. The lamps will be described in detail in a later publication.’ The intensity of the helium lamp, -lola quanta/sec, varied by not more than 5 % during the course of an experiment, or from one experiment to another. Initial results on the photolysis of methane at 584 8, are summarized here. Methane (IP = 12.5-12.7 eV)s,g (1) This research was supported in part by the Atomic Energy Com-

mission. (2) P. Ausloos and S. G. Lias, Rudiur. Res. Reu., 1, 79 (1968). (3) (a) S. G. Lias and P. Ausloos, J. Chem. Phys., 48, 392 (1968); (b) R. D. Doepker, S . G. Lias, and P. Ausloos, 46,4340 (1967). (4) S. Lias and P. Ausloos, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 72, 187 (1968). (5) P. Ausloos and S . G. Lias, J. Chem. Phys., 45, 524 (1966). (6) (a) W. R. Hunter, D. W. Angel, and T. Tousey, Appl. Opt., 4, 891 (1965). (b) The window was fabricated using the process developed

by P. Werner and M. Narasimham, described in National Bureau of Standards, Technical News Bulletin, U. S . Government Printing Office, Dec 1967, p 262. (7) P. Ausloos and R. E. Rebbert, submitted for publication.

Journal of the American Chemical Society


was chosen for this preliminary study because considerable information is available about the photoionization of this compound in this wavelength region.”’l In addition, the ionization of methane by collision with excited helium atomsl2Ol a and the photolysis of methane with the helium resonance line in a windowless apparatus l 4 have been investigated. In the experiments reported here, the lamp was sealed into a reaction vessel fitted with parallel plate electrodes so that saturation ion currents could be measured during the course of an experiment. A comparison of the saturation current measured in methane with that measured in xenon under identical conditions leads to the information that the ionization quantum yield of methane is 0.95 f 0.05 (assuming that the value for xenon is unity). (A value of 0.75 for the ionization quantum yield of methane at this wavelength has been reported in the literature.s) It follows that, when methane is irradiated with the helium resonance line, about 9 5 z of the photons absorbed lead to ionization CHI

+ hv (21.2 eV) +[CH4+]*+ e


It should be mentioned that the electrons released in process 1 have a maximum of 8.5 eV energy, and therefore electronic excitation in methane by these electrons can be ignored. This was confirmed by the observation that addition of helium as a moderator did not have any noticeable effect on the product yields. The methane parent ions may dissociate

+H [CH4+]*+CHI+ + H I [CH4+]*-+ CH3+

AP = 14.3 eV


AP = 15.2 eV


or react with neutral methane molecules CH4+

+ CH4 +CH6’ + CHa


In this study, the CH4+ and CHa+ ions were determined by neutral product analysis in experiments utilizing the ion interceptor technique employed previously in the radiolysis.15 The methane was photolyzed in the presence of about 5 % added isobutane-&, and NO was added as a free-radical scavenger. In this system, the following reactions will occur. CH,’


+ CH4 +G H 6 + + Hz




+ i-CnDto



+ C4Dgf

The CH5+ ions formed in reaction 4 will transfer a proton to i-C4DI0,leading to the formation of CaDs and CD3Has products. CH6+

+ i-C4Dlo +CH4 + C4D&+


CH4 GD7+

+ C A H + CsH7+

+ i-GDlo +CsDs -+ C4D8+

(7) (8)

(The underscored products in eq 6-8 are those whose yields are determined.) (8) P. H. Metzger and G. R. Cook, J . Chem. Phys., 41, 642 (1964). (9) W. A. Chupka, ibid., 48,2337 (1968). (10) B. Brehm, Z . Naturforsch., 21a, 196 (1966). (11) V. H. Dibeler, M. Krauss, R. M. Reese, and F. N. Harllee, J . Chem. Phys., 42, 3791 (1965). (12) V. Cermak and Z. Herman, Collection Czech. Chem. Commun., 30. 170 (1965). i13) J:A. Herce, J. R. Penton, R. J. Cross, and E. E. Muschlitz, Jr., J . Chem. Phys., 49, 958 (1968). (14) D. C . Walker and R . A . Back, ibid., 38, 1526 (1963); R . A. Back and D. C . Walker, ibid., 37, 2348 (1962). (15) P. Ausloos, S. G. Lias, and R. Gorden, Jr., ibid., 39, 3341 (1963).

December 18, 1968


Accepting that in such a system the yields of CzH5D and CD3H are equivalent to the yields of the CH3+and CH4+ions, respectively, l 5 we can derive a value of 0.85 for the ratio CH4+/CH3+,independent of pressure from 1 to 5 torr. Considering the differences in experimental techniques, this value is in fair agreement with the value of 1.1 obtained by Dibeler, et al.,” and to the values of 0.67 and 0.95 measured for the CH4+/CH3+ ratio in methane ionized by collision with excited metastable (2 ‘So and 2 3S1) helium atoms (20.6 and 19.8 eV, respectively) in the study of Herce, et al.13 In the latter study, and in the present one, the methane ion/methyl ion ratio did not change when CD, was substituted for CHI. The total ion pair yield of CH4+ plus CHa+, derived from product yields and saturation current measurements, was 0.86. As will be discussed later,’ possibly 5-10Z of the [CH,+]* ions undergo process 3 to form CHz+. We also examined the rare gas sensitized photolysis of methane, in which methane ions with varying amounts of excess energy can be formed by charge transfer from different rare gas ions. As anticipated, l6 at constant intensity and at pressures where all quanta are absorbed, the saturation current values measured for pure xenon, krypton, and argon were identical. In contrast, a current of only about 3 % of that value was seen when neon (IP = 21.56 eV) was introduced into the vessel. In experiments where the rare gas/methane ratio was about 10, and the total pressure 15 torr, methane ions are formed mainly by charge transfer

+ hv (21.2 eV) +A+ + e A+ + CHI +[CHI+]*+ A




The CH4+/CH3+ratios, determined by the interceptor technique described above, are given in Table I for the Table I. Rare Gas Sensitized Photolysis of Methane

Kr + 14.00-14.66 eV CHd+/CHo+ a

1.25 1.W

Ar+ 15.76-15.93 eV