The Pig Cecum Model - American Chemical Society

fluorescence in situ (FISH)-technique with 16S rRNA based oligonucleotide ..... Data are normalized for a recovery of 100% (mol/mol) at 0 h. (48). Fig...
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Chapter 27

The Pig Cecum Model – A Powerful Tool for Studying the Intestinal Metabolism of Flavonoids Gordon van’t Slot,1 Katrin Rose,1 Anna Engemann,1,2 and Hans‑‑Ulrich Humpf*,1 1Institute

of Food Chemistry, University of Muenster, Corrensstr. 45, 48149 Muenster, Germany 2Graduate School of Chemistry, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, 48149 Muenster, Germany *E-mail: [email protected]

Experimental studies using animals or cultured human cell lines support a role of polyphenols in the prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. Basic principle is supposed to be their antioxidative potential (1–3). However, the data on the bioavailability of polyphenols are very limited and mainly based on the analysis of blood, urine or fecal samples. There is only little information available regarding the intestinal absorption and metabolism by the gut microbiota (4–6). For this reason different in vitro‑systems have been developed studying the metabolism by the intestinal bacteria. However most in vitro-experiments are not comparable with in vivo-conditions. Incubation with single bacterial species represents only a small section of the complex gut microbiota (7, 8). The use of fecal samples is critical due to air contact while excretion (9). For the pig cecum model, the microbiota is isolated from the cecum of freshly slaughtered pigs under strict anaerobic conditions. The comparability between humans and pigs is shown by the fluorescence in situ (FISH)-technique with 16S rRNA based oligonucleotide probes (10).

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Introduction Flavonoids belong to the class of polyphenols. This group of food constituents is highly observed by consumers due to attributed health effects. Moderate wine consumption is correlated with a prevention of coronary heart diseases (11). Several forms of cancer occur less often in cohorts drinking tea and an overall high intake of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of getting a stroke (12, 13). In the 1990’s these information led to the very popular “Mediterranean diet”, now extended by some Asian influences from soy and green tea. Flavonoids are secondary plant metabolites and mainly found in higher plants, e.g. fruits, vegetables or tea. Data about the daily intake of flavonoids vary from 20 mg/day to 1 g/day (14–16) depending on individual dietary habits. Most flavonoids occur in plants as O‑glycosides. The linkage of different sugar moieties stabilizes the aglycones and increases their water solubility (17, 18). More seldom are the C‑glycosides with high amounts in rooibos tea (19, 20), but also being generated by food processing (21, 22). Several studies have shown flavonoids to be potent antioxidants and radical scavengers in different model systems (3, 23). These results led to an assumption of protective effects by flavonoids. Requirement for these physiological effects, except from some local ones, would be the absorption into the bloodstream. Polyphenols resist the acidic conditions in the stomach, but little hydrolysis may occur in the small intestine (24, 25). The stability of procyanidins during gastrointestinal passage is high; there is no degradation in the stomach (25). In the small intestine only slight degradation seems to take place (26). To overcome the intestinal barrier the necessity of previous cleavage of the glycosides (27, 28) is discussed as vividly as the possibility of an active transport of intact glycosides by the sodium dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) (29–31). The resorption of flavonoid C‑glycosides is characterized even worse, but most of the compounds should reach the proximal colon (30, 32). The absorption of procyanidins is mechanistically unclear and quantitatively even lower than the absorption of flavonoid monomers (33, 34). Food constituents which are not degraded by enzymes and/or absorbed are summed up as roughage and can intensively be metabolized by intestinal microorganisms.

The Pig Cecum Model Pigs are well accepted and used animals for modeling and studying human metabolism and digestive physiology (35, 36). Regarding size, type of diet as well as amount and rate of ingestion they are of all animals most similar to humans. For example pigs are the only usual laboratory animals having a haustrated colon (37, 38). But there are also some differences in anatomy. Humans have nearly the same pH value at every part of the stomach, while pigs have a combined stomach. This may yield in higher amounts of lactobacilli in the ileum (36, 39). The ratio between the overall size and the length of the intestine is not equal as pigs are bred herbivorous (39). Anyway, as the major ingredients of the feed are metabolized 464

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equally Donaldson et al. assumed in the late 1960’s, that the microbiota should be comparable (40). For the pig cecum model, the pigs (German Landrace or Angler Sattel x Pietrain) from which the ceca were obtained were raised by biodynamic farming. They were 10‑12 months old and weighted 120‑150 Kg. They were fed with a basal diet composed of rye, spelt, linseed, lentil, corn, millet, and rice enhanced with clover silage. The ceca were ligated and culled during slaughtering and then handled under anaerobic conditions using an anaerobic jar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Furthermore, all preparations and experiments with the inoculum were performed in an anaerobic chamber flushed with carbon dioxide to retain an anaerobic atmosphere. The inocula of each cecum were isolated and suspended in the same volume of phosphate buffered saline (pH 6.4) containing a trace element solution. All solutions, buffers, and vessels were flushed with a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide before use. Removal of large particles from the inoculum suspension was accomplished by filtration through a coarsely meshed net. These filtrates were used for the incubation experiments. Sterilized control samples and blank samples were used as control for chemical degradation and matrix effects (41–43). The suitability of the pig cecum model was shown by the comparison of porcine with human microbiota using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-technique and counting under an epifluorescence microscope. Therefore, distinct parts of the 16S ribosomal RNA are used as linkage points for probes. Five oligonucleotide probes were applied for the detection of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA of the genus Bifidobacterium (Bif164 (44)) and of different phylogenetic cluster of Enterococcus (Lab158 (45)) Bacteroides (Bac303 (46)), Eubacterium, and Clostridium species (Lowgc2P, Erec482 (47)). Total bacteria counts in the cecal samples were enumerated by a Bacteria domain-specific probe (Eub338, (10)). Probe Eub338 was labeled at its 5’ end with fluorescein, all the other probes were coupled with carbocyanin (48). The results show large interindividual differences between the donors, which are at least as huge as the interspecial differences between humans and pigs (Figure 1; 2). The total numbers of colony forming units for each group of microorganism are comparable in pig and men (48), what is supported by findings in literature according to both species (49, 50). In general interindividual differences in microbiota composition are caused by nutrition, host-microorganism cross talk and interaction between different microorganisms (51–53). For this reason a single incubation experiment with later combination of the data has been preferred in contrast to a pooling of samples, because this approach reflects the in vivo situation much better.

Degradation of Anthocyanins Anthocyanins are a group of polyphenols with about 580 single structures based on 32 naturally occurring anthocyanidins (54). In the plants anthocyanins act as attractors, natural sunscreen and antioxidants or radical scavengers. Red 465

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cabbage, various berries and wine are rich in anthocyanins and contain up to 600 mg/100 g (55, 56). North-Americans consume ca. 12.5 mg anthocyanins with their daily diet (57), while other authors assume up to the 20‑fold amount (16, 58).

Figure 1. Results of the enumeration of microorganisms of different pig ceca by FISH-technique (n = 4) (48).

Figure 2. Results of the enumeration of microorganisms of human volunteers by FISH-technique (n = 4) (47). 466

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The six anthocyanins cyanidin-3-glucoside, peonidin-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-rutinoside, malvidin-3,5-diglucoside and cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside have been studied in the pig cecum model (42). All glycosides are cleaved into phloroglucinolaldehyde and a hydroxylated phenylcarboxylic acid between 20 min and 2 h as can be exemplarily seen for malvidin-3-glucoside in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of malvidin-3-glucoside (m3g) and its degradation products phloroglucinolaldehyde (pha) and syringic acid (sa) in active cecal suspension in reference to that in sterilized inoculum (n = 6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC-UVD and GC-MS). Data are normalized for a recovery of 100% (mol/mol) at 0 h. (42) The liberated aglycones have been detectable in amounts below 10 µM in the samples. Obviously the secondary degradation of the aglycones is faster than microbial cleavage of the O‑glycosidic bonds. Further experiments with free anthocyanidins showed the same fast degradation comparable to liberated anthocyanidins in this experiment. Results from the sterilized control samples show the stability of the glycosides under physiological conditions without viable microbiota (Figure 3, m3g sterilized) in opposition to an incubation of the free aglycones. According to the substitution pattern different degradation products are formed. Due to the cleavage in the C‑ring of the anthocyanidins phloroglucinolaldehyde (pha) is the product out of the former A‑ring. The former B‑ring yields protocatechuic acid if cyanidin is incubated; syringic acid in the case of malvidin and vanillic acid as degradation product of peonidin. This reflects exactly the former functional groups of the intact flavonoid as can be seen from Figure 4. The results are in agreement with literature findings of similar experiments (59–61). 467

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Figure 4. Applied anthocyanidinic structures and degradation products. The resistance against degradation was cyanidin-3-glucoside = malvidin3-glucoside > peonidin-3-glucoside > cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside = malvidin-3,5diglucoside >> cyanidin-3-rutinoside. The chemical degradation of the anthocyanidins can be explained via a pHdependent turnover to an α‑diketone (61, 62). Interestingly, all found results are not only valid for single incubation experiments, but have been confirmed by experiments by FORESTER and WATERHOUSE, where an anthocyanin mixture in a Cabernet Sauvignon extract was degraded in the same way (63). For these experiments they solely used freeze-preserved cecal samples (64).

Degradation of Flavonols The recently released database (65, 66) lists 74 flavonols. Due to a better water solubility and stability they occur as glycosides (17, 18) in nearly every higher plant. Data about the daily intake of flavonoids vary from 20 mg/day to 1 g/day (15, 16, 58) depending on the different food pattern. With regard to the experiments with anthocyanins the interest in the influence of the sugar, the aglycones, and its type of bond several flavonolglucosides have been studied in the pig cecum model. Namely these have been quercetin-3-glucoside (q3glu), -galactoside (q3gal) and 468

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–rhamnoside (q3rham) (Figure 5; 6) as well as the triglycosides quercetin- and kaempferol-3-O-[α-L-dirhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (Figure 7; 8). Finally, the degradation of quercetin-3-glucoside has been compared with a feruloylglucoside and vitexin, a C‑glycoside of the flavone apigenin (Figure 9; 10) (48). The degradation rate mostly depends on the hydroxylation pattern of the sugar. If all hydroxyl groups are in the equatorial position degradation is fastest as can be seen in Figure 6. For example after 20 min of incubation only 2.5 ± 2.2% (mol/mol) of quercetin-3-glucoside are detectable, whereas 36.4 ± 6.9% (mol/ mol) and 74.5 ± 7.7% (mol/mol) of quercetin-3-galactoside and ‑rhamnoside are left, respectively. The galactoside with an axial hydroxyl group on C4 and the rhamnoside are degraded more slowly; in the latter case especially due to the methyl group at position 6 (Figure 5) (48).

Figure 5. Structures of applied flavonolglycosides.

Degradation of compounds by intestinal microbiota is part of their metabolism and is used for the generation of energy. The microbiota uses the most easy accessible energy source first. This is the reason why the degradation of naturally more widespread occurring flavonoids is faster than that of uncommon ones (43). For different sugars this phenomenon was also observed by AURA et al. (67). Studying the degradation of two trisaccharides (Figure 7) from red currant (68), it becomes clear, that marginal differences in the aglycone structure have less influence on degradation compared to similar differences in the bound sugar moiety. As can be seen from Figure 8, the microbial degradation of the two flavonoltriglycosides quercetin- and kaempferol-3-O-[α-L-dirhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside is in close resemblance. After an incubation time of 1 h, the degradation reached nearly 50% (mol/mol) and within 4 h of incubation both triglycosides were fully hydrolyzed. In accordance to SIMONS et al. 2005, the variation of the structure within a subgroup has no influence on the microbial degradation rate, if the 5,7,4’-hydroxylation pattern is still complete (69). These results were also confirmed by findings from the comparison of rutinosides of quercetin and cyanidin, which are degraded between similar time points (48, 64). 469

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Figure 6. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of quercetin-3-glucoside (q3glu), quercetin-3-galactoside (q3gal) and quercetin-3-rhamnoside (q3rham) in active cecal suspension in reference to that in sterilized inoculum (n=6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC-UVD). Data are normalized for a recovery of 100% (mol/mol) at 0 h. (48)

Figure 7. Structures of applied flavonoltriglycosides.

The degradation of flavonoids depends very much on the bound saccharide. Different glycosides do also show other types of bonds, which again may influence the degradation. The largest group are the O‑glycosidic bound flavonoids, but there are C‑glycosides described as well (19, 20). Within the polyphenolic group of the hydroxylated phenylcarboxylic acids ester bonds can also be found. This leads to the question how these compounds are degraded by the intestinal microbiota. Therefore quercetin-3-glucoside, apigenin-8-C-glucoside (vitexin), and a feruloylglucoside (Figure 9) have been incubated in the pig cecum model. 470

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Figure 8. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of quercetin-3-O[α-L-dirhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (qtri), kaempferol-3-O-[α-L-dirhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (ktri) in active cecal suspension with their hydrolyzation products quercetin (que) and kaempferol (kae) (n=6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC-UVD). Data are normalized for a recovery of 100% (mol/mol) at 0 h. (48)

Figure 9. Applied polyphenolic compounds with different bond types.

Varying enzyme activities expressed by the microbiota led to differing degradation times. Quercetin-3-glucoside was completely deglycosylated within 1 h of incubation as described above. The hydrolysis of the ester feruloylglucoside was much faster. Already after 20 min of incubation no intact compound could be detected via HPLC-DAD. The apigenin-8-C-glycoside was much more resistant to the degradation caused by the microbiota. After 1 h 84.7 ± 4.2% (mol/mol) were still detectable. Finally it was completely metabolized between 4 and 8 h of incubation time. 471

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Figure 10. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of quercetin-3-glucoside (q3glu), apigenin-8-C-glucoside (vitexin) (vit) and feruloylglucoside (fglu) in active cecal suspension (n=6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC-UVD). Data are normalized for a recovery of 100% (mol/mol) at 0 h. (48) These results indicate a substantial influence of the type of glycosidic bond on the degradation rate of flavonoid glycosides. This finding was additionally confirmed by another incubation experiment with a mixture of following compounds. Four flavonols, namely quercetin-3-rutinoside, ‑glucoside, ‑galactoside, and the aglycone quercetin, were mixed with apigenin-8-C-glucoside (vitexin) and incubated with 100 µM each. The hydrolysis of the O‑glycosides was not influenced and therefore comparable to single-incubation experiments. The degradation of applied and liberated quercetin was also in the expected timescale, even if amounts up to 165.0 ± 36.9 µmol/L were detected between 1 and 4 h incubation time (Figure 11). In contrast to findings of the degradation of apigenin-8-C-glucoside (vitexin) was more slowly compared to the single incubation experiment. Whilst in the latter experiment the C‑glucoside was completely degraded between 4 and 8 h, in mixed incubation only 11.7 ± 2.9% (mol/mol) were still accessible for uptake through the intestinal barrier (48). This notice becomes featured by comparison of concentration-time courses for quercetin and apigenin-8-C-glucoside (vitexin) at time points of 4 and 8 h. The C‑ring cleavage of quercetin takes part faster than hydrolysis of the C‑C bound sugar moiety.

Degradation of Flavan-3-ols While most flavonoids are glycosylated, the flavan-3-ols are not, instead galloylation can be found (18). Flavan-3-ols do not consist of many basic structures but are the source of many oligo- and polymers. Another remarkable 472

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property is the existence of anomeric C‑atoms at positions 2 and 3, which is shown in Figure 12. These characteristics make flavan-3-ols unique.

Figure 11. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of quercetin-3-glucooside (q3glu), quercetin-3-galactooside (q3gal), quercetin-3-rutinoside and apigenin-8-C-glucoside (vitexin) (vit) in active cecal suspension with applied and liberated aglycone quercetin (que) (n = 6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC‑UVD). Data are normalized for a recovery of 100% (mol/mol) at 0 h. (48)

Figure 12. Index of flavan-3-ols.

The flavan-3-ols are favored in foods and beverages like tea, chocolate, or red wine for the oral sensation of astringency (70, 71). But they also got into the focus because of their possible health related effects on antioxidative capacity and radical scavenging activities like other polyphenols (23). 473

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(+)‑Catechin, one of the most abundant flavan-3-ols, is degraded to similar products as quercetin (64). In detail intestinal degradation generated 3,4‑dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid (3,4‑hppa) as the main intermediary metabolite with 3.6 ± 1.5% (mol/mol) after 20 min and 7.3 ± 2.7% (mol/mol) after 40 min. However 3,4‑dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid is further metabolized by the microbiota and is no longer detectable than 1 h. The release of 4‑hydroxybenzoic acid (4‑hba) was nearly linear to the timepoint of 2 h with 25.4 ± 6.3% (mol/mol). This amount rose to 64.3 ± 5.8% (mol/mol) after 4 h and was not reduced significantly until 8 h (Figure 13). Compounds with a single hydroxyl group at C3 were only detectable in traces. Phloroglucinol, generated from the A‑ring yields 15.4 ± 2.1% (mol/mol) of the applied flavan-3‑ol within 60 min. The maximum of 35.4 ± 3.3% (mol/mol) was reached after 2 h, thereafter degradation of this intermediary metabolite prevailed over generation. A comparative degradation study of (+)‑catechin, (-)‑catechin and DL‑catechin did not show any quantitative or qualitative differences. Even (‑)‑epicatechin was degraded equally apart from some small interindividual differences between the donor organisms. This reflects the in vivo situation very well (43). The results also show, that the complex mixture of microorganisms in the microbiota does not depend on stereochemical aspects, what brings out on the one hand its high hydrolytic abilities. On the other hand the importance of degradation experiments with physiologically composed microorganisms compared to single species studies are emphasized (8, 72–74).

Figure 13. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of (+)‑catechin ((+)‑cat active) and its degradation products phloroglucinol (phloro), 3,4‑dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid (3,4‑hppa), 4‑hydroxyphenylacetic acid (4‑hpaa) and 4‑hydroxybenzoic acid (4‑hba) in active cecal suspension in reference to (+)‑catechin ((+)‑cat sterilized) in sterilized inoculum. (n = 6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC-UVD/-FLD and GC-MS). (43) 474

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If compounds of the gallocatechin type, with an additional hydroxyl group at the C‑ring are incubated the pattern of hydroxylated phenylcarboxylic acids is more varying according to higher amounts of 3‑hydroxylated isomers (43). Glycosides are unusual for flavan-3-ols, but they can be generated by food processing (22, 75), or occur in some plants like rhubarb or dates (76–78). O‑Glycosides can be found as well as C‑glycosides. As degradation of C‑glycosides is less known and the potential bioavailability due to the expected slow microbial metabolism is higher, different catechin-C-glycosides have been studied in the pig cecum model. These were amongst others (‑)‑catechin-8- and ‑6‑C-glucoside, as well as ‑8‑C-galactoside (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Applied (-)‑catechin-C-glycosides.

They are generated during technological step of alkaline treatment of cocoa from (‑)‑epicatechin and containing sugars by epimerization at C2 (Figure 12) and formation of a C‑C bond via ring opening and rearrangement (79). Neither (‑)‑catechin-8-C-glucoside, nor the corresponding galactoside were degraded by the intestinal microbiota within an incubation time of 8 h. The concentration-time course for (-)‑catechin-6-C-glucoside is shown in Figure 15. Within 20 min 42.5 ± 0.6% (mol/mol) of the applied compound was degraded. Within the next 40 min additional 6% (mol/mol) were metabolized. At a timepoint between 2 and 4 h (‑)‑catechin-6-C‑glucoside was totally degraded. These reactions liberated phloroglucinol as residue of the A‑ring with altering amounts of 7.3 ± 1.3% (mol/mol) at 40 min and 23.8 ± 2.4% (mol/mol) after 4 h. On the other hand 3,4‑dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid was generated. This intermediary metabolite rose to a concentration of 9.3 ± 1.4 µM after an incubation time of 60 min. The compound was degraded via shortening of the aliphatic chain and dehydroxylation leading mainly to 4‑hydroxyphenylacetic acid and 4‑hydroxybenzoic acid afterwards (80). The results of the incubation of (‑)‑catechin-6-C-glucoside were in the same magnitude as for flavan-3-ol aglyca which confirms findings of the comparison of apigenin-8-C‑glycoside (vitexin) and apigenin (81). It also confirms results from degradation studies with human colostomy fluid (79). Also the finding of non-degraded 8‑C‑glycosides supports different authors: Mangiferin (norathyriol6-C‑glucoside) was degraded in a study using human stool samples as source of 475

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intestinal microorganisms (82), while puerarin (daidzein-8‑C‑glucoside) was also not degraded by microorganisms from human stool samples or in rats (69, 83).

Figure 15. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of (-)‑catechin-8-C-glucoside ((‑)‑cat-6-Cglu active) and its degradation products phloroglucinol (phloro), 3,4‑dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid (3,4‑hppa), 4‑hydroxyphenylacetic acid (4‑hpaa) and 4‑hydroxybenzoic acid (4‑hba) in active cecal suspension in reference to (-)‑catechin-8-C-glucoside ((-)‑cat-6-Cglu sterilized) in sterilized inoculum. (n = 6, mean ± SD; measured by HPLC-UVD/-FLD and GC-MS). (80)

Degradation of Procyanidins Procyanidins are oligomers build up from flavan-3-ol monomers. Therefore they do occur in the same plants and foodstuff as flavan-3-ols, but the amount is not easy to determine, what leads to unclear information about daily intake (70, 71). Also the fate of procyanidins in the gastrointestinal tract according degradation and absorption is despite several studies with model systems, animal or human studies (24, 25, 34, 84–86) still unclear. The incubation of procyanidin B2 yielded as an important result the high interindividual differences, which did not allow a reasonable combination of the data for all 3 donor organisms. It can therefore be reasoned, that the results depicted in Figure 16 are analog for humans, because the differences in the chosen model do only reflect the in vivo-situation in humans.


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Figure 16. Relative proportions (% (mol/mol)) of procyanidin B2 in active cecal suspension (procy B2 active combined (n=6)) in reference to that in sterilized inoculum (procy B2 sterilized (n = 6)) and the single incubation experiments (procy B2 C1 - 3) (mean ± SD; measured by HPLC‑UVD/‑FLD). (43)

Within 2 h 61.4 ± 38.1% (mol/mol) of procyanidin B2 are degraded. Afterwards the degradation rate lowers. The applied compound disappears during the whole incubation period of 8 h. Among the 3 different ceca large quantitative differences with regard to the microbial degradation of the dimer are observed. Two donor individuals (Figure 16, procy B2 C1 and procy B2 C3) had a microbiota able to degrade procyanidin B2 directly and nearly total within 4 h, but also with remarkable differences between each other. The microbiota of the third cecum (Figure 16, procy B2 C2) degraded procyanidin B2 much slower up to a timepoint of 4 h, after which 52.6 ± 3.3% (mol/mol) were still available. All control compounds were degraded with a small standard deviation, therefore the collected data clearly show the influence of different sources of the microbiota. Degradation of procyanidin B2 did not proceed via cleavage into monomers, which could not be detected at any timepoint. This is in accordance with DONOVAN et al. who found no monomers studying the metabolism of procyanidin B3 and a grapeseed extract containing several procyanidins (34). Again an incubation of a mixture of flavonoids resulted in the finding that more complex compounds bearing C‑C bonds between their main moieties resist microbial degradation longer (43).


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Concluding Remarks During the study of intestinal metabolism of flavonoids with the pig cecum model the following findings were remarkable. Deglycosylation of flavonoids by microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract depends mainly on the type of the sugar and its bond to the aglycone. The intestinal microbiota has a high hydrolytic potential, as nearly all applied compound are degraded at 60% (mol/mol) after an incubation of 2 to 4 h. Anthocyanidins are unstable at near neutral physiological conditions in the colon, but at least they are also degraded via microbial C‑ring cleavage. Like other flavonoids these yield phloroglucinol-(-aldehyde) and hydroxylated phenylcarboxylic acids which underlie ongoing bacterial metabolism. The uptake of compounds through the intestinal barrier is a determining factor for the overall bioavailability of each food constituent and therefore a possible systemic effect. The inner compartment of the mucosa cells can be reached by passive diffusion if aglycones are lipophilic enough (87). An active transport of O‑glycosides by sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 has been vividly discussed between 1995 and today (29, 30, 88–91). But this is still as questionable as the necessity of cytosolic β‑glucosidase (27, 28, 92), the influence of enzymes of the brush border membrane (93–95), or the mechanism how C‑glycosides could be transported. The microbial metabolites of the C‑ring cleavage of liberated aglycones, are phloroglucinol(-aldehyde) or different hydroxylated phenylcarboxylic acids. The former is known to be metabolized further to short chain fatty acids (96, 97). Because of this generated metabolites are substrates of the monocarboxylic acid transporter. Even the phenylvalerolactones sometimes named as key metabolites (84, 98, 99) can be taken up by them. So it can be summarized, that the bacterial metabolites are absorbed in the colon and can reach high plasma concentration which may also have physiological effects (100), which is unclear for intact flavonoids. Another yet unclear point is the bioavailability of complex or bound flavonoids and the role microbiota might play therefore. Food processing is known to influence the content of monomers and dimers in grapes, berries or sorghum (101, 102). But microbial enzymes show also the property to release polyphenolic substances bound to cell wall-material (103, 104) or proteins (43). Furthermore microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract are able to reduce the mean degree of polymerization (105). On the one hand the intestinal microbiota degrades flavonoids contained in food, on the other hand it might enhance the amount of available ones. In every case the microbiota influences bioavailability of food constituents enormously and the pig cecum model is one tool to study its mechanisms.

Acknowledgments We cordially thank family Kurzen (Gut Wewel, Senden, Germany) for providing the ceca. We are also pleased about donation of chemicals by Dr. Timo Stark (Chair of Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science, Technical 478

University Munich) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hensel (Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry, University Muenster).


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