The Polymerization of Acetylenes by Nickel-Carbonyl-Phosphine

Meriwether, Leto, Colthup, and Kennerly. Yol. 27. The Polymerization of Acetylenes by Nickel-Carbonyl-Phosphine Complexes. IV. Kinetics and Polymeriza...
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The Polymerization of Acetylenes by Nickel-Carbonyl-Phosphine Complexes. IV. Kinetics and Polymerization Mechanisms' L. S. MERIWETHER, M. F. LETO,E. C. COLTHUP, AND G. W. KENNERLY Central Research Division, American Cyanamid Company, Stamford, Connecticut Received M a y 14, 1961 The effects of variations in solvent, temperature and gas sweeping, acetylene-catalyst ratio, and catalyst structure are reported. A kinetic study has been made of the polymerization of 1-heptyne and phenylacetylene by Ni(C0)2(PhaP)2, including effects of deuterium substitution and catalyst pretreatment. Possible structures for the "active" nickel catalyst are considered. Mechanisms are proposed for the linear and cyclic polymerization of monosubstituted acetylenes, which are consistent with the observed kinetic and deuterium isotope effects and product structures. A mechanism for the aromatization of disubstituted acetylenes is also suggested.

I n previous papers2 we have discussed the polymerization of various classes of acetylenes with nickel-carbonyl-phosphine catalysts and the structures of the aromatic and linear oligomers obtained. The effects on the course of the polymerization due to changes in solvent, temperature and gas sweeping, acetylene-catalyst ratio, and catalyst structure have now been examined. In this paper we also present the results of kinetic studies of these reactions, including pretreatment of catalyst and deuterium isotope effects, and conclusions regarding the reaction mechanisms. Results and Discussion For most of the studies two representative acetylenes were used, 1-heptyne and ethyl propiolate. Ethyl propiolate polymerizes very rapidly to exclusively aromatic products ; 1-heptyne reacts a t a somewhat slower rate to a mixture of predominantly linear dimers and trimers. The same catalyst complex, Ki(CO)z(PPhr)z,was used in most of the experiments with the exception of the catalyst variation and pretreatment studies. Solvent.-The trimerization of ethyl propiolate was attempted in sixteen different solvent systems. Most of the common organic solvents are satisfactory media for the reaction. Best yields were obtained in cyclohexane, methanol, benzene, acetonitrile, and ethanol. Ethyl acetate, toluene, nitromethane, dimethylformamide, and nitrobenzene gave moderate yields. No direct relationship between reaction rate and solvent polarity is evident. A simple anionic or cationic polymerization process does not seem to be indicated. The inhibiting effect of water is apparent by comparison of 1 0 0 ~ reaction o in pure methanol with only 29% in a 10% aqueous methanol solution. Other poor solvents included carbon tetrachloride, dioxane, methyl ethyl ketone, tetrahydrofuran, and glacial acetic acid. Failure of these latter solvents to support the reaction is probably due either to their (1) Presented in part a t the 138th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York. N. Y.,Sept. 11-16, 1960. (2) (a) L. S. Meriwether. E. C. Colthup. G. W. Kennedy. and R. N. Reusch, J . Ow. Chem., 26, 5155 (1961); (b) L. 8. Meriwether, E. C. Colthup, and G. W. Kennedy, ibid.. S6, 5163 (1961); ( e ) E. C. Colthup and L. S. hleriwether, ibid., 26, 5169 (1961).

strong coordination properties or their tendency to destroy irreversibly the catalyst. A similar solvent behavior was observed in the polymerization of 1-heptyne. Greater than 95% conversions were obtained in cyclohexane, benzene, acetonitrile, and methanol. Reaction Temperature and Gas Sweeping,These reactions are very sensitive to temperature and degree of agitation in the solution. No polymerization was observed in unstirred solutions of 1-heptyne and catalyst in cyclohexane or acetonitrile between- 25 and 75". However, if the solution was brought to the boiling point (about 81") or if the solution a t 75" was agitated, complete reaction occurred after a short induction period. These results were confirmed by similar experiments with the more reactive propiolate ester (see Table I). The experiments with carbon monoxide sweeping (Table I) show that this gas has a strong inhibitory effect, since, in spite of the agitation of the, solution, the per cent reaction is considerably lower than in the nitrogen or carbon dioxideflushed reactions. These results suggest that the reversible dissociation of carbon monoxide from Ni(C0)2(PPh3)zis an essential step in the formation of the "active" catalyst. Agitation simply promotes the release of carbon monoxide gas from the carbon monoxide-supersaturated solutions. TABLE I


Initial temp., OC.

Gas passed through

TRIMERIZATION" -Per After 3 min.

cent reactionAfter 90 min.

80 None 75 99 80 co 70 90 80 0 2 0 0 65 N* 75 100 56 None 21 21 41 None 3 9 43 Nz 49 92 42 con 80 89 43 co 0 0 33 None 0 2 36 N z 1 18 4 [ester] = 1.0 M ; [Ni(C0)2(PPh&]= 0.005 M ; cyclohexane solvent.




The length of the induction period prior to polymerization, the activity of the catalyst during polymerization and the total conversion of 1heptyne varied greatly for the different catalysts. The induction period ranged from five to ninety minutes for the complexes that displayed any activity, but the length of this period, during which the "active" catalyst is presumably being foremd, was in no way related to the relative catalytic activity as measured by conversions of 1-heptyne either during or a t the end of the reaction. The order of catalyst activity was arbitrarily determined a t forty minutes after beginning of polymerization, since a t this point more than one half of the ultimate conversion had been attained and the effects of tailing-off later in the reactions were negligible. Among the dicarbonyldiphosphine complexes, Ni(CO)z(PR&, the activity varied with the substituent R in the following general way: C Z H ~ C N > C6H6> H > OCSHS> n-alkyl >> OC6Hb-C1. No simple explanation of this order of activity has been found, but it is interesting to see what a large influence variations in the phosphine substituents have on the activity of these catalysts. This result strongly suggests that the phosphine ligands are not completely lost from the nickel in the catalyst activation process. An essential role for the phosphine is further shown by our inability to obtain either the expected aromatic or linear oligomers from the reaction of monosubstituted acetylenes with nickel tetracarbonyl. Variation of the number of phosphine ligands revealed that the nickel tricarbonylmonophosphine gave slightly better conversions than the corresponding dicarbonylbisphosphine. TABLE I1 The monocarbonyltrisphosphine and tetrakisORDER OF AciwrrY OF NICKEL-CARBONYL-PHOSPHINE phosphine complexes were not catalysts for 1CATALYSTS TOWARU ~ - H E P TNE Y POLYMERIZATION" heptyne polymerization, although several tetraPer cent reactionb kisphosphinenickel complexes have been found in Induction After After period 40 90 this laboratory to cyclotrimerize and cyclotetramCatalyst (min.) min. min. erize ethyl propiolate at 2.!1'.~ The very great Ni( CO), [PH(C&CX)p Isc 10 100 100 reactivity of ethyl propiolate is further emphasized Ni(COh[P(CzH4CN)3 lzc 15 88 100 by the nearly quantitative aromatization of this Ni( CO)aP(CsH6)3 46 57 81 monomer at reflux temperatures in the presencc of 13 60 62 most of the complexes listed in Table 11. Chelation . generally had only a slight effect on catalyst acN ~ ( c o~ , ~ P ( C ~ H CJM , ) ~ l2 ( 20 45 G4 tivity. Variation of the phosphine substituents Ni(C0)z [PHz(CzH,CN) 1zC 5 33 55 gave the same order as observed in the unchelated 20 32 39 Ni(CO)aP(OcnH& complexes, CZH~CIT > CZHS. N~(CO)Z[PHZ(~-C~HIT) I$ 10 30 51 Ni(CO)z[P(C6H6)(CzH6)2IZ 25 24 45 In Table I11 are recorded the results of a brief W~(CO)~[P(OCZ 12 H ~ ) ~ 25 22 34 investigation of the effect of varying the catalyst 25 18 23 Ni(CO)Z[P(C2H&CH&HZPcomplex on the polymerization of phenylacetylene. (C2Hs)zI Generally, better conversions were obtained than N ~ ( C O ) Z [ P ( ~ - C I1H2 O ) ~ 90 8 11 Ni(CO)z[P(OCsHds12 >200 250:l) the disappearance of 1-heptyne, after the usual induction period, was independent of the acetylene concentration up to about 75430% conversion. By plotting the data a t lower monomer to catalyst ratios (40: 1) as a first-order reaction, the disappearance of 1-heptyne was found to be proportional to the acetylene concentration over more than 60% reaction. The tailing off of all of the plots in the last 10-20% of reaction could be attributed either to reactions of even higher order in acetylene or to “active” catalyst decomposition. However, the latter seems less likely, since the linear polymer products have been found to stabilize the “active” catalyst (vide infra). Furthermore, subsequent additions of fresh monomer to the spent system are readily polymerized. -4marked decline in catalyst activity occurs only after several such polymerization cycles. Attempts to vary significantly the initial catalyst concentration a t constant 1-heptyne concentration were unsuccessful since polymerization of this monomer could not be initiated below 2 X M catalyst and the upper limit of solubility of Ni(CO)2(Ph3P)2 in cyclohexane is about 6 X lo-* X. Catalyst activity dropped off sharply above a 1-heptyne to catalyst ratio of 1000: 1 and below a ratio of about 1O:l. These effects are probably associated with the catalyst activation process rather than the polymerization reaction. Studies of the catalyst activation process6 indicate that only part of the original dicarbonyl-diphosphine complex is converted into “active” catalyst. Unfortunately, no method of following the concentration of “active” catalyst during the polymerization has been found. One possible mechanism for the linear polymerization reaction is a stepwise process whereby two monomers combine to form dimer, dimer reacts with monomer to form trimer, trimer reacts with monomer to form tetramer, etc. The product results for several runs a t different initial monomer concentrations were analyzed to determine whether the dimer mas peaking up earlier in the run and then leveling off as the trimer reached its maximum. Although the data for the dimer is very poor, there is no evidence for peaking. The relative rates of dimer and trimer formation appear to be constant throughout the reaction. In a further test of the stepwise mechanism, the final trimer/ dimer product ratios were compared in reactions of 1-heptyne alone (1.85 M ) and of 1-heptyne (0.90 M ) mixed with preformed heptyne dimer (0.45 21.11). If the dimer did not take part in the reaction, a final trimer/dimer ratio of less than 1 would be expected. The final trimer/dimer ratio for the run with added dimer was 0.7, compared with a ratio for the run with 1-heptyne alone of


( G ) To be reported in Part V.









2471 I05 104 023

00045M 00042 00047 00052




Fig. 2.-Effect of varying the initial monomer concentration on the polymerization of 1-heptyne with Ni(CO)a(PhaP)*in refluxing cyclohexane.

13.5. Therefore, the dimer was essentially inert to the reaction. This rules out a stepwise process in which trimer is formed by reaction of monomer with free dimer or complexed dimer in equilibrium with free dimer. The above results are consistent with the following reaction scheme (where h = 1-heptyne; C, CA, CA2. . . CA,+1 represent catalytic complex intermediates; A, = product: and * refers to those complexes in reversible equilibrium with free monomer), when it is assumed that k l , l ~ A



CAI* k-

( 1)Initiation









.I + (‘A*

CA2* k-



Ca‘Ll*---+ CA. kd

+ CA,,-i JJ CA,,*





CA,* A


+ CA,,

CAP,+I *


( 5 )1

CA,t+1 *


kr fi -4 k,


+A,, + CA*



kz, k-2, kz’, k-z’, lil, k-4 > >k3, k 3 ’ > k, and that a t high acetylene concentrations essentially all of the “active” catalyst is in the form of Ch*, CA2 . . . CA, and C&*. , . CA,+I*. The steady-state assumption is then valid for the latter species over most





of the reaction. Ultimately, the reaction would be expected to undergo a transition from zero to first and higher order kinetics as A became exhausted and equilibria of equations 1, 2, 4, and 6 no longer lay 100% to the right. Deuterium Isotope Studies.-Since the formation of linear acetylene polymers requires the transfer of a t least one hydrogen atom per product molecule formed, it was hoped that the use of deuterated acetylenes would help to elucidate the reaction mechanism. If the rate-determining step involved a hydrogen atom transfer, deuterium substitution would be expected to depress the reaction rate.7 ,4 competitive experiment was carried out in which equimolar quantities of 1-heptyne and 1heptyne-1-d were treated with Ni(C0)2(Ph3P)2. The disappearance of the hydrogen and deuterium compounds was followed by infrared analysis of quenched aliquots a t 3300 cm.-' (=C-H stretch) and 2585 cm.-' (=C-D) stretch), respectively. The deuterated 1-heptyne reacted a t a significantly slower rate than 1heptyne itself. The ratio of D to H compound remaining increased from the initial 1.00 to 2.50 after 97% conversion (Table IV). A kinetic TABLE IV ISOTOPE EFFECT IN POLYMERIZATION O F 50% Time (min.)

0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 GO


~ - H E P T Y N EWITH - ~ - ~~-HEPTYNE Percent X V





V (calcd.)

0 13 27 46 59 72 83 88 95 97

1,000 0.894 .750 ,582 .462 ,380 ,198

1.00 1.01 1.05 1.16 1.27 1.37 1.52 1.85 3.36 2.50

1.00 1.03 1.07 1.15 1.23 1.28 1.52 1.66 2.00 2.36


,071 ,040

: L i d mntlicimt icnl a~i:tlysisof these data, assuming t h t t (1) only trimcr product was formed, (2) only one hydrogen transfer occurred in the slow step, and (3) the position of the reversible equilibria was unaffected by deuterium substitution, resulted in the following rate equation,

2 ln(V f 1)

+r 3K K In V - 1.38620



In X

= = 'Oncentration Of compound, concentration of D compound, V = Y / X , kH and XO = rate constants for the reaction of the €I and compounds, and K = k d k D * least 'quares fit Of the data to tions of the above equation gave a value of K = 2.56 zk 0.46, Which is comparable to results observed in organic reactions in which a carbonhydrogen bond is the rate-controlling step.7 (7) K. Wiberg, Chem. Rev., 66, 713 (1955).


I n order to determine whether the nickel complex catalyzed hydrogendeuterium exchange between the monomers, equimolar concentrations of 1-heptyne-1-d and 1-pentyne were treated with Ni(C0)2(Ph3P)2in refluxing cyclohexane. Several aliquots were taken during the run, each separated into 1-pentyne and 1-heptyne fractions, and each fraction was analyzed in infrared a t 3300 and 2585 cm.-'. The results show (Table V) that after the induction period rapid deuterium exchange occurred. The fact that only the "active" catalyst promotes deuterium exchange lends support to the conclusion that it is a different species from the original carbonyl-phosphine complex. No deuterium exchange occurred in a control experiment omitting the nickel complex. TABLEV DEUTERIUMEXCHANGE BUTWEEN ~ - H E P T Y N E -A~N-I )~ ~-PENTYNEO Time (min.)

Per cent D in 1-heptyne

Per cent D in I-pentyne

Per cent polymerization

0 83 0 0 20 83 0 1 42 77 12.4 22 67 72 17.5 38 0.5 M 83% CrHnC=CD, 0.5 M CaH,C=CH, 0.006 M Ni( CO)z(Ph8P)s in refluxing cyclohexane.

Aromatization.-Attempts to obtain kinetic data on the cyclic trimerization of monosubstituted acetylenes have been unsuccessful. This has been principally due to the very high rates of polymerization and the exothermic nature of these reactions. The trimerization of ethyl propiolate with all active nickel-carbonyl-phosphine catalysts was too fast to measure even a t lower temperatures, being essentially complete in less than three minutes. Propargyl alcohol was found to aromatize at a somewhat slower rate, but a satisfactory common solvent for the monomer, catalyst, and products could not be found. Similar problems were encountered with other monomers which polymerized exclusively to aromatic products. It was then decided that even more valuable mechanistic clues might be obtained from the studv of a monomer which formed a mixture of aromatic and linear products. Phenylacetylene was chosen, since it had been previously foundza to react cleanly to give an isolated product consisting of roughly 30% aromatic and 70% linear trimers at a rate comparable to that for the reaction of 1-heptyne to linear polymers. A concentrationtime plot for the reaction was determined in the usual way by following the disappearance of monoof 1,2,4mer at 2130 cm.-l and the triphenylbenzene at 840 cm.-l and the triphenylbutadienylacetylene at 975 cm.-'. The results are shown in Fig, 3. The reaction followed the usual sigmoid curve with a twenty-minute induction period. Surprisingly, the relative rates of




I I I I I formation of aromatic and linear products were I ’ nearly constant, perhaps signifying a common catalytic agent. It is of particular interest to determine the effect of deuterium substitution on the rate of the aromatization reaction, since the cyclic products can be formed either via hydrogen transfer mecha\ nisms or by routes involving no carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage. Unfortunately, a rigorous solution e- I , 2,4-TriphenyIbenzene f X 3) - Tnphenylbufodienylto this problem has not been found, because of the 5 ocetylena l X 3) 0 / very high reaction rates of the aromatizing mono- K mers. Several experiments were performed on partially deuterated phenylacetylene with Ki(CO)r (Ph3P)2in cyclohexane in order to ascertain the TIME (M~NUTES) size of the isotope effect in a reaction leading to roughly equal amounts of aromatic and linear Fig. 3.-Concentration-time plot of the trimerization of products. Phenylacetjlene containing 87% phenylacetylene (0.9 M ) with Ni(CO)y(Ph3P)2(0.006 M ) in CaH&=CD polymerized a t a slower rate than the refluxing cyclohexane. undeuterated monomer. I n the polymerization of phenylacetylene containing initially 64% C6H6- that were done to extend the scope of this pretreatC r C D the unreacted monomer contained 65.5, ment to different catalysts and acetylenes. The 70, and 72% C~HKCECDafter 41, 70, and 88% phenomenon was found to be quite general for reaction, respectively. An initially 80% deuter- different pretreating acetylenes, different catalysts, ated monomer showed an enrichment to 86% including chelated complexes, and different reacCaH6C=CD after 77% reaction. For compari- tive acetylene monomers. The effectiveness of son, data on the polymerization of 53% l-heptyne- the disubstituted acetylenes in catalyst pretreat1-d in 1-heptyne under the same conditions indi- ment decreased in the order: C~HK-C=C--C~H~ linear (n-CaH,C=CH)3 > C2H6-C=C-C2He cated 58.5 and 62% C6H11C=CD in the monomer > (CHI)&(OH)-&C-C(OH) (CH3)2 > (CH3)r remaining after 72 and 83% reaction, respectively. The relative enrichments of the two monomers are C(OH)-C~C-C~C-C(OH) (CH3)2 > HOCHr Molar ratios of pretreating very similar (6 us. 5.5% a t about 71% reaction -C=C-CH,OH. and 9 vs. 8% at about 85% reaction for the phenyl- acetylene to catalyst even as low as 2: 1 were found acetylene and 1-heptyne, respectively) even though to be effective. However, pretreatment a t tempermore than one third of the polymer product from atures below reflux was not effective in activating the phenylacetylene was cyclic trimer. Although the catalyst. The reaction with linear 1-pentyne not conclusive, the above results suggest the trimer demonstrates that the linear polymer prodexistence of a common step involving a hydrogen ucts, which are disubstituted acetylenes, are also transfer in both the linear and cyclic polymeriza- capable of activating and stabilizing the catalyst. This explains the observation mentioned above tions of phenylacetylene. Catalyst Pretreatment.-During the course of that spent linear polymerization reaction mixtures this work it was inadvertently discovered that the would repeatedly polymerize fresh additions of polymerization of reactive acetylenes could be monomer. That this does not apply to the aroenhanced by pretreating the nickel-carbonyl- matic products is seen from the experiment with 2phosphine complex solution a t reflux with an un- butyne-l14-diol (Table VI). This disubstituted reactive disubstituted acetylene. As a solution of acetylene polymerized quantitatively to hexanickel complex and disubstituted acetylene was methylolbenzene.2u Ethyl propiolate, added subrefluxed for an hour with inert gas sweeping, the sequently a t 25O, failed to react. Hence, aromatic solution gradually developed an intense yellow compounds do not stabilize the “active” catalyst color and carbon monoxide gas was evolved. This and aroniatization of acetylenes cannot be revived yellow solution appeared to be stable for long after the monomer has once disappeared. Attempts to isolat,e these yellow complexes have periods in the absence of oxygen. However, when exposed to air the solution was instantly been unsuccessful so far due to their great oxygen decolorized. The yellow color was found to be sensitivity, instability in the solid state, and the due to a species with a very intense absorption very low concentrations attainable in solution. band a t 290 mp. When a reactive acetylene was The similarity of their ultraviolet spectra to those added to this yellow solution between 25 and 40°, of a series of bisphosphine-platinumacetylene rapid polymerization of this monomer occurred to complexes recently prepared by Chatt, Rowe, and the usual products. The unreactive acetylene Williams8 suggests that they may be the analogoils, was recovered unchanged from the reaction. (8) J. Chatt, G. A. Rowe, and A. A. Williams, Proc. Chem. Sac., I n Table VI are shown some of the experiments 208 (1957).



4 ’







YOL. 27



1 I

CeHs-c=C-csH~ CzHs-CzC-CJIb



1 1

2 2f

g,, I





OH OH linear (n-C3H7-C=CH)3 HOCHz-CsC-CHpOH CeHj-CSC-CsH, Ce,H5--CEC-Ce,Hss CHI


Reactive acetylene added4

Temp. a t addition, OC.

Per cent reaction


Temp., “C.


81 81



25 25

100 100








81 80 82 82



25 25 25 25










0 i0


2 3 3

A 82 LY 25 0 A 82 Y 100 25 A 82 Y 40 30 3 A 82 LY 0 25 2 A 40 LY 25 0 2 A 40 LY 40 0 2 A 25 C 25 0 Catalyst concentration = 0.006 M ; I = Ni(C0)z[P(C~HS)3]2; 2 = Ni(C0)z[P(CH2CHzCN)1]~; 3 = Ni(CO)?[P(CH,~ H z C ~ ) Z C H Z C H Z P ! C H ~ C HConcentration ,~~)~~. = 0.6 M . C = cyclohexane; B = benzene; A = acetonitrile. Color of solution after 2-hr. pretreatment with CO1 sweeping; Y = yellow; B = brown; DB = dark bronm; LY = light yellow; C = colorless. e Acetylene concentration = 0.6 M; E = ethyl propiolate; H = I-heptyne. 0.015 M . 9 0.030 M,





R3P/Ni -. CO

less stable nickel complexes of the structure given above. Reaction Mechanisms “Active” Catalyst.-It has been established6 that the “active” polymerization catalyst is a nickel-phosphine-acetylene complex which is formed by the reaction of a nickel-carbonylphosphine complex with an acetylene. Furthermore, it (1) retains its original phosphine ligands; (2) has lost all of its CO ligands and thus has two of its original four coordination positions available for bonding to the acetylene; (3) is in a reversible equilibrium with the acetylene monomer and the original nickel-carbonyl-phosphine complex; (4) has a high “turn over” number and hence retains its original structure and activity after each reaction sequence; and ( 5 ) catalyzes the exchange of acetylenic hydrogens between different monosubstituted acetylenes. The “active” catalyst may actually consist of several nickel-phosphineacetylene complexes in equilibrium with one another. Complex I is probably initially formed but is readily converted to 11; the latter is proposed as the “active” catalyst for both the linear and cyclic polpmerigation of acetylene itself and of mono-

+ 2co substituted acetylenes. Both I and I1 are planar complexes of formally nickel(II), which have a vacant p , orbital available to r-bond with a second acetylene molecule. Linear Polymerization.-It has previously been suggestedzbthat the linear products are formed by a Ziegler-Natta type process in which the central monomer units are introduced intact and stereospecifically and only one hydrogen atom transfer occurs per product molecule formed. This is consistent with the number of products obtained and the deuteration results. A more detailed mechanism for these reactions is outlined, p. 3937. I1 is assumed to react rapidly and reversibly with a second molecule of acetylene to give IIa, involving r-complex formation between the triple bond and the nickel p , orbital such that the zaxis goes through the center of the C=C bond and the acetjlene molecule lies roughly parallel to the plane of the complex. The symmetry of the p , orbital about the z-axis permits many possible orientations of the linear acetylene molecule relative to the phosphine hydride (x) and phosphine-





r 4







acetylide (y) axes. For this reason, it is entirely possible that the four reactions indicated [cis insertion of the new monomer between the nickel and acetylide carbon atoms such that (a) the Rgroup is adjacent to the triple bond or (b) to the nickel atom, (c) hydrogen exchange between the rr-complexed acetylene and the acetylide group, and (d) dissociation of the a-complex] may proceed from different conformations of the a-complex. The two nickel-vinylacetylene complexes (111), resulting from insertion, can then reversibly form n-complexes (IIIa) with another acetylene. Four reactions are again possible for I I I a : (e) hydrogen transfer from the acetylene to the 2,4-disubstituted vinylacetylene group to form the vinylidene dimer isomer and 11, (f) hydrogen transfer from the acetylene to the 1,kdisubstituted vinylacetylene group to form the trans dimer isomer and 11, and cis insertion of the acetylene molecule between the nickel and vinyl carbon atoms of the 2,4disubstituted vinylacetylene complexes only such that the R-group is adjacent (g) to the central double bond or (h) to the nickel atom. Insertion of the new acetylene into the l14-disubstituted vinylacetylene complexes appears to be inhibited in favor of reaction (f) by steric repulsions from the R-group in the 1-position, Reactions (e) and (f) above (labeled k,’ and kat’) are irreversible since exchange does not occur between acetylenic and ethylenic hydrogens. The nickel-butadienylacetylene complex (IV) and its r-complex with a

new monomer molecule (IVa) react in like fashion to produce the two linear trimer isomers and I1 or the nickel tetramer complex (V). This sequence is repeated for each higher homolog. The slow rate-determining steps in the reaction sequence are the termination and catalyst recovery processes labelled kat, k,”, kb’, kb”, etc. These involve the transfer of a hydrogen and the cleavage and formation of new nickel-carbon bonds. These processes could alternatively be considered as aelimination reactions, with concerted loss of the hydride and hydrocarbon ligands from the nickel, followed by a rapid collapse of the ?r-complex to I or 11, or also as a-elimination reactions of the complexes 111, IV, V, etc., to give product plus the ligand deficient species (RZP)&i. However, it is felt that the latter compound must be quickly stabilized by combination with an acetylene molecule. Any of these mechanisms is consistent with the observed kinetics as long as the reversible equilibrations and the propagation steps, labeled k,, are fast relative to the termination processes. Aromatic Polymerization.-The mechanism for aromatization of acetylene or monosubstituted acetylenes is readily incorporated into the above scheme for linear polymerization by assuming that there is a favored conformation of IV or IVa in which the 1 and 6 carbon atoms of the butadienylacetylenyl group can approach bonding distance. A concerted hydrogen transfer and ring closure would give the following aromatic product.



perhaps by way of a bisphosphine-nickel-cyclobutadiene (VI), to form the planar complex VI1 in which the nickel and two acetylene groups have formed a five-membered ring. As in the case of 11,VI1 has a vacant p . orbital for co6rdination of a third acetylene molecule. The resulting ncomplex VIIa can then collapse to the aromatic ring and (R3P)2Ni. Synthesis of the condensed aromatic products from unconjugated terminal diacetylenes20may occur via a similar route through the intermediate complex VIII. Of course, it is also possible that some (or even all, in some cases)




(R3P)2Ni -t H-CGC-R



The general tendency of the 1,2,4-trisubstituted benzene to predominate over the symmetrical 1,3,5-isomer” can now be explained by the stabilities and relative proportions of the two structures of complex IV. The occurrence of both cyclic and linear products together and other similarities between the two reactions, including an apparent deuterium isotope effect in both, are accounted for by the common intermediates in these mechanisms. The formation of hexasubstituted benzenes from disubstituted acetylenes, observed with a few monomers in the nickel-carbonyl-phosphine reactionsZs and more generally using bisacrylonitrilenickel-phosphine catalyst^,^ may be best explained by a mechanism similar to those above in which complex I reacts with a second acetylene molecule,

I +R-CGC-R ’

It /


‘ R





1 -

nc i c n



of the aromatic product from acetylene and monosubstituted acetylenes may be formed by this process. The very high yields of 1,2,4-trisubstituted benzene products (statistically, a 3 : 1 ratio of 1,2,4- to 1,3,5-isomer would be expected) can still be explained by the lower steric requirements of the substituents in the j3-positions of the postulated l-nickelocyclopent2,4-diene ring of VII. Mechanisms for the aromatization reactions involving only n-complexes of formally zerovalent nickel with acetylenes or cyclobutadiene, such as VI, IX, or X, suffer from several serious shortcomings. First, they do not predict the high proportion of 1,2,4-trisubstituted benzene isomers in the products, since steric effects should strongly favor the symmetrical 1,3,5,-isomers. Secondly, in the case of VI and I X , they do not provide a means of activating the third acetylene monomer by coordination to the metal. Finally, the ability of the species R3P-Ni to survive more than one cyclization sequence seems doubtful.




‘&: R


Materials.-The sources of the undeuterated acetylenes have been reported previously.*“ All solvents were reagent or “spectro” grade. The sweeping gases were Matheson prepurified nitrogen, bone dry carbon dioxide, and C.P. carbon monoxide. 1-Heptyne-ld was prepared in 90% isotopic purity by hydrolysis of the Grignard reagent of 1-heptyne with 99.50/0 deuterium oxide.10 Phenylacetylene-1-d of 87% isotopic purity waa prepared in analogous manner from the Grignard reagent of phenylacetylene. Monomers of lower

R (9) G . N. Sohraucer, Ber., 94, 1403 (1961).

(10) R. Romanet and B. Wojtkowiak, Bull. a m . chim., 27, 1500 (1900).



deuterium content were prepared by dilution with the undeuterated compound. The following nickel-carbonyl-phosphine complexea were prepared as reported previouslyll: Ni( CO)e[P(CdIshlt, Ni(CO)8P(C&,)8, N ~ ( C O ) Z [ P ( C ~ H ~ C N ) (Ni(CO)z[P~]Z, (n-C1Ho)3]s, Ni(CO)aP(OCPHI)~,Ni(CO)n[P(OCzHs)alz, Ni(CO)[P(OCPHE.)~IS, N~(CO)Z[P(OCIH~)~IZ, Ni(CO)aPC4, and Nl(CO,h(PClo)o. Dicarbonylbis [bis( 2-cyanoethy1)phosphinelnickel, Ni(CO)~[PH(CZH&'N)Z]I.-N~C~~~ carbonyl (3.3 g., 0.019 mole) in 50 ml. of methanol was added dropwise to a solution of 5.4 g. (0.039 mole) of PH(CZH&N)P in 100 ml. of methanol under nitrogen. Vigorous evolution of carbon monoxide ensued. After 30 min. the mixture was heated to reflux and held there for an additional 30 min. The methanol was removed leaving a yellow air sensitive undistillable oil whose infrared spectrum containpd metal carbonyl bands a t 1950 and 2000 cm.-I (minrral oil mull). Anal. Calcd. for Cl4H~8O2N4P~Ni: N, 14.18. Found: N, 14.30. Dicarbonylbis(2-cyanoethylphosphme)nickel, Ni(C0)p [PHz(CZH.,CN)]Z,was prepared in the same manner from 1.7 g. (0.02 mole) of PH&2H4CN12and 1.7 g. (0.01 mole) of nickel carbonyl in methanol. The complex was an extremely air sensitive cherry red liquid having infrared metal carbonyl bands at 1950 and 2000 cm.-l (mineral oil mull). Anal. Calcd. for C8H1202N2P2Ni: N, 9.72; P , 21.52. Found: N, 10.48; P, 20.95. Dicarbonylbis(n-octylphosphine)nickel, Ni(CO)z[PHz(~-CSH~~)]Z.-A solution of 1.7 g. (0.01 mole) of nickel carbonyl in 25 ml. of ether WM added dropwise to 2.9 g. (0.02 mole) of PHz(n-C&7)'3 in 25 ml. of ether under nitrogen. After the initial evolution of carbon monoxide had subsided, the solution wm refluxed for 15 min. and the solvent was quickly removed on a rotating evaporator. A bright yellow liquid (5 g.) remained whose infrared spectrum [bands at 1960, 2000, and 2060 (w) cm.-l] indicated the presence of a emall impurity of the tricarbonyl complex, Ni(CO)rPH2(n-CsH17). It was not purified further. Dicarbonylbis( diphenylethylphosphe)nickel, Ni( CO)T [P(C&)z(C~Hs)]z.-A solution of 2.9 g. (0.017 mole) of nickel carbonyl in 25 ml. of ether was added dropwise under nitrogen to a refluxing solution of 7.5 g. (0.035 mole) of P(C,&)zCzHs in 50 d.of ether. Heating waa continued for 15 min. after addition of the carbonyl was cornpleted. The cooled solution was evaporated down to about one fourth its original volume. The pale yellow crystals which had formed were filtered, washed with a small amount of ether, and dried. Yield was 2.6 g., m.p. 165-16'3' dec., infrared bands a t 1940 and 2000 cm.-l. Anal. Calcd. for CooH3o0~P*Ni:C, 68.17; H, 5.57; P, 11.41. Found: C, 67.49; H,5.63; P, 11.42. Dicarbonylbis(phenyldiethylphosphine)nickel, Ni( CO)T [P(C~%)(CZHK)Z]Z, was prepared by the reaction of 3.3 g. (0.02 mole) of P(C~HI)(C~H& with 1.7 g. (0.01 mole) of nickel carbonyl in refluxing ether. A pale yellow liquid was isolated (4.0 9.) which solidified on standing to yellow crystals, m.p. 44-48'. The compound had infrared carbonyl bands at 1933 and 2000 cm.-l. Anal. Calrd. for CnHls02P2Ni: C, 63.65; H, 7.28. Found. C, 63.59; H, 7.34. Dicarbonyl-P,P,P',P'-[tetrakis( 2-cyanoethy1)ethylenediphosphine]nickel, Ni(CO)I[P( C2H4CN)2CH2CHtP(CaH4CN)z].- A solution of 2.4 g. (0.014 mole) of nickel carbonyl in 25 ml. of methanol was added dropwise to a warm (40') solution of 4.4 g. (0.014 mole) of P(C2H4CN)2CH2CH2P-

(11) L. 8. Meriwether and M . L. Fiene, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,81, 4200 (1959). (12) M. M. Rauhut. I. Heckenbleikner. H. A. Currier, F. C. Schaefer, and V. P. Wystrach, ihid., 81, 1103 (1959). (13) M. M. Rauhut, H. A. Currier, A. M. Semsel, and V. P. Wystrach, J . Orp. Chem., 36, 5138 (1961).


(CJ&CNB14 in 125 ml. of methanol. Carbon monoxide waa evolved briskly. The mixture was refluxed for 30 min. after carbonyl addition was complete and allowed to cool to 25'. Fine, cream-colored crystals were formed which were filtered off, wsshed with ether, and dried. Yield of complex was 3.5 g., m.p. 132-133' dec., infrared carbonyl ban& at 1950 and 2ooo cm.-'. Anal. Calcd. for CiJ3lpOsN4P~Ni: C, 45.64; H, 4.79. Found: C, 45.22; H, 4.93. The SlP n.m.r. spectrum of this complex in acetonitrile solution had two resonance peaks, a strong peak a t -44.2 p.p.m. and a weak one at -20.8 p.p.m. (relative to 85% phosphoric acid), revealing the presence of two different phosphine complexes. An analysis of these spectra is reported elsewhereu in which the more negative resonance is assigned to the monomeric five-membered ring chelate structure and the less negative resonance to a dimeric comC,H4CN)z19, in which plex, N~Z(CO),[P(CZHICN)ZCHZCHZP( the two nickel atoms are joined by two diphosphine bridges forming a ten-membered ring. When the above preparation was repeated, except that the nickel carbonyl solution was added all at once to the warm phosphine solution, a white cryatdine product, m.p. 138' dec., waa obtained having infrared carbonyl bands at 1950 and 2000 cm.-1 and a single alp resonance at -44.9 p.p.m. This pure monomeric complex was used in the 1-heptyne polymerization study.

Dicarbonyl-P,P,P',P'-(tetraethylethylenediphosphine)nickel, Ni( CO)z[P(CnHs)2CH2CHzP( C2H&].-The pure monomeric complex was prepared by the method of Chatt and HartlB from 4.6 g. (0.027 mole) of nickel carbonyl and 5.0 g. (0.024 mole) of P,P,P',P'-tetraethylethylenediphosphine" in refluxing methanol. The product (3.5 g.) was a colorless oil at room temperature having infrared carbonyl bands a t 1930 and 1992 cm.-l. The *lPn.m.r. spectrum contained one peak a t -41.2 p.p.m. When this reaction was run in refluxing ether instead of methanol a mixture of three complexes was obtained which waa not further separated. However, infrared and n.m.r. analysis of this mixtureu identified the components aa the mononuclear Ni( CO)z[P(CZH~)~CH&HZP( CZ&)Z] and two C2H&l 216 binuclear species, Nir( CO)C[P(C~HK)2CHzCHzP( and a tricarbonyl Ni( GO),[P(CZH&CHZCHPP( GHt.)z]Ni(CO)r. The tricarbonyl waa unstable at room temperature, apparently disproportionating to the mononuclear dicarbonyl and nickel carbonyl. Solvent Variation Studies.-In all experiments, 1.9 g. of the acetylene (ethyl propiolate of 1-heptyne) was added under nitrogen to 15 ml. of the solvent contained in a 50ml. three-necked h k , provided with a thermometer, reflux condenser, and a self-sealing vaccine cap for taking aliquots. An initial 0.5-ml. aliquot was taken. The solid Ni( CO)2( PPh& catalyst (50 mg.) waa then added and the solution was heated rapidly to reflux with an oil bath, or brought to 75-80' if the solvent boiled above 100'. After 5 min. at reflux a second aliquot was taken. A final aliquot was taken after 6 hr. a t which time the reaction waa terminated. The aliquota (which were stored a t 0') were analyzed in the infrared for disappearance of the triple bond stretching band, whose position varied in the different solvents from 2120 to 2139 em.-'. The concentration of acetylene was found to be proportional to the optical density after correcting for the solvent absorption at that frequency. The per cent reaction could then be calculated assuming no reaction in the initial aliquot. The acetylenes were stable in the pure refluxing solvents. Temperature Variation and Gas Sweeping Studies.For the experimenta with 1-heptyne a 100-ml. four-necked (14) M. Grayson, P. T. Keough, and G. A. Johnson, J . Am. Chem.

SOC.,81, 4803 (1959). (15) L. 9. Meriwether and J. R. Leto, ibid., 88, 3192 (1061). (16) J. Chatt and F. A. Hart, J . Chsm. SOC.,1378 (1960). (17) C. E. Wymore and J. C. Bailar, Jr., J. dnsrp. "9.Chem., 14. 42 (1960).




flask waa used, provided with a reflux condenser, thermometer, vaccine cap, and gas inlet tube reaching to the bottom of the flask. A solution of 9.6 g. of 1-heptyne and 0.16 g. of Ni(CO)z(PPh& in 50 ml. of solvent was heated to the desired temperature with an oil bath. Agitation waa induced by bubbling gas through the solution, stirring with a magnetic stirrer or refluxing. The per cent reaction of the 1-heptyne waa determined by infrared analysis of aliquots taken before and after the reaction as described above. In the experiments with ethyl propiolate, the ester (2.7 9.) end Ni(CO)I(PPh8)2(0.10 9.) were each placed in separate SO-ml. flasks containing 15 ml. of solvent, which were provided with a reflux condenser and a gas inlet tube reaching to the bottom of the flask (for the gas sweeping experiments only) and a vaccine cap (one flask only). The two flasks were brought to equilibrium in an oil bath a t the desired temperature and, when a gss was wed, concurrently flushed for 30 min. with the gas a t a flow rate of 20 tc./min. The solutions were then mixed in the flmk containing the vaccine cap and this flask was maintained at the reaction temperature for the balance of the experiment, gas flow being continued at the above rate. The disappearance of the acetylene was determined by infrared analysis of aliquots. Variation of Acetylene-Catalyst Ratio-In this series of experiments, the Ni(CO)I(PPhs)l catalyst in 60 ml. of cyclohexane was placed in a four-necked 100-ml. flask fitted with a reflux condenser, thermometer, gas inlet tube, and self-sealing vaccine cap. The system was deoxygenated by passing a slow stream of pure carbon dioxide through the solution a t reflux for 20 min. The solution was then cooled to the desired temperature and the ethyl propiolate was injected into the solution with a hypodermic syringe. The diasppearance of the acetylene was again determined by infrared analysis of aliquots taken during the reaction. Catalyst Variation Studies.-These reactions were run in a four-necked 100-ml. flask fitted with thermometer, selfYealing vaccine cap, gas inlet tube, and a water condenser topped by a Dry Ice-acetone condenser. The system wm flushed with carbon dioxide gas and a weighed sample (0.36 mmole) of the nickel complex was introduced into the flask. The appropriate solvent (53 ml.), previously deoxygenated with carbon dioxide, was injected into the flask, the carbon dioxide flow rate then being adjusted to 250 cc./ min. -4cetonitrile was used as solvent when complexes containing a 2-cyanoethyl-substituted phosphine were used. For all other complexes the solvent was cyclohexane containing 20% n-hexane to prevent deposition of the cyclohexane on the Dry Ice-acetone condenser. The solventcatalyst mixture was brought to reflux with an oil bath. The reaction was started by injecting into the flask 7 ml. (0.054 mole) of 1-heptyne which had also been deoxygenated with carbon dioxide. Small aliquots were withdrawn periodically, chilled to Oo, and subsequently analyzed by infrared for the disappearance of the triple bond band of the acetylpnic monomer a t about 2130 cm.-1. The end of the induction period was arbitrarily set at the point at which 2% of the 1-heptyne had disappeared. The results of several duplicate experiments checked to within 5%. A similar procedure was used in the experiments with phenylacetglene, except that the aliquots were analyzed in the infrared for formation of 1,2,4-triphenylbenxene a t 840 cm. -1 and the triphenylbutadienylacetylene a t 975 cm. -l as well as for monomer disappearance a t 2130 cm.-l. Stability of Ni(CO)2(PPh;l)2.-Solid Ni(CO)Z(PPh& (1.O g.) was added to 100 ml. of refluxing benzene under a nitrogen atmosphere. The complex dissolved immediately with no gas evolution to give a yellow solution. Refluxing was continued for 6 hr., during which time a small amount of a Hocculent precipitate formed. The cooled solution w a ~filtere:! from 0.11 g. of a light gray solid (probably mostly nickel metd and nickel oxides) and the benzene was removed from the filtrate under vacuum, The. residue WBB extracted




thoroughly with ether, leaving behind 0.28 g. (28%) of the original nickel complex, m.p. 209-212’ dec. The ether solution contained 0.4 g. of triphenylphosphine. When this experiment was repeated in ethanol, 0.61 g . (61%) of the complex waa recovered. A solution of 14.2 g. (0.1 mole) of 2,5-dimethyl-3-hexyne2,5-diol and 0.5 g. (0.008 mole) of Ni(COz(PPh& in 100 ml. of benzene was refluxed under nitrogen for 22 hr. No color change or exotherm was observed. At this point 5 ml. (4.7 g., 0.046 mole) of phenylacetylene was added. The solution immediately turned dark brown. After refluxing for 2 hr. longer, the solution was cooled, filtered, and the solvent removed. No phenylacetylene was recovered in the distillation. Recrystallization of the residue from cyclohexane yielded 10.5 g. of unchanged diol. A mixture of phenylacetylene trimer& (1.5 g.) was recovered from the cyclohexane mother liquors by concentration and addition of petroleum ether. Procedure for 1-Heptyne Rate Studies.-Into a 100-cc. three-necked, round-bottom flask, fitted with an efficient reflllx condenser, a gas inlet tube reaching to the bottom of the flaak, and a vaccine cap, were placed the calculated amount of I-heptyne and 50 ml. of “spectro” grade cyclohexane. The mixture was brought to reflux with a very slow stream of prepurified nitrogen passing through the solution. A weighed amount of Ni(C0)2(Ph3P)2waa then added in a glass weighing boat. The catalyst dissolved immediately. At selected intervals during the next 2 hr. 1-ml. aliquots were removed through the vaccine cap with a hypodermic syringe and quenched by cooling to 0”. These aliquot8 were analyzed in the infrared for disappearance of 1-heptyne a t 2130 cm.-l and in the ultraviolet for the appearance of the dimer at 227 mp and the trimer a t 270 mr. These infrared and ultraviolet data, after correction for background and cross absorption, respectively, were converted into concentration units and are shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Deuteration Studies.-The above procedure was used in the polymerization studies with deuterated 1-heptyne and phenylacetylene, except that the quenched aliquots were analyzed only by infrared a t 3300 cm.-’ (rC-H stretch) and 2585 cm.-l (EC-D stretch) in the case of 1-heptyne and a t 3320 and 2590 em.-‘ with phenylacetylene. The concentration of each species was obtained by reference to empirical plots of concentration os. corrected optical density. The initial concentration of total monomer was 1.O M and of catalyst was 0.006 M . Attempts to analyze the reaction products for deuterium content by infrared and mass spectrometry were unsuccessful because of the complex nature of the mixtures obtained. Reaction between 1-Heptyne-1-d and 1-Pentyne.-A sohtion of 7.80 g. of 83% deuterated 1-heptyne and 5.45 g. of 1pentyne in 142 ml. of ‘Lspectro” grade cyclohexane was brought t o reflux under nitrogen and 0.614 g. of solid Ni(co)~(Ph~P was ) ~ added. A 10-ml. aliquot was taken at once and three other 50-ml. aliquots were taken a t intervals of 20, 42 and 67 min. after catalyst addition. The chilled aliquots were each analyzed in infrared a t 3300, 2585, and 2130 em.-’. Each of the three 50-ml. aliquots were then carefully fractionated to yield fractions of pure 1pentyne (b.p. 40”)and 1-heptyne (b.p. 100”). The amount of deuterated and undeuterated monomer in these fractions waa then determined by infrared analysis a t 2585 and 3300 cm. -1, respectively. The exchange results are recorded in Table V. Procedure in Pretreatment Studies.-An apparatus similar to that used in the 1-heptyne rate studies was used. A slow stream of pure carbon dioxide gas was passed through the reaction solution during the whole experiment,. The calculated amounts of catalyst and disubstituted acetylene were dissolved in 50 ml. of solvent and the solution was brought to the pretreatment temperature and held there for 2 hr. Ultraviolet spectra were obtained of aliquots taken a t this point and maintained in an inert atmosphere. The solution was then brought t o the lower temperature and the



reactive acetylene (at the same temperature) was injected through the vaccine cap with a hypodermic syringe. Disappearance of the added acetylene was determined by infrared analysis of the C=C stretching band in the solution after an additional 2-hr . period. The disubstituted acetylene was recovered from the reaction mixture along with the usual polymer products from the added acetylene, when formed. Mathematical Analysis of Deuterium Isotope Effect in the Trimerization of I-Heptyne.-The reactions considered in the polymerization process were kv

- -d= Y

~ D Z Y k,C(BXY


_ -dZ - - k&X dt



C + X + Y k i Z


+ x+z


+ X + Product + C Z + Y +Product + C

2 In ( V






where X = a measure of hydrogen compound concentration Y = a memure of deuterium compound concentration Z = a measure of intermediate concentration C = a meaaure of “active” catalyst concentration kH, k D = rate constants for the rate-determining step involving reaction with an undeuterated and deuterated molecule, respectively k, = rate constant for the formation of intermediate Z The assumption was made that the product formed was exclusively trimer and that only one hydrogen atom was transferred in the rate-determining step. These reactions then led to the differential equations

f k&Y

- k,C(X2

+ 2Y2)


+ 2xY f

Y2) (16)

+ 1) + 1 3K -K ~

I ~ v + + ~ s =(17) I ~ x

where S = a constant of integration. With the initial condition ( t = 0) that V = X = 1, the final theoretical relationship was




A t steady state dZ/dt = 0. Solution of equation 16 and the subsequent substitutions V = Y/X and K = k H / k D into the ratio of equations 14 and 15 resulted in expression 17 in V ,X , and K, 2 In ( V






+ krC(2X2 + 2XY)

- -dX =



+ 1) + 3K ln V - 1.38629 = In X I - K


In Table I V are shown the values of V predicted from the model chosen. The experimental data were first fitted t o equation 17 by least squares to obtain estimates of K and S. The resulting estimate of S waa found to be not significantly different from the theoretical value. Therefore, the data were refitted to equation 18 for which the best value of K waa 2.56 with a 9574 confidence interval of 2~0.46. Infrared analyses were performed on a Perkin-Elmer Model 21 infrared spectrophotometer with sodium chloride optics. Ultraviolet spectra were determined on a Cary Model 14 ultraviolet spectrophotometer.


authors v-ish to thank

Mr. A. L. Stockett of the Mathematical Analysis Section for the numerical solution of the equations describing the deuterium isotope effects.

Some Reactions of Monoolefins with Iron Carbonyls T. A. MANUEL Central Basic Research Laboratory, Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey Received M a y 14, 1062 The treatment of monoiilefins with iron carbonyls leads to isomerization. The effects of olefin structure and solvent upon the reaction are discussed, and a mechanism for the reaction is suggested.

Recent interest in reactions of iron carbonyl and its derivatives with nonconjugated diolefins1I2 prompts us to report some of our data regarding reactions of iron carbonyls with monoolefins. It has been shown that the iron carbonyl hydrides are active catalysts for hydrogenation and isomerization of olefins,3 , 4 as are the cobalt carbonyl hydrides,586 (1) R. B. King, T. A. Manuel, and F. G. A. Stone, J . Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 16, 233 (1961). (2) R. Pettit and J. E. Arnet, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 83, 2954 (1961). (3) H. W. Sternberg, R. Markby, and I. Wender, ibid., 18, 5704 (1956). (4) H. W. Sternbrrg,

R. Markby, and I. Wender, i b i d . , 79, 6116

and it was noted that treatment of 1-octene with iron pentacarbonyl gave a mixture of internal isomers.’ We have investigated the geometrical and positional isomerization occurring when monoolefins of various structures are heated with iron carbonyls. Terminal olefins are rapidly converted to mixtures of internal isomers when heated with iron carbonyls. Table I compares the experimental values for isomer distribution of hexenes after heating with 0.5 mole % triiron dodecacarbonyl with the thermodynamic equilibrium values calculated by stand-

(1957). (5) (6)

R. F. Heck and D. S. Breslow, ibid., 83, 4023

(1961). and H, Green-

I. W’ender. S.ZIetlin, S. Ergun. H. W,Sternberg.

field, i b i d . , 7 8 , 5401 (lQ56).

(7) F. Aninaer and Q. B e r g , Ber.. 86, 346 (1955).