The possibility of SN2 reactions at nitrogen. Catalytic hydrogen

Richard William Johnson, and Eric R. Holm. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1977 ... Peter D. Livant, D. John D. Northcott, Yiping Shen, and Thomas R. Webb. The Jo...
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On the Possibility of S NReactions ~ at Nitrogen. Catalytic H-D Exchange in a Melt

Table I. lsotooic Content of the Hvdronen Gas"

Sir: In a recent communication' Olah and coworkers reported on the possibility of an S ~ 2 - t y p reaction e occurring a t a quaternary nitrogen based on results obtained from heating lithium deuteride (LiD) and ammonium trifluoroacetate (NH402CCF3) in a melt (eq l ) , Table I. To explain the production of D2 and H2 in this system reaction 2 was postulated to occur in competition with the expected acid-base reaction 3. This s N 2 reaction would be extremely interesting not only because it involves nitrogen, but also because it must compete with an extremely favorable acid-base reaction, it uses a poor nucleophile, and the reaction, as performed, must occur at the interface between the lithium deuteride powder and the melt. However, although this reaction will scramble isotopes, analysis of the data shows that it cannot account for the large portions of D2 generated. Instead, we have found that H2 and D2 result from catalytic isotope exchange of the H D gas in a reaction which is highly dependent on melt conditions.

LiD NH402CCF3b LiDC NH402CCFjd Melt, early in reaction Melt, late in reaction THF LiD I d Melt THF LiD IId Melt THF LID 111 Melt LiD IV Melt THF



+ 2NH402CCF3 NH40COCF3 + [85% NH3 + 15% N H l D ] + [66% H D + 21% H2 + 13% D2] + LiOCOCF3

+ NH4+ D- + NH4+

d NH3D' k2 d k3


+ H-

+ NH3


+ + +
