The Precipitation of Basic Gallium Sulfate by Means of Urea. II. The

The Precipitation of Basic Gallium Sulfate by Means of Urea. II. The Separation and ... Precipitation of Thorium from Homogeneous Solution. Louis Gord...
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The Precipitation of Basic Gallium Sulfate by Means of Urea. 11. The Separation and Determination of Gallium BY HOBART H. W ~ L A RAND D H.C. FOGG' Introduction.-It has been shown by Willard (b) The presence of chloride in the solution from which and Tang2 that aluminum can be precipitated the precipitation was made, always caused low results. quantitatively by heating its solution with urea This is doubtless due to some of the gallium precipitating as basic chloride, and volatilizing as the chloride, during in the presence of ammonium chloride and am- ignition. When the metal was dissolved in hydrochloric monium sulfate or succinate. This method gives acid, evaporated to incipient fuming with sulfuric acid, a much better separation of this element from the and the determination completed as described later, losses more basic elements such as zinc, nickel, cobalt, of 3 to 7 rug. occurred. (c) Cold water was best for washing the precipitate of manganese, etc., than does an ammonium hy- basic gallium sulfate, since it was more soluble in wash droxide precipitation. Willard and Fogg3 found solutions containing ammonium salts. that a similar dense precipitate of basic sulfate was (d) The amount of gallium remaining in solution after formed when gallium solutions were heated with precipitation was much less if the cover glass was raised urea, ammonium chloride and ammonium sulfate. on hooks during the heating of the solution, so as to allow the escape of carbon dioxide. The weight of gallium, calIn this latter instance, it was found that only about culated as ogde, left in the filtrates after precipitation was 0.2 mg. of gallium per liter remained dissolved if found to be: with cover glass on beaker in usual manner, the final $H of the solution was 4 to 5.5, which is 0.70 mg./l. (average of 7 ) ; with cover glass raised on considerably less than the amount which remains hooks, 0.33 mg./l. (average of 32). (e) The most favorable PH for quantitative precipitawhen gallium is precipitated with ammonium tion was found to be between 4 and 5.5. hydroxide in the presence of ammonium ~ a I t . 5 . ~ (f) The precipitate was somewhat flocculent, but not a t The common method of precipitating gallium all gelatinous, and had an appreciable tendency to adhere hydroxide with ammonium hydroxide, followed to the beaker, regardless of whether the latter was of glass by ignition to the oxide, has been investigated and or of silica. discussed by Fricke and Meyring.6 During carePrecipitation of Gallium from a Sulfate Solution less ignition, the oxide may be reduced to the Procedure.-The sample of gallium metal purified as volatile metal by hot carbon, and such reduction described by Willard and Fogga was transferred to a 600always occurs if in contact with p l a t i n ~ r n . ~ml. ~ ~beaker and dissolved by warming with 3 ml. of conEvery trace of chloride must be washed out of the centrated sulfuric acid on a hot-plate. After about twelve precipitate since ammonium chloride reacts with hours a little water was added, the solution evaporated and heated again, to make certain that all of the metal gallium oxide, even a t 250') to form volatile gal- had been attacked; 150 to 200 ml. of water and 3 g. of lium trichloride. urea, as a filtered solution, were added. After diluting to nearly 500 ml., redistilled ammonium hydroxide was added dropwise until the solution was almost permanently turbid. It was then heated to incipient boiling and kept a t that temperature until a sample of the solution showed Preliminary Work.-Preliminary work on the quantitathat the pH was between 4 and 5.5 (barely alkaline to tive precipitation gave considerable information regarding methyl orange). When the desired pH had been reached some of the errors which would affect the accuracy of the the solution was filtered through a weighed porcelain results. filtering crucible, the precipitate washed with cold water (a) It was found necessary to heat the gallium oxide to 1200' for one hour to obtain constant weight. No loss and ignited at 850'. After weighing, most of the oxide in weight resulted from this treatment. It was also found was transferred to an unglazed porcelain crucible, ignited that great care must be used to avoid loss when the pre- for one hour a t 1200' and again weighed. From the loss in weight the corrected weight of the entire precipitate cipitate was ignited in the presence of paper. was calculated. This method was adopted because the (1) Holder of the J. T. Baker Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry filtering crucible could not be heated to this temperature, for the Mid-western Division during the academic year, 1931-1932. and it was desired to avoid any possibility of reduction by Present address: University of New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. carbon. (2) H.H . Willard and N . K. Tang, I n d . Eng. Chem., Anal. E d . , 9, The PH of the filtrate was determined by means of a set 357 (1937). (3) H.H. Willard and H. C. Fogg, THISJOURNAL, 119,1197(1937). of approximately isohydric indicatorse The gallium which

The Quantitative Precipitation of Gallium by Urea

(4) L. Moser and A. Brukl, Monatsh., SO, 181-192 (1928). (5) R. Fricke and K. Meyring, 2. anorg. allgem. Chem., 176, 325348 (1928).


S. F . A a e e and E. H. Fawcett, Ind. Eng. Chcm., Anal. E d . ,

3, 78 (1930).


Nov., 1937

remained in the filtrate and wash water, and which adhered to the beaker after as thorough removal as possible with a policeman, was determined colorimetrically by the method described by Willard and Fogg.7 Table I shows the results obtained following the above procedure.

TABLE I THE DETERMINATION OF GALLIUM BY PRECIPITATION AS BASICSULFATE \%‘eight of gallirim oxide taken, approximately 0.13 g. Wt. GazOa from filtrate and beaker, g.


6.1 5.6 5.3 5.8 6.1 5.0 4.3

0.00073 .00088 .00078 ,00096 .00070 ,00059 .00072 .00046


Error GarO,i, mg.

-0.25 -23 .15



* .oo -




.21 .18 .21

Discussion of Results.-It can be seen that gallium can be determined quantitatively by precipitation from a sulfate solution by heating with urea. Although the precipitate is not quite as insoluble as could be desired, it is nevertheless much less soluble than the hydroxide. As a rule from 0.1 to 0.2 mg., calculated as oxide, remained in the 500 ml. of filtrate, and approximately 0.01 mg. was dissolved by 150 to 200 ml. of wash water. The most troublesome feature was the tendency of the precipitate to adhere to the beaker. From 0.1 to 0.6 mg. of oxide would remain even after a most thorough cleaning with a policeman. The Precipitation of Gallium from a Buffered so much difficulty was enSolution.-Since countered in controlling the PH with no buffer in the solution, a number of determinations were made with varying amounts of succinate or acetate present. The above procedure was followed TABLE I1 THEDETERMINATION OF GALLIUM BY PRECIPITATION FROM A SOLUTIONBUFFERED WITH ACETATE OR SUCCINATE Weight of gallium taken, approximately 0.13 g. Ammonium acetate added, g.

Time of heating, IUS.


Wt. GaiOa from filtrate and beaker, g.

3 3 2 2

3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5

4.7 4.6 4.6 4.5

0.00069 .00078 .00088 .00081

5 2

2 2.5



4.0 4.1 5.5

,00177 .00140 .00093

Error GanOs mg.

-0.23 - .03 .I5 - .I4


Succinic acid added.



.08 .06


(7) H. H. Willard and H. C. Fogg. THISJOURNAL, 69,40 (1937).



except that varying amounts of succinic acid or ammonium acetate, and 4 g. of urea, instead of 3, were added and the solutions heated for the time given. The results are shown in Table 11. Discussion of Results.-The amount of gallium recovered, using the two buffers, was in as good agreement with the quantity taken as when only sulfate was present. However, the concentration of gallium left in the filtrate was much greater than with sulfate, varying from 0.6 mg. to as much as 3.0 mg. per liter. This is not entirely obvious from the data listed, since in some instances the precipitation was made from a smaller volume. The Separation of Gallium from Other Elements by Precipitation from Sulfate Solution Separation from Calcium.--The determination of gallium in gallium-calcium mixtures was made following the procedure first described. The calcium in the ignited oxide was determined by dissolving in hydrochloric acid and precipitating as oxalate in the usual manner. The results in Table I11 show that gallium can be separated from calcium by this method if there is not enough of the latter element present to exceed the solubility of calcium sulfate at the final PH. With approximately 500 ml. of solution, and 0.2 g. of calcium, less than 0.1 mg. was carried down, but if 0.3 g. is present, a considerable quantity accompanies the gallium. TABLE I11 THE DETERMINATION OF GALLIUM IN THE PRESENCE OF CALCIUM Weight of gallium, approximately 0.13 g. PH

Ca taken, g.

3.9 4.1 4.4 5.4 4.0 4.3 5.8

0.05 .075 .075 .10 .10 .20 .20

GarO: from filtrate and beaker, g.

0.00083 .00066 ,00035 .00037 .00039 ,00072 ,00037

Error GazOa, mg.


+ .16 - .04 + .07 + .26 + .05 -


Separation of Zinc.-According to Brittons zinc begins to precipitate a t a pH of 5.2. Even though this is not much higher than that required for the precipitation of basic gallium sulfate, a good separation is effected. The results shown in Table I V were obtained by the method previously given. To determine ( 8 ) H. T. S. Britton, “Hydrogen Ions,” D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1932, p 325; J . Chem. SOG.,127, 121 2110-2159 (1925).





the zinc which accompanied the gallium, the final ignited oxide was dissolved by warming with concentrated hydrochloric acid and the zinc precipitated as sulfide from citric acid solution, using calcium citrate as a collector, as recommended by B ~ d a n s k y . ~It was then determined turbidimetrically with potassium ferrocyanide according to the method of Breyer.'O Separation from Manganese.-Since this element begins to precipitate a t a PH of 8.5, i t is readily separated from gallium by heating with urea. Table IV shows the results obtained, following the procedure already given. The manganese carried down by the gallium was determined colorimetrically.

4.8 4.2 4.8 4.7 4.4 5.2 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.5 5.3


c. FOGG Mn


0.5 .5 .5 .5 1.0 1.0 1.0

0.05 .07 .I2 .I1 .23 .32 .20

Vol. 59 0.00026 .00021 .00021 .00021 .00095 .00025 .00024

0.12307 .I3416 .I3116 .13419 .13496 .13429 ,13342

- .12 + .08 + .19 - .ll + .os




+ .18

1.25 .mu Two precipitations.



- .15





Discussion of Results.-Using a volume of about 500 ml., one precipitation will satisfactorily separate 0.1 g. of gallium from 0.02 g. of zinc or a few milligrams of gallium from 1 g. of the latter. TABLEI V If as much as 1g. of zinc is present with the larger THE DETERMINATION OF GALLIUM IN THE PRESENCE OF amount of gallium, a reprecipitation will remove ZINC AND MANGANESE all of it. Using 500 ml. of solution, 0.1 g. of galZn GaiOs from GaiOa Error I n wt., taken, filtrate and taken, Gar03 lium can be separated from as much as 0.5 g. of mg., ZnO beaker, g. fiH g. mg. g. manganese by a single precipitation, with only -0.20 4.5 0.01 0.05 0.00026 0.13496 4.5 ,00057 .015 None .13268 - .06 0.1 mg. of manganese oxide accompanying the 4.4 .00022 ,015 0.05 .13207 - . I 5 precipitate. If 1.0 g. of manganese is present, ,12750 - .21 somewhat more will be found with the gallium. .15 .00054 4.2 .025 .07 ,00025 ,13247 .01 A double precipitation gives complete separation, 4.4 .025 .13832 - .14 even .60 ,00093 4.5 .05 when 1.25 g. is present. Undoubtedly an .00055 1.00 .13127 - .07 .IO 5.6 equally good separation would be obtained from .00036 0.63 4.4 .12703 + .25 .25 .00075 0.90 .I3752 - .02 magnesium, although this was not studied. 4.1 .50


4.7 4.3 4.6 5.9 5.7 4.7 5.9 4.0 4.6 5.6 5.1 4.2 5.6 4.7




.43 .36 .12


+ + .07















0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0

2.00 0.05 .07 .07 .25 .05

.00027 .00033 .00016 .00090 .00032 .00022

.13214 .03784 .03475 .01371 .02178 .01425






1.0 1.0



+ .I4 + .09

(9) M.Bodansky, Ind. Eng. Chcm., IS, 696 (1921). (10) F. G. Breyer, in Scott, "Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis," 4th ed.. D. Van Nostrand Co..N e w York. 1925, p. 607.

Summary Gallium can be precipitated quantitatively as basic sulfate by heating its sulfate solution, containing 3 g. of urea, until a pH of 4 to 5.5, or possibly 6, has been reached. If the solution contains acetate or succinate, more gallium remains in solution. Employing the procedure developed, it was found possible to separate gallium from 1 g. of zinc and manganese and 0.2 g. of calcium. Obviously weaker bases than these such as aluminum, chromium and iron will interfere. Magnesium should not interfere. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN