The Present State of Metallized Polyimide - ACS Symposium Series

DOI: 10.1021/bk-1990-0440.ch001. ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 440 ... Publication Date (Print): November 09, 1990. Copyright ... ACS Symposium Series ,...
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Chapter 1

The Present State of Metallized Polyimide Edward Sacher Groupe des Couches Minces and Département de Génie Physique, École Polytechnique, C.P. 6079, Succursale A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3A7, Canada

Due to the incorporation of mechanical stresses during polymer/metal multilayer device fabrication, strong interfacial adhesion must be maintained in order to sustain mechanical integrity. Here we consider the adhesion of metal deposited onto polymer. In order to assure chemical bonding of the sort leading to strong adhesion, one must consider the structure (and modification) of the polymer surface, the energy released by the depositing metal and how i t is taken up in reaction, and the aging effect of contaminant ions on the fabricated device. Polymer/metal multilayer devices are used i n the microelectronics industry. These devices are composed o f alternating layers o f polymer and metal, the metal i s etched into l i n e s and, except where v i a holes permit the contact of d i f f e r e n t metal layers, the polymer serves as an insulator. Because the polymer must withstand rather h o s t i l e environments during f a b r i c a t i o n , the choice i s narrowed to those which are stable to chemical treatment, high temperature (for short periods o f time) and humidity. The polymers o f choice here are the polyimides, although others are c e r t a i n l y used. Each of the components, polymer and metal, has both thermal and hygroscopic expansion c o e f f i c i e n t s which may differ between components by orders o f magnitude. Thus, the very a c t of f a b r i c a t i o n introduces i n t e r n a l stresses into the device. I f permitted to act, these stresses are capable of ripping apart the device, destroying i t Such destruction i s prevented by strong i n t e r f a c i a l adhesion, maintained at every step during manufacture, as w e l l as throughout the use l i f e of the device. POLYMER ADHESION TO METAL Now, the adhesion of polymer to metal presents no d i f f i c u l t y : poor adhesion o f the polymer to the bare metal substrate i s improved through the use o f silane adhesion promotors(l-7). These are 0097-6156/90AM4O-0001$06.00/0 © 1990 American Chemical Society



orthoesters of s i l a n e , having the general formula Z-R-Si(OR') , where Ζ i s a functional group s p e c i f i c a l l y chosen to react with the polymer, and R and R' are a l k y l groups. When added to water, the orthoester hydrolyzes (sometimes slowly) to the s i l a n e t r i o l , -Si(OH)3, whose hydroxyl groups are extremely reactive. These groups react with each other as well as with hydroxyl groups on clean metal surfaces, to deposit a t h i n polysiloxane layer strongly bound to the metal. Among the groups l y i n g at the new surface are the Ζ groups capable of reacting with the polymer to chemically bond it to the polysiloxane. This chemical bonding i s accomplished with a minimal increase i n thickness (-100À) , through the introduction of a surface-reactive polysiloxane rubber layer capable of d i s s i p a t i n g some of the i n t e r n a l stresses. Sadly, such adhesion promotors are not available f o r the adhesion of metal being deposited onto a polymer surface. Here, one must r e l y e n t i r e l y on reactions provoked by the deposition process to provide the adhesion. This requires a thorough understanding of both the polymer surface and the deposition process. 3

POLYMER SURFACE STRUCTURE There i s an excess energy at a surface, measurable as a surface tension(8). This causes the surface layer of a curing polymer to react farther and f a s t e r than the bulk. In the case of polyimide, i t also promotes some surface layer s t r u c t u r a l rearrangement (-8%) to isoimide(9), causing changes i n both mechanical (10 ) and electrical(11) properties. Further, a recent IR study(12) demonstrated that the polyimide structure obtained on curing depended on the cure schedule. Indeed, the whole question of polyimide structure has yet to be properly addressed. As normally written, the precursor polyamic a c i d c y c l i z e s to a 5-member polyimide ring, s p l i t t i n g out water; however, objections(13) have been r a i s e d to t h i s c y c l i z a t i o n . In p a r t i c u l a r , reactions c a r r i e d out on monomers show(14-16) that imide formation requires prolonged heating i n the presence of dehydrating agents and that such imides revert quickly to the amic acid reactant i n the presence of atmospheric moisture. This makes i t highly u n l i k e l y that a polyimide f i l m formed through the c y c l i z a t i o n of the polyamic a c i d would be as stable as such films are found to be. Yet, IR evidence(17) leaves no doubt that the polyamic a c i d has imidized. Several l i n e s of i n v e s t i g a t i o n have been brought together (13) to suggest that what i n f a c t happens to the polyamic a c i d i s that i t transimidizes. That i s , imidization takes place between adjacent chains. This explains many f a c t s , such as the loss of s o l u b i l i t y on imidization, the compatibility of the data with second order k i n e t i c s and the lack of XPS data i n d i c a t i n g increased electron d e r e a l i z a t i o n on imide formation. I t would appear that the polymer structure i s l a r g e l y a crosslinked transimide and that, at i t s surface, i t contains -8% isoimide. This i s the structure upon which the metal deposits. Burkstrand has shown(18-25) that evaporated metals react only with o x i d i z i n g polymers. In the case of polystyrene, f o r example, reaction takes place only at surface s i t e s oxidized during polymer



The Present State ofMetallized Polyimide


f a b r i c a t i o n (e.g., the melt extrusion of polymer f i l m s ) . Thus, to assure good adhesion to hydrocarbon polymers, the surface must be treated i n such a way as to introduce oxidizing groups. While several types o f surface oxidation treatment are available, the use of plasmas seems to be the treatment of choice(26^34). METAL DEPOSITION Because the adhesion of a deposited metal depends on the formation of chemical bonds across the interface, one must determine i f the metal deposition process i s capable of releasing the energy necessary to cause reaction between the depositing metal atoms and the polymer surface. For metal deposition by sputtering, the answer i s an unqualified yes: f o r both Cu (35.36) and Ni(35). f o r example, there i s an impact energy maximum near 950 kJ/mole and an average energy near 3500 kJ/mole. These values should be compared with covalent bond energies, which are i n the 340-400 kJ/mole range. The s i t u a t i o n f o r metal deposition by evaporation i s somewhat different: the average impact energies of such atoms are of the order of 10 kJ/mole(37). However, at l e a s t for the metals one would normally use, t h e i r condensation energies, the negative of the heat of sublimâtion(38), are of the same order of magnitude as covalent bond energies. One should note that t h i s heat o f condensation i s for metal condensing on metal. That i s , after several monolayers are deposited, assuming no reaction of the i n i t i a l monolayers, enough heat may be released to break covalent bonds. One should more properly consider the condensation energy of the f i r s t monolayer o f metal on polymer. No experimental values e x i s t , making i t necessary to i n f e r reaction from other data. Here, there i s a great divergence of opinion, not only as to whether reaction occurs but, i f so, where the structure i s attacked. A particular example of t h i s i s found i n the deposition o f Cr onto polyimide, where a l l agree that reaction occurs: one group maintains that the Cr forms a π-complex with the aromatic r i n g of the dianhydride moiety(39.40) while another i n s i s t s that reaction occurs with the carbonyl oxygens(41.42). Let us, f o r a moment, consider the reaction o f evaporated metal atoms with monomers. While here, too, there appear to be no data on condensation energies, there i s a large body of experimental data(43-47) which demonstrate compound formation under conditions less apt to sustain chemical reactions than those during polymer m e t a l l i z a t i o n . This strongly suggests that, with the exception of purely a l i p h a t i c , non-oxidizing substrates, reaction probably does take place. To demonstrate t h i s , l e t us consider several recent XPS studies of metallized polyimide; these metals include AK48-50). Au(51), Ce(52), Co(53), Cr(42), Ge(54) and Ti(55). whether the authors p o s i t reaction between metal and polymer or not, the metal XPS spectra at very low coverages a l l show either a chemical shift to higher binding energy or a shoulder at the higher binding energy side o f the peak, neither o f which i s seen a t greater depositions. Such behavior indicates the formation of ionic species. Clearly, then, the question i s not whether reaction occurs but where i t occurs and how t h i s conveys adhesion.



The question of trace i o n i c contaminants i s often overlooked. There i s no doubt, however, that trace ions i n i t i a l l y present i n the polymer or subsequently introduced during the manufacturing process can wreak havoc with the device as well as with device-mounted components as the device ages and the ions migrate. Thus, not only can Na ions migrate to and destroy an FET by lowering the threshold resistance i n the gate, halide ions can attack some metals, which may lead to a loss of i n t e r f a c i a l adhesion and w i l l c e r t a i n l y lead to a loss of conduction. While i t i s true that, with the exception of the proton, the trace ions found i n polymers do not migrate i n the absence of water(11.56-58), i t i s also true that microelectronic devices and components are not hermetically sealed: they are always exposed to atmospheric humidity. I t i s , therefore, necessary to know, both q u a l i t a t i v e l y and quantitatively, which trace ions are present. This writer has had experience(59) with four techniques which are capable of i d e n t i f y i n g contaminants in the ppm-ppb (i.e. ug/ml-ng/ml) concentration region. Each has i t s own advantages and disadvantages, necessitating the simultaneous use of several of the techniques found i n Table I. A p a r t i c u l a r advantage of ion

Table I.

Techniques Capable of D e t e c t i n g Trace Contaminants i n the ppm-ppb Concentration Range Ion Chromatography

Agueous s o l u t i o n s Solid Species detected Advantages


Yes No Ions Fast; S e n s i t i v e to some organic species L i m i t e d number of ions

Plasma Spectroscopy

Neutron A c t i vation Analysis

Proton-Induced Xxay Emission

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ( s l u r r y ) Ions, atoms Ions, atoms Ions, atoms (no d i s t i n c t i o n ) (no d i s t i n c t i o n ) (no d i s t i n c t i o n ) Fast; Large range of Fast Large range of elements elements Cost per e l e ment d e t e c t o r

Slow; Poor de convolut i o n

Not s e n s i t i v e to h i g h atomic

chromatography, f o r example, i s i t s s e n s i t i v i t y to some organic ions. I t was i n t h i s fashion that polyimide was shown to undergo a slow surface hydrolysis(59) : ion chromatography showed the presence of both carboxylate and substituted ammonium ions, the hydrolysis products of polyimide, whose concentrations increased with water immersion time. I t should be noted that these carboxylate ions, l i k e halide ions, attack some metals, and could ultimately lead to a loss of adhesion between metal and polymer or to the formation of a b r i t t l e i n s u l a t i n g layer. Internal stresses could then destroy the device. ADHESION MECHANISM(S) Here, the question of how the metal adheres to the substrate remains l a r g e l y unanswered. A review on t h i s subject(60), now more than a decade old, could do no more than l i s t the then extant proposed



The Present State ofMetallized Polyimide


mechanisms (mechanical/interlocking, weak boundary layer, chemical, electrostatic) and o f f e r experimental evidence which tended to support each o f them. The general conclusion was that one or more of these mechanisms gave r i s e to the observed adhesion. L i t t l e has changed during the intervening years, with the exception that the chemical mechanism i s presently favored (25.48-55.61-74), the reason being that adhesion i s c l e a r l y observed i n association with the occurrence of chemical reaction. This does not answer the question of how chemical reaction leads to adhesion or why exposure to atmospheric humidity i s so detrimental(73). CONCLUSIONS The interface of metallized polymers has been considered from the points of view of the polymer surface, reaction during metal deposition and the e f f e c t of contaminant ions. Each i s discussed i n terms c f the c r i t i c a l factors which maintain the mechanical i n t e g r i t y of polymer/metal multilayer devices, i n l i g h t of the present view that i n t e r f a c i a l chemical reactions are involved. Thus, the true structure of the polyimide surface i s described, followed by a discussion of why metal deposition provokes a chemical reaction with the substrate polymer. Trace ions are then considered, from the point of view that subsequent reaction with polymer and/or metal can lead to the f a i l u r e of i n t e r f a c i a l adhesion. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Fonds pour l a Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide à l a Recherche du Québec f o r f i n a n c i a l support.

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RECEIVED May 16, 1990