By E. B. Sandell. Buch and Koroleff1 and Irving and co-workers2 have shown that diphenylthiocarbazone (dithi- zone) behaves as a monobasic acid, at le...
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Jan., 1927. DISSOCIATION CONSTANT OF NITRAMIDB. 193. 6. Values of the salting-out constant, Ks, have been estimated for different mixtures of potassium ...
Values of the salting-out constant, Ks, have been estimated for different mixtures of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and dipotassium phosphate. Tables and ...
Dissociation Constant and Degree of Dissociation for Tetraethylammonium Chloride in Ethylene Dichloride at 0, -15, and -30 Degrees - Correction. David Lydy, V Mode, and Jack Kay. J. Phys. Chem. , 1965, 69 (12), pp 4425â4425. DOI: 10.1021/j100782a60
Acid Dissociation Constant, Formation Constant, Enthalpy, and Entropy Values for Some Copper(II)-α-Amino Acid Systems in Aqueous Solution. Reed M. Izatt ...
George R. Jackson. Vol. 71 iodide analysis4 gave 72.4% bromine(theory 71.4%), showing all four bromines active. Some FactorsInfluencing the Rate of ...
Conductance of Triethylamine in Water. 2181. [Contribution from the. Chemistry Department, Carnegie Institute of Technology]. The Conductance, Dissociation ...
May 1, 2002 - Aravind V. Rayer , Kazi Z. Sumon , Laila Jaffari , and Amr Henni. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2014 59 (11), 3805-3813.
Company of Indiana Fellow, 1946-1947. University ... used, with or without the reducing agent, 2-ami- ... bon disulfide is rendered improbable by the ob-.