The Problems and Prospects of LSD - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Dec 30, 2003 - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and tryptamine analogs as potential psychotomimetics. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Liska, Jain, Pur...
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Related Compounds b y A. R . Pate1 offers a timely survey of all facets of this important hallucinogen; Oral Ant,icoagulants by E. Renk and W. G. Stoll (in German) comprehensively surveys the chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, and medical significance of these drugs and, incidentallj-, does it, so very much better than other similar reviews (see previous review, Topics in lxedicinal Chemistry, Volume 2). T h e tliii,d article in this category is h y .\I. 1-1. Bickel: I3iiichemistt.y and Pharmacology of Thyniolept,ics. T h i - shoitld have been died antidepressants instead c ~ t ' lice thir i- the real - i i l ) j w t of the discussion. \Tit11 rences, and written wit h great thoroiighness, this review will take its placae with o t h e r giiii(I i,t%c*ent, siirvpys of thi> field. Tht: other two topics : i w ha-et1 u t i i,i~gaitic~--plia!.rrlacentic.:ti attit>iides: pick a chernic~al ni o r re.action, deal \yit,h it, thoroiighly, and see how it cat applied to drugs. This holds for Photochemistry of 1)ritgs by S. T. Reid, and T h e Bmidines in Ilrug Itesearc.h by -1.Ki,eiit,zbeiger (in German). These arc iisefiil in that t,hey provide a tematic cataloging of interesting reavtions and compoimtlh, biit a i i c h approaches (tannot stimiilate rnedic*inal discovery. Bitt then, one gets idem m o d y as one reads, atid who knows what new idea. niay wise from :t rather nonrelated disciission of atrange c . r i n i p o i i n i l , ~and reactions with t,hei,:ipeuticovertone.-.

A Ll"nI :I)u c I i G 1; I i

Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 1967. Edito~.-in-Chief, C. K. Cain, and 46 contribritors. .irademic Press, Xew T i ~ i k and London. 1968. xsii 3 i 4 pp. 18 X 25.5 cni. $8.73 (paperback).


This third volrime of the sei,ies, hponsored by the Division ( ~ f 3Iedicin:tl Chemist,ry of the Amerivan Chemical Societ tiniiea the tradit.ion t o ofl'er witical and near-comprehen v i e w of rant ribiitions in most of the fields of medicinal ch which appeared in the 1iteratiit.e diiring the past year (1967) and to point LO new appimehes which become discernible. T h e iipto-(lateness of the book is attested by the incliihion of the address of 1)r. Sydney Archer upon receipt (if the Second Award in Ilergies) and Topics in Chemistry (syntheses of prostaglanditis, niicleosides, steroids, alkaloids, urganic- reavtions of interest i i i medicinal chemistry, pharmacokineticms, and physiral paramet et'in chig design), the last of which ir IIOW esporised eagerly by thope medicinal chemists who see in regies>ion analysi:, :i real hope f c i I , cwape from a centiiry of screening. Altho\igh this series assiinies t h a t the reader cornmandh :ttleqiiate knowledge of the history and performance each topic, iintil 2 years ago, it is probably the most iiseftil review series available in oiir field. It also sticks to its stated purpose of reviewing medicinal chemistry and does not wander oH' into vagiielj- related amas as so many other review series are acciistomed to doing.. hnyone who wants to bring his speciali knowledge lip-to-(late. and ventiire out, inio new areas o f n i i ~ ence, shoiild have this series of excellently written and edited voliimes by his wvork bench, desk, and bedside.

The Problems and Prospects of LSD. Edited by J. THO I - S C E H L I ~ , I DwI i~t hI ~ 4 Contribiltora. Charles (1 Thorn:~s, Springfield, 111. LWS. xiii + 10'3pp. 1>.5 x 2s.: c n i . $5.00. 'Phis little Loirk ciiiilci not be priced so low if the publiuhers I I : L ~ :t ronsiderable sales voliime. T o nttain this, ~het~ is rnothing in the book that any well-read Americnn could not comprehend, escaept one page of chemical ~ e n i i p l o f e ~ ~ i osection nil o n p harmacoiogy of L ,hapters tlescritie the LSI) state, experiment hiitherap?, :iciite and chronic side effects, and sociological aspect,-:of the current abuse of LSD. T h e biii~kshoiild lie read by :%dolescentsiii big citics :tnd b). their pat,ent i, w i t h t,he hope t h a t factual understaiding of LSI). gJ0d and tlvil, inay inake them comprehend the driig habit> tlrnl, siirroiind them, anti c1e:il wit,h this sitiiation. not :inticipatetl