The Production of Acetone from Pyroligneous Acid. - Industrial

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water. On redistillation it yields 1.5 per cent wood spirits, boiling below 100' C. and 2.j per cent light oils boiling below 560' C. It is completely dehydrated a t I j o o C. This tar sells readily in local markets for I 2 . j cents per gallon. By employing a lower temperature the yield of by-products is increased. n'hile a lower heating value of the gas results, it would still be useful for industrial purposes. Charcoal is obtained a t the rate of 7 0 0 to 800 lbs. per cord, for which a good market does not a t present exist in the S o r t h west. Its quality is impaired by the presence of charcoal from bark, but as the latter is a good producer of gas, it is not feasible to remove it from the sawmill waste. The amount of charcoal obtained is ample to furnish fuel for open-fired benches and with regenerative furnaces an excess would be produced. This excess quantity or the entire amount can be used in water-gas manufacture, as demonstrated by trial runs made in a g-shell Lowe water-gas set a t the plant of the Tacoma Gas Company. The charcoal held its heat so that 3-minute periods of run and blast could- be maintained. The same amount of oil was used as with coke. A yield of 1000 cu. ft. of carbureted gas was obtained from each 25 lbs. of charcoal as opposed to 40 lbs. of coke. The clinker formed was practically negligible and did not show signs of fusion with the generator lining. Whereas one hour out of every eight is generally required for clinkering coke, shaking grates would probably eliminate clinkering entirely, with charcoal. The use of the latter would therefore result in the production of more gas, with a saving in labor and periods of shut-down, as well as increase the life of the furnace. Very little dust was blown into the carburetor and all of it could probably be eliminated by baffles. Kiln-drying of wood to remove the considerable amount of water still held after air-drying would doubtless still further increase the heating value of the gas and the capacity of the retorts, as well as decrease the fuel required. SUMMARY

I-From Douglas fir forest wood, 25,000 cu. f t . of gas with a calorific value of 482 B. t. u. is obtained per cord of 37000 lbs.; 19,000 feet of this gas has a heating value of 538 B. t. u. 2-From Douglas fir mill waste 18,000 cu. f t . of gas with a calorific value of 475 B. t . u. is obtained per cord of 33000 lbs. 3-Enough tar is obtained to pay for the cost of wood a t the plant. 4-The exothermic character of the reaction favors low fuel consumption. j-Water gas can be produced satisfactorily from charcoal a t the rate of 1000 cu. it. per 25 lbs. of charcoal. 6-Wood gas and charcoal are especially available for metallurgical operations a t mines located far from fuel supplies other than wood.


ligneous acid by means of a continuously operated electric furnace, containing a catalyzer, which converts the acid directly into acetone without necessitating the intermediate production of the acetate. The raw material consisted of pyroligneous acid obtained by the destructive distillation of Douglas fir mill waste a t the halfcord wood distillation plant designed by the author,' and erected cooperatively by the University of lvashington and the U. s.Forest Service. Before treatment, the pyroligneous acid was distilled in order to separate and recover the turpentine, oils, tar, alcohol, acetone, etc., since i t was thought that these substances might have an injurious effect on the catalyzer and since these byproducts are necessarily separated and recovered in commercial practice, up to the point where the re-distil'ed acid is neutralized with milk of lime for the manufacture of the gray acetate. At this stage, the present practice is to mix the pyroligneous acid with the lime in large tanks until the neutralization is complete, as shown by the color change. The principal acid constituent of pyroligneous acid is acetic acid. 2CHsCOOH

+ Ca(0H)Z --+




It is then evaporated to a pasty consistency, dried, and shipped away as "gray acetate of lime" to the acetone plant, where it is destructively distilled in steel retorts, breaking down into acetone and calcium carbonate. .....................

CHsCO . . . 0\






CH3 \cO CH3


+ CaC03.

The acetone is condensed, washed and refined in column distillation apparatus. APPARATUS

The apparatus used for these experiments is shown in the accompanying illustration. Its operation is as follows : The pyroligneous acid is introduced into the reservoir A and allowed to drop slowly into the round bottom flask B regulated by means of the cock C. The acid in the flask is heated by a carefully regulated burner B , which is so controlled as to cause the liquid to evaporate a t the same speed with which it is dropping into the flask. The acid vapors pass through the tube E into the electric furnace V, which consists of a quartz tube G, surrounded by insulating material J , containing the electric heating element. The interior of the quartz tube is filled with the





The purppse of the work reported in this paper is to show the yield of acetone that can be obtained from pyro1 REFERENCES-U. S. P a t . (1910). 933,107: Formation of acetone from zinc, barium and magnesium carbonates a t 575' C. l'haum. Z t g . , 54 (1910), 880: Formation of acetone by passing over base heated a t a high temperature a t 300-350 mm. pressure. German P a t . (1910). 214,151. Addition t o patent 198,852: Manufacture under reduced pressure. Ber., 43 (1911). 2821: Acetone a n d ketone formed t o extent of 10% when passed through pumice heated t o 500-600°. Brit. P a t . (1907). 13,263: Generation of acetone. Ger. P a t . (1908). 198,853: Generation of acetone under reduced pressure. Fr. P a t . (1908). Addition t o 6,531 to 361,379: Generation of acetone under reduced pressure.


catalyzer H , and i t is in this region that the conversion takes place. The entrance and exit connections to the heated quartz tube are made by asbestos stoppers, F F. The vapors leaving 1

For design of plant, see THISJOURNAL, 5, 935.



the furnace are condensed in the condenser K , and the liquid caught in the graduate L. The temperature within the interior of the electric furnace is measured by means of the thermocouple I , which records the temperature on the millivoltmeter M . The electric furnace is connected a t N N to I I O volt switch, P. The temperature within the electric furnace is regulated by means of the rheostat R, connected in series with the furnace. A sample of the pyroligneous acid vapors before treatment is taken from the flask B , by means of the tube Q, the amount being regulated by means of the cock S, so as to be the same as that coming out of the condenser K. These sample vapors are condensed in the condenser T , and caught in the graduate U. ANALYSIS

The two distillates in graduates L and U were analyzed separately for their acidity, by titration with N / z KOH, using phenolphthalein as an indicator. The acidity of the liquid in each graduate was computed to the per cent by weight of pure acetic acid, CH3COOH. The difference in the per cent of acetic acid, that the liquid in graduate L was less than that in graduate U, measured the amount of acetic acid that had been decomposed in the electric furnace. The two distillates in the graduates L and U were also analyzed separately for the acetone, by titration' with N / z NaeS O ? , using starch solution as a n indicator, after first adding an excess of alkaline K I solution and N I P NaOCl, and neutralizing with 6 per cent HC1. The solutions of N / z NaPS207 and "'2 NaOCl were standardized every day against a standard acetone solution of known strength. A small amount of higher ketones, aldehydes, and similar bodies, which react with the NaOCl, are estimated as acetone. To eliminate the error that this would cause in the acetone determination while working with the pyroligneous acid, the blank tests for acetone were made on the untreated acid in the graduate U. Subtracting the amount of ketones which were determined in the untreated acid, from the amount of acetone determined in the treated liquid, gave the actual per cent by weight of acetone which had actually been formed in the furnace. CALCULATIONS

The maximum amount of acetone that can be obtained theoretically from the decomposition of acetic acid is shown by the following equation: ICHsCOiOH 1 , ........ , , I + , ,

CHI C 'O C H ~ ; C O O ~ H ~ CH3/ ,._............._.._ 120.06 = 58.05 ~


+ COP+ HPO. + 44.00 + 18.01

The figures below the chemical equation show the relative weights of the products formed; that is to say, 120.06 g. of acetic acid have a maximum theoretical yield of j 8 . 0 5 g. of acetone. The decomposition of the acetone does not always proceed as in the above equations, except under the proper control of temperature and other factors. For instance, too high a heat causes the acetone to break down into methane, free carbon, etc. It was found that by a second treatment of the liquid, any acetic acid would be decomposed that had not broken up on the first treatment. For this reason it was assumed, in the following computations of theoretical yields, that the amount of acid concerned in the reaction was only that port'ion indicated by the difference of the percentages between the treated and untreated liquids. The method has the further advantage of eliminating the error which is caused by the presence of other acid bodies than the acetic acid, but which the analysis computes as acetic. The theoretical yield is, therefore, computed from the analysis by means of the following formula: 1 Kebler's method, see THIS JOURNAL, 19, 316.

y = where Y Ai Az Bi

= = = =

per per per per Bz = per

(Bz- Bi) 120.06 (Bz - Bi) = ___ 207 (Ai Az) '58.05 (Ai Az) of theoretical yield of acetone, of acetic acid in the untreated acid, of acetic acid in the treated acid, of acetone in t h e untreated acid, of acetone in the treated acid.


cent cent cent cent cent

Vol. 7 , No.






Before the work was taken up with pyroligneous acid, the exact conditions under which the reactions best took place were carefully studied, using pure acetic acid. Altogether, 57 different samples of acetic acid were tested under various conditions of control. These were tested continuously, a t the rate of about 2 a day, the entire operation on pure acetic acid extending over a period of a little over a month. During this time the effects of various types of catalyzers were studied, the influence of the initial acid concentration was observed, and the effect of speed and temperature carefully noted. The effect of steady and intermittent heating of the electric furnace caused by the automatic breaking of the circuit a t intervals of two seconds was also studied. Table I is a n extract of the analytical data, after the control conditions had been adjusted t o run in a satisfactory manner. TABLEI Bun No. 33 34 35 36 52 53 54 5.5 56 57

Per cent acetic acid in Untreated Treated acid acid 3.09 3.78 3.69 3.00 2.49 2.34 2.43 2.80 3.18 5.58


0.33 0.48 0.48 0.21 0.33 0.24 0.12 0.09 0.15 0.60

Per cent acetone in Per cent of Untreated Treated theoretical yield acid of acetone acid 0.00 1.25 94.0 0.00 0.00 0.00

1.34 1.52 1.07 0.87 0.87 1.02 1.07 1.22 1.98



0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

84.2 98.0 79.2

uJ .5

86.0 91.5 81.8 83.0 82.4










When working with 2 to 4 per cent solutions of pure acetic acid, the electric furnace is able to convert 86.4 per cent of the maximum theoretical into acetone. The original strength of the acetic acid has little effect on the process as equally good results were obtained with 50, 2 5 , IO, 5 and 2 per cent solutions. The majority of the tests were made on z to 4 per cent solutions. PYROLIGNEOUS ACID

Having established the conditions under which the maximum yields were obtained working with pure acetic acid, a study was made of the yields from pyroligneous acid. Operating under the same conditions of temperature, speed, etc., that were found to give the best results for the pure acid, the data given in Table I1 were obtained. TABLE I1

Run h-0. 58 60 61 62 63 64 66 79 81 86 92

Per cent acetic acid in Untreated Treated acid acid 2.52 2.43 2.52 2.49 2.58 3.18 3.99 2.04 3.18 4.68 2.88

1.14 1.23 1.08 0.93 0.69 0.72 0.48 0.99 0.24 0.27 0.36





Per cent acetone in Per cent of Untreated Treated theoretical yield acid acid of acetone 1.07 0.71 0.53 0.71 0.71 0.66 0.66 0.53 0.55 1.08 0.47


1.45 0.95 0.81 1.05 0.99 1.42 1.38 0.98 1.35 2.32 1.24 ~


57.8 40.9 48.5 45.4 30.2 63.6 42.2 87.5 52.0 58.3 63.0


Because of the small size of the furnace (capable of treating about 2 j cc. of the acid per hour), it was impossible to control the speed of the distillation as accurately in proportion to the size as could be done with a commercial apparatus treating several hundred gallons per hour. Consequently small variations which were followed by similar variations in temperature within the furnace, caused local overheating, resulting in a loss of acetone. It is this variation which is the principal cause for the different yields found in various runs shown in Table I. Probably in a larger apparatus with the speed and temperature




properly controlled the yield would be higher than 8 6 . 4 per cent, approaching loo per cent as a maximum. -4pplying the same line of reasoning t o the yields from pyroligneous acid as shown in Table 11, a larger apparatus would produce a yield about 15 per cent higher than that shown in the data, or would approach a maximum of about 65 per cent. There is still another factor which the author believes, if looked into more thoroughly than the scope of this investigation permitted, would show that the actual yield was even greater than 65 per cent; &., t h a t the higher ketones, aldehydes, and similar bodies present in the untreated pyroligneous acid are decomposed to a considerable extent by the temperature of the furnace. If this is the case, the true amount of acetone formed by the furnace is not the difference between the determinations before and after treatment, but the whole amount after treatment. With the assumption that half of the higher ketonic bodies are destroyed in passing through the furnace, the average yield of acetone computed from the data in Table I1 would be 86 per cent. This is approximately the same figure as t h a t obtained from the pure acid. The assumption that the higher ketonic bodies are destroyed in the furnace is further supported by the observation that the cloudy, yellow iodine compounds, caused by certain higher, ketonic bodies in the untreated acid, do not appear in the acetone determination of the treated acid, the iodoform settling in a flocculent state and leaving a clear, supernatant liquid. CONCLUSIONS

I-The percentage of the theoretical yield that can be obtained by treating acetic acid in a continuous electric furnace is a little over 85 per cent, approaching IOO per cent as a maximum, under favorable conditions. 11-The yield from pyroligneous acid is similar to t h a t from pure acetic acid, being around 8j per cent. 111-The concentration of the solution being treated has little effect on the operation. IV-The temperature and speed are the principal factors influencing the yield, the most suitable for the apparatus employed being approximately 435 ’ C. a t a speed of 2 5 cc. per hour. \:--The catalyzer can be used continuously with little deterioration, a sample of barium acetate having been used continuously a little over thirty days. VI-The process of the direct and continuous conversion of pyroligneous acid into acetone in an electric furnace containing a catalyzer is adaptable t o commercial usage in plants treating several thousand gallons of pyroligneous acid per day. VII-The advantages over the ordinary method of making acetone from the acetate, are considered to consist chiefly i n : I-Higher yields in acetone. a-Lower operating expenses. 3-Elimination of the large consumption of lime. 4-No drying of the acetate with attendant losses. j-Continuous operation, converting the pyroligneous acid directly into acetone without intermediate handling. 6-Low cost oi‘ apparatus. 7-Easy control of apparatus, adapting itself to an automatic thermostate arrangement, assuring uniform results. ,


WASTE PINE WOOD UTILIZATION B y J O H N E. TEEPLE This is a n old, old industry. As far back as we have definite information, people were using t a r on their cordage and pitch on their ships. Even Noah’s ark you recall was “pitched within and pitched without,” and the ark of bullrushes that supported the baby Moses was “daubed with pitch.” We lack positive assurance that a pure pine pitch was used in these cases, but it may easily have been cypress pitch, which is not so


widely different. Since the industry is such a n old one, the chemist is not to be either censured or credited with its results until within the last thirty years, and more especially within the last ten or fifteen years. The method commonly used formerly was to pile the wood in large heaps, cover it with earth, and by burning a portion of the wood accomplish a destructive distillation of the remainder. The products were tar and charcoal, although some few attempts were made to recover the voIatile spirit for use as an illuminant. About thirty years ago the use of iron retorts was introduced, and this made possible the recovery of an unsatisfactory turpentine, a little of the natural pine oils, and considerable tar oil, creosote oil, pitch and pyroligneous acid, in addition t o t a r and charcoal. The turpentine had a vicious odor, but being in small amount, i t could usually be worked off by persuasion. T a r was a standard commodity, but the trade soon began t o differentiate between this retort t a r and ordinary kiln tar, and the purchaser demanded a reduction in the case of the former, or refused it. Charcoal could be sold for household fuel provided the plant was located in the neighborhood of a fair-sized city. Otherwise i t was used to fire the retorts. Gas was also a t a time recovered and burned under retorts. When pitch was not readily salable it could be dissolved in the t a r oils or creosote oils and sold as tar, but these various light and heavy distillation oils accumulated, and, depending on his ingenuity, the manufacturer worked them up into paint oils, mixed paints, insecticides, disinfectants, fungicides, embalming fluids, medicinal products, and so on until the catalogue becomes alarmingly long. This destructive distillation industry still exists. It is one of the two methods of treating wood to obtain Kava1 Stores that has been able to operate continuously under even the present very adverse conditions. Many improvements have been made in the type of the retort, in the regulation of heat, and in the separation and preparation of products for the market. I n many cases the turpentine now obtained is of excellent odor and of surprisingly good quality, but its success has usually depended on the ability of the manufacturer to work up his oils into lines of specialties under carefully established trade names, and thus protect himself from too vigorous competition. He has improved his retort tar so that now i t commonly commands the same price as kiln tar, and is sometimes quoted a t a higher figure. U‘ith the present high prices ruling for acetate of lime, due to the strong demand for acetone, he is even proceeding in some instances to the manufacture of this product from his pyroligneous acid. A considerable part of these improvements has, of course, been due to chemists, but it must be admitted t h a t a further very considerable part of the preparation of products for the market has been due rather t o business men who are good observers but were not primarily trained as chemists. I t seems to me that the destructive distillation of wood is wrong in principle, with our present knowledge of its composition, but a t the same time the fact that some of these plants have been continuously operating for many years indicates that they are not to be abolished with the speed that advocates of some of the newer processes have assured us. Of other processes that have been suggested-distillation with superheated steam, extraction with rosin bath or tar aiid pitch bath, distillation with water, distillation with hot gases, digestion with soda and application of vacuum have all had their trial in a commercial way, and a number of them have seemed to operate successfully for a while, due usually to special market conditions, but for the present these have all passed into history. It is very doubtful whether any of them will appear again, at least alone, even under improved conditions. While they lasted, each one found vigorous supporters and provoked much discussion. The question, for example, whether the steam should preferably pass upward or downward through a retort,