The Proximate Composition of Certain Pacific Coast Fishes - Industrial

The Proximate Composition of Certain Pacific Coast Fishes. D. B. Dill. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1925, 17 (6), pp 629–630. DOI: 10.1021/ie50186a034. Publica...
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June, 1925


The Proximate Composition of Certain Pacific Coast Fishes' By D. B. Dill FOOD RESEARCH LABORATORY, BUREAU OF CHEHISTXY, SAN


N PREVIOUS papers, analyses of certain Pacific Coast

fishes2 and of the California sardine3have been shown. During the same period a limited number of analyses of other species of fish were made. As i t now seems unlikely that any further work on these species will be carried on by the writer, these additional analyses are here reported. I n view of the variation in individual fish which has been pointed out,2 many of these analyses are of little significance in themselves. It is believed, however, that they will prove of interest and value to future investigators in this field. The methods of sampling and analysis were the same as those previously described.2 The percentage of edible portion was determined, but is not shown in the table for the reason that it does not rary greatly with different species. It is dependent chiefly on the condition of the fish as purchased. A close approximation of the edible portion of fish as commonly retailed is as follows. Undrawn fish Drawn fish, heads on Drawn fish, heads off Fish steaks Fillets 1 9 8

Jack smelt Solea Calif. halibut



Calif. halibut

3 10 1 1 10 1 1

Sand dab Sand dab Rock cod Rock cod Rock cod Cultus cod King salmon

1 10 1 10

Sockeye salmon (canned) Sockeye salmon (canned) Striped bass Sea bass Yellowfin croaker Kingfish Kingfish Barracuda Barracuda



10 1 1

Barracuda Hake Yellowtail Yellowtail Horse mackerel

5 5 1 1


1 1


b c


The two samples of herring were analyzed a t about their spawning time, for many of those analyzed had fully developed gonads. Clark and b y 4 have shown in a table of analyses collected from many sources that the fat content of the herring may vary between 2.41 and 11.01 per cent. Proving an even greater range in composition, Johnstone6 has shown that a variation may occur in the fat content of the Manx summer herrings from a minimal mean of 5.4 per cent in May to a maximal mean of 36.6 per cent in August. 1t.k therefore quite possible that the two samples described in the table were below the annual average for the Pacific Coast herring. It must not be assumed from the analyses of male and female shad that the difference in fat content is related to sex. I n the case of the spawning king salmon, Greene'j believes that the store of protein is more severely drawn upon by the female than by the male. Johnstone5 found that male and female herring of the same size and from the same lot were of similar composition. It has also been shown2B3that the California sardine and the California mackerel exhibit no significant difference in proximate composition of the flesh due 4

Received January 19, 1925. Dill. J . Biol. Chcm., 48, 73 (1921). Ibid., 48, 93 (1921):

Number analyzed COMMON NAME l o t Herring" Herring' 10 Shad (male)" 1 Shad (female)' 1 Sablefish (small)' Sablefish (large) 1 Little smelt" Jack smelt 3


Per cent 50 t o 55 60 to 65 75 t o 80 85 100


6 6

J . Biol. Chem.. 33, 483 (1918). Report Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory, 1917. J . B i d . Chcm., 39, 435 (1919).

Composition of Various Food Fishes of the Pacific Coast Average weight PERCBNTAGB COMPOSITION OP EDIBLEP O R T I O N found Ether Total Protein WHEN CAUGHT Grams WHERE CAUGHT Solids ' extract Ash nitrogen (N X 6.25) SCIENTIFIC N A M E Off San Francisco March 25, 1918 ... 20.15 0.78 1.66 2.82 17.63 Clupea pallasii O f f San Francisco February 3, 1919 72 20.67 4.39 0.96 2.51 15.69 Clupea pallasii Off San Francisco March 30, 1918 35.14 15.90 2600 1.35 2.94 18.38 Alosa sapidissima Off San Francisco April 10, 1918 2.92 27.40 7.86 2330 Alosa sapidissima 1.46 18.25 O f f San Francisco April 3, 1918 ... 18.05 0.07 2.67 Anaplopoma affinis 1.57 16.69 Off San Francisco June 11, 1918 29.34 14.87 2.13 13.31 Anaplopoma affinis 0.95 Off San Francisco April 10, 1918 22.61 0.74 Atherinops affinis . . . 3.17 19.81 Atherinops californiOff San Francisco June 27, 1918 ensis I52 1.11 3.15 19.69 22.70 1.60 Atherjnops californiOff San Pedro January 6, 1919 153 ensis 3.44 21.50 23.88 1.34 1.34 Off San Francisco April 3, 1918 Parophrys vetulus ... 1.70 2.78 17.38 19.62 0.69 Paralichthys califor2.76 Off San Francisco May 16, 1918 1.10 17.25 ... 20.14 2.01 nicus Paralichthys califor1.41 3.57 22.31 Off San Pedro February 7, 1919 24.45 0.85 nicus Off San Francisco M a y 2 9 1918 2.68 18.05 0.28 ... 0.87 16.75 Lyopsetta exilis Off San Pedro January'4, 1919 2.67 17.77 0.16 1.09 16.69 Lyopsetta exilis Off Monterey May 25, 1918 3.04 20.35 0.45 1.17 19.00 Sebastodes Off Monterey June 25, 1918 ... 20.81 1.46 2.87 1.12 17.94 Sebastodes Off San Pedro Sebastodes February 7, 1919 ... 19.71 1.20 2.86 1.20 17.88 Off Santa Cruz Ophiodon elongatus May 25, 1918 ... 18.67 1.34 1.08 2.75 17.19 Oncorhyncus tschaMonterey Bay wytscha May 27, 1918 32.55 11.82 1.18 3.06 19.13

.. .. ..

... ... ...

... ... ... .... ..

Oncorhyncus nerka

Columbia River

Summer, 1918






Oncorhyncus nerka Roccus lineatus Cynoscion nobilis Umbrina roncador Genyonemus lineatus Genyonemus lineatus Sphyrstna argentea Sphyriena argentea

Columbia River Off San Francisco Monterey Bay Off San Pedro Monterey Bay Off San Pedro Off San Pedro Off Lower California Off Lower California Off San Pedro Monterey Bay Off San Pedro Off San Pedro

Summer, 1918 May 27, 1918 June 3, 1918 May 12, 1919 J u n e 2 2 1919 303 Novemder 15, 1918 181 June 11, 1918

13.14 0.78


36.95 21.68 23.72 20.97 20.41 20.24 25.28

0.76 0.76 0.89 2.72

2.93 1.32 1.40 1.17 1.23 1.32 1.10

3.29 3.10 3.43 3.07 2.90 2.84 3.47

20 56 19.38 21.44 19.19 18.13 17.75 21.69

December 15, 1918 2500






December 15, 1918 900 Tanuarv 7. 1919 200 June 13, I918 August 20, 1918 5800 October 23, 1919 5850

28.10 21.74 19.27 24.31 30.27

6.45 1.51 1.30 3.21 7.51

1.26 1.53 1.21 1.34 1.32

3.31 3.24 2.60 3.16 3.54

20.69 20.25 16.25 19.75 22.13

June 22, 1918 Summer, 1921

1300 6330

28.57 35.76

5.62 10.51


3.45 3.84

21.56 24.00

Summer, 1921







Summer, 1921






Sphyrstna argentea

Sphyrana argentea Merluccius productus Seriola dorsalis Seriola dorsalis Trachurus symmetricus LMonterey Bay Albacore (average) Germo alalunga Off San Diego Albacore (miniOff San Diego mum)b Germo alalunga Albacore (maxiGermo alalunga Off San Diego mum) e Analyses made by E. M. Brown of the Bureau of Chemistry. Minimum values found in 24 analyses of individual albacore. Maximum values found in 24 analyses of individual albacore.







to sex. Atwater’ reported seven analyses of individual shad, ranging in fat content from 6.51 to 13.59 per cent. Clark and Mmy4found a decrease from 14.43 to 2.95 per cent fat in shad during their spawning migration. I n the same specimens a decrease in nitrogen from 3.18 to 2.98 per cent was noted, a marked contrast with the low nitrogen value of the spent king salmon found by Greenea8 Analyses of the flat fish show relatively low fat contents. Atwater’ reported three analyses of the halibut ( H i p p o 7

Report Com. Fish and Fisheries, 1888, p. 679.

Vol. 17, S o . 6

glossus hippoglossus), which had fat contents of 2.21, 2.75, and 10.57 per cent. The basses and the representatives of the croaker family (yellowfin croaker and kingfish) were found to be of similar composition. Atwater’ reported six analyses of the striped bass with fat contents ranging from 1.56 to 4.61 per cent and protein contents ranging from 17.06 to 19.54 per cent. The two samples of striped bass analyzed by Clark and Almy4 had somewhat higher fat contents-3.58 and 2.98 per cent. The albacore, like other representatives of the mackerel fishes12 has a characteristically high protein content.

Constant-level Water Baths‘ By H. J. Wing ‘UKIVERSITY O F N E B R A S K A ,


HE type of constant-level device described by Findlay,2 by Wilde,3 and by Jefferson4 has the disadvantage that when used with a boiling water bath there is a tendency for an intermittent action due to the alternate removal of hot water and then the influx of cold water. I n fact an absolutely constant water level is almost impossible to maintain. Quite frequently when the cold water enters the bath the boiling is completely stopped, and even if this does

Figure 1

not happen much heat is wasted by the loss of hot water. Two other recent articles5 have presented new phases of the subject. However, there is the objection to both of these devices that they are rather complicated and somewhat difficult to fabricate. Brooks6 has described an apparatus that is positive in action and has eliminated many of the objections which may be brought against the devices of the first two articles. But this apparatus has the disadvantage that it requires some ability in the art of glass-blowing and some glass-blowing equipment. A modification of this apparatus has been used in this laboratory with very satisfactory results. It has all the advantages of the apparatus mentioned above and in addition the most meagerly equipped laboratory can furnish the material for making it, for the form can be most varied. The illustrations show three types that have been made here. The main portion of the apparatus, M , is, in Figure 1, a Gooch crucible filtering tube, in Figure 2 a small wide-mouth bottle, and in Figure 3 a piece of tubing from a 20-cm.

* Received January 22, 1925.

* “Practical Physical Chemistry,” p. 70. * THISJOURNAL, 18,DO4 (1924).

‘ Ibid., 16, 1230 (1924).

Bencowitz and Hotchkiss, I b i d . , 16, 1193 (1924); Jefferson, Ibid., 17, 63 (1925). 6 J. Chcm. SOC.(London), 126, 1646 (1924); C. A . , 18, 3126 (1924). 6


(&in.) test tube. This is by no means the limit to the p s sible forms which the apparatus may take to suit different conditions. Several points must be kept in mind in order that the apparatus may function properly. The amount of water entering through tube E must not be more than can be carried away by the fall tube, F . The overflow tube 0, through which the water to keep the bath a t constant level flows must be longer than the tube X . Through X the excess water from the bath is carried away. The fall tube, F , should empty as far below the surface of the water in the bath as is practical in order that the action may be as positive as possible. This tube must be large enough to carry off the water but small enough so that air will not e be allowed to come back through the tube, stopping the flow, and so causing all the water to leave through the tube 0. However, this danger is Figure 2 not great if the flow through 0 is restricted by drawing out the tube as shown, or by making part of this tube of rubber and regulating the flow by a pinch clamp. If the end of X is cut at


Figure 3

an angle the surface of the water in the bath may be kept absolutely constant; otherwise, there is a small fluctuation in the height of the water level due to the surface tension of the water.