Manheim, 26
Polyethylene. Revised edition of 16page technical bulletin offers recent test and application information. Processing and fabrication data are included with methods for machin ing, finishing, heat sealing, welding, and pipe joining. Chemical and physical properties are considered. {Bull. C-6-216) Dept. IEC, Koppers Co., 7450 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh 79, Pa. 27 Process Equipment. Latest edition of chemical process equipment buy er's guide gives information on cus tom-built process equipment, glassed steel reactors, alloy reactors, col umns, heat exchangers and con densers, evaporation and other proc essing equipment. (Bull. 936) Dept. IEC, Pfaudler Co., 7077 West Ave., Rochester, Ν. Υ. 28 Propionaldehyde. Thirteen-page technical bulletin containing physical properties, specifications, applica tions, and toxicity as well as typical reactions is available. Propional dehyde is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of polyesters and other plastic and resinous com pounds, in addition to many other uses. {Bull. F-407 70) Dept. IEC, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., 30 East 42nd St., New York 77, Ν. Υ. 29 Propylene Diamine. Technical bulletin presents information on uses, physical and physiological proper ties, specifications, shipping data, and constant-boiling mixtures of propylene diamine. T h e chemical is a strong organic base used in the synthesis of chelating and seques tering agents for fuel oil and high octane gasoline. Glyoxalidine derivatives prepared from it are effective corrosion inhibitors and detergents for lubricating oils. As a solvent, propylene diamine is use ful to reclaim gelled baking enamels and styrenated alkyds. (Bull. F-40037) Dept. IEC, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., 30 East 42nd St., New York 77, Ν. Υ. 30 Protective Equipment. Brochure describing apparel and equipment designed for protection against radio active, corrosive, bacterial, and other dangerous material is available. Dept. IEC, Snyder Manufacturing Co., 7458 Fifth St., New Philadelphia, Ohio. 31
A n e x a m p l e o f d e e p d r a w parts m a d e f r o m f u r f u r a l phenolic resins by Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
What You Gain Through Furfural-Phenolics For D e e p D r a w Phenolic M o l d i n g
Molding powders made with a blend of furfural-phenolic and formaldehyde-phenolic resins give long flow plus quick and complete setting at curing temperatures. Unique flow-cure ratios are obtained when you use furfural-phenolics in molding heavy sections and deep draw items. Good finish and high dimensional accuracy are other advantages associated with furfural-phenolics as part of the binder in your molding compounds. For Other Resin
The wetting and saturating ability of furfural-phenolic liquid and powdered resins are also valuable as binders in brake linings and friction elements, and in impregnating cellulosic fibers. The Quaker Oats Company does not manufacture furfural-phenolic resins, but is glad to put you in touch with suppliers. If you have any questions on furfural in reaction with phenol we shall be pleased to do our best to answer them. For more complete information on the characteristics of furfural itself simply write for bulletin 201. 3 3 7 H The Merchandise M a r t , Chicago 5 4 , Illinois Room 5 3 7 H , 120 W a l l St., N e w York 5, N e w York Room 4 3 7 H , M a i n P.O. Box 4 3 7 6 , Portland 8, Oregon
The Quaker Oats Company
In the United Kingdom: Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Billingham, England In Europe: Quaker Oats-Graanproducten, N. V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Quaker Oats (France) S. Α., 3, Rue Pillet-Will, Paris IX, France; A/S " O t a " , Copenhagen, S. Denmark In Australia: Swift & Company, Pty., Ltd., Sydney In Japan: F. Kanematsu & Company, Ltd., Tokyo
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