The Quaker Oats Company

The Quaker Oats Company. CHEMICALS DEPARTMENT. 337T The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, Illinois. Room 537T, 120 Wall Street, New York 5, New York...
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WHAT CAN YOU MAKE OUT OF THIS? This is Q O Levulinic Acid, α particularly interesting chemical with polyfunctional characteristics. For example—it acts both as a carboxylic acid a n d as a ketone. The hydrogen atoms have various degrees of activity. Reactions are possible on the beta o r delta carbon a n d in some instances on the alpha c a r b o n . It cyclizes to heterocyclic forms. It can b e w e l l w o r t h y o u r w h i l e to look into Q O Levulinic A c i d . W r i t e f o r Bulletin 3 0 1 o n Q O Levulinic A c i d a n d a s a m p l e .

The Quaker Oats Company

The Quaker Oats Company CHEMICALS DEPARTMENT 337T The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 5 4 , Illinois Room 537T, 120 Wall Street, N e w Y o r k 5, N e w Y o r k Room 437T, 48 S. E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland 14, O r e g o n Room 6157T, 815 Superior Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio

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