The Quaker Oats Company

a new look at chemical ... Company. CHEMICALS DIVISION. 337X The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, ... Room 537X, 120 Wall Street, New York 5, New York...
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placed there by t h e handlers a t Ross Allen. However, t h e possi­ bility t h a t t h e glass m i g h t break p r o m p t e d t h e researchers t o learn the h a n d l i n g ropes. T h e snakes a r e not fed d u r i n g t h e period of t h e experiments, because they m a k e less poison after being fed. A n d t h e thyroid stimulant makes t h e m extremely p e p p y a n d h a r d t o h a n d l e . T h i s combination—lack of food a n d t h e h o r m o n e injection— adds u p to a very unwieldy labo­ ratory specimen. E.V.A.


QO F U R F U R A L is full of surprises

For Surface Studies Reflected protons give a new look at chemical composition of surfaces

Now coming into its own is a new method of examining surfaces— measuring their chemical composi­ tion with protons bounced off them. The bouncing proton method—· based on the principle that particles in collision conserve momentum—• complements other approaches to surface analysis such as electron diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, and mass spectroscopy. But it does things these others cannot d o ; with it, you can get the actual chemical composition of the surface, its varia­ tion with depth of penetration, and sometimes an idea of its physical properties. Two groups at opposite ends of the country have pioneered this method and brought it to its present state of usefulness—in the East, W. W. Buechner of M I T ; in the West, Sylvan Rubin of Stanford Research Institute. As is so often the case, however, although consid­ erable academic work had already been done, the big push came from the military; Army Ordnance was

H e r e are five little-known though potentially profitable facts a b o u t versatile Q O furfural. C h a n c e s a r e one or m o r e of them will strike a responsive note with y o u . 1 . A furfural phenolic resin cures extra fast by the addition of boric acid and hexamethylenetetramine. 2 . Furfural is heated repeatedly to 450°F. in commercial processes with negligible deterioration. 3 . Furfural is a selective solvent for inorganic materials in addition to its well-known use in refining lube oil, diesel fuel, gas oil,rosin and hydrocarbons. 4 . Zinc chloride dissolves in furfural. 5 . Cellulosic films deposited from furfural are tougher than similar cellulosic films deposited from commonly used solvents.

Wortli looking into, don't y o u think? F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on Q O Furfural and its derivatives, write for your copy of Bulletin 201-A.

The QuakerOatsCompany CHEMICALS

The Quaker Oafs Company


337X The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 5 4 , Illinois Room 537X, 120 Wall Street, N e w York 5 , N e w York Room 437X, 4 8 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland 1 4 , Oregon In t h e United Kingdom: Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Billingham, England In Europe: Quaker Oats-Graanproducten N. V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Quaker Oats (France) S. Α., 3, Rue Pillet-Will, Paris IX, France; A / S " O t a , " Copenhagen, S. Denmark In Australia: Swift & Company, Ltd., Sydney In Japan: F. Kanematsu & Company, Ltd., Tokyo VOL. 50, NO. 8 • AUGUST 1958 27 A