The Qualitative Detection of Sulphur Dioxide in Linseed Oil, Etc

The Qualitative Detection of Sulphur Dioxidein Linseed Oil, Etc.—A rapid and sensitive method fordetecting sulphur dioxide in various oils, by means...
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NOTES. The Qualitative Detectioii of Si1@1izuDioxide in Lizseed Oil, Efc.--A rapid :uid sensitive method for detecliiig sulphur dioxide iii various oils, by iiieaiis of starch iodate paper, has been used hy the writer, Kith snccess for a period of several years. Starch iodate pnpcr is made by inimersiiig filter paper in t h e foiiowing solution, n i i d drying slonly. io0 cc. of boiling distilled water, is added to two gi-ailis of !-taIch, c21'e beiiig taken to prevent luiiips, then 0 . 2 gram of pota. iiii iodate, which has been dissolved in 5 cc. of cold distilled water is added to tlie starch solution. 011testing a suspected sample of linseed oil, or other oils, n.hicli are of a high boiling point, t h e foliowing is t h e most satisfactory method of procedure. I O cc. of the oil is p u t into a test tube, about I j o X 18 inn]. and a strip of tlie iodate paper, which has been slightly moistened half its length, is suspended in t h e mouth of tlic test tube. T h e oil is gradually lieatetl until near the boiling point, w i i m , if sulphur dioxide is present, it will appear itistnntiy, by t h e chnracteristic blue reaction, a t the junction nliere tlie psper has bee11 nioisteiied. 111 t h e case of !ow boiling oils, such as washed petroleum, and coal tar oils, etc., i t is most suitable to cli~till109 cc. in a glass distiliing bulb, using a short Liehi: condenser, 2uid placiiig t h e iiioistened starch iodate paper at t b e elid of t h e condeiisiiig tube. T h e distillation should not be cni-ried 011 t f J o rapid!.. In coiiclusioii, t h e writer would ita:e t h a t very good results mere obtained it1 deteriiiining t h e presence of very slight traces of sulphur dioxide, Ivliich could not be practically determined by any other method. HESRYC.FKEY. 2\21 Keynoids St.. I'hiIr+c~eIpliia,

of- the Comim'ffe~cox S t t r ? z ~ ~ ; 2 ~ n l e t i 2 o d sf lhberA?in&sis of/r072 :A t t h e annual coiivention of the Associatioii in 1905, this committee reported a iiietliod for t h e tleteriiiiiiatioii of silicoii in iron, and last year adt1i.d methods for deterniiniiig total carbon and sulphur. T h e committee iiow adds methods for determining graphitic carbon, riiangaiiese aiid phosphorus, t h u s including all the determinatiorls ustially made on iron in n-liicli occasion for difference between t h e buyer a n d seller is a p t to arisi.. T h i s report will therefore include all t h e methods decided upon. W e would d s o like to call attention t o t h e following quotation from t h e report of r g o j , which indicates tile intentions of these methods. "In rt~oiiiiiientiiiigt h e above iiiethod, it was recognized that it is almost a n impossibility to get chemists to use a staiidard method iii their daily work. Hence t h e above method, as recommended, is intended priui:iril~as a check method in case of dispute between laboratories, or a< ixtivecii buyer aiic! seller. RefloiY

I I:rolri Trniisactioiis of tlie Aiiiericaii F o u t ~ d r ~ ; m e nAssociation, 's I'hiladelphia Coii\rentioii JIay 21?-24,1907.