The Quantitative Analysis of Drugs

3rd Ed. Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, ill. 1964. xiii + 925 pp. ... following three sections are devoted to the quantitative determi- nati...
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:me oinittecl. For the first time 94 new drugs, not previously recognized ofEcially in the U. S., are described. I n general, assay and test procedures reflect. the widespread use of modern analytical techniques and instrumentation. For the first time, gas-liquid chromatography, flame spectrophotonietry, thin layer chromatography, polarography, and A-pH titrimetry are used. The general tests section includes a number of new general procedures for several classes of drugs. Some revisions of interest include a time reduction in time disintegration tests for tablets, a content uniformity test for tablets, and new standards for fill tolerances on creams, ointments, and powders. A section on pharmaceutical preparations gives general discussions of various dosage forms. Synonyms in inonographs have disappeared and some names have changed because of the 1962 amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law, but an alphabetical listing of former synonyms is given. Federal regulations on narcotic drugs are given in t.hc general information section. I3ecause of new information, this new "National Formulary" is atbout 100 pages larger than the last edition. The widened ni:irgius enhance readability, and altogether it is more attractive than the XIth edition. Chemical names for drugs have been replaced m-ith the systematic chemical name used by Chemical Abstracts, which will be a joy to most organic chernist,s. T h e "National Formulary XII" should prove to be a useful guide to pharrnacists and chemists who are concerned with drug standards and control.


\ ~ . \ R l W N E. \YK.iVl i C cites nunierous references anti tho sc'iip(', hititticins, and the r e l a h e merits of various methods. The last section cvnsisting of over 100 pages coiitniris se i~ppendisesamong whicih are included the determinatiori o f \viiter :mti alcohol content, nonaqueous titrltti~)ne,and a brief survey of t he viirious :ipplic-ableinstrumental n-iethods of analysis. Lt'trrt 11 nmitioning i s :in :ippendis desrribing tlie st:itistiral tre:ttiriciit r i f :in:ilyti(xl results and tht. interpretation ( i f iin:i,lytid iliit:~. Teachers n i i d students of ph:irrn:tc.y :is well its c~lrcrnistsiiiteresietl iii tlie ciu:tlit,y c~oiitrola i i d :inaiysis of drugs will find this klOOk USefUl.