The Quenching of Mercury - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Hydrogen Molecules. Kang Yang. Contribution from the Central Research Division, Continental Oil Company,. Ponca City, Oklahoma. Received June 30, 1965...
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The Quenching of Mercury (‘PI) Atoms by Isotopic Hydrogen Molecules Kang Yang

Contribution f r o m the Central Research Division, Continental Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma. Received June 30, 1965 The isotope effect in the quenching of Hg(3Pl) by isotopic hydrogen molecules is investigated by chemical and physical methods. The chemical method utilizes a competition between the reactions NzO HZ

+ Hg* +Nz + 0 + Hg

+ Hg*



+ Hg, etc.

The quenching rate is deduced f r o m the dependence of the quantum yield of nitrogen on [Hz],[ H D ] ,or [D2]. Propane or ethylene is added in the system to avoid the occurrence of the reaction N 2 0 H -+ Nz OH. In the physical method, the intensity of fluorescence, Hg( ”1) + Hg(’S0) hv, is measured at dzxerent [Hz],[ H D ] ,or [Dz],and the quenching rate is calculated on the basis of Stern-VoImer mechanism. The concentration of quencher is kept suficiently low so that the collision broadening of absorption line may be neglected. Even at O”, the vapor pressure of mercury is found to be high enough to cause severe imprisonment of the resonance radiation. Error due to this cause is corrected by an empirical method. Relative quenching cross sections estimated by the two methods are given. A previous report on the reverse isotope effect between the collision eficiency of H2 and DZ is not conjrmed. In the quenching by parafins, D-substitution at the quenching site drastically reduces collision eficiency. Such a drastic reduction is not present in the collision involving isotopic hydrogen molecules. This diyerence is explained by supposing that the quenching by hydrogen molecules proceeds by the formation of a cyclic complex, while in the quenching by parafins the formation of such a complex, involving the bond to be broken, encounters a high potential barrier.




I. Introduction The collision of the second kind between atoms A*+B+A+B*

is most efficient when the following rules are satisfied’; (a) the total spin before and after collision is the same (spin conservation rule)z and (b) the least energy is converted to kinetic energy (resonance energy rule).3 For example, in helium-neon discharge, the spin-allowed transitions are about 1000 times more effective than spin-forbidden transitions, showing the validity of the spin-conservation rule ; in the mercury-sensitized (1) G. Herzberg, “Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure,” Dover Publications, New York, N. Y., 1944, pp. 231, 232. (2) I