The Rate Law for the Forward and Reverse of the Reaction Cr(OH2)6

Nov 15, 2006 - Clarence Postmus, Edward King. J. Phys. Chem. , 1957, 61 (12), pp 1687–1687. DOI: 10.1021/j150558a600. Publication Date: December 195...
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Dec., 1957



VOL. 59, 1955 Clarence Postmus and Edward L. King. The Rate Law for the Forward and Reverse of the Reaction Cr(OHz)e+++ SCN- = Cr(OH& NCS + + HzO.

readhji. Ineq. (3.2.15), x s h o u l d r e a d

Page 1221. In footnote (17), line 2, for “-13 and -14” read “ -9.,, and EDWARD EDWARD L. KING

qp = d(a,)d = (



the right-hand side of eq. (2.2.19), wi w i should read wj wi. Insert a brace, 1, after 2 in the middle part of eq. (3.2.1). On the left-hand side of eq. (3.2.2), hij should


VOL. 61, 1957 Wien Effect in

2 a2sin hela.

In eq. (7.15),


should read


E.I n the first n=l


I n eq. (4.3.3),


= d(ap) =

should read

E.I n eq. i=l




should read Zj

. . . should read 8


Pages 198 ff. The following corrections should be made. I n the second equation of eqs. (3.2), e - W d should read eiWo). I n the second equation of section 4, 9-j should read q - j . I n eq. (6.8) the term 2 a3 sin h-la should read 1


ap) =

E. Ineq.(3.2.21), i=l


d( -aD)=

Lars Onsager and Shoon Kyung Kim. Simple Strong Electrolytes.




At the end of the twelfth line in


the first colum of page (227), xipshould read X P j e In the denominator of eq. (7.2.13), 460 should read 48o.-LARS ONSAQER.

0.D. Bonner and Linda Lou Smith. A Selectivity Scale for Some Divalent Cations on Dowex 50. Page 326. I n col. 1, line 13 from the end, the trade name PAN represents the compound ( 1-( 2-pyridyl-azo)-2-naphtho1.-0. D. BONNER.

term on the right hand side of eq. (9.12), $g(su) should read P g (8”). I n the fifth line on the right-hand column of page . the right-hand column of (213), w218 should read ~ ~ 2 3 On page (214), P ~ z * in the fifth line from the bottom should read PL3*and wz13 in the secnd line from the bottom should read w~~~.-LARS ONSAGER.

E. G. McRae. Theory of Solvent Effects on Molecular Electronic Spectra. Frequency Shifts.

Lars Onsager and Shoon Kyung Kim. Effects in Mixed Strong Electrolytes.

Page 566. I n Eqs. 14 and 14’ for the numerical factor, “2.13 X 10-m” read “2.13 X lO-8O/hc.-E. G. MCRAE.

The Relaxation

Pages 215 ff. The following corrections should be made. I n the first line below eq. (2.2.1),fji(v) should readPji(r). On the right-hand side of eq. (2.2.17), kil should read ki. I n eq. (2.2.19) k i j should read hji. I n the denominator on

Norman E. Weston and David P. Shoemaker. Comment on NasPbal.

A Further

Page 1448. In the title line the formula should read “Na31Pb~.JJ-DAvID P. SHOEMAKER.