of constant improvement creates even better
BECKOSOLS The never-ceasing search for perfection at RCI now brings formulators a far-reaching result. Thanks to refinements in manufacturing procedure a n d control technique, the renowned Beckosol line is n o w better than ever. Today these alkyd resins—bases of the finer industrial a n d architectural surface coatings—are definitely improved in drying speed, water resistance, initial g l o s s , a n d gloss retention. They a r e ready n o w to g i v e y o u the properties y o u expected to g e t postwar! Watch America's largest producer of surface-coating resins for further reports of progress. Research at RCI is forging a h e a d o n all fronts.
REICHHOLD CHEMICALS, INC. General Offices and Main Plant, Detroit 20, Michigan Other Plants: Brooklyn, Now York S Y N T H E T I C RESINS «
Elizabeth, Now Jesey • South San Francisco, California • Tuscaloosa, Alabama CHEMICAL COLORS • INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS •
2 3, N O .
LivoxpooJ, England • Sydaay, Australia INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS