The Reaction of 2-Aminobenzenethiol with Al-doses and with

rotation is negative, [CY]*~D -4.1' in water (c 2), in accord with Levene's rule of rotation .... authors wish to thank. Mr. Edward W. Tracy for prepa...
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Vol. 73

2,2 '-( t-threo- lI2-Dihydroxyethylene)-dibenzimidazole .A mixture of 15 g. (0.10 mole) of L-threaric acid (the common, dextrorotatory tartaric acid), 21.6 g. (0.20 mole) of ophenylenediamine and 44 ml. (0.22 mole) of 5 N hydrochloric acid was heated in an oil-bath at 135 i 5' for 2.5 hours. The resulting dark blue, nearly solid mass was dissolved in 100 ml. of water and the solution made alkaline with aqueous ammonia. The original gummy precipitate became granular overnight and was then filtered and washed thoroughly with water. The air-dried, lilac-colored powder weighed 15.8g. Two extractions with boiling ether removed only a very small amount of soluble material. Boiling methanol was then used t o dissolve a large part of the remaining solid and the dark red solution was decolorized with activated carbon. Concentration of the methanol solution to 200 ml. i n vacuo and the addition of an equal volume of water, followed by refrigeration overnight, yielded a flask full of long needles, with small clusters of compact crystals on top. When the solution was allowed to warm t o room temperature the long needles dissolved and appeared t o be replaced by clusters of tiny needles. After several days the TABLE I product was filtered and dried; it weighed 4.0 g., and an ROTATIONOP BARIUMD-GALA-L-glUfU-HEPTONATE I N additional smaller amount was obtained from the mother liquor. The dibenzimidazole thus prepared was recrystalIICl (c 5 ) Time, min. [a]"D lized four times from methanol. The small, colorless needles began t o discolor when heated to about 260', and 3 - 5.0" showed a definite melting and flowing to a red mass a t about 10 - 6.4 275'; the residue solidified, and a small amount of distilled 30 - 7.9 oil was observed t o crystallize in the melting point tube just above the metal block used in heating the sample. The - 9.1 60 [a]% value was 4-212" in N hydrochloric acid (c 0.8). 120 -10.0 A n d . Calcd. for C16H14N101: C, 65.29; H, 4.79; N, 180 -10.7 19.04. Found: C, 65.48; H,4.91; N, 19.16. 240 -11.0 2,2'-(L-threo-l,2-Dihydroxyethylene)-dibenzimidazoleDi-11.1 300 hydrochloride Dihydrate.-When a solution of the diben480 -11.2 zimidazole in N hydrochloric acid was allowed to evaporate in a current of air the dihydrochloride crystallized readily 1440 (constant) -11.6 as plate-like prisms; it was recrystallized from 95% ethanol Final rotation, calculated as lactone, -16.3' by the addition of pentane. On heating, the dihydrochloride began to turn yellowish a t about 200', then gradually 2-( D-galu-~-gZuco-hepto-1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexahydroxyhexyl)until it melted a t 270' to a red liquid with the benzimidazole.-A solution of 5.9 g. (0.010 mole) of the darkened barium salt just described, 2.4 g. (0.022 mole) of o-phenyl- evolution of gas. A n d . Calcd. for ClsH&0~2HC1.2HpO: C, 47.65; enediamine, 8.8 mI. (0.044 mole) of 5 N hydrochloric acid and 10 ml. of water in a test-tube was heated a t 135 rt 5" I I , 5 00; C1,17.58; K,13.89; HzO, 8.93. Found: C, 47.94; for 2.5 hours. The thick residue was dissolved in hot water, H, 5.17; C1, 17.48; X, 14.12; H20 (100' in vacua), 9.38. decolorized with activated carbon, and the filtered solution Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to thank made alkaline with aqueous ammonia. No crystallization Mr. Edward W. Tracy for preparing the 5-methyloccurred, so the solution was concentrated to a powder and and Dr. William C. the excess o-phenylenediamine removed by several extrac- 2-~-g~uco-benzimidazole, tions with ether. The residue was redissolved in hot water Alford, Miss Paula M. Parisius and Mrs. Evelyn and concentrated in a current of air, the product then sepa- G. Peake for carrying out the microchemical rating as small, granular Crystals which were filtered, washed with, water, and dried at 70" t o yield 3.5 g. with m.p. 185- analyses. The substance was recrystallized first from water by NATIONAL 189 INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITISAND METABOLIC the addition of ethanol to form long needles, and then from DISEASES water alone as clusters of small, radiating needles. This NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH,PUBLIC HEALTHSERVICE benzimidazole is unusual, first, because it is hydrated and FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY, BETHESDA, MARYLAND secondly, because the analyses of the samples dried to conRECEIVED AUGUST9, 1951 stant weight at 20' i n vmuo indicate the presence of only three-quarters of a mole of water. I t was because of the latter circumstance that we prepared the benzimidazole not only from the phenylhydrazide directly but also from The Reaction of 2-Aminobenzenethiol with Aldoses and with Hydroxymethylfurfural the barium salt derived from a sample of carefully purified phenylhydrazide in order t o minimize the possibility that we BY LOUIS SATTLER,'~ F. 1%'. Z E R B A N ,G. ' ~ L. CLARK'^ might have either a mixture or a double compound containAND CHIA-CHEW CHU'~ ing 75% of a monohydrated benzimidazole of D-gala-L-glwuheptonic acid and 25% of the known, anhydrous benzimidaBenzothiazofines are readily formed when 2 zole of D-gala-L-manno-heptonic acid. The melting point of the hydrated benzimidazole varied with the rate of heat- aminobenzenetiiiol reacts with aldehydes2 and it ing, a value of 198' being observed when the compound was was therefore considered that a corresponding reheated slowly from room temperature. Its rotation [a]MD action with aldoses might also take place. We find -13.8' in N hydrochloric acid (c 2) is equivalent to -14.4" that the reaction goes quantitatively with D-manfor the anhydrous compound. Anal. Calcd. for C13H~NzOs.0.75HzO: C, 50.07; H, nose, D-glucose, D-arabinose and with hydroxyF.31; N, 8.99; HzO, 4.34. Found: C, 50.25, 50.36; H , methylfurfural. The formation of thiazolidine 6.18, 6.32; K, 8.78, 9.11, 9.12; H20 (100' in vacuo), 4.11, derivatives of aldoses has been reported by Schu4.28, 4.38. (1) (a) Brooklyn College: (b) New York Sugar Trade Laboratory:

liberated phenylhydrazine was removed from the precipitated benzimidazole by washing the filtered product with alcohol and ether. Barium D-Gala-tghco-heptonate.-Pure wgala-cglucoheptonic phenylhydrazide remaining from an earlier research in this Laboratory" was decomposed by heating with aqueous copper sulfate and the liberated heptonic acid converted t o its barium salt in the usual manner. Kilianill mentioned that this salt is very beautifully crystalline but gave no further details. We found that it crystallizes readily from water in clusters of elongated prisms that are anhydrous when dried in the air a t room temperature. Its rotation is negative, [CY]*~D -4.1' in water (c 2), in accord with Levene's rule of rotation for the salts of aldonic acids.18 For its additional characterization we have measured the mutarotation it undergoes when dissolved in an excess of N hydrochloric acid (Table I). Anal. Calcd. for CtcHzsBaOls: C, 28.61; H, 4.46; Ba, 23.37. Found: C, 28.56; H, 4.48; Ba, 23.18.


(11) R. M. Hann and C. S. Hudson, THISJOURNAL, 69, 548 (1937). (12) H. Kiliani, Ber., 66, 96 (1922). (13) P. A. Levene, J . B i d . Chem.. 23, 143 (1913); 1'. A. Levene a n d C,. M. Meyer, ibid.. 26, 355 (1917).

( c ) University of Illinois: (d) Universily of Illinois, now a t M. W. Kellogg Co., Jersey City, N. J. (2) 11. P. Laukelma and P. X. Sharnoff, THISJOURNAL, 63, 2654 (1931) M T Rogrrt and I3 Naiman, ibid.. 67, 1529 (1935)


Dec., 1951


soluble in pyridine a t room temperature. After standing 3 hours, also^ f39.6' ( c 0.5204, pyridine). Anal. Calcd. for C ~ ~ H ~ ~ O SC,N S50.16; : H, 5.97; N, 4.88. Found: C, 50.33; H , 6.13; N, 4.90. Preparation of 2-(D-gZuco-Pentahydroxentyl)-benzothiazoline.-The reaction with anhydrous D-glucose was carried out as previously. After standing three days at room temperature, the reaction mixture was diluted with an equal volume of 99% isopropyl alcohol, and then put into the refrigerator. At the end of two days, the fluffy solid was removed on a buchner funnel, washed with cold 99% isopropyl alcohol, and recrystallized from that solvent (1 g. in 25 ml. of solvent) in which it is abundantly soluble at elevated temperatures. Beautiful long silky needles were obtained. This compound on analysis showed the presence of one mole C-C-C-C-C-CH20H of isopropyl alcohol of crystallization; [.IUD -9.22' (c 0-N" 1 I H H 1.3184, water). H OHOH Anal. Calcd. for C ~ ~ H ~ ~ O ~ , N S . C I HC,~ O51.85; H: H, In this reaction a new asymmetric center is pro- 7.25: N.4.03. Found: C52.08; H , 7.30: N,4.20. duced on carbon 1 of the aldose, and consequently After heating in an Abderhalden drier forfour hours at the two isomeric compounds should be expected to be temperature of boiling carbon tetrachloride, and at 0.5 mm. produced. However, a t present there is no simple pressure, the compound melted a t 118-119.2'. After 20 -15.6' (c 0.9214, water). way to establish the identities of such substances, minutes Anal. Calcd. for CIZHI~OSNS:N, 4.88. Found: N, and X-ray powder diffraction analysis gives no as- 4.92. sistance in elucidating the exact nature of the obPreparation of Z-(D-avabo-Tetrahydroxybutyl)-benzothiatained products. zo1ine.-The reaction with D-arabinose was carried out exThe aldose benzothiazolines are not only light actly the same way as with n-mannose. The product was sensitive, but they are unstable in water solution. recrystallized from commercial anhydrous methanol; m.p. An aqueous solution of the glucose derivative be- 173-174.2 ' with decomposition. Anal. Calcd. for C11HlsOdNS: C, 51.34; H , 5.88; N, comes turbid on standing exposed to the air. I n a few days a yellow crystalline solid deposits which 5.45. Found: C, 51.65; H, 5.90; N, 5.31. Preparation of 2-[5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furyl]-benzothiaon recrystallization from methanol yields glistening, zo1e.-One gram of hydroxymethylfurfural was added t o a elongated hexagonal plates melting a t 91.7-92.2'. slight excess of 2-aminobenzenethiol dissolved in glacial Analysis shows it to be bis-(2-aminophenyl) disul- acetic acid. On standing two days a t room temperature, fide. The water solution contains 0-glucose which the reaction was complete, and the yield quantitative. The solid was removed on a Hirsch funnel, dissolved in boiling was isolated in the form of its phenylosazone. dilute methanol, and decolorized with activated carbon. Schuberta correspondingly obtained cystine on mild Long white needles were obtained melting a t 171.5-172'. oxidation of his compound. While it is known2 Anal. Calcd. for ClgHgOzNS: C, 62.32; H, 3.92; N, N.6.09. that benzothiazolines are readily oxidized by air to 6.06. Found: C , 61.92;. H,4.11: . Air Oxidation of the D-Glucose Derivative.-A solution of yield benzothiazoles, only hydroxymethylfurfural gave a product which, based on quantitative analy- 2 g. of the compound in 100 ml. of water was placed in a beaker and stirred from time to time. In a few hours the sis, appeared to be the benzothiazole derivative. solution became turbid and, after a few days, a yellow crystalline solid deposited. This was removed by filtration, HC-CH and after air-drying, it was extracted with warm benzene. 'I It The benzene was removed by evaporation, and the crystal()-s >C-C C-CHaOH line residue was twice recrystallized from methanol. Shiny ,-NJ \o/ plates melting a t 91.7-92.2" were obtained. The material had an odor associated with the disulfide obtained from 2Experimental6+jJ aminobenzenethiol, and it gave a negative test for the SH Synthesis of 2 ( D manno Pentahydroxypentyl) benzo- group. With a methanolic solution of silver nitrate, a redt h o l i n e . - T o a solution of l ml. of commercial 2-amino dish-brown precipitate formed. Its properties suggested benzenethiol in 8 ml. of glacial acetic acid was added one that it is bis-(2-aminophenyl) disulfide. gram of &mannose and the mixture was shaken from time to Anal. Calcd. for CV~HIZNZS~: C, 58.03; H, 4.87; N, time a t room temperature in a glass-stoppered erlenmeyer flask. The reaction was practically completed within a 11.28. Found: C, 58.02; H,4.73; N, 10.94. half-hour because the product gave only a faint color test The X-ray diffraction data for this compound are: d (A.) with anthrone.* However, the reaction mixture was per11.30 ( l ) , 6.67 (4), 6.16, 5.71 (5), 5.02 (2). 4.71. 4.35, 4.12, mitted to stand overnight when an additional 15 ml. of gla- 3.85 (3), 3.67, 3.50, 3.20, 2.98, 2.79, 2.70, 2.57, 2.50, 2.39, cial acetic acid was added. The stiff, creamy paste was 2.09. 1.91. 1.86. 1.72. 1.60. 1.53. filtered on a buchner funnel, and the h e crystalline mass The aqueous 'solution from which the disulfide had been was washed with glacial acetic acid and then with cold iso- removed, was concentrated in vacuo to a small volume, and propyl alcohol. The D-mannose derivative was recrystal- treated with a mixture of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride lized from dilute isopropyl alcohol, and on standing in the and sodium acetate. On heating in a water-bath, the charrefrigerator overnight, extremely minute crystals deposited. acteristic phenylosazone of D-ghCOSe was obtained. After They were filtered on a dense fritted glass funnel, and at a recrystallization from ethanol, the osazone was mixed with magnification of 960 X the crystals appeared rectangular, an authentic sample of phenyl-D-glucosazone. There was and were of the order of 0.5-3 microns in length; m.p. 192'. no depression of the melting point. The compound is very sparingly soluble in cold water; The osazone was converted by the method of Hann and soluble in hot. It is insoluble in 99% isopropyl alcohol, ben- HudsonBinto phenyh-ghcosotriazole, m.p. 195'. A mixzene, dioxane and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, but it is ture made with it and authentic material gave no melting point depression. (3) M. P. Schubert, J . B i d . Chcm., 180, 601 (1939). The X-ray powder diffraction data are given in Table I.

berta and by &rend who prepared them by the action of cysteine on simple sugars. Because the benzothiazolines give a negative test for the SH group with sodium nitroprusside, the reaction with D-mannose, for example, presumably goes as follows

- -

(4) (5) (6) (7)



G. Agren, Ensymologio, 9, 321 (1941).

All melting points are uncorrected.

Microanalyses by Clark Microchemical Laboratory. Optical rotations are of little significance due to changing values. (8) L. SPttler and F. W. Zerban. Tat8 JOURNAL, 73, 3814 (1050).

Acknowledgments.-The writers take pleasure in thanking the American Cyanamid Company (9) R. M. Hann and C. S. Hudson, ibid., 66, 735 (1944).



(1) 15.55

(2) 13.55 6.65 5.11 (1) 4.84 4.52 4.18 3.92 (3) 3.31 3.13 2.86 2.74 2.41 2.33 2.21 2.12 2.00

( 4 ) 9.60 7.28 6.17 5.54 5.28 4.95 ( 2 ) 4.45 (3) 4.16 3.86 3.64 3.19 2.81 2.70 2.40



Hydrorymethyl D.Arabinose, furfuraldehyde, d (h.) d (h.)

10.80 8.56 5.37 4.92 4.35 4.00 3.62 3.39 3.20 3.03 2.62 2.23

( 2 )9 . 0 8 (3) 8 . 3 6 7.66 7.06 ( 1 ) 5.83 5.43 5.00 4.51 4.22 3.07 3.69 3.49 3.83 3.21 2.82 2.63

Ix was established as being 6,8-dichloro-2-hydroxy-5-nitroquinoline. Hydrogen in presence of Kaney nickel or metallic tin and hydrochloric acid under the usual conditions served for the reduction of the three nitroquinolines to the corresponding amines. Conditions previously reported for converting certain substituted aminoquinolines into arsonic acids, acetamido and benzamido derivatives3 were employed successfully in preparing derivatives of these amines.

Experimental 6,8-Dichloroquinoline (1).-2,4-Dichloroacetanilide was subjected to a Skraup ring-closure under conditions similar to those reported by Richter and Smith4 for synthesizing certain substituted quinolines; yield 35%; m.p. 103-104°. 6,8-Dichloro-5-nitrequinoline(IV) (A) .-Nitration of 6,8dichloroquinoline under conditions similar to those employed by de Arce, Greene and Cappsa for the nitration of 8-bromo-6-methylquinolinc gave I V in yields of 66-78Oj,; m.D. 125.5-126.5'. Anal. Calcd. for C9H4Cl&O: C1, 29.18; S , 11.53. Found: C1,29.21; N, 11.65. 2.61 (B).-2,4-Dichloro-5-nitroaniline (5.0 g.), arsenic pen2.36 toxide ( 5 . 5 g.j, acetic anhydride (3 ml.), anhydrous glycerol 2.09 (6.9 9.) and sulfuric acid (3.4 ml.) were mixed well and 1.94 heated together under a reflux condenser by means of an oilbath maintained at 155-160' for five hours. The cooled 1.82 mass was poured with stirring into cracked ice-water mixfor the 2-aminobenzenethiol, and Louis Lang of ture and finally filtered. Extraction of the water-washed and dried residue with boiling benzene removed the 6,S-dithe National Sugar Refining Company for the chloro-5-nitroquinoline that was deposited upon evaporahydroxymethylfurfural. tion of the benzene. The crude product was purified by a combination of decolorizing carbon treatments and crystal(10) Numbers in parenthesis indicate relative order of intensities. lizations from 95% ethanol; yield 3 g. SEW YORKSUGAR TRADELABORATORY, INC. 2,4Dichloro-S-nitro&e (III).-2,4-Dichloroa.niline ( 5 N E W YORK, N. Y. RECEIVEDJULY9, 1951 9.) dissolved in fuming sulfuric acid (20% oleum, 50 ml.) was added dropwise, with mechanical stirring, to a solution of sodium nitrate (2.6 g.) in fuming sulfuric acid (20y0oleum, 25 ml.) maiutained a t 0". When an additional 30 minutes Some Derivatives of 6,8-Dichloroquinoline1 had elapsed, the temperature of the system was slowly inBY CHARLESR. SAUNDERS,CLYDEE. SMITH, JR., A \ U credsed to 40' and maintained for 15 minutes. An orangeJULIUS D. CAPPS colored solid formed upon pouring the reaction mixture into cracked ice and water (800 ml.). The acid was neutralized This investigation was conducted as part of a with sodium hydroxide prior to filtering and washing the general study concerning the synthesis and estab- residue with water. A combination of dissolutions in 95% lishment of molecular structures of various pre- ethanol and decolorizing carbon treatments followed by addition of water (30% by volume) gave yellow needles; viously unreported derivatives of quinoline. 2.7 g.; m.p. 107-108". 6,8-Dichloroquinoline (I), as prepared from The molecular structure of I11 as obtained by procedure either 2,4-dicbloraaniline (11) or 2,4-dichloroacet- listed above was verified by deamination according to conanilide by a Skraup ring-closure, was nitrated to ditions reported by Morton and McGookin,6 for changing into 2,3-dinitrotoluene, foIlowed give the same compound obtained from ring- 4-amino-2,3-dinitrotoluene by reduction of the resultiug 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene with closure of 2,4-dicbloro-5-nitroaniline2 (111). I11 tin and hydrochloric acid to 2,4-dichloroaniline and bromiwas produced by nitrating I1 with a solution of nation in hydrochloric acid solution (sp. gr. 1.19) to give 6sodium nitrate in fuming sulfuric acid (20% bromo-2,4-dichloroaniline. 6,8-Dichloro-l-methyl-Z-quinolone (V) .-6 ,&Dichlorooleum) ; its structure was verified by removing the quinoline (40 g.) was converted into V (43 g., m.p. of crude, amino grouping prior to reduction and subsequent 8G-86') according to modifications of conditions employed bromination to yield 6-bromo-2,4-dichloroaniline, by de Arce, Greene and Capps3 for synthesis of 8-bromowhich was also obtained by brominating an au- 1,6-dimethyl-2-quinolone. Dimethyl sulfate (100 ml.) acted upon 6,8-dichloroquinoline a t 140-150° (temperature thentic sample of 11for comparison purposes. of oil-bath) for three hours and oxidation with potassium An authentic sample of 2,6,8-trichloro-5-nitro- ferricyanide was conducted a t 60-65'. quinoline (VII), synthesized from Ci,S-dichloro-5Super-heated steam distillation of some of the crude quinolone gave a solid in distillate that was analyzed. nitrquinoline via 8,8-dichloro-l-methyl-5-nitro-2Anal. Calcd. for CloH+212nTO: N, 6.14. Found: N, quinolone, was shown to be the same as the direct nitration-product of 2,6,8-trichloroquinoline (VI). 6.33. 2,6,S-Trichloroquinoline (VI).-Crude 6,&Dichloro-1Since the hydrolysis of VI1 gave the same com- methyl-2quinolone (21 g.) was converted into VI (12.7 g., pound as obtained by the nitra€ion of 6,8-dichloro- m.p. 165-166') by treatment with phosphorus pentachlo2-hydroxyquinoline (IX), which resulted from the ride according to the procedure of Perkin and Robinson6 for

hydrolysis of VI, the chief nitration-product of

(1) Condensed in part from a thesis presented by Clyde E. Smith, Jr , to the Graduate School of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (2) See C. A , 6, 1270 (1911).

(3) H. Diaz de Arce, J. I,. Greene, Jr., and J, D. Capps, THIS 72, 2971 (1930). (4) F, Richter and 0 . F. Smith, i b i d . , 66, 396 (1944). ( 5 ) A. Morton and A. McGookin, J . Chctn. SOC.,910 (1934). (6) W. 13. Perkin and R. Robinson, i b i d . , 103, 1977 (1913).