The Reaction of Fluorine with Copper and Some of ... - ACS Publications

The Reaction of Fluorine with Titanium, Zirconium and the Oxides of Titanium(IV), Zirconium(IV) and Vanadium(V). Journal of the American Chemical Soci...
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Zirconium was determined by precipitation with mnndelic acid after slow solution in sulfuric acid.' Anal. Calcd. for ZrF,: Zr, 54.6. Found: Zr, 53.7, 54.4, 55.0. Vanadium was determined by precipitation with cupferron.8 Fluoride was determined by thorium nitrate titration after separation by distillation.$ The original sample was fused with sodium hydroxide, treated Lvith water, filtered, and the filtrate dktilled. Anal. Calcd. for VOF3: I', 41.1; F, 10.0, Found: V, 42.2, 41.1, 40.7; F , 45.0. (7) C. A. Kumins, A n a l . Chem.. 19, 37G (1947). ( 8 ) G. E. F. Lundell, J. I. Hoffman and H. A. Bright, "Chemical Analysis of Iron and Steel," John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, PI'. Y., 1931, p. 78. (9) W. R . Huckabay, E. T. Welch and A . 5'. l l e t l e r , A ? z d Cizem. 19, 154 (1947).


The Reaction of Fluorine with Copper and Some of its Compounds. Some Properties of CopperiII) Fluoride BY H . M. HAEYDLER, L. H. TOTTLE, E r.BFUUSTI IV.L. PATTERSOU, JR. RECEIVEDSOVEJIBER 10, 1953


The action of fluorine on copper and several of its compounds is summarized in Table I. Copper(I1) fluoride was formed in all cases.





I l l






I Ill

Fig. 1.-AX-Ray pattern comparison for Cu20 fluorination: 1, CupO; 2, CuO; 3, CuF,; 4, CupO F l a t 200"; 5, Cu.0 F P a t 250"; 6, Cur0 F2 a t 325".


Vol. 713




The Density of Copper(I1) Fluoride.-The density of copper(I1) fluoride has been reported2 as 4.23 g./cc., under somewhat ambiguous circumstances. The density of copper(I1) fluoride, determined pycnonietrically in benzene, xws 4% f 0.05 g./cc. The Melting Point and Thermal Behavior of Copper(I1) Fluoride.-The melting point of copper(I1) fluoride has been reported3 as 630 f 5", in (1) Research supported b y the Research Corporation and the Atomic Energy Commission. (2) F. Ebert and H. Woitinek, 2. anorg. Chem., 210, :'OY (1933). (3) H. VOII Wartenberg, i b i d . , P41, 381 (1939).


cu CU?O

Maximum conversion.

70 53

Temp., OC.

500 150-325 325-500 300-500 25-450 100-550 200-550 25-550 25-550 160-550



a b

c .. 65 d 98 e -100 -100 f 5-100 R cus -100 h -100 CUSOl Resistant fluoride coating at lower temperatures, fusion and volatilization at higher. X-Ray patterns showed CuO in CwO, CuO and CuFz in mixture; see Fig. 1. mixture began to react a t about 300". Three refluorination5 reduced bromide content t o < 0.15%. e Chloride preieiit a t 325', absent a t 550' after refluorination. f 94% convcrzion at 325", chloride absent at 550' after refluormation. 0 84% conversion a t room temperature with undiluted fluorine; diluted fluorine gave 5 , 20 and 63%, Rith X-ray patterns showing only Cu2S and CuFP. Refluorination at XiOO gave sulfide-free product. 4y0 conversion a t 15O0, 20yo a t 250°, 74% a t 3%'; sulfate-free after refluorination a t 550".

CUO CuBr? CUCl CUC1, cu2s

an atmosphere of hydrogen fluoride. In a nitrogen or helium atmosphere the fluoride melted a t 785 + 10". Considerable volatilization occurred below the melting point, and it was possible to vaporize samples completely a t 850' in several hours. Powder patterns of various melts prepared by rapid heating in helium to 900-1000° showed only copper(1I) fluoride lines. It was not possible to locate any lines due to metallic copper, although the position of these lines is not too favorable for distinction from the fluorides. This is in contrast to the reported formation of copper(1) fluoride3 and subsequent disproportionation to copper and copper(I1) fluoride. The reactivity of the molten fluoride makes satisfactory study difficult, but an attempt was made to follow thermal changes by means of differential thermal analysis.* Runs with calcium fluoride and quartz powder as the supporting medium showed an endothermic peak a t 770°, an exothermic peak a t 7SOo,and a gradual, but very marked, endothermic change to S70-0OO0. This pattern suggests the possibility that copper(I1) fluoride melts a t 7T0', decomposes a t 780", and that its decomposition product melts near 900'. At higher temperatures only calcium fluoride remained in the cell. It was found that copper(I1) fluoride reacted readily with nickel in helium at 900-950". X-Ray powder patterns of the product showed only lines of copper and nickel(11) fluoride, in approximately equivalent amounts. The Powder Pattern of Copper(I1) Fluoride.The crystal structure of copper(I1) fluoride has been reported as the cubic fluorite type by Ebert and IToitinek, although voa n'artenberg3 believed i t to be of lower symmetry. X-Ray powder patterns have been made of the product of each reaction discussed above, and they are identical, reG

Kelley, Geology Department, ( $ ) \\'e are indebted tu DdIlford I l a 7 s a r b m P t t n J m t t t u t e s>f -I et.knolc,gy, f o r these thktmal analyses.


April 20, 1954


gardless of the method of preparation. The pattern is not that of a cubic substance. Ebert and Woitinek prepared their material by treating massive copper with a mixture of chlorine and fluorine a t 350°, assuming the layer adjacent t o the copper to be copper(1) fluoride. No other experimental details or analyses of the preparations are given. The copper(1) fluoride is given as having the zincblende structure, F a m , T:, with a0 = 4.26 A.; the copper(I1) fluoride, Fm3m, Ok, a. = 5.41 A. The interplanar spacings for each of these structures have been calculated from these data and are shown in Table 11. For comparison, the larger interplanar spacings found for copper(I1) fluoride in this research are given, as are the values for copper(1) oxide and copper(1) chloride. The reported structure for copper(1) fluoride was apparently based on measurements of a red copper(1) oxide layer formed on the massive copper, possibly by contaminated gas or by air exposure on cooling. The structure of copper(I1) fluoride was apparently based on measurements made with a white copper(I) chloride deposit.

of copper( 11) chloride.7 Anhydrous copper( 11) chloride was prepared by dehydration of the dihydrate in the reactor furnace a t 300" in nitrogen. Copper(1) sulfide was prepared by reduction of copper( 11) sulfide with arsenic(II1) oxide,8 the treatment being repeated. Two forms of the sulfide have been reported, the formula often approaching CugSj.g Analysis showed a high sulfur content so the material was heated in nitrogen a t 550". The product gave a powder pattern similar to that for a-CUZS,the high chalcocite form of Buerger and Buerger. Anal. Calcd. for CUZS:Cu, 79.85. Found: Cu, 80.11. The copper(I1) sulfide was prepared by precipitation with hydrogen sulfide from an acidified copper(I1) sulfate solution.8 The precipitated sulfide was extracted with carbon disulfide to remove free sulfur and stored under nitrogen. Anal. Calcd. for CuS: Cu, 66.46. Found: Cu, 65.74,



3.22 2.82 2.66 2.53 2.39 2.28 2.21 2.04 1.82 1.77 1.69 1.66 1.64 1.61

1.51 1.44 1.42 1.38 1.32

Relative intensity I/ID

100 25 35 8 15 8 8 3 18 15 18 15 13 20 3 13 8 10 8

CUPS (Ebert and Woitinek) d , A.

3.12 2.70 1.91 1.63 1.56 1.35 1.24 1.21 1.10 1.04

CuCP d , A.

3.12 2.70 1.91 1.63

.. 1.35 1.24

.. 1.10 1.04

CuF (Ebert and Woitinek) d , A.

2.46 2.13 1.51 1.28 1.22 1.06 0.98 .95 .86 .82

CulOa d , A.

2.45 2.12 1.51 1.28 1.23 1.07 0.98 .95 .87 .82

It has been possible to pick out of the solidified copper(11) fluoride melt small crystalline fragments of clear, colorless fluoride. Weissenberg photographs of these crystals have been taken and show the copper(I1) fluoride to be monoclinic. Experimental The fluorination apparatus and techniques were the same as those used previously.B The copper metal used was heated a t about 350' in hydrogen for two hours prior to fluorination. Stock C.P. copper oxides and bromide were used. Copper(1) chloride was freshly prepared by reduction

65.78,65.70. C.P. anhydrous copper(I1) sulfate was heated in the reactor furnace in nitrogen a t 250" immediately prior to fluorination. Copper was determined as anthranilate, after digestion with nitric or sulfuric acid, on samples from sulfide and sulfate fluorinations. All transfers involving fluoride were made in a dry-box; the anhydrous fluoride is extremely hygroscopic. Anal. Calcd. for CuF2: Cu, 62.58. Found: (Cu2S f FP)Cu, 63.08, 63.03. Found: (CuSO, 4- F*)Cu, 62.91,

63.08,62.91. The melting point was determined by the technique used for cadmium and zinc fluorides, using, however, a horizontal 28 mm. diameter combustion tube wound with 22-gage nichrome wire. The samples were placed in 3 platinum boat and the calibrated chromel-alumel thermocouple placed directly above the sample. Nitrogen was purified by pyrogallol, dried with anhydrone and passed over copper turnings a t 350". Helium was used after traces of oxide were found in the fused samples. The thermal analysis apparatus used was that described by Whitehead and Breger.Io Samples for powder photographs were sealed in Pyrex capillaries or coated on Pyrex fibers, followed by dipping in Formvar solution for protection against moisture. Copper radiation was used with a nickel filter. (7) W. C. Fernelius, Ed., "Inorganic Syntheses," Vol. 11, McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., New York, N.Y., 1946, p. 1. (8) L. Vanino, "Handbuch der Prkparativen Chemie," Vol. I, Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1925, p. 512. (9) M.J. Buerger and N. W.Buerger, A m . Mineral. 39, 55 (1944). (IO) W. L. Whitehead and I. A. Breger, Science, 111, 279 (1950).


The Reaction of Fluorine with Tin, its Oxides and Sulfides' BY H. M. HAENDLER, S. F. BARTRAM,W. J. BERNARD AND D. KIPPAX 10, 1953 RECEIVEDNOVEMBER

A study has been made of the action of fluorine on tin, tin(I1) oxide, tin(1V) oxide, tin(I1) sulfide and tin(1V) sulfide similar to that reported with zinc and nickel.2 Mossy tin reacts completely with fluorine above 190°, forming the tetrafluoride. There is no visible reaction of fluorine with tin(I1) oxide a t 150'. Reaction occurs a t 200°, with two distinct layers of product being formed over the black oxide substrate. The top layer is tin(1V) fluoride, the lower is tin(1V) oxide, as shown by X-ray powder pat-

(5) X-Ray Diffraction Data Cards, American Society for Testing (1) Research supported by the Research Corporation and the Atomic Materials, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Energy Commission. (6) H. M. Haendler, W. L. Patterson, J r . , and W. J. Bernard, THIS (2) € M. I. Haendler, W. L. Patterson, Jr., and W. J. Bernard, T H I a JOURNAL, 74, 3167 (1952). JOURNAL, 74, 3187 (1952).