The Reactions of Perfluoro-n-propyl Radicals with Hydrogen and Deuterium. Glenn H. Miller, E. W. R. Steacie. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1958, 80 (24), pp 648...
Pritchard and J. K. Foote longer observed. The -electron interaction may per- sist after the amino group is complexed, but its effect upon the spectrum is not ...
Determination of Atmospheric Lifetimes via the Measurement of OH Radical Kinetics. Michael J. Kurylo and Vladimir L. Orkin. Chemical Reviews 2003 103 (12), ...
At 200°, similar substrates give 1,2-dithiole-3-. Thiolethiones appear thione~,~' as in equation S. I< CII CII C'fl to have exceptional stability, ?' arid may arise by.
Heterogeneous reactions of hydrogen atoms and methyl radicals with a diamond surface in the 300-1133 K temperature range. Lev N. Krasnoperov, Ilia J.
May 1, 1991 - ... hydrosulfide, and sulfide: formation of SO2-, HSSH-, HSS.2- and HSS. ... Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002 124 (39), 11781- ...
1982, 86, 1588-1590 geometry gave an energy of -259.2822 hartree,identical with that previously determined for the 12-configuration. 3B3u wave function when ...
are hydrogen donors and olefinic or aromatic compounds which are methyl radical ... thermore, it is shown that for acceptors of methyl radicals which are ...
[CONTRIBUTION FROM THE MlCHELsoN LAB., u. s. NAVAL OKDNANCE TEST. STATION]. Reactions of CD, Radicals with the Butenes. BY JAMES R.
5, 1952. REACTIONS OF METHYL RADICALS WITH ACETONE. 6005. [CONTRIBUTION ... An extensive study of reactions of the type. RH + .CH, --f R* + CHI .... the rate of formation of GHP, + CHI. -d(peroxide)/dt ... :j(i ri: 1 kcal./mole, and the ...
At 200°, similar substrates give 1,2-dithiole-3t h i o n e ~ , ~as' in equation S. Thiolethiones appear I