The relative energies of molecular orbitals for second-row

and retain only the symmetry significant-symbols: a, n, g, u. MO's are obtained by ... of the MO's (zero-overlap approximation) is given in Figure. 2:...
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The Relative Energies of Molecular Orbitals for Second-Row Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules The Effect of s-p Mixing Albert Haim

State University of New York, Stony Brook. NY 11794 The molecular orbital (MO) treatment of bonding is now well-ingrained in introductory chemistry courses withmost elementary textbooks presenting MO diagrams for the second-row homonuclear diatomic molecules. Two diagrams are usually presented: one for the later elements

Atomic Orbitals

Molecular Orbitals

Atomic Orbitals

(oxygen and fluorine) and one for the earlier elements (boron through nitrogen). Unfortunately, the later diagrams are almost invariably incorrect. The purpose of the present contribution is to point out the error and to rectify it.

Atomic Orbitals

Molecular Orbitals

Atomic Orbitals

Figure 1. Relative energies of 2s and 2p AO's and of resulting a and n: MO's. (a) Negligible s-p, mixing, correct diagram. (b) Substantial s-p,

mixing, incorrect diagram (see text).

Volume 68 Number 9 September 1991


Negligible s-pz mixing


s-pz mixing

Figure 2. Effect of s-p, mixing on relative energies of MO's, correct diagram. (a)Negligibles-p,mixing. (b)Substantials-p,mixing. When mixing is important, some bonding and antibonding relationships are poorly defined. Then it is preferable to delete the b and 'superscripts and retain only the symmetry significant-symbols:a, n, g, u. MO's are obtained by linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCA07s).For the second-row elements, the AO's of interest are Zs, Zp,, 2p,, and Zp,. These combine to yield eight MO's designated a2(2s), au*(2s), a,b(Zp,), a.*(Zp,), a,b(2p,), %b(2pY),ag*(2p,), and ag*(2p,). The a and a designations apply to MO's which are symmetric and antisymmetric, respectively, in rotation about the internuclear axis (the z coordinate). The g and u subscripts refer to symmetric and antisymmetricMO's, respectively, for inver-

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'De Kock, R. L.; Gray, H. B. ~hernicaj~tructure and Bonding; Benjamin-CumminsCo: Menlo Park, CA, 1980;p 227. 2Douglas, B.; McDaniel, D. H.; Alexander, J .J. Concepts and ModelsoflnorganicChemisty, 2nd ed;Wiley: New York, 1983;p 135.


Journal of Chemical Education

sion about the center of the molecule. The b and * superscripts indicate whether the MO is bonding or antibonding (with concentration or depletion of electron density in the internuclear reeion. resoectivelv). Finallv. the A 0 used in the construction of the MO is &en in pa;knthesis. Bonding MO's constructed h m 2s and 2p, AO's have the same symmetry (a,). Similarly, the corresponding antibondine MO's also have the same svmmetrv " (a,.). . ". Afundamentaraxiom of quantum theory ;s that orbitals of the same smmetrv will mix. The extent of mixine d e ~ e n d on s the refative energies of the orbitals. With a Tar& energy difference. mixing is nedieible. but it becomes imoortant as the energies oflthe o r h k s come closer together:^^ the relative energies of s and D, AO's varv across the oeriodic table,'sodoeHthe extent of&ingbet&een&?s) &da(o(2) MO's. Thus, two different MO diagrams are obtained. One diagram applies to O2and F2whepe mixing is unimportant (large difference in energy between 2s and 2p, AO's), and the other applies to BP,C2,and N2where mixingis substantial (smaller differencein energy between 2s and 2pzAO's). The diagrams usually encountered in textbooks are given in Figure l a (no s-p, mixing) and l b (s-p, mixing). Figure l a shows that the bondine and antibondine are svm" MO's ~~~-~ metrically placed above agd below the component ~O's.?he enerw -" relationshios between AO's and MO's deoicted in Figure l a are given correctly in most textbooks and are based on the zero-overlap approximati~n.~ The problem arises when s-p, mixing is included. The diagram given in most textbooks is shown in Figure lb. Apparently, the diagram for no s-p, mixing (Fig. l a ) bas its a2(2pZ)and n,b(2p,), a,b (2py levels interchanged. There are two problems with the resulting incorrect diagram. First, symmetry considerations require that rr MO's be unaffected by s-p, mixing; only a MO's change in energy. Second, by lowering the level of the bonding nb MO's and leaving the a* MO's unchanged, when compared with the 2pzand 2p,AO's, the bondingx MO's are lowered more than the antibondingrr MO's are raised. This energyrelationship is, of course, incorrect. With the zero-overlap approximation, bonding and antibonding MO's are lowered and raised equally? If overlap is included, the antibonding MO is raised more than the bonding MO is lowe~ed.~ The bonding MO will never be lowered more than the antibonding MO is raised. The correct effect of s-p, mixing on the energies of the MO's (zero-overlapapproximation) is given in Figure 2: a,b(2s) and aU*(2s)MO's are lowered; a2(2pz) and am*(2p,)are raised; and rr orbitals are unchanged. Acknowledgment The author is grateful to Professor Joe Lauher for illuminating discussions and critical reading of several drafts of the manuscript.