the relative proportions of deuterium in some ... - ACS Publications

THE RELEASE OF SUPERCOOLING IN CRYOSCOPIC. DETERMINATIONS. Sir: The freezing point method of determining molecular weights is one of our...
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July, 1934



the electrolysis of sodium sulfate and sulfuric acid solutions produces oxygen with a greater proporl6than is present in the water electrohTELSON TIT. TAYLOR tion of 0 DEPARTMENT OF CERAMICS SANDPORD S. COLE lyzed, Lewis and Macdonald [J. Chem. Physics, PENNSYLVANIA STATECOLLEGE STATECOLLEGE, PA. 1, 341 (1933)l reported that no concentration of RECEIVED JUNE 22, 1934 01* was found when deuterium was concentrated by the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide solutions T H E RELEASE OF SUPERCOOLING IN CRYOSCOPIC with nickel electrodes. Their method of analysis DETERMINATIONS may not have been sensitive enough, however, to Sir : have detected small shifts in the isotopic compoThe freezing point method of determining sition of the water. We have electrolyzed 5% molecular weights is one of our most useful pro- sodium hydroxide solutions with nickel electrodes cedures and the freezing point lowering of solution and compared the density of water produced by is of great theoretical importance. The precise burning this oxygen in purified tank hydrogen determination of a freezing point may be obtained with that of water produced by burning air in the by supercooling the liquid or solution under suit- same hydrogen. The water from the electrolytic able conditions and releasing the supercooling to oxygen proved to be 7.7 p. p. m. lighter than Camallow the system to come to equilibrium. The bridge tap water and that from the air burned in exact freezing point is determined in this way. the same hydrogen 1.1 p. p. m. heavier. Our reThe release of the supercooling without too great sults thus agree with those of Washburn, Smith supercooling has always been a difficult matter and Frandsen in indicating a small but definite but we have found that a little glass bead may be separation of the oxygen isotopes. cooled on a cake of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) THECHEMICAL LABORATORIES OF CHARLES H. GREENE COLLEGE AND ROGERJ. VOSKUYL and then introduced into the system and so re- RADCLIFFE HARVARD UNIVERSITY leasing the slightest amount of supercooling. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. RECETVED JUNE25, 1934 Ordinary glass beads 3 mm. in diameter with 0.5 mm. bore may be wet with solvent or liquid and placed on the cake of dry ice for a few minutes and then with forceps may be transferred rapidly THE RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF DEUTERIUM IN SOME NATURAL HYDROGEN COMPOUNDS to the supercooled liquid. At ordinary laboratory temperatures the little core of ice will not Sir : melt in thirty seconds or more, so there is ample The interesting obscrvations of Lewis [THIS time. The suitably cooled bead, quite free of ice, JOURNAL, 55, 3503 (1933) 1 upon the antigerminawill also release supercooling as it may be intro- tive property of deuterium oxide led us to invesduced into the system while a t a very low tempera- tigate the isotopic composition of the hydrogen ture. If the bead is placed in the closed end of a utilized by plants in the synthesis of organic comthin-walled tube i t may be cooled on dry ice and pounds with an expectation of finding a preferrapidly rolled into the supercooled system. We ence for protium in the biological synthesis. We have readily released liquids or solutions super- find, however, in common with others who have cooled only 0.04’ and with experience a super- reported upon parallel investigations [E. W. cooling of as little as 0.01’ is feasible. This Washburn and E. R. Smith, Science, 79, 188 should be of importance in determining the true (1934); M. Dole, THISJOURNAL, 56, 999 (1934)l since we began our work, that in some natural freezing point of dilute solutions. FRICKCHEMICAL LABORATORY DAVIDE. KENYON sources deuterium is more abundant than in ordiPRINCETON UNIVERSITY GEORGE A. HULETT nary water. PRINCETON, N. J. In our experiments “Mazola” corn oil was RECEIVED JUNE23, 1934 burned in dried air and the products of combustion passed over hot copper oxide before conTHE SEPARATION OF THE OXYGEN ISOTOPES densing the water. Natural gas from northern Sir: Pennsylvania was burned in air of such low huAlthough Washburn, Smith and Frandsen midity that any admixture of the water formed [Bur. Standards J . Res., 11, 453 (1933)] state that with ordinary water was negligible. After care-

Details of measurement and crystal structure data will be given in another publication.



ful purification by standard methods, the samples of water were treated with a small amount of barium hydroxide and twice distilled in vacuum. The final distillation in vacuum in which the water was evaporated without ebullition and passed through a meter of tubing to the measuring cell was found to effect considerable separation of the isotopic species present. The vacuum distillations were therefore carefully controlled and the densities measured were corrected to correspond to the rejection of equal light and heavy fractions. The corrections were all less than four parts in ten million. The vacuum distillation train was constructed with traps which could be closed by freezing plugs of ice in them so that the water which was measured came in contaxt with nothing but Pyrex glass. In the distillations a t atmospheric pressure care was taken to reject small, nearly equal, light and heavy fractions. Densities were measured by determining the pressure required for floating equilibrium of a thick-walled Pyrex float a t 3.98'. The float was calibrated by means of a small glass rider.

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Pressure was applied through water-filled capillaries to avoid the solution of air in the sample being measured. In twelve experiments to determine the equilibrium pressure in a standard sample prepared from Cambridge tap water the average deviation from the mean was equivalent to an error of one part in ten million in the density. Our method resembles that used by Gilfillan in determining the isotopic composition of sea water [E. S. Gilfillan, THISJOURNAL, 56, 406 (1934)l. I n essential agreement with his results we found surface sea water collected a mile off shore a t Gloucester, Mass., to have a density greater than Cambridge tap water by 1.8p. p. m. The water from the corn oil proved to have a density greater than ordinary water by 4.9 * 0.1 p. p. m. (two experiments) and that from natural gas, a density greater by 5.7 * 0.3 p. p. m. (four experiments). CHEMICAL LABORATORTES OF CHARLES H. GREENE RADCLIFFE COLLEGE AND ROGERJ. VOSKUYL HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASS. RECEIVEDJUNE 25, 1934

NEW BOOKS Annual Survey of American Chemistry. Vol. V[II, 1933. Edited by CLARENCE J. WEST, Director, Research Information Service, National Research Council. Published for National Research Council by The Chemical Catalog Company, Inc., 330 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y., 1934. 403 pp. 13.5 X 21.5 cm. Price, $4.50. The method adopted in reviewing the recent literature is the same as that used in the last volumes of the Annual Survey. The authors are well known in their several fields and have described the new work as fully as is possible in the limited space available. The policy adopted last year of covering only a part of the published work makes it desirable to list the fields reported on in the present volume. They are as follows: Theories of Solutions, Kinetics of Homogeneous Gas Reactions, Subatomic Phenomena, Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry, Colloids, Contact Catalysis, Structure Determination by X-Ray and Electron Diffraction, Electrochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Compressed Gases, Aliphatic Compounds, Carbocyclic Compounds, Heterocyclic Compounds, Pharmaceuticals, Biochemistry, Ferroiis Metals in 1932 and 1933, Insecticides and Fungicides, Chemistry of the Silicates, Ceramics, Petroleum Chemistry and Technology, Cellulose and Paper, Leather, Paints, Rub-

ber, Gaseous Fuels During 1932 and 1933. The book continues to be of great value to one who desires to obtain in a short time a general view of the advances made in Chemistry in America. It is also of value to the specialist as a source of references. JAMES F. NORRIS Manuel de Chimie Analytique Qualitative MinBrale. (Manual of Inorganic Qualitative Analysis.) By P. WENGER, D . S . , Professor of Analytical Chemistry, and G. GUTZEIT, Lecturer, University of Geneva. Librairie Georg et Cie., GenPve, 5, Corraterie, Switzerland, 1933. 496 pp. 13 X 19.5 cm. Price, argent Suisse frs. 16. This manual is similar in arrangement to most of the American texts but is much more extensive. The first part is devoted to a brief discussion of the fundamental principles of general chemistry. The second part gives the most important characteristic reactions, with the equations, of the common cations and anions, and also those for the rare metals. The third part of the book is devoted to the systematic analysis of materials, including the different types of preliminary tests. Tables, showing the procedure for the detection of the common cations and anions, are also included. The last part is devoted