The Role of Fundamental Mechanistic Studies in Practical Service Life

Nov 21, 2001 - Such fundamental mechanistic studies are playing an increasingly important role in coating development and practical service life predi...
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Chapter 9

The Role of Fundamental Mechanistic Studies in Practical Service Life Prediction 1

David R. Bauer and Karlis Adamsons


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Ford Motor Company, Research Laboratory, MD3182, 2101 Village Road, Dearborn, MI 48121 Marshall Research and Development Laboratory, DuPont Automotive, 3401 Grays Ferry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19146 2

Chemical and physical measurements of coating degradation and stabilization have played a key role in gaining a fundamental understanding of coating failures. Such fundamental mechanistic studies are playing an increasingly important role in coating development and practical service life prediction. For the coating supplier, fundamental studies provide insights into how to develop new resins and select new additives to produce formulations with improved performance. The fundamental approach can drastically shorten coating development time by providing quick direction as to trends in performance. For the coating user, fundamental studies have improved test protocols, provided direction in setting performance goals, and helped ensure robust application procedures. The end result is reducing the risk of in-service failure and improving the performance/cost ratio.

Introduction Over the past 20 years, a significant effort has been made to develop an understanding of the critical factors that control coating failures. Fundamental studies of chemical and physical changes have provided much insight into how and why coatings fail . For example, studies of ultraviolet light absorber (UVA) loss have led to an understanding of basecoat/clearcoat delamination . Other studies including ESR measurements of HALS nitroxide concentration, FTIR measurements of crosslink scission and oxidation, and NMR measurements of polymer end-group concentrations have provided insights into why some coating formulations weather faster than others " . As we will show, such fundamental studies are finding increasing practical applications for both coating suppliers as well as users. Coating l





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In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

163 suppliers are using the fundamental studies to develop improved coatings and to reduce product development time. Coating users are using the studies to select more appropriate accelerated tests and to align performance specifications with customer satisfaction targets. In this paper, we first describe the most common coating weathering failures and discuss limitations of conventional weatherability testing. We then describe a number of the fundamental techniques that have been used to study coating failure and discuss how the knowledge gained from those studies has been used to improve both coating development and service life prediction capabilities.

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Automotive Weathering Failures and Conventional Testing There are two basic types of automotive coating technologies that have been used over the past several years, monocoats and basecoat/clearcoats. Monocoats contain (highly dispersed) pigment particles in the top coating layer to achieve the desired color. As monocoats weather, the polymers in the monocoat erode away exposing pigment particles, which leads to a loss of gloss and ultimately chalking. Pigments and colorants may also degrade leading to color change or fade. Gloss loss and fade occur gradually during service life. These phenomena all occur at the very top layer of the coating and can be repaired by waxing and/or polishing. In basecoat/clearcoats, a clear polymer layer protects the pigmented basecoat. Gloss loss and color fade tend to be much slower in basecoat/clearcoats versus monocoats. Basecoat/clearcoats can ultimately fail by abrupt cracking or delamination of the clearcoat from the basecoat. Cracking and delamination require repainting, an expensive process. Cracking can also occur in monocoats, however, by the time cracking occurs, the coating is so dull that it would likely be considered to have already failed. It is also possible for the topcoat system (monocoat or basecoat/clearcoat) to peel off of the primer. This can occur if there is sufficient light transmitted through the topcoat and if the primer is sufficiently sensitive to that light. Such delaminations would also require repainting to restore appearance. Both coating types are also susceptible to damage by acid rain. In the case of monocoats, both etching and color changes can occur. In the case of basecoat/clearcoats, clearcoat etching can be observed. Traditionally, automotive paint/coating systems have been exposed outdoors in USA climates such as those found in Florida and Arizona. Florida represents a climate that is hot and humid, while Arizona represents a climate that is hot and dry. A specific location in Florida (Jacksonville) is used to evaluate the effects of acidic depositions on paint films. Although such climates are useful in providing a good approximate worse case of what to expect elsewhere in the continental USA, many years are required (especially for basecoat/clearcoats) before appearance changes are apparent. As a result, a variety of accelerated exposure conditions are used to evaluate coatings. In order to induce failures in as short a time as possible, accelerated tests often include exposure conditions that cannot occur in service. For example, the radiation used (i.e., QUV lamps, Xenon arc lamps, carbon arc, etc.) does not accurately represent solar radiation encountered at the earth's surface, particularly in the UV range. Certain coating

In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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164 chemistries are particularly sensitive to UV light below 295 nm and tests that employ such light can give results that are not consistent with in-service exposures. Even though accelerated test results have been widely used, the test results are usually considered to be tentative pending confirmation by outdoor results. There have been numerous cases where accelerated tests have rejected durable coatings or passed coatings that fail in service. In general, the more realistic the accelerated test, the longer the exposure that is required to evaluate performance leading to longer development times.Techniques Used to Study Coating Degradation A wide variety of techniques have been applied to the question of coating degradation and stabilization. The most important techniques have been FT-IR and Raman measurements of coating compositional changes, ESR measurements of free radical formation and HALS stabilization, UV/VIS measurements of coating transmission and UVA retention, Chromatographic methods for additive analysis, and ToF-SIMS measurements of oxidation. Although weathering is usually thought of as a surface phenomenon, it is often important to be able to map chemical changes as a function of depth in various coating layers. Many of the above techniques have been adapted to provide this depth resolution. A summary of commonly used techniques is provided to frame the discussion of application to service life prediction. More detailed descriptions and recent results are described elsewhere in this volume. It is important to note that many coating failures result from a combination of chemical change and mechanical stress. It is critical to relate the chemical changes to changes in mechanical properties. Photooxidation and changes in crosslink structure, for example, lead to changes in the energy to propagate fractures in the coating, which is critical for crack resistance.

FT-IR Analysis 8


Various IR techniques have evolved and been applied in studying coatings * . Techniques including transmittance, attenuated total reflectance (ATR), diffuse reflectance (DRIFT), and photoacoustic (PAS) mode experiments have been used. Their selection depends on the nature of the sample, specific locus of interest, and technique hardware/software/experience available. Note that the sampling approach used will often determine the volume element, and thus surface or depth specificity, achievable. The simplest transmission mode IR measurement on coatings involves preparing a coating of the appropriate thickness (-5-7 μιη) on an IR transparent substrate. For exposure studies, a silicon wafer is a good substrate. The clearcoated silicon wafers can be anchored onto metal holders whose position in the IR spectrophotometersampling compartment can be reproduced to permit monitoring the same area (crosssection) of the sample following each exposure period. Commercial coating samples are optically too thick (clearcoats are generally 4050 μπι and full automotive paint systems are > 100 μπι) or applied on non-IR transmitting substrates for direct measurement by transmission IR. Surface skiving or microtoming are sampling techniques useful in obtaining samples in the -2-7 μιτι

In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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165 thickness range from automotive paint/coating materials. Microtoming also provides the possibility of depth profiling. For example, depth analysis can be done using IR microscopy of thin layer cross-sections, which must be supported flat and securely on an X-Y micro-translating stage. Section handling requires considerable skill and training. For example, the small cross-sections must be immobilized and supported flat. Depth analysis by IR-microscopy is more easily accomplished by microtoming -4-10 μηι thick coplanar sections. A depth profile is generated by sequential analysis of these sections. Sections on this thickness scale for automotive systems can be quickly prepared using room-temperature slab-microtomy. Note that longer-term outdoor or accelerated aging of automotive systems can cause them to become fragile and difficult to section. Use of very sharp cutting blades (i.e., carbide or diamond) and optimizing the cutting angle can minimize this problem. Slightly thicker sections can be cut to help maintain integrity of sections during handling. In addition, many slabmicrotomes can operate under cryo-conditions, which often permit sectioning of weaker, degraded paint/coating layers without shredding. Overall, this approach is equally convenient for sectioning a single layer or the entire multi-layered system. Normally this combination of sample preparation and IR analysis is found effective in determining the general chemistry as a function of depth . ATR obtains IR spectra by passing IR light through an internal reflection element (IRE) in contact with the surface of a sample. The evanescent wave that penetrates into sample results in spectra that probe the surface and near surface of that sample. Subtle differences in surface/near-surface composition as a function of depth can be obtained using different ATR internal reflection elements (IRE's), which provide a means to vary the IR beam penetration depth over -0.5-3 μπι. The IRE material used (i.e., typically zinc selenide [ZnSe], germanium [Ge] or diamond), as well as angles of beam incidence, dictates the penetration depth. In addition, ATR measurements can usually be made with minimal sample preparation. Diamond is the hardest of the ERE materials and is often used in analysis of materials that are quite hard or that possess irregular surfaces. Under sufficient contact pressure the material opposite the diamond will deform to provide uniform surface contact, optimizing the quality of the resultant ATR spectrum. In this context, automotive paint/coating materials are easily deformed by the diamond, resulting in high quality spectra. DRIFT surface/near-surface sampling is efficiently done using a sampling technique known as "Si-Carb". This type of sampling employs surface polishing, where a silicon carbide sandpaper (600-1200 grit) disk is used with controlled rotary motion to abrade the surface of a paint/coating system. The surface specificity of this technique is generally limited to the -5-10 μπι depth range, depending on the time and pressure applied in polishing. Analysis is performed on the surface of the sandpaper disk, where a new disk is used to obtain a background spectrum. Reproducible surface abrading can be obtained using a Dremel ™ Moto-Tool (or similar) drill and corresponding drill stand. Many of these drills permit variable rotation speed ranging from 5,000-30,000 rpm. n

In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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166 Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is a technique that directly measures the absorbance spectrum of a polymer-based paint/coating system layer without requiring a direct radiation reflection or transmission measurement. When modulated, midinfrared radiation is absorbed by the sample, the material heats and cools in response to the modulated infrared energy impinging on it. Thereafter, the heating and cooling is converted into a pressure wave that directly impacts on the coupling gas (usually He) in contact with the sample. Thermal expansion and contraction of the gas is then detected by an acoustic detector (i.e., sensitive microphone) and transduced into the photoacoustic signal. Note that the acoustic detector replaces the standard infrared radiation detector in the FT-IR spectrophotometer. Contributions to the signal come from each region of the sample in which infrared radiation is absorbed. Of course, significant contributions require that the thermal wave amplitude has not effectively decayed prior to crossing the sample/coupling-gas boundary The sampling depth at a given wavenumber can be varied in PAS measurements " by changing the mirror velocity. A slower mirror velocity effectively allows for a greater contribution from lower layers by increasing the thermal wave decay length. Conversely, a faster mirror velocity minimizes the thermal contribution from deeper layers. Experiments such as these where the mirror velocity is constant are categorized as linear scan. Also, the sampling depth increases with decreasing wavenumber by more than a factor of three going from 4000 to 400 cm" across a mid-IR range spectrum. For a detailed discussion of the principles and instrumentation required in performing the PAS experiments one can refer to the work of McClelland et. a l . . More recently, another approach has been evolving for doing PAS experiments. Using a "step scan" IR spectrophotometer the mirror is moved incrementally in steps 14,24-26^ ^ j continuously with a constant velocity (linear scan). The step scan approach eliminates the time-dependence of the interferogram and temporal Fourier frequencies that are created. Specifically, phase modulation step scan experiments are conducted wherein the movable mirror is moved to a given position and then one of the other mirrors is oscillated back and forth at a fixed frequency to modulate the impinging IR radiation. In addition, there are two important phase modulation parameters: frequency and amplitude. The phase modulation frequency refers to the number of oscillations per second (i.e., Hz). The phase modulation amplitude measures the range (i.e., distance) of the mirror oscillation. This is usually indicated in terms of the laser wavelength (i.e., HeNe λ). Ultimately, step scan capability offers an efficient means of getting spectra whose depth information does not depend on wavenumber. PAS has been identified as a useful tool for near-surface analysis of paint/coating systems as well as various types of fabrics, fibers and films - ' » " . The PAS and DRIFT techniques have been compared in the context of nearsurface analysis techniques . A variety of polymer-based films/coatings, fibers and fabrics were studied. It was observed that DRIFT showed an enhancement in band intensities of near-surface species, however PAS appeared to have a significantly smaller sampling depth. In all cases PAS was found to be a quick and broadly applicable tool for polymeric materials. 18









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In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.





167 Raman Analysis Raman spectroscopy provides information on paint/coating system materials that is both similar and complimentary to that obtained from IR spectroscopy ' ' " . An extensive review of Raman spectroscopy in study of a broad range of polymeric materials (including paint/coating systems) is available . The two techniques provide detailed information on molecular structure. Both monitor interactions between source radiation and matter that result in vibrational (energy level) transitions characteristic of inherent molecular substructures. Raman is an inelastic photon scattering process, usually involving narrow-band source radiation from a laser. Although both are vibrational spectroscopies, they differ primarily in the impact of molecular symmetry. Raman is particularly useful in analysis of molecular structures that are more symmetrical (i.e., polymer backbone, isolated/conjugated double bond, and certain organic pigment/dye unsaturated ring substructures). IR tends to be particularly useful in analysis of polymer side chain functional group, cross-linker, and additive substructures that are asymmetrical. This highlights the complimentary nature of the Raman and IR techniques. The Raman signal is relatively weak. It has been reported that about one Raman photon is obtained for every 10 photons interacting with a sample. Also, background fluorescence observed with many materials can be quite strong, making it impractical to obtain any useful Raman signal . Many developments have occurred in recent years including more sensitive CCD-type detectors, filters that have high fluorescence rejection efficiency, and laser sources in the near-IR range. Laser sources with frequencies in the near-IR range allow the user to avoid much of the fluorescence typical of many industrial paint/coating materials ^ . Note that many colorants (i.e., pigments and dyes) result in characteristic high levels of fluorescence. These new laser sources are now making Raman analyses of such materials practical in a modern industrial laboratory. Raman microscopy has evolved over recent years, permitting practical analysis of very small spot areas ' " . Areas of -2 μπι diameter, or slightly less, are possible with commercial instrumentation. Essentially, Raman microscopy is conducted by integrating an optical microscope to a Raman spectrometer with a laser for excitation. A Renishaw spectrometer/imaging microscope equipped with an X - Y microtranslating stage has been successfully used in surface and cross-section chemical line profiling and area mapping. A 50X- or lOOX-objective can be used to provide a laser spot size of -2 μπι and ~1 μπι, respectively. By comparison, IR gives a diffraction limited spot size of -10 μπι, with practical analysis in the -20-30 μπι range. The smaller spot sizes possible in Raman microscopy allow detailed chemical mapping of surfaces. This is useful if there is component segregation, or domain formation, on a scale larger than the spot size and within the translation capability of the microscope stage . Chemically selective imaging offers a means of highlighting specific components or substructure density across a surface ' * . In addition, the high spatial resolution permits effective chemical composition mapping in failure (i.e., defect) analyses and cross-sectional depth profiling ' ' ' Ι4

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168 Total internal reflection Raman spectroscopy was developed as a tool for analysis of polymeric coatings . Analogous to the IR ATR technique (described earlier), an internal reflection element (i.e., sapphire) is used in direct contact with the sample surface. This technique is capable of characterizing surface coating layers as thin as -0.05 μπΊ. Raman was involved in various multi-technique studies of organic polymeric paint/coating systems ' '. Urban and co-workers used various IR techniques, such as ATR and step-scan PAS, to complement the Raman analysis ' . Advantage was taken of the complementary nature of the chemical data obtained from these techniques. One group combined dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), dilatometry, microscopy and Raman analysis . In this case, correlations were determined between chemical composition, physical/mechanical properties, and the appearance. Another group explored a variety of applications of Raman in forensics studies . 5 4

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ToF-SIMS Analysis Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a surface specific analysis tool that has been successfully applied in the characterization of paint/coating systems ' . Interfaces obtained through delamination or sectioning techniques have also been successfully studied » ' " . Adhesion to pretreated (i.e., plasma, chemical) surfaces has been investigated , including polymer/polymer and polymer/metal interfaces. SIMS uses an ion beam, often in the KeV energy range, to bombard a surface causing sputtered emission of ions, neutrals and electrons. Secondary ions, both positive and negative, are then analyzed with a mass spectrometer. The combination of a pulsed ion source with a Time-of-Flight mass analyzer results in a powerful analytical tool characterized by high sensitivity, high mass resolution, and high surface specificity. This technique is commonly referred to as ToF-SIMS. During a typical experiment only the top monolayers are sampled, thus the high surface specificity. Conditions using lower primary ion currents can be optimized to provide spectra containing a significant abundance of molecular ions or larger substructure ion fragments. This can provide extensive composition and structural information about the outermost polymeric surface. Higher primary ion currents cause higher levels of molecular fragmentation, typically results in very complex spectra, which can be difficult to interpret. Surface isotopic tracer studies have been reported in the context of monitoring chemical modification or degradation ' . Herein the isotopic species can often be conveniently monitored to determine surface reaction mechanisms and kinetics. Interfaces between paint/coating layers have been chemically characterized by either delamination or sectioning (co-planar to the surface) or by high-resolution techniques looking directly at cross-sections of the system " . A major application of ToF-SIMS analysis to coating characterization has been depth profiling by analysis of microtomed cross-sections. Having a resolution of ~2 μ spot size permits detailed analysis of a cross-section, either in line-scan or raster (multi-line) mode ' . Linescan images can be created from a single pass (string) of spectra, which is quickest, or 57







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In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

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169 from averaging two or more passes of spectra, which takes longer, but allows for spectral averaging. Gerlock et al. developed a technique for determining the extent of photooxidation as a function of depth by photoiyzing coating samples in the presence of 0 . These experiments have been critical in elucidating the mechanisms of various delamination failures. Other researchers have also reported results involving exposures to both 0 and H 0 . As a general ruie-of-thumb, if the level of 0 is high, then that locus of a system is more reactive and (thus) susceptible to degradation in performance. In other words, less chemical change suggests a more durable system. The depth distribution of automotive paint/coating system light stabilizers has been determined by ToF-SIMS analysis. In this case microtomed sections co-planar to the surface were obtained and extracted by supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). Thereafter the SFE extracts were analyzed by ToF-SIMS ' . 1 8



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UV-Vis Analysis The UVA concentration as a function depth into the coating can be analyzed by transmission UV/VIS-microscopy using thin layer cross-sections, which must be supported flat and securely on an X - Y micro-translating stage. This technique monitors all UV/VIS absorbing species encountered in the beam path, including UVscreeners (UVA's) and certain paint/coating system degradation products. Gerlock et al. have reported UV/VIS depth profiling with cross-sections -10 μπι thick . As before, such thin layer cross-sections can be obtained by use of microtomic techniques. The small cross-sections must be handled carefully and are immobilized on a UV-transmitting quartz slide. Longer chain terminal alcohols, ranging from nhexanol to n-decanol, are useful for this purpose. They have no UV absorption over the wavelength range of interest and effectively immobilize the sample onto the quartz surface. Masking of the incident beam to a small rectangle has been done, -5 μπι wide (along the normal depth axis) with variable length (parallel to the surface). Note that the mostly particle free clearcoat layers give the highest quality spectra relative to the other particle containing system layers. Scattering of the incident UV/VIS radiation can be quite substantial, even for these relatively thin sections. Therefore, most UV/VIS transmission-mode analyses that have been reported are on clearcoats or particle-free binders of other layers. Transmission-mode analysis by monitoring UV absorbing extractables in paint/coating sections microtomed co-planar to the surface can also be very effective. Haacke et al. and Adamsons et al. have reported studies of clearcoats and clearcoat/basecoat bi-layers " . Commercially available 'slab' microtomes allow the user to routinely prepare -2 cm χ 2 cm sections co-planar to the surface in the -5-10 micron thickness range. Such sectioning permits use of full (or 'real world') automotive systems, not just isolated clearcoat layers. Once sections are obtained, solvents such as CH C1 or chloroform are effective for extracting UVA species and do not interfere with UV/VIS measurements. Either filtration or centrifigation removes solids, in order to prevent particle light scattering. The solutions are stored airtight, thus preventing solvent evaporation. 12





In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

170 HPLC Analysis Chromatography-based techniques such as HPLC are quite effective in analyzing depth profiles of species extracted from slab-microtomed sections. DuPont has shown the utility of this approach in study of clearcoats and clearcoat/basecoat bilayers. As cited earlier, when using UV/VIS spectrophotometric analysis, a solvent appropriate to the material of interest is used to extract each section. In fact, the same solutions obtained in the previous case in study of UVA's and HALS can be used for HPLC analysis. The chromatographic signals obtained for a given sample are normalized to the amount of material extracted. Downloaded by COLUMBIA UNIV on September 17, 2012 | Publication Date: November 21, 2001 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2002-0805.ch009

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ESR Analysis Electron Spin Resonance is useful for monitoring free radicals in materials. It has been used in coatings to measure free radical formation rates and HALS stabilization chemistry ' . In this technique, the sample is placed in a strong magnetic field that splits the energy levels of unpaired electrons (free radicals). The Zeeman splitting is monitored by probing the sample with microwave radiation. For quantitative applications such as those described here, it is necessary to develop careful sample preparation and placement procedures . 5



Applications for Coating Development

UVA Permanence: Evaluation of Accelerated Test Protocols As noted above, U V A permanence in automotive coatings is a critical factor in basecoat/clearcoat delamination. The UV-fortification package plays a key role in long-term durability of a clearcoat and, hopefully, the lower layers and interfaces of a coating system as well. Conventional weatherability testing only reveals delamination problems after 3-5 years exposure in Florida. Accelerated weathering tests did not usually reproduce this failure mode. Thus, selection of UV-fortification packages required very long exposure times (>5 years under field conditions). The fundamental studies of U V A loss have provided techniques that can reduce the evaluation time to ~1 year or less. UVA content and distribution have been followed in materials exposed both outdoors (in various climates around the world) and under accelerated conditions (i.e., QUV, Xenon boro/boro, Cleveland Humidity Cabinet). This type of fundamental information provides product designers with important feedback in the selection of the final UV-fortification package. Selection of a U V A species includes factors such as permanence, stability, amounts required, and cost.

In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


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It is important to understand why conventional accelerated tests failed to predict UVA loss and basecoat/clearcoat delamination. Studies have been conducted to determine the UVA depth profiles for clearcoats in automotive coating systems for different exposure conditions. The depth sampling was performed using co-planar microtoming followed by extraction as described above. Depth profiles are shown in Figures 1-3 after 2000 hours exposure under standard QUV, UV-only and CHC conditions. From comparison of loss rates in these exposures with those observed in outdoor exposures, it can be concluded that exposures which use short wavelength light to accelerate degradation do not proved adequate acceleration for UVA loss relative to photooxidation and are likely to miss that failure mode.

Monitoring Clearcoats and Multi-layer Paint Systems As a Function of Exposure Time: Additive Selection FT-IR studies of clearcoat photo-oxidation have provided numerous insights into coating weatherability that have resulted in the development of improved materials. For example, FT-IR has been used to analyze the rate of photo-oxidation in a coating with various types/levels of UV fortification. FT-IR is sensitive to relatively small changes in chemistry, which allows rapid evaluation of photo-oxidation rates under outdoor-like (accelerated) exposures. Figure 4 shows a typical acrylic polyol / melamine cross-linked type of clearcoat formulation either unfortified, fortified with UVA only (at standard loading levels), fortified with HALS only (at standard loading levels), or fully fortified. The objective was to determine the effectiveness of UVA or HALS alone, and in combination. Figure 5 shows the same acrylic polyol / melamine cross-linked clearcoat formulated at varying levels of UVA and no HALS. The objective was to determine the effectiveness of a particular U V A at various concentrations. Analogous studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of a particular HALS at various concentrations and to evaluate different HALS under different exposure conditions . These results clearly showed that a common photostabilizer that performed well in harsh accelerated tests was not effective under milder conditions. This led to the development of improved HALS materials that have been incorporated into most automotive coating systems. FT-IR has also been used to compare the rate of photo-oxidation of coatings made from polymers created by different polymerization methods . The technique has identified solvents, initiators and catalysts that produce polymers having greater weatherability. The results led to modifications of conventional polymerizations to improve overall coating durability. Again, the sensitivity of FT-IR allowed for rapid analysis of relative performance under outdoor-like exposures. Clear indications of performance (and, to an extent, service lifetime prediction) can be seen in a few thousand hours of accelerated exposure allowing for rapid, reliable formulation evaluation. ToF-SIMS is a very effective technique for evaluating the rate of photooxidation at different levels in the coating. This can lead to insights into the role of basecoat formulation on basecoat/clearcoat delamination at different levels of UVA protection. 6


In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

Figure 1. UVA profiles from a standard thermoset acrylic exposed 2000 h to standard QUV exposure.

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In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

Figure 2. UVA profiles from a standard thermoset acrylic exposed 2000 h to UV light from a QUV exposure chamber with no condensing humidity cycle.

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In Service Life Prediction; Martin, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.

Figure 3. UVA profile from a standard thermoset acrylic exposed 2000 h to 50°C condensing humidity.

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