The role of genes in biological processes. Part 1

S. A.; Melling, J. FEMS Micro-. (52) Jain, R. K.; Sayler. G. S. Microbiol. Sci. (53) Tolentino, G. J.; San. K. Y. Riotechnol. (54) Wang, P C. et al. J...
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The role of genes in biological processes Part 1 of a two-part article



Bruce E. Rittmann Barth E Smets David A. Stahl University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 Applications that require biological processes to meet more stringent treatment goals, such as removal of hazardous compounds, are becoming increasingly important. These new applications challenge the research community to develop a deeper understanding of the genetic capabilities of biological processes, the subject of this two-part article. The first part introduces the role of genes in biological treatment. It describes the componentsof microbial genetic systems that may play key roles in biological-process engineering. This paper emphasizes plasmids, which are small, circular DNA strands that can be transferred among cells. It also introduces a structured framework for assessing the roles of plasmids in biological-treatment processes.

Processes currently in use A biological process is an engineered system designed to accumulate a mass of microorganisms that is great enough to perform a desired reaction ( I ) . The system must be large enough to hold the desired biomass, must have an accumulation or retention mechanism for the biomass, and must be supplied with adequate amounts of substrates and nutrients. To accumulate the desired microorganisms, environmental conditions inside the process are controlled to favor these microorganisms and wash out other microorganisms. This usually is accomplished by controls on 0013-936X/89/0924-0023$02.50/0


Magnetized polystyrene beads are used to capture bacteria fromfresh water

substrate availability and cell retention. The activated sludge process offers a good example of controls on substrate supply and cell retention. Wastewater

1989 American Chemical Society


usually contains organic material, which serves as an electron donor, and adequate amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. The substrate supply is controlled by aeration, which supplies the electron acceptor, oxygen. When enough oxygen is supplied, aerobic bacteria that oxidize organic matter grow and accumulate. Cell retention is controlled through the use of a clarifier that follows the aeration tank. The quiescent settling conditions of the clarifier favor retention of bacteria that aggregate into large flocs that settle out of the effluent flow. The settled flocs are recycled to the aeration tank,resulting in the buildup of increasing amounts of rapidly settling bacteria that oxidize the organic material aerobically. The methanogenic fluidized-bed process (2) offers a second illustration of a type of process control currently in use. Again, the wastewater typically contains an organic electron donor and sufficient N and €? In the methanogenic process, the supply of standard electron acceptors-mainly 0 2 ,NO3-, and S042--is minimized. Without these electron acceptors, only fermenting and C O2-reducing microorganisms can thrive. Included among those microorganisms are the methane-producing archaebacteria, the methanogens. Retention control is achieved by providing a very large surface area on fluidized particles of materials such as sand, coal, or granular activated carbon. Cells able to attach firmly to the small fluidized particles are retained and accumulated. The controls on substrate supply and cell retention are a form of applied ecology. The composition and capabilities of the mixed population of microorganisms are regulated by controlling the availability of the substrate and the Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, No. 1, 1990 23

retention of cells in the process (3). Cells with the proper attributes fill the “niche” defined by the controls. Applied ecology is a powerful tool that has been used effectively. Its power is greatest when the treatment goal is closely allied to the control techniques. One reason current control techniques are so powerful is that most of the traditional pollutants removed by biological processes are electron donors or acceptors.

The changing regulatory emphasis The regulatory strategy gradually is shifting to emphasize the removal of specific compounds, such as trichloroethene, instead of focusing solely on broad-category pollutants, such as biological oxygen demand. Often, individual compounds comprise only a tiny fraction of the total organic matter in the influent wastewater, and they must be removed to concentrations detectable only by sophisticated analytical



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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, No. 1, 1990

techniques, such as gas chromatographyEcological selection based on substrate supply and cell retention may not be effective for accumulating enough cells to remove trace concentrations of individual compounds. This is especially true when the compounds are xenobiotic materials, which are produced by the chemical industry and generally are regarded as resistant to biodegradation. Little is known about how very low concentrations of xenobiotic compounds affect the selection of microorganisms in biological processes or the degradative capability of those microorganisms. When the treatment goal is reliable removal of individual compounds, especially xenobiotic compounds, process analysis must include information about the microorganisms’ genetic capabilities to degrade the specific compounds. Genetic capability can be viewed as the information, in the form

of genes, that the cell uses to construct and maintain itself, that is, to attain the mass and energy flows needed for construction, maintenance, and reproduction. Genetic capability includes the ability to metabolize or degrade specific compounds. A process goal could be to control, or at least influence, the genetic information of the cells, instead of simply determining whether the process works naturally. Two facets of genetic information are important for analyzing a biological process. The first facet is the total pool of genes within the population. The total pool of information determines what reactions are possible. Another way to regard the pool of information is as genetic potential, the ability to respond to opportunities, such as a new substrate, when they present themselves. The second facet is how the bits of information, the individual genes, are parceled out among the individual cells in the biological process. Thus, the community has greater genetic information than do individual strains, because each cell need not contain every gene present in the community. Although the total pool of information determines the potential for reactions, its parceling is critical for determining whether possible reactions actually occur at a measurable rate. For example, if there are lOI3 bacteria per liter, but only 1 bacterium per liter contains a gene needed for biodegradation of a xenobiotic compound, then it is highly unlikely that noticeable degradation of the xenobiotic compound will proceed. On the other hand, if one-half of the bacteria contain the gene, degradation probably will be significant. Likewise, the parceling of genes determines whether one bacterium can completely mineralize a compound or whether a consortium of different bacteria is required to perform all the steps in mineralization. In addition to traditional ecological selection, a direct means to control the genetic information of a population is biouugmentution . Bioaugmentation involves adding nonindigenous bacteria to a bioreactor, usually to induce or maintain specific biodegradative reactions within the population. The mechanisms by which bioaugmentation might enhance the performance of a biological process are not well understood; it is known, however, that the key component of successful bioaugmentation is to supply genetic information that the bacterial population can adopt and use but that is not naturally present in the population. Hence, bioaugmentation is a tool to control genetic content. It can be used to enhance the effectiveness of the traditional tools, supply of substrates and cell retention.

mRNA strand exits the polymerase enzyme, it engages the ribosome (Fig. lb). The active core of the ribosome is ribosomal RNA, or rRNA. Although rRNA is made up of the same ribonucleic acid building blocks as “A, its purpose is to translate the information encoded by the mRNA strand into an amino acid chain. It does so by “reading” the mRNA code in sequences of three bases, each of which signifies one amino acid making up the enzyme. For example, GCC means attach an alanine amino acid; CGU means attach an arginine amino acid. The proper amino acids are brought to the ribosome (for incorporation into the growing amino acid chain) by still another form of RNA, transfer RNA (or tRNA). The key aspect of the genetic content of cells is that it is faithfully stored, replicated, and translated into proteins. The ultimate source of and repository for the information is the DNA, but RNA is a necessary intermediate system for turning the information into working molecules, the proteins.

Using genetic information All genetic information is contained on strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). One strand of DNA is made up of a chain of deoxyribonucleotides. Each deoxyribonucleotidecontains one of the four bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), or thymine (T). Each base is connected to a sugar (a ribose), and the sugars are linked to other sugars by phospho-diesterbonds to form a chain. The order of the bases in the chain (e.g., CGTCAGTC...) encodes all the information the cell uses to manufacture proteins. The average bacterium requires 3 x 106-6 x lo6 bases to encode its genetic information. DNA strands almost always come in complementary pairs. Complementary means that the C of one strand is hydrogen bonded to the G of the other, while the T of one strand is bonded to the A of the other strand. Figure l a illustrates the complementary bonding of a segment of a double-stranded DNA molecule and how the complementary strands form a shape called the double helix. The use of complementary strands enables the cells to reproduce their genetic information precisely from generation to generation. Much of the genetic information contained in DNA specifies the structure of enzymes, which are polymers of amino acids (Le., proteins) that catalyze the reactions performed by the bacteria. The translation of the information contained in the DNA to form enzymes is a

three-step process that involves another cellular polymer, RNA. RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is similar in structure to DNA. The main differences are that the pentose-sugar unit of the nucleotide contains an additional OH group (recall that the D in DNA stands for deoxy) and that the base uracil (U) replaces thymine (T). Figure l b illustrates the three steps for translation of the information in DNA to form enzymes. RNA plays three roles in information transfer. First, an enzyme, RNA polymerase, moves along the DNA molecule and separates the strands over part of the molecule. Then, the polymerase forms a strand of RNA complementary to one of the DNA strands. Complementary has the same meaning as when it describes DNA pairs, except that U for the RNA has the same role as T for the DNA; thus, C on the DNA complements G on RNA, G complements C, T complements A, and A complements U. The base pairing between DNA and RNA is transient. The complementary pairs of the DNA strands quickly reform, yielding an unpaired single strand of RNA. The complementary strand is called messenger RNA, or mRNA, because it carries the information encoded in the DNA to the site of protein synthesis. The site of protein synthesis is the ribosome, a complex macromolecular structure composed of about two-thirds RNA and one-third protein. As the

Characterization of DNA Although all DNA has the same basic structure and role, cells contain DNA molecules that differ in terms of being essential or accessory and in terms of being mobile or immobile. The differences among the types of DNA are critical for assessing the genetic information in a biological-processpopulation. Genetic information within a bacterial cell can be characterized as essential to or accessory to the normal cell functions. Essential functions mainly include the generation of energy; the synthesis and maintenance of cell constituents, such as cell walls, membranes, enzymes, and nucleic-acid polymers; and the regulation of transport of materials into and out of the cell. The essential genetic information is contained on the chromosome, one of which resides permanently inside each cell. The chromosome is replicated when the cell divides to form two daughter cells. Accessory genetic information often is contained on smaller elements, including plasmids, transposons, and viral DNA. These elements share a common characteristic: They can replicate autonomously from the host chromosome. In other words, accessory DNA can be replicated whether or not the cells are dividing. In general, accessory DNA encodes functions that are not essential, at least for the routine operation of the cell. Although all accessory elements contribute to the pool of genetic information, this review focuses on plasmids, which apparently make up the bulk of accessory elements in bacteria. PlasEnviron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, No. 1, 1990 25

mids are covalently closed strands of DNA that generally exist independently from the chromosome. Plasmids vary in size from a few thousand to several hundred thousand bases; they are much smaller than chromosomes, which typically are about 4 million bases long. The small plasmids (e.g., 10 kilobases) frequently are found in many copies within a single cell, whereas the large plasmids (e.g., larger than 30 kilobases) usually have only one or a few copies. Whether certain genes are contained on chromosomal or accessory DNA is critical for assessing the genetic capabilities of populations in biological reactors. Information on the chromosome determines traits such as the range of energy-generating substrates the cells use, the rate of growth of the cells, and, in some cases, whether cells are good at being retained through flocculation or attachment. Thus, most traditional process-control strategies address capabilities that are contained on the chromosome. Plasmid DNA also can be important in biological processes, especially because genes coding for many interesting reactions are contained on plasmids (4). Environmentally important reactions known to be encoded on plasmids include resistance to antibiotics and other toxic substances, oxidation of and resistance to heavy metals, and degradation of halogenated and other xenobiotic organic compounds (5-1 3). Other potentially important reactions found on plasmids are production of toxins, transfer of genes, degradation of hydrocarbons, and nitrogen fixation (6, 13, 14). Genetic information within a cell also can be characterized as being mobile or immobile. Mobility means that the DNA can cross cell boundaries and be transferred among different bacteria. Although the cell’s chromosome normally is immobile (at least between species), accessory DNA is mobile and can move to other cells. The mobility of plasmids is an important factor in biological processes. Recent work has shown that the transfer of plasmids among bacteria found in the environment is common and can confer an advantage to the recipient bacteria. For example, Genthner et al. (15) demonstrated that 38% of 68 environmental strains, including species of Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter,and Alcaligenes, can receive a resistance plasmid from laboratory donor strains. Pucci et al. (16) showed that some species of Leuconostoc can receive plasmids from several Streptococcus species. Krockel and Focht (17) transferred a plasmid for dechlorination of chlorobenzene from an Alcaligenes 26

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species to a Pseudomonasputida strain, thereby allowing the I! putida strain to catabolizethe chlorinated benzenes. Finally, Rusansky et al. (14) showed that the transfer of plasmid pSR4 to Acinetobacter calcoaceticus allowed the species to grow on oil droplets.

Plasmids and conjugation The focus of this article and the next one in this series is on plasmids. Because they are accessory, they may encode information for the degradation of unusual substrates and resistance to toxic materials. Because they are accessory and mobile, they can replicate and proliferate within a bacterial population independently of the replication of chromosomal DNA and cell division. Hence, the genetic capability of a population can be changed rapidly by plasmid transfer, even though the total biomass and its species composition do not change. (Note that plasmids also generally are replicated within the cells and transmitted to daughter cells during cell division.) This section provides more information on plasmids and their main transfer mechanism, conjugation. Plasmids discovered since 1976 are given a unique designation of the form pXY 1234. Plasmids discovered before 1976, however, have less formal names derived from the dominant characteristic imparted by the plasmid. For example, plasmids whose designation begins with R confer antibiotic resistance. Another common designation is Inc, which stands for incompatibility; plas-

mids within the same incompatibility group (e.g., Inc Q) cannot coexist stably within the same cell. The transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another can occur by at least three distinct mechanisms (6, 12, 13). Two of the mechanisms appear to be minor for situations such as those in biological processes: One minor mechanism, transformation, is the direct uptake of DNA from solution, and the second, transduction, is the transfer of DNA during infection by a virus that infects bacteria. The primary mechanism, conjugation, requires direct cell-to-cell contact for transfer of plasmids from a donor cell to a recipient cell. During conjugation the DNA strands of the donor plasmid separate, and one strand (the heavy strand) is transferred to the recipient (Figure 2). Complementary strands to both original strands are synthesized to give double-stranded plasmid in both cells. Thus, the number of plasmid copies increases relative to the number of cells. Conjugation generally is mediated by filaments, called sex pili, on the cell surface (see photomicrograph). Contact between the pili and specific receptors on the outer membrane of the recipient triggers conjugation. Conjugativeplasmids have genes that control transfer (18, 19). The transfer genes, called the tra genes, code for products that form the pili and mediate transfer of one DNA strand to the recipient (Figure 2). Because conjugative plasmids must contain the transfer

degradation in activated sludge showed that the ability of the activated sludge to degrade naphthalene is correlated with the number of cells harboring the plasmid. Although not proving that plasmid transfer is the cause of changes in the number of plasmid-containing cells, this research emphasized the need for a significant fraction of the cells to have the gene if noticeable removal of naphthalene was to occur.

genes, they usually are large (i.e., larger than 50,000 bases) (4, 9, 19). Most of the time, the tra genes are repressed, which means that they are not producing proteins. Some stimulus, not yet fully understood, is needed to activate the tra genes and begin the process of plasmid transfer. On the other hand, evidence indicates that repression of the tra genes does not occur immediately upon entry of a new plasmid into a recipient cell. Thus, newly acquired plasmids may be able to retransfer themselves at a high rate, until a low rate of transfer is established through tra repression. A variation on conjugation is called mobilization, which occurs when a plasmid does not have all the transfer genes but can be cotransferred with, or assisted by, a conjugative plasmid (4, 6, 9, 20). Many small plasmids have mobility determinants that promote cointegration with a conjugative plasmid; thus, the deficient plasmid transfers together with a conjugated plasmid. Alternatively, the conjugative plasmid supplies the gene products missing from the deficient plasmid. According to one report, genes coding for degradation of halogenated alkanoic acids were transferred by mobilization (7). Research has shown clearly that plasmid transfer can occur among bacteria found in biological processes. Several authors (11, 21-30) reported the transfer of plasmid-encoded characteristics, such as degradation of chlorinated compounds and resistance to metals or antibiotics, in well-controlled laboratory or field studies. The key issue is whether plasmid transfer has any major control over the genetic capabilities of biological processes and, hence, over process performance. Currently, no definitive data exist to prove the importance of

plasmid transfer. Several items of evidence, however, suggest that plasmid transfer may be significant. First, several research reports (12, 31-33) describe acclimatization periods of several days to several months before degradation of xenobiotic chemicals occurs in mixed cultures. Once acclimatization begins, nearly complete degradation quickly follows. The great length of the acclimatization period, coupled with an almost immediate onset of rapid degradation, is dificult to explain by growth of a specialized strain or by ecological selection. An appealing explanation is that the genes for the degradation reaction were rapidly disseminated by plasmid replication and transfer within the well-established indigenous population. Perhaps the initiation of dissemination is the result of a random event, such as a mutation, that requires a long time to occur. On the other hand, the rapid spread of the new capability could have been brought about by conjugation. Second, several researchers created bacteria that attain novel biodegradative capacities by the conjugative exchange of genetic information. Plasmid transfer was used to construct strains capable of fully degrading new chlorinated aromatic compounds (34-36). Also, cocultivation of strains harboring plasmid genes for different biodegradative functions on plasmids resulted in the formation of new strains able to degrade compounds that the parent strains could not catabolize. Moreover, novel strains degrading chlorobenzoates (37), 2,4,5-T (IO), chlorinated alkanoic acids (23), chloroanilines (329, and chlorobenzenes (17) were obtained by plasmid transfer procedures. Finally, research (39) that detected a plasmid-encoded gene for naphthalene

Rates of plasmid transfer Whether or not plasmid transfer is or can be a significant determinant of the genetic capability within biological processes depends on the rates of plasmid transfer. A critical evaluation of the !iterature reveals a small but important body of information that demonstrates that the kinetics of plasmid transfer can be described in a structured and useful manner. This section synthesizes information from several groups (40-45) into a self-consistent model that has parameters and units compatible with those used in environmental engineering. Three types of bacteria must be represented. The first type is the plasmid donor, or the cells that originally contain the plasmid. The concentration of the donor is called D and has units of gD/L. The second type is the recipient, whose concentration is R (gR/L.) Recipients do not contain the plasmid. The third type is the former recipient cell that has gained the plasmid by conjugation. Its concentration is given by T, which denotes transconjugant, and has units of gT/L. The most efficient way to formulate transfer kinetics is to write rate expressions in terms of the transconjugant, or T. Previous work has shown that conventional “mass action” expressions can be used to describe the three types of plasmid transfer. The first mechanism of transfer is from the donor to the recipient. It can be described successfully by the mixed second-order rate equation, in which rDR is the rate of creation of transconjugants by plasmid transfer from donors to recipients (gr/L-day), and k,l is the donor-to-recipient transfer coefficient (L-gT/gDgR-day). The second transfer mechanism is from a transconjugant to a recipient. The rate expression is

in which rTR is the rate of creation of transconjugants from transfer of a plasmid from transconjugants to recipients (gT/L-day), and ktg is the transconjugant-to-recipient transfer coefficient (L/gR-day) Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, No. 1, 1990 27

Finally, the transconjugants can lose their plasmids by incorrect replication of the plasmid (46) or by segregation, which is the division of the cell into two daughter cells when only one plasmid is present. A simple model of plasmid loss is

(3) in which rL is the rate of loss of transconjugants due to plasmid loss (gT/Lday), and bp is the rate of loss of the first-order plasmid from transconjugants (day-’). Kinetic approaches to plasmid transfers are summarized in the box. The kinetics of the first two mechanisms have been studied and modeled much more extensively than the kinetics of plasmid loss. In general, constant values of k,are satisfactory for batch and chemostat (i.e. , continuously fed) systems. In some cases, kl and k2 are assumed to be equal, but their equality cannot always be taken for granted. Although plasmid loss usually is attributed to segregation, its mathematical treatment varies considerably. In some cases it is ignored (43,45),in one case (40) it is expressed directly as a constant b,, and in two cases (41, 42, 44) plasmid loss is described with a decrease in the specific growth rate. The last approach for loss gives a similar result as a constant b, in that both approaches cause a decrease in the net accumulation rate of transconjugants. The model of Freter et al. (44) groups plasmid segregation with other plasmid-related effects that decrease the net growth rate of cells that contain a plasmid. In general, cells that contain plasmids-especially plasmids for wbch the transfer genes are activated to allow transfer-have a competitive disadvantage, which usually is represented by a decreased specific growth rate, p (12, 40, 44, 47-49). If the plasmid-encoded functions provide no advantage, these cells can be washed out of systems in which they must compete with plasmidless cells. Thus, gaining a plasmid can alter the kinetic characteristics of the transconjugant, compared with the recipient. More work is needed to elucidate the type and magnitude of the effect on kinetic parameters, such as p, because observed effects have varied. Although many researchers showed that having a plasmid decreases a cell’s specific growth rate, some researchers reported no effects (24, 29, 50), and still others observed increased competitiveness by plasmid-containing cells in the absence of selective pressure (23). If containing a plasmid is a “drain” on the cell’s resources, then it seems reasonable that cells would lose their plasmids when the plasmids are confer28

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 24, No. 1, 1990

PI__midloss assumed by segregation with a Applied to chemostats. -+ R transfer not inc !-+ R transfer include constant for R > 107/m nsfer from a new transc 90 min. :tlv ; a ,enregation loss included i net transfer rate. Plasmid content does not affect other Applied to batch exponential growth. D -+ R transfer included with contant kt T --* R transfer included with constanl Plasmid content does not affect other g Applied to chemostats and batch growt D ---+R transfer included with constant T -+ R transfer included with constant egregation loss and a decrease in specific growth rate due to plasmid cont pplied to chemostats. +R transfer include lasmid loss not includ

ring no advantage. In practical terms, b, might vary as environmental conditions change. Studies of several species and plasmid types (7, 51) revealed rapid losses of plasmid when the selective advantage was removed. On the other hand, Jain and Sayler (52) found that the TOL and RK2 plasmids are stably maintained in Pseudomonas putida in the presence or absence of selective pressure. Similar stable plasmid maintenance in E. coli cultures was observed by Tolentino and San (53) and Wang et al. (54). Growth conditions also can affect the rate of plasmid loss. Several researchers (48, 55, 56) found that segregation is greater when the cells receive limited amounts of nutrients, such as occurs at low specific growth rates. Because most biological processes operate with very low specific growth rates (e.g., 0.01-0.5 per day), plasmid loss might be accentuated by the normal operating conditions. Again, systematic research is needed to evaluate b, under conditions that prevail in biological treatment systems.

Effects of plasmid transfer The presence of a strong selective pressure, such as high concentrations of an antibiotic or toxic heavy metal, gives a major competitive advantage to cells containing a plasmid that codes for a resistance function (24). There also is evidence that degradative plasmids are stably maintained in the presence of a

significant concentration of their substrate (7). An important and unresolved question is, How does the presence of low concentrations of xenobiotic substrates affect plasmid content and cell selection? When the concentration of a xenobiotic substrate is low, its biodegradation probably contributes little or nothing to the energy, electron, and nutrient flows needed to grow and maintain the bacteria (1, 57, 58). Therefore, the biodegradation of the low-concentration xenobiotic compound may provide no direct advantage to the cells containing the plasmid. Indeed, maintaining the plasmid might confer a competitive disadvantage to a cell. On the other hand, a plasmid-encoded reaction could remove subacute toxicity from a tracelevel xenobiotic contaminant. In such a case, the plasmid may be maintained for the purpose of toxicity reduction, which gives the plasmid-containing cell an advantage. When plasmids are important in maintaining degradative capabilities in microbial populations, even when the advantages to a single cell are minimal or negative, their transfer among different cells may be an important way to keep the plasmids always present in the bacterial population. In effect, the cells share the responsibility and cost of maintaining the plasmid in the population, and they have kinetic characteristics that may be regarded as averaged over the plasmid-containing and plas-

midless parts during the time they remain in the system. Thus, no one cell bears all the costs of plasmid retention when the advantages of having a plasmid are small or negative for any cell. Sharing the benefits and costs of plasmid content affects the ecology and evolution of bacterial populations. The differences among bacterial species become less distinct if the cells are sharing information that contributes to the long-term benefit of the entire population. Bacterial evolution must be understood in terms of information exchanges among different cell types, as well as in terms of intracellular modifications within an isolated chromosomal lineage (59). Similarly, evolution of accessory DNA must have a population or community component, because new genes that arise from mutation or from input of exogenous DNA are made part of the population’s information storehouse, even if it never becomes part of the chromosome of a particular species. By means of plasmid transfer and “population storage,” weak environmental pressures, such as low concentrations of a xenobiotic substrate, may be able to affect the genetic capabilities of microbial populations.

Looking ahead This article described how genetic information is stored, used, replicated, and transferred in bacterial populations such as those that occur in biological processes. Emphasis was given to plasmid transfers among donor, recipient, and transconjugant cells. A structure for kinetic modeling of plasmid transfers was presented. In the second part of this two-part article, we will analyze transfer parameters critically and quantitatively. We will use the information from our analysis to assess the importance of plasmid transfer in controlling genetic capability, which is the basis for evaluating the performance of biological processes. Finally, we will identify key research needs and directions. Acknowledgments The authors thank Jacqueline MacDonald for her editorial advice. Support for the research was provided entirely by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through Cooperative Agreement CR 812582-03 to the Advanced Environmental Control Technology Research Center. This article was reviewed for suitability as an ES&T feature by C. I? Leslie Grady, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634; and Gary Sayler. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. TN 37916.

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