The Romance of the Atom (Harrow, Benjamin) - Journal of Chemical

The Romance of the Atom (Harrow, Benjamin). Wheeler P. Davey. J. Chem. Educ. , 1927, 4 (5), p 684. DOI: 10.1021/ed004p684.2. Publication Date: May 192...
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instructions, including such topics as calibration of thermometers, distillation, crystallization, and qualitative analysis of organic compounds. There are 92 experiments which are well distributed over the whale field of organic chemistry. In each experiment reference is made t o the "Outlines" and each is followed by a number of questions. Prominence is given, both in the introduction and also throughout the book to precautions against fire and personal injury. For its size the book contains much chemistry, clearly and attractively presented. I t is admirably adapted t o the purpose for which it is intended. I n the preface there is a fine tribute from the junior author t o the achievements and character of Professor Moore who was loved by his students and admired by a wide circle of readers.

E. E-T


Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry. SAMUELP. SADTLBR,Pn.D., LL.D., Vmcn C o e ~ E m z .Ph.D.. F.C.S. and JEANNOTHOSTMANN,Ph.G. J. P. Lippincot Comoanv, Philadelnhia and .. . .~ London. 1927. Sixth edition. revised and rewritten by Freeman P. Stroun. .. Ph.M. xv 748 pp. 15 X 23 cm. $7.00.


The hook opens with fifty pages of theoretical introduction in which most of the definitions and principles of general chemistry are given in a strictly didactic way. This method is not the one generally follnwed in modern texts and in the judgment of the reviewer is not sound pedagogically, although for certain practical ends it has some advantages. The author states that "while intended primarily as a textbook for the use of students in pharmaceutical chemistry, previous editions have had considerable value as reference books by pharmacists. students in medical colleges, physicians and others." Altogether we believe the book to be much better as a reference work than as a text, especially that part covering the fundamental principles of ~

chemistry now generally recognized as part of the course in general chemistry. Presentation of facts in great detail overshadows to a considerable extent the orderly development of the science. An idea of the great mass of facts presented in the book may be gotten from the statement that more than four hundred acids are named and most of them discussed a t least briefly. The hook is well prepared mechanically and the index is quite complete, although such terms as atomic number. amphoteric and solubility product are omitted from it. As a handy hook for the desk of the busy pharmacist, physician, dentist or nurse, i t will serve a most useful purpose. WORTLEY F. RUDD The Romance of the Atom. BENJAMIN HARROW.Boni and Liveright, New York City, First edition, 1927. iv 157 pp. 12.2 X 18.4 cm., eight photographs, twelve figures. $1.50.


It is the purpose of this book to give in popular language the history of our knowledge of atoms and of atomic structure. This occupies the first eleven chapters. This much of the book is exceedingly well done for i t gives a very good account of the historical development of modem ideas of atoms and ends with a very clear statement of Langmuir's static-atom picture. If the author had stopped a t the end of the eleventh chapter, the book would have been smaller by 25 pages, hut i t would have been incomparably more coherent. The three remaining chapters, entitled Science and Life: The Origin of Life; Science and Life: The Application of Science; and Science and Life: The Scientist as Citizen, have nothing whatever to do with the subject matter of the rest of the book. Irrespective of how well these three chapters may have been written, the reviewer cannot see any excuse for incorporating them in the book. The style of the book is especially clear and interesting, and the author has successfully

avoided the two dangers which ruin most of the other popular books an this subject, for he has omitted practically everything (such as Bahr's Theory) which requires a greater knowledge of physics and mathematics than the average reader may he expected to have, and yet he does not use the fairy tale style which makes most popular books on atomic structure so sickening. For this reason the book will probably find a very useful place on the reference shelf of highschool science classes. WIEELER P. D A V E Y

fessor Keach's book aims a t same goal between these two limits. The author apparently had two objectives in mind throughout this book: first, to give a simple method for obtaining stoichiometrically balanced molecular equations, and second, t o interpret each reaction in terms of the structures of the atoms undergoing oxidation and reduction, i. c., in terms of the tendency for the atoms to acquire the most stable electronic configurations. The method of balancing is almost identical with the well-known valence change method which was described in The Electron in Oxidation-Reduction. the Alexander Smith texts a t least as DEWKIT T. KEACH, assistant pro- early as 1914 under the title, "Making fessor of chemistry, Yale University, equations; using positive and negative Ginnand Co., Boston. 1926. v 58pp. valences." Professor Keeach's modifica12 X 18.5cm. $0.56 list. tions consist in writing separate partial Of all the problems which confront equations far the oxidizing and the teachers of high-school or introductory reducing agents and substituting a change college courses in chemistry, the one in the number of electrons in place of a which is likely t o precipitate the most change in valence. T o the reviewer acrimonious discussion concerns methods these seem t o be entirely logical modifiof balancing the equations for oxidation- cations and should help clarify the situareduction reactions. From the number tion for the students, especially when of artides which have appeared in Tnrs they are dealing with fusion reactions JOURNALduring the past few years, and others which take place in essentially i t seems that this problem is an exceed- non-aqueous mixtures. Whether the mechanism of balancing discussed by ingly important one. I t is unfortunate that there is no single Professor Keach has any decided admethod of balancing these equations vantages over other methods founded which is of sufficient generality t o cover upon similar assumptions, such as the all cases adequately, not even when the one given by Schlesinger in his "General field is limited t o inorganic reactions, Chemistry" (Longmans, 1926) is for the without a t some paint introducing as- reader t o determine. As a presentation of this particular sumptions which are dificult t o reconcile with experimental facts. The di- method and its correlation with atomic versity of the methods previously de- structure the book is good and should scribed is due largely t o the different be of service t o those teachers who like compromises t o which individual teachers t o use such a method. I n this light resort in order t o attain their own teach- the reviewer has only a few minor critiing goals. Some teachers are content cisms t o offer. The method is quite when their students are able t o secure suficient to handle most oxidationstoichiometrically balanced molecular reduction equations without the introequations; others desire that their duction of intermediate reactions; therestudents should have a thorough under- fore, on page 30, it is quite unnecessary standing of all the known factors affecting to postulate HOCl as the oxidizing agent the course of the reaction and equilibrium in chlorine water. Likewise on page involved. The method described in Pro- 31, i t is unnecessary to assume that Na-
