the rubber picked for fuel hose is... Perbunan - C&EN Global

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ÏMHiilieii» picked for

fuel hose ii Perhiiimit

T h e M e t a l H o s e & T u b i n g C o m p a n y o f D o v e r , Κ". «Ι·9 picks Perbunan for the rubber backbone of its extensive line of National Synthetic Hose, the "hose for all petroleum products." Delivering fuel oil and diesel oil... dispensing gasoline from truck and tank...meeting hose specifications of many A r m y and Navy needs—are b u t a few instances where Perbunan plays a n important helping role in the high performance demanded of National Synthetic Hose. Our rubber engineers are ready to cooperate on a n y com­ pounding problems. Write for further information. For I m p r o v e d R u b b e r P a r t s . . . Compound Witli P E R B U X A N ! Resists damage from water, oil, excessive heat, abra­ sions and petroleum hydrocarbons . . . retains flexibility at sub-zero temperatures !

P E R B U N A N R E G . U. S . PAT. O F F .

TII£ SYNTHETIC RUBBER THAT RESISTS O i l . , C O L · » , Ι Ι Κ Λ Χ AIVB T I M E C o p y r i g h t 1947, Enjay Company, Inc.

E N J A Y C O M P A N Y , I N C · (Formerly Chemical Products Department, Stanco Distributors. Inc.), 26 Broadway, New York 4, Ν. Y . V O L U M E

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