The "Rubber Roughnecks" that outwork all others - C&EN Global

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The'Rubber Rouahnecks/ / that outwork all others

R U B B E R R O U G H N E C K S that do a better |Ob longer of moving oil and its by-products to market are the many types of hose, transmission belts and countless molded parts made with CHEMIGUM.

Outstanding workers in the oil fields are those equipment parts and accessories made of CHEMIGUM—the easier-processing nitrile rubbers. Main reason for t h i s g r e a t e r d u r a b i l i t y is the oil-resistance t h a t comes from the generally high and effective acrylonitrile content of the CHEMIGUM copolymers. Added reasons are the high strength properties plus the heat- abrasion- and weatherresistance of the non-sulfur



are possible



Moreover, these non-sulfur compounds are easier to process, cure faster and require less expensive curing ingredients or less of the same type with CHEMIGUM than with other oil-resistant rubbers. But why not prove these advantages in your own laboratory? Details and samples are yours by writing Goodyear, Chemical Division, Akron 16, Ohio.


GOOD/YEAR DIVISION Chemlerum, Pllobond, Pllolite, Pllo-Tuf, Pllovlc—T M / s The Goodyear Tire 8c Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio

Use-Proved Products— CHEMIGUM • PLIOBOND • PLIOLITE • PLIO-TUF • PLIOVIC • WING-CHEMICALS - T h e Finest Chemicals for Industry 2850