The SADTLER Research Laboratories, Inc. - ACS Publications

Eastern "job-sized” pumps and stirrers save weight ·. Eastern has just the right pumps or mixer for your laboratoiy or pilot plant application. The...
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{ a s t e r n " j o b - s i z e d " pumps and stirrers save weight







A wide range . . . in midget pumps: centrifugal and positive prpssurp models—motors from 1.-30 to 1/3 hp, capacities to 20 gph, pressées to fr'J psi.

A complete engineering service to help you. and a big selection of more compact, versatile, high performance pumps and stirrers -this is the formula for your quick and easy choice.

in variable speed stirrers: Rom 1 100 to L/I5 hp non-sparking motor with clamp or ring stand just right for your lab use.

Send for laboratory equipment bulletin No. 1540










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. . . the service that keeps pace with the chemists'' changing needs! This Sadtler IR Spectrum (shown reduced size) is typical of the more than 19,000 indexed by chemical classes, name and molecular formula, and further described by molecular structure and source. Eliminates tedious investigation of unknowns. Compare your spectrum for positive identification! Locate and interpret spectra fast, accurately with special SPEC-FTNDER and other indices. Sadtler Spectra are equivalent to thousands of hours compiling your own library. 26 page booklet free. S A D T L E R

Research Laboratories, Inc.

1517 VINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA 2, PA., LOcust 4-0835 Send booklet of sample spectra to : NAME

Ohaus Scale Corp Agency—Robert M. Baldwin Co.

80 123 72 21 118 50

Packard Instrument Co., Inc 10 Agency—Taylor, Crook Associates, Inc. Parr Instrument Co 86 Agency—F. Williard Hills Adv. Service Perkin-EImer Corp 39:71:75 Agency—G ay nor & Ducas, Inc. Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc 73 Agency—Paul Klemtner & Co., Inc. Philips Electronics, Inc 60-61 Agency—Anders Associates Photovolt Corp 76 Agency—The M. B. Pearlman Co. Picker X-Ray Corp 22 Agency—Goth am -Vladimir Advertising, Inc. Radiation Counter Laboratories, Inc.. . · 41 Agency—James & Thomas Advertising Sadtler Research Laboratories 33:126 Agency-The Roland G. E. Ullman Organization, Inc. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co 70:93 Agency—Fulton, Morrissey Co. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc 23 Scientific Industries, Inc 122 Agency—Dan Jaffe Advertising, Inc. Scientific Products, Division of Ameri­ can Hospital Supply Corp 94 Agency—Alex T. Franz, Inc. Sigmamotor, Inc 72 Agency—Gelia and Wells, Inc. Ivan Sorvall, Inc 88 Agency—William Hill Field Advertis­ ing Standard Scientific Supply Corp 107 Agency—Firestone Advertising Agency, Inc. C. H. Stoelting Co 86 Agency—M an dab ach and Simms, Inc. W. A. Taylor & Co 98 Agency—Emery Advertising Corp. Τ & S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc.. . . 44 Agency—Beecher Associates Technicon Controls, Inc 77:100:113:118 Agency—Mediad, Inc. Texas Instruments, Inc 17 Agency—Robinson - Gerrard - McGary, Inc. Thermco Instrument Corp 114 Agency—Tri- State Advertising Co., Inc. Thermolyne Corp 32 Agency—Howard H. Monk and Associ­ ates, Inc. Arthur H. Thomas Co 92:92C Uetikon Chemical Co The Ultracell Co Unicam Instruments, Ltd Agency—Arks Publicity, Ltd. United Carbon Products Co Agency—Church and Guisewite vertising, Inc. U. S. Stoneware Co Agency—Ralph Gross, Inc.

62 110 104 26 Ad­ 31


Varian Associates Agency— Hoefer, Dieterich & Brown The Victoreen Instrument Co Agency—Palm & Patterson, Inc.




circle No. 70 on Readers' Service Card 126 A

(Continued from page 125 A) National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide Corp Agency—J. M. Mathes, Inc. Nester & Faust Agency—Evans, Dill and Co. New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc Agency—Hayden Advertising Nuclear-Chicago Corp Agency—Sidney Clayton & Associates Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corp.. . Agency—Peter Mehlich, Inc.

Eastern has just the right pumps m rnixt'r for your Idboraioiy or pilot plant application. The wide range of Eastern products lets you choosfc standard units so closely geared to the job that they might have been created just for it.

T h e




on page 127


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