The Salicylates. A Critical Bibliographical Review. - Journal of

The Salicylates. A Critical Bibliographical Review. Alfred. Burger. J. Med. Chem. , 1967, 10 (3), pp 512–512. DOI: 10.1021/jm00315a063. Publication ...
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Book Reuieu) The Salicylates. A Critical Bibliographical Review. Edited by JI. J. I€.S M I T H and P . K. SMITH. Iiiterscietice Publishet,z,John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Ti. 1066. s i v 313 pp. 16.5 X 24.5 em. %10.00.

:I> i t 1 the case of the s.alic.ylate i o i i . liitleeil, ii fair : i i n i i u i t (11 salicylic, acid is rnanuf:ic.tured for u..e i t 1 the iithibitiori of micmihi:il floras. It is therefoi,e di-turbiiig that the present '.wit i ( a t i l i,eview" nciwhei,c eveti mentions 111' lists this extensive :~re:i i i f

After tt ceiitury of wide-Apreati i~liiiicalu y e of the n:ilic.yliiie-, (heir mode of actioii on the molecular level is still uiikiiowi~. 't'he chemical ~ i r u t * t u rof e the salic~ylatel.;is so hirnple, :tiid their Iiiologii~iland therapeuiir avtioii so varied, that thousand> of iiivestigators have tried 10 uiiravel thih mystery. A review of all l l i e fiwets of metabolism, iiiterac-1ion :ii the molecular and tiahlie level, anti the arialgetic-aritipg~.eti(.atid toxirological effects is h i t h timely and welcome. The orientation of this book is biochemical wherever possible. I n the studv of the efects of a drug 0 1 1 ellzvmes and on srtbstrates, one would probably start looking for information in the simplest cell systems, especially if the drug afferts microorgariism.:

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