The Sartorians announce sartorius

Our PLUS PerformancePackage has put the calculator in its rightful place among scientific memorabilia. Alongside the abacus, the slide rule, and the E...
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The Sartorians announce the end of an era. Our PLUS Performance Package has put the calculator in its rightful place among scientific memorabilia. Alongside the abacus, the slide rule, and the EN I AC computer. For, unlike other balances which merely give you the weight, ours also calculates the answer. Now standard on many Sartorius balances, the PLUS Performance Package features a choice of three key pad overlays which activate 16 pre-programmed functions and calculations. They make check weighing, animal weighing, parts counting, formulations and other applications faster and easier than ever before. Our analytical balances will even perform molarity and normality calculations. For more information or a free demonstration, call or write Sartorius Instruments, P.O. Box 770, McGaw Park, IL 60085, (312) 578-4297. Or contact your representative from Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Scientific Products Division, or any authorized dealer. Unless you're just a sentimentalist.

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