The Science of Global Change - American Chemical Society

which shields the earth's surface from damaging ultraviolet radiation from .... 0 2. + 02 . (4). The stratosphere contains, however, only small amount...
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Chapter 2

Stratospheric Ozone Mario J . Molina and Luisa T. Molina

Downloaded by UNIV OF CINCINNATI on May 28, 2016 | Publication Date: February 4, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0483.ch002

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 54-1312, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139

The ozone layer is a very important component of the atmosphere which shields the earth's surface from damaging ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Ozone is continuously being generated by the action of solar radiation on atmospheric oxygen, and it is destroyed by catalytic processes involving trace amounts of free radical species such as nitrogen oxides. More than a decade ago the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) of industrial origin was predicted to lead to stratospheric ozone depletion. Photodecomposition of the CFCs in the stratosphere produces significant amounts of chlorine free radicals, which are very efficient catalysts for the destruction of ozone. Recent observations have established clearly that the rapid decline in ozone over Antarctica in the spring months is indeed caused by man-made chlorine species. Ozone (0 ) is continuously being generated in the atmosphere by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation of wavelengths shorter than about 220 nm on molecular oxygen (0 ) to form atomic oxygen (O), followed by the recombination of O-atoms with 0 : 3





+ hv -> Ο + Ο

ο + o -> o . 2


(1) (2)

Ozone is a relatively unstable species which is easily destroyed by various chemical processes. Its peak concentration is several parts of ozone per million parts of air, and it is found primarily in the stratosphere, the region between about 10 and 50 km above the Earth's surface. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation very efficiently in the wavelength range between 200 and 300 nm, where molecular oxygen and nitrogen are

0097-6156/92/0483-0024$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Stratospheric Ozone

practically transparent. Hence, one of the important functions of the stratospheric ozone layer is to shield the surface of the Earth from solar ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to living organisms. This ultraviolet radiation is known to cause human skin cancer as well as pose a threat to certain crops, forests, and ecological systems. In the process of absorbing this radiation the ozone molecule is destroyed:

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+ hv -> 0

+ Ο



This process does not lead to net ozone depletion because it is rapidly followed by reaction 2, which regenerates the ozone. Reactions 2 and 3 have, however, another important function, namely the absorption of solar energy; as a result, the temperature increases with altitude, and this inverted temperature profile gives rise to the stratosphere (see Figure 1). In the lower layer, the troposphere, the temperature decreases with altitude and vertical mixing occurs on a relatively short time scale. In contrast, the stratosphere is very stable towards vertical mixing because of its inverted temperature profile. The oxygen atoms, formed in the stratosphere predominantly by reaction 3, occasionally react with ozone instead of adding to molecular oxygen:

ο + o -> o + o 3




Reactions 1 to 4 are known collectively as the Chapman mechanism, (first outlined by Sidney Chapman (1) in 1930. They basically explain how ozone can exist in the stratosphere in a dynamic balance; it is continuously being produced by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation on oxygen molecules and destroyed by several natural chemical processes in the atmosphere. Catalytic ozone destruction cycles The concentration of ozone in the stratosphere is lower than predicted from reactions 1 - 4. This is due to the presence of trace amounts of some reactive species known as free radicals. These species have an odd number of electrons and they can speed up reaction 4 by means of catalytic chain reactions. Nitrogen oxides, NO and N 0 , which are naturally present in the stratosphere at levels of a few parts per billion (ppb), are the most important catalysts in this respect. The reactions, first suggested by Paul Crutzen (2) and by Harold Johnston (3) in the early 1970's, are as follows: 2

NO + 0 N0 Net reaction:


-> N 0

+ 0



+ Ο -> NO + 0





o + o -> o + o . 3



Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Reactions 5 and 6 constitute a catalytic cycle because the radical NO that attacks 0 is regenerated by the reaction of N 0 with an O-atom. The net effect is the removal of one 0 molecule and one O-atom. Thus, although the concentration of NO and N 0 (or NOx) in the stratosphere is small, each NO molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecules before being scavenged by a reaction such as the following: 3




O H + N 0 -> H N 0 2



Other important catalysts are the free radicals O H and H 0 , produced in the stratosphere by the decomposition of water vapor. Chlorine atoms are also very efficient ozone destruction catalysts, as noted originally by Stolarski and Cicerone (4):

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CI + 0

-> CIO + 0


CIO + Ο -> Cl + 0

Net reaction:

Ο + 0


-> 0





+ 0 .




The stratosphere contains, however, only small amounts~a few tenths of a ppb-of chlorine free radicals of natural origin. They are produced by the decomposition of methyl chloride, CH C1. The nitrogen oxides (NO and N 0 ) are more abundant and are produced in the stratosphere by the decomposition of nitrous oxide, N 0 . Both CH C1 and N 0 are of biological origin: these compounds, released at the Earth's surface, are sufficiently stable to reach the stratosphere in significant amounts. 3





The Role of Chlorofluorocarbons In 1974, Molina and Rowland (5) suggested that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could provide an important source of chlorine free radicals to the stratosphere and hence would pose a threat to the ozone layer. The CFCs are man-made chemicals used as refrigerants, solvents, propellants for spray cans, blowing agents for plastic foam, etc. The two most important ones are CFC-11 (CFC1 ) and CFC-12 (CF C1 ). These compounds are chemically inert and insoluble in water; thus, they are not removed in the lower atmosphere, in contrast to most other gases released to the environment at the Earth's surface. Instead, the CFCs rise into the stratosphere, where they are eventually destroyed by short-wavelength solar ultraviolet radiation of the type that is shielded by the ozone layer. Because diffusion into the stratosphere is very slow, the residence time for the CFCs in the environment is of the order of a century. The photodecomposition of the CFCs leads to the release of chlorine 3



Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Stratospheric Ozone

atoms in the ozone layer. These atoms can then participate in reactions 8 and 9, as well as in other chemical and photochemical reactions. A schematic representation of the more important reactions is shown in Figure 2. The ClOx catalytic chain mechanism (Reactions 8 and 9) may be interrupted, for example, by reaction of the CI atom with methane (CH ) to produce the relatively stable hydrogen chloride molecule (HC1); or by reaction of chlorine monoxide (CIO) with N 0 or H 0 to produce C10N0 (chlorine nitrate) or HOC1 (hypochlorous acid): 4



Cl + C H -> HC1 + C H 4

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CIO + N 0


-> C10N0






CIO + H 0 -> HOC1 + 0 . 2



The chlorine-containing product species (HC1, C10N0 , HOC1) are "inert reservoirs" because they are not directly involved in ozone depletion; however, they eventually break down by absorbing solar radiation or by reaction with other free radicals, returning chlorine to its catalytically active form. Ozone is formed fastest in the upper stratosphere at tropical latitudes (by reactions 1 and 2), and in those regions a few percent of the chlorine is in its active "free radical" form; the rest is in the "inert reservoir" form (see Figure 3). In order to estimate the extent of ozone depletion caused by a given release of CFCs, computer models of the atmosphere are employed. These models incorporate information on atmospheric motions and on the rates of over a hundred chemical and photochemical reactions. The results of measurements of the various trace species in the atmosphere are then used to test the models. Because of the complexity of atmospheric transport, the calculations were carried out initially with one-dimensional models, averaging the motions and the concentrations of chemical species over latitude and longitude, leaving only their dependency on altitude and time. More recently, two-dimensional models have been developed, in which the averaging is over longitude only. The fundamental aspects of the problem are well established: the measured concentrations of the CFCs indicate that they accumulate in the lower atmosphere and that they reach the stratosphere. As expected, chlorine atoms and CIO radicals are found in the stratosphere together with other species such as O, OH, H 0 , NO, N 0 , HC1, C10N0 , HOC1, etc. The observed concentrations are in reasonable agreement with the model predictions if the limitations of the models, as well as atmospheric variability, are taken into account. 2




Observed Stratospheric Ozone Trends It is only recently that a decrease in stratospheric ozone levels attributable to the CFCs has been observed. In spite of the relatively large natural

Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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( C) e

Figure 1. Average temperature profile of air above the earth's surface.



Figure 2. Schematic representation of the more important reactions and compounds in the stratospheric chemistry of chlorine at low and mid-latitudes. Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Stratospheric Ozone


fluctuations in ozone levels, it has been possible to show, by careful examination of the records over the last two decades, that statistically significant changes have occurred in the winter months at high latitudes (6). Furthermore, as first pointed out by Farman and co-workers (7), the ozone levels over Antarctica have dropped dramatically in the spring months starting in the early 1980's (see Figure 4). This Antarctic ozone hole was not predicted by earlier models; its cause was not clear until recent years, when laboratory experiments, field measurements over Antarctica and model calculations provided very strong indications that the ozone loss can indeed be traced to man-made CFCs.

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Polar Ozone Chemistry The high-latitude (polar) stratosphere has several unique characteristics. High-energy solar U V radiation is scarce over the poles, thus ozone is not generated there. However, the total ozone column abundance is large in this region because ozone is transported towards the poles from lower latitudes and higher altitudes. Furthermore, temperatures over the poles are very low. The catalytic cycles responsible for ozone destruction are active mainly at higher temperatures and in the presence of abundant solar U V radiation; thus ozone is predicted to be very stable over the poles based on conventional gas phase chemistry, and a chemical explanation of Antarctic ozone depletion requires a different mechanism. The stratosphere is very dry; clouds do not form at lower latitudes because the temperature is not low enough. However, the stratosphere over Antarctica is distinctive: the temperature can drop to below -90° Celsius during the winter and spring months, leading to the condensation of water vapor and nitric acid vapor, that is, to the formation of ice clouds (polar stratospheric clouds or PSCs). Several authors (8,9) suggested that PSCs could play a major role in the depletion of ozone over Antarctica by promoting the release of active chlorine from its reservoir species, mainly by the following reaction: (13)

HC1 + C10N0 -> C l + H N 0 . 2



Laboratory experiments by our group showed that reaction 13 occurs very slowly in the gas phase (10). However, in the presence of ice surfaces the reaction proceeds very efficiently: the product C l is immediately released to the gas phase, whereas H N 0 remains frozen in the ice (11). Other groups also found that this heterogeneous (i.e., multiphase) process occurs efficiently (12,13), and that a similar reaction also occurs with N O as a reactant: 2



HC1 + N 0 2


-> C1N0






Both C l and C1N0 absorb visible and near ultraviolet radiation, so that they can readily photolyze even with the faint amount of sunlight 2


Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Figure 3. Simplified diagram of the atmospheric behavior of chlorofluorocarbons. I
















^70CT0BER 1987

Figure 4. Ozone profiles measured in 1987 over Halley Bay, Antarctica, by Farman (20).

Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Stratospheric Ozone

available in the early spring over Antarctica. This process releases free chlorine atoms which react rapidly with ozone, producing oxygen molecules and chlorine monoxide (reaction 8). The mechanism for reaction 13 is not well established yet, but it is likely to proceed through ionic intermediates (11): the CI atom in chlorine nitrate is slightly electropositive, so that it readily combines with negative chloride ions to produce Cl ; the HC1 on ice is expected to be at least partially ionized. We have found that HC1 has a very high mobility on the ice surface, so that even small amounts of HC1 will enable reaction 13 to occur. It is also possible for this reaction to proceed in two steps: the initial step is the reaction of chlorine nitrate with ice; it is followed by the reaction of the product HOC1 with HC1 on the ice substrate: Downloaded by UNIV OF CINCINNATI on May 28, 2016 | Publication Date: February 4, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0483.ch002


C10N0 + H 0 -> HOC1 + H N 0 2



+ HC1 -> H 0 + C l 2





Laboratory experiments have shown that reaction 15 occurs on ice in the absence of HC1 (11-13); furthermore, the product HOC1 appears on a time scale of minutes, in contrast to C l in reaction 13, which is produced on at most a millisecond time scale (11). Thus, in this mechanism HOC1 serves as an intermediate: if there is enough HC1 on the ice, HOC1 will react with HC1 while still on the ice surface; otherwise the HOC1 will desorb, eventually finding an HC1 molecule in the ice, perhaps after several adsorption-desorption cycles. The presence of PSCs also leads to the removal of nitrogen oxides (NO and N 0 ) from the gas phase. As long as there are significant amounts of N 0 it will react with chlorine monoxide (CIO) to produce chlorine nitrate (reaction 11). This species subsequently reacts with H Q on PSC surfaces to produce nitric acid (reaction 13), which remains in the condensed phase. Also, nitric acid directly condenses with water to form nitric acid trihydrate particles, hence it is not available to regenerate N 0 by photochemical processes, as it does when it is in the gas phase. The catalytic cycle described earlier (reactions 8 and 9) cannot explain the rapid depletion of ozone over the South Pole, because reaction 9 requires free oxygen atoms, which are too scarce in the polar stratosphere to react at any appreciable rate with CIO. Several catalytic cycles that do not require oxygen atoms have been suggested as being at work over Antarctica. In 1986 we proposed a cycle that involves the self reaction of chlorine monoxide radicals, without requiring free oxygen atoms to regenerate the chlorine atoms (14): 2




Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



CIO + CIO -> C1 0 2

2 (Q + 0 C1 0 2


-> CIO + 0 )


+ hv -> CI + ClOO


cioo Net reaction:







-> a

+ hv ->


+ o





Much has been learned in recent years about the "CIO dimer", C\ ^ produced in reaction 17. It is actually dichlorine peroxide, ClOOCl; its geometry is now well established from submillimeter wave spectroscopy (15). Photolysis of ClOOCl around 310 nm - the atmospherically important wavelengths - yields chlorine atoms and CIOO radicals (16), as given in reaction 18, rather than two CIO radicals, even though C l O - θ ά is the weakest bond (it has a strength of about 17 Kcal/mol (17)). Thermal decomposition of ClOOCl (the reverse of reaction 17) occurs very fast at room temperature, but more slowly at polar stratospheric temperatures. Hence, photolysis is the predominant destruction path for ClOOCl in the polar stratosphere and two CI atoms are produced for each ultraviolet photon absorbed. McElroy et al. (18) suggested a cycle in which chlorine and bromine are coupled in the destruction of ozone:

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CIO + BrO -> CI + Br + 0

Net reaction:



Br + 0


-> BrO + 0



CI + 0


-> CIO + 0





+ hv ->




There are natural sources of brominated hydrocarbons as well as man-made sources, such as the "halons", which are used in fire extinguishers. Reaction 21 is very fast and generates CI and Br atoms directly; the cycle does not require a photolytic step. Although this cycle occurs with high efficiency, it is less important than the chlorine peroxide cycle because of the much smaller concentrations of bromine compounds in the stratosphere-parts per trillion vs. parts per billion for the chlorine compounds. These catalytic cycles proceed efficiently as long as the N 0 levels are low; otherwise N 0 reacts with CIO (reaction 11), interfering with reactions 17 and 21. Thus, PSCs are important not only because they release chlorine from inert reservoirs, but also because they scavenge nitrogen 2


Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Stratospheric Ozone



oxides from the gas phase, thereby setting the stage for rapid ozone destruction.

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Atmospheric Measurements in the Polar Stratosphere Several key expeditions have been launched in the last few years to measure trace species in the stratosphere over Antarctica as well as over the Arctic. The results provide very convincing evidence for the occurrence of the chemical reactions discussed above and demonstrate the critical role played by man-made chlorine in the formation of the Antarctic "ozone hole". (See, for instance, /. Geophys. Res. 94, Nos. D9 and D14,1989, for a collection of articles on the Antarctic expedition of 1987, and Geophys. Res. Lett. 17, No. 4,1990, for the Arctic expedition of 1989). When ozone is being depleted in the spring months over Antarctica, a very large fraction of the chlorine is present as the free radical CIO (see Figure 5); NOx levels are very low; there are cloud particles and they contain nitrate; etc. Over the Arctic a large fraction of the chlorine is also activated, but ozone depletion is less severe because the temperatures are not as low as over Antarctica: the active chlorine remains in contact with ozone only briefly before the Arctic air masses mix with warmer air from lower latitudes. This air also contains N 0 , which passivates the chlorine. A detailed analysis of the atmospheric measurements over Antarctica by Anderson et al. (19) indicates that the cycle comprising reactions 17 -19 (the chlorine peroxide cycle) accounts for about 75% of the observed ozone depletion, and reactions 21 - 23 account for the rest. While a clear overall picture of polar ozone depletion is emerging, much remains to be learned. For example, the physical chemistry of the acid ices that constitute polar stratospheric clouds needs to be better understood before reliable predictions can be made of future ozone depletion, particularly at northern latitudes, where the chemical changes are more subtle and occur over a larger geographical area. 2

The Montreal Protocol Under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme, many countries-including the industrialized nations of the world-signed an agreement in 1985 in Vienna to regulate the production of CFCs. This initial agreement was followed by the Montreal Protocol in 1987, which called only for a reduction of 50% in the manufacture of CFCs by the end of the century. In view of the strength of the scientific evidence linking stratospheric ozone depletion with the release of CFCs, the initial provisions were strengthened in 1990 through the London Amendments to the protocol: the CFCs will be essentially phased out by the end of the century. Other compounds, such as the halons, carbon tetrachloride (CC1 ) and methyl chloroform (CH CC1 ), which were not included in the initial negotiations, will also be regulated. Because of the long residence times of the CFCs in the atmosphere, even if the protocol were fully enforced, ozone depletion would continue well into the next century. 4



Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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In terms of the uses of CFCs, roughly a third of the amount now produced will be replaced with hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are compounds with chemical and physical properties similar to those of the CFCs, except that their molecules contains hydrogen atoms. They are destroyed predominantly in the troposphere by reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH), forming water and an organic free radical which rapidly photo-oxidizes to yield water-soluble products. Hence, only a small fraction of their release reaches the stratosphere. Another third of the C F C usage will be replaced by "not in kind" compounds; for example, FC-113, which is used to clean electronic boards, can be replaced in many instances by soap-and-water-based or terpene-based solvents. Finally, the last third of the usage will be dealt with by conservation: current practices lead to an unnecessarily large release of CFCs to the environment for certain uses such as cleaning solvents or as refrigerants for automobile air conditioning . The CFC-ozone depletion issue has demonstrated that mankind has the potential to seriously modify the atmosphere on a global scale. We need to learn much more about the environment to prevent its inadvertent deterioration by human activities.




Figure 5. Measurements of chlorine monoxide by Anderson et al. (19) and of ozone by Proffitt et al (21) carried out in 1987 during the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment.

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RECEIVED October 7, 1991

Dunnette and O'Brien; The Science of Global Change ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.