The Sensitized Fluorescence of Я-Naphthylamine, A Study in Transfer

A kinetic mechanism for the transfer of electronic energy is proposed. Introduction ... data on this system and to put forward a kinetic interpretatio...
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Vol. 63

THE SENSITIZED FLUORESCENCE OF B-NAPHTHYLAMINE. A STUDY IN TRANSFER OF ELECTRONIC ENERGY BY JEANT. DUBOIS Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Received Julg 11, 1068

The gas phase sensitized fluorescence of &naphthylamine was studied at 150' using benzene as photosensitizer. Amine pressures of 0.53 and 1.25 mm. were used. A kinetic mechanism for the transfer of electronic energy is proposed.

Introduction studying the effect Of foreign gases

side of which is connected to a mercury reservoir and to a branch of the system. The fritted disk is not enetrated On the b the liquid mercury but allows the gaRes to &w freely. fluorescence of P-naphthylamiiie, Neporent' noticed d e optical arrangement shown on the same diagram is also that a t a wave length of excitation A2537 A. of conventional design. Filter F, used to remove the tail benzene enhances the vapor fluorescence of p- end of the fluorescence spectrum of benzene, consists of 5 ordinary microscope specimen-glass-slides. I n this way to an extent which cannot be the photomultiplier tube responded only to the amine fluorescounted for on the sole basis of vibrational stabili- cence. Quartz lens L was positioned such that a complete zation of the electronically excited amine (see image of the quartz cell was incident on the sensitive surface the photomultiplier. This was done to eliminate effects Table 1). Noting t h a t benzene absorbs energy at of on the signal, of the shifting of the center of absorption in the A2537 8.and that its internal filter effect would reaction cell, with increasing pressure of benzene. This tend to diminish the fluorescence rather than in- problem can also be solved by using frontal illumination, increase it beyond the expected value, he ascribed the stead of sighting the fluorescence at 90' to the exciting beam, that the fluorescence signal is not too weak. All phenomenon to a transfer of electronic energy from providing of the electronic components were stabilized by a Stabiline the benzene. Thus benzene was sensitizing the 1E5102R Voltage Regulator. Furnace windings for the fluorescence of p-naphthylamine (the measuring reaction cell, the amine supply and the all-metal valve were instrument being sensitive only to the amine fluom regulated by Sola Transformers. Temperatures at the reaction site, for the amine supply and at the all-metal valve rescence). ,&, other wave lengths where the were measured with iron-constantan thermocouples and a absorption by benzene is negkible, NePorent also Leeds and Northrup Portable Precision Potentiometer No. showed that the presence of this gas merely re- 8662. The photomultiplier tube was operated a t 1000 volts moves the excess vibrational energy of the excited and the signal was fed to a Leeds and Northrup 69870 Speedamine and that this effect is almost identical to that om !; " p ~ ~ ~ ~ 8ource ~ ~ and ~ all~of the $ electronic ~ g h of pentane at the same wave length. equipment were turned on about one hour before measureIt is the purpose of this paper to confirm quan- ments were made. During that eriod a vacuum of about titatively Neporent's observations, to present new 10-8 mm. was established in thegot cell ( C U . 150'). A f i s t reading was made to establish a correction for small amounts data on this system and to put forward a kinetic of stray light. This was done by actuating a shutter in the interpretation of the phenomenon. path of the exciting beam. Valve K was closed and the amine su ply temperature raised to obtain the desired presExperimental sure of t i e fluorescer. Allowing equilibrium to be estabA. Materials.-8-Naphthylamine was su plied by the lished, a second reading was taken as before. This reading J. T. Baker Chemical Company and purified f y sublimation when properly corrected was recorded a8 Fo, the fluorescence at 110". Benzene was a certified reagent from the Fisher intensity of the fluorescer a t zero pressure of the sensitizer. Scientific Company and was further purified by distill- Next, a pressure of benzene was introduced into the line, ing a middle-third fraction into a break-off seal. valve K was opened momentarily and after allowing time for equilibrium to be reached, a third reading was taken as TABLE I previously. This reading, when corrected by the f i s t was ENHANCEMENT OF THE vAPoRrecorded as F, the fluorescence of the mixture a t pressure NEPORENTJS RESULTSON p mm. of the sensitizer. For each fluorescence reading a FLUoREsCENCE OF B-NAPHTHYLAMINE IN TH? PstEsENCE OF simultaneous observation was made of the photomultiplier BENZENE AT 150' AND X 2537 A. voltage, the temperature of the amine sup ly, the temperaAmine pressure = 0.53 mm. ture of the reaction cell, and the pressure orsensitizer as read on a mercury manometer. It was im erative that the exz X lo-*, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 citing beam be allowed to shine on t t e reaction cell only momentarily while taking a fluorescence reading, because of sec. -1 1.60 2.08 2.38 2-70 3-00 3-25 3.50 a photosensitized decomposition of benzene with excited FdFo mercury atoms, resulting in a decrease in the transparency of the cell windows. Small deposits on the windows can TABLE I1 be pumped off in a few hours when the cell is hot. Thud it NEPORENT'S RESULTSO N THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE VAPOR was thought preferable to cool the amine supply and pump on the hot cell after each fluorescence reading. In this way F~~~~~~~~~~~ OF P - ~ A P H T H Y L d M I N E IN THE pREsENCE OF it was possible to obtain reproducible results. PENTANE AT 150' A N D X 2537 A. Results Amine pressure = 0.53 mm. ZX10-8, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The effect of benzene on the vapor fluorescence of &naphthylamine at A2537 k. was measured sec.-l FJFo 1.12 1.33 1.50 1.70 1 . 8 5 2.08 2.25 a t ca. 150' for amine pressures of ca. 0.53 mm. and B. Apparatus.-The benzene was stored and measured in a conventional manner as shown in Fig. 1; however, to prevent any contact with stopcock grease a special valve V was used. This simply consists of a fritted disk filter, each (1)

B. S. Neporent, Zhur. Fs'z. Khim., 84, 1219 (1950).

1.25 mm.

The experimental points, expressed FIFO,the ratio of the fluorescence of the amine at a pressure p mm. of benzene to that a t zero pressure of benzene, are shown in Fig. 2. Smooth curve A in that figure also represents the average as




Jan., 1969


of Neporent’s results a t an amine pressure of 0.53 mm. It is noted that the scatt,ering in the data is much less at the higher pressure of the amine. This is to be expected in view of the larger amount of fluorescence available a t the higher pressure and also because of the reduction in the photosensitized decomposition of the benzene. Discussion When P-naphthylamine absorbs radiation X2537 fi. directly, it is raised to a high vibrational level of its first singlet excited electronic state. During the lifetime of the excited state the molecule may fluoresce or undergo a radiationless transition, the rate of which depends on the vibrational energy content of the molecule. In general, collisions with foreign gases which do not react with the excited amine and which are transparent to the exciting radiation remove vibrational energy from the excited state and increase the relative rate of fluoreacence. This process is referred to as vibrational stabilization and has been submitted to kinetic analysis.2 Using this treatment for the vibrational stabilization of the amine and adding the following steps to take care of the simultaneous excitation of the fluorescer by sensitization with benzene


s hr ---t s* S*+F +S+Fi





+s + h P *



decay ki where S = sensitizer, S* = excited sensitizer, F = fluorescer, F1 = high Vibrational level of the elec-






Fig. 1.-S Hanovia S-100 mercury lamp; L, quartz lenses; M, daertner L234-150 quartz monochromator; 0, electrically heated oven with quartz windows; separate heating coil for amine supply; K, all-metal Hoke packless valve, type 413; K1, stopcock: F, filter; P, RCA 1P21 photomultiplier. PS, power supply Model 710PR, Furst Electronics; d, Speedomax G recorder; T, cold traps: Man., mercury manometer; C, mercury cut-offs; V, special valve; Mc, RilcLeod; Re, benzene reservoir.

tronically excited fluorescer, one arrives a t the expression

, ?/-‘A

I n this equation I,, and Iafrefer to the radiation absorbed by the sensitizer and by the fluorescer, respectively, ( I a f ) o refers to the absorption by the fluorescer at zero pressure of the sensitizer, and V ,as derived in ref. 2, is

where 2 = number of collisions suffered per second by a naphthylamine molecule with benzene molecules and the 7’s are the lifetimes of the na.phthy1amine molecules in various vibrational levels El, Ez,Es, ...,etc. The first factor in the complete expression for P,/Fo gives the fluorescence change due to the sensitization process and to the redistribution of light absorption in the two-component system, whereas the factor V gives the enhancement due to vibrational stabilization. If the total number of quanta absorbed by the benzene were useful in exciting the fluorescer molecules we would have In general this fraction will be < 1and we can denote it by ‘y.” (2) M. Boudart and J. T. Dubois, J . Chem. Phys., 23, 223 (1955).

40 50 60 70 80 90 Benzene PI mm. Fig. 2.-0, experimental points at 0.53 mm. pressure of 8-naphthylamine; c), experimental points a t 1.25 mm. presof p-naphthylamine. Solid curve “A” represents the sure average of Neporent’s results a t amine pressure 0.53 mm. Solid curve “A” as well as the dashed portion also represent the calrulated results based on the mechanism developed in the Discussion. Solid curve “B” is a calculated curve based on the same mechanism, for the amine pressure of 1.25 mm.





Using for V the values of pentane a t A2537 h. as found by Neporent’ and shown in Table 11, calculating I,, and I,r from known values of the molar extinction coefficients for benzene and pnaphthylamine, and choosing for the sake of argument a value o f f = 1, one obtains curve “A” of Fig. 3 for amine pressure 0.53 mm. If on the other hand for the same system, one assumes that vibrational stabilization plays no role during the process of sensitization, ie., V = 1 and the amount



Vol. 63

the energy in the low vibrational levels of its electronically excited state. The postulated mechanism then must be modified to include a step which reduces the size of the quanta absorbed by the sensitizer and a t the same time preserves the form of equation 4. This is done easily by considering the scheme S*

/” /


f hv,


ikt s**







(Iaf)o +



with the result that F_ = - I a f I,. ZMF) FO ( L f ) o + 00&(F) Ki

- -I a f -



+ K F ~(5)


I,. oo


where 5 = ev e = 11 =






Z X 10-8, sec.-l.




Fig. 3.-A, calculated from equation 1 assuming that all of the energy quanta absorbed by the benzene are transferred to the amine; B, calculated from equation 4 with the same assumptions as for “A.”

of fluorescence by direct absorption by the fluorescer is kept small, equation 1becomes which for f = 1 is represented by curve “B” in Fig. 3. In calculating the curves shown in the figure, the distribution of light for component “A” in a mixture of “A” and “B” is taken as

Equation 1can be rewritten

the external transfer efficiency the internal transfer efficiency

The idea that benzene deactivates to a lower electronic level before transferring its energy to the amine is a natural one since the fluorescence efficiency of benzene is low and also because benzene is known to have a low-lying triplet state a t A3400 A. (observed in phosphorescence) and that the latter is practically in perfect resonance with the 0-0 transition in p-naphthylamine (29,200 cm.-I). From equation 6, the quantity F (Iar)o Fo

- I,f/Im = 5

is independent of sensitizer pressure. The results of such a plot are shown in Fig. 4. For amine pressures of 0.53 and 1.25 mm., 5 was found to be 0.83 and 0.92, respectively. The large values of 5 thus calculated indicate that both intra- and intermolecular energy transfer processes are very efficient in this case. Of course we already know that the internal transfer process for benzene is very efficient since the fluorescence efficiency for

+ e s ~ s{ 1 - 10-d(eFcFfeB&))


Errors in the chosen values of the molar extinction coefficients will change the value of “f” necessary to match the experimental data but will not change the shape of the F J F o curve from which the conclusions are drawn. With concentrations in moles/ liter the values of e a t A2537 A. were: benzene (162), p-naphthylamine (2600). The experimental cell was 2 em. long. For calculations of ‘(2” the following diameters owere used : benzene (5.7 A,), p-naphthylamine (7 A.). Comparing Fig. 2 and 3 it would seem that only by assuming that vibrational stabilization plays no role in the system considered can one arrive a t analytical expressions of the generd form obtained by experiment. If this assumption is correct, one must conclude that somehow the amine receives



I -&F



that molecule is no more than about 5%. If we denote the fluorescence efficiency by y then q = l - y

and E = - =




Ka (F) Ka(F) Ki



Thus from experimental determinations of 5 and y a value could be obtained for the intermolecular transfer efficiency. Furthermore. since from equation 7 1 1--e T M K=~ ( 7 (F) )


values of K,, the rate constant for intermolecular transfer of electronic energy can be calculated


Jan., 1959


if the lifetime T~ of the me astable &ate of ben31 Bene is known. Many of t lk experimental values needed to carry out these interesting calculations are not known with certainty. The experiments presently reported permitted the elaboration of a plausible scheme for the phenomenon studied and point the way to further research in this area. A scheme involving self-quenching of the sensitizer could explain the above results without ” supposing deactivation to and transfer from the low10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Pressure, mm. (sensitizer). lying metastable state. However, observations in this laboratory as well as elsewhere3 indicate that Fig. 4.--Experimental test of equation 6, for two values of self-quenching in benzene is relatively unimportant. @-naphthylamine pressure. It is also of interest to note that because pIt is of interest to note what other information or naphthylamine appears in its lowest vibrational applications are latent in this relatively simple type states, in the process under consideration, the system behaves (from the point of view of electronic of experiment. Having an experimental value of K,, the rate energy transfer) in the same manner as a liquid or solid system where vibrational energy is dis- constant for transfer of electronic energy and assipated rapidly. In a recent publication on sen- suming no activation energy for the transfer process, sitized phosphorescence in organic solutions a t low one can calculate an effective cross-section. Crosstemperatures, Terenin and Ermolaev4 represent sections for reactions of electronically excited the dependence of naphthalene phosphorescence species are known to differ from those for normal sensitized by benzaldehyde a t fixed concentrations species but a priori calculations are not possible using current methods. of the phosphorescer by Finally, it is an observation in radiation chemisI , = I l i m (1 - e-ac) try that small amounts of aromatics stabilize where certain compounds which otherwise decompose I, = phosphorescence intensity of naphthalene a t concn. easily when subjected to the radiation. This sta“c” of benzaldehyde, which absorbs the exciting bilization effect is explained by employing energy radiation Illm= the saturation level of intensity transfer processes to the aromatic. Since the transa = constant fer process from benzene can be very efficient, the This equation is algebraically equivalent to our reverse process, using benzene as an energy sink, equation 6 , for a system where the fluorescer is also can take place efficiently under certain concompletely transparent to the exciting radiation. ditions. (3) P. Pringsheim, “Fluorescence and Phosphorescence,” InterAckow1edgment.-The author wishes to acscience Publishers, New York, N. Y., 1949, p. 265. knowledge helpful conversations with Dr. Michel (4) A. Teienin and V. Ermolaev, Trans. Faraday Soc., 62, 1042 Boudart and Dr. Brian Stevens. (1950).

THE IGNITION OF EXPLOSIVES BY RADIATION1 BY J. EGGERT Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland Received July 11, 1968

I n the known experiments of Norrish2and Porter2the radiation, which is emitted as very high energy within milliseconds by suitable electric discharges, serves to dissociate gases, such as chlorine, into atoms or radicals. I n these cases the absorbed energy is consumed in making possible one or several chemical processes; the system reacts exclusively with the absorbed energy, even if it returns to the original state in some cases by dark reactions afterwards. I n this case the absorbed energy is therefore stored as chemical energy; the system operates just as a plant during the photosynthesis. Principally different is the behavior of a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen; for chlorohydrogen can be caused to detonate by sufficiently large quantities of absorbable radiation and is converted to hydrogen chloride even by radiation of lower intensity with a high quantum yield (of the order of ‘P = lo6),because in this “endothermic system” chain reactions may occur, as Bodenstein and later Nernst have shown. The impulse for the chain, as previously, is given by the photolytic formation of chlorine atoms. They react according to C1 Hz -* HCl H, H Clz HC1 C1 with continuous production of HCI molecules and with continuous alternating delivery of H and C1 atoms until either the chain is broken by trapping of the atoms (mutually or by reaction with foreign substances), or until the entire mixture completes the reaction explosively, Le., thermically.



In Zurich we tried for some time to find the answer to the question whether solid compounds of endothermic character like chlorohydroqengas mixture can also be caused to detonate by a (1) J . Eggert, P h y s i k . Bt., 10, 549 (1954). (2) (a) R . G. W. Norrish, Z . Elsktrochem., 56, 705, 712 (1952); (b) G. Porter and F. J. Wright, ibid., 66, 782 (1952).




sufficiently large amount of radiation. Principally such systems should be found among the explosives, particularly among those which in other respects, especially mechanically, also possess a high degree of sensitivity. The first representative which we found was nitrogen iodide (NH3N13) which as brown-black powder can be ignited by the radiation