The Solvent Effect of Lithium Nitrate on Zinc Acetate in Acetic Acid

III. Discussion. Tlie temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient is displayed in Fig. 4. in which the superior semi-logarithmic-reciprocal te...
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l h e parameters usually irivoked to explain the teiiiperature am1 concentration variation of riiffusioii are the viscosity arid the activity. I'licw f ,Ic*tors are coupled in the cxliression16

With tlie viscosity data o f Binghani arid Whitelx cJthers19~20 the first factor givrs computed ralues of the diffusivity (1)) iiiuch lower than those observed, and the second activity factor" ylevates these values only slightly, t ( J within only a third to ;I fifth of the :~ctuallyobserved values. This saiiie situation obtains in dilute sucrose solutions but to a lcss magnified exteiit." Apparently soiiic. factor is oper;Ltiiig which has a inore proriouncetf effect upon viscosity than upon diffusion.& A (hydrogen bonded) 1i cluster of sucrose molecules miglit offer tremendous fluid resistance to rnoveiiient through a medium, and yet lose or exchange its in~livid~ial niembers quite freely in diffusion. aiitl







'l'hc. diffusioti covtricieiits oi aqueous sucrose SOI u t i i I I I S tiiniiiiish litiearly frc'miconcentrations above I J I I V niolar to a t least the saturation concentration. 'l'lit~Stctkes--Bilist.eiri inzplicatioii of ari inverse

clit~usivjty-visct,sity relation is elltirely iiiackqu;r te to cxplain the results obtained. IMTusioii cocflicierits of U. 1 .M potassiurn chloride exhibit a slight coiivexity on the usual semilogarithinic-reciprocal temperature plot,


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