the solvent extraction behavior of inorganic compounds. - American

M+, MX and MX2- represent typical cationic, neutral and anionic metal-containing species, re- spectively; HMXz represents a species which is a weak ac...
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Jan., 1957



THE SOLVENT EXTRACTION BEHAVIOR O F INORGANIC COMPOUNDS.’ 11. GENERAL EQUATIONS BYR. M. DIAMOND Contribution f r o m the Department of Chemistry and the Laboratory for Nuclear Studies, Cornel1 University Received April 67,1966

A general expression is obtained for the distribution quotient, D , of a metal halide between an aqueous hydrohalic acid phase and an organic solvent. Cationic, neutral, anionic, and polymeric (associated) metal halide species are considered. The variations in this quotient with changes in concentration of the halide ion, of the hydrogen ion, of other halide salt, and of other strong acid, as well as of total metal halide, are also given. With increasing concentration of one of these substances, the value of D varies in such a way as to favor that phase in which the average metal-containing species contains more of that substance, Le., more metal, halide or hydrogen ion. But even when the same metal halide species exists in both phases, D may still vary through a “common ion” effect. For example, D may vary with total metal concentration even when only the same ionic metal-containing species exists in both phases, if another substance with a common ion is present, and t h e common ion from it dominates one, but only one, phase,

In a previous paper2 the gross extraction beAn ideal system of two completely immiscible havior of: molybdenum(V1) from aqueous acid solu- phases, an aqueous hydrohalic acid and an organic tions into a variety of organic solvents has been solvent, and a minimum number of representative discussed and four processes involved in such examples of cationic, neutral and anionic metalacid-metal halide extraction systems have been containing species will be considered. As composuggested. These are (1) association and poly- nents we shall take the metal halide, MX,6 the hymerization of the metal species in either, or both, drogen halide, HX, a non-complexing acid, HZ, and phases, and consequent dependence of the extrac- an inert halide salt, AX, with the following possition on the metal ion concentration; (2) possible ble species present in each phase acid ionization of the metal species, and hence de- Aqueous phase: M+, MX, MXZ-, HMX2, M2X2, H+, X-, pendence of the extraction on hydrogen ion and 2-, A + thus on all other acid species present; (3) complex Organic phase: M+, MX, MXZ-, HMXI, M2X2, AMXI, formation with halide ion, and consequent dependH+, X-, 2-, A+, HX, HZ, AX ence of the extraction on halide ion Concentration M+, M X and MX2- represent typical cationic, and thus on all other species present capable of disanionic metal-containing species, resociating into such ions; (4) solvation and hydra- neutral and HMXz a species which is a spectively; tion in the two phases, and consequent dependence weak acid, or an ion represents pairing between H+ and MX2on the specific nature of the solvent. The purpose in the organic solvent; M2Xz represents a dimeric of this paper is to give general equations applicable (polymeric) species, but also in the organic phase to such systems, and to discuss various possible stands for ion-triplets and higher ion associations; special cases. A treatment of the problem has re- AMXZ, HX, HZ and, AX in the organic phase repcently been given by Irving, Rossotti and Williams,3 neutral species, either true molecules or ionbut with a different formulation, and a quite dif- resent pairs. ferent interpretation of the results. The present treatment follows that suggested by J. S a l d i ~ k , ~ The partition of the metal halide between the and represents an extension to a more general sys- two phases is given by the distribution quotient, D metal concn. in organic phase tem and a physical interpretati~n.~Two papers to D = metal concn. in aqueous phase follow will treat the first three factors above in D = greater detail using the molybdenum(V1) system specifically as an illustration. The effects of solvation and of the specific nature of the solvents cannot (1) be handled mathematically and will be ignored in this paper, but these will be treated in a qualitative where ( )” represents concentration in the organic manner in the papers dealing with actual extraction phase and ( ) that in the aqueous phase. Leaving systems. The justification for this procedure is out charges on the ions for simplicity, the distributhat actual systems do show the effects predicted tion of the species M + between the phases can be by the equations derived below, and that variation represented by the expression in the extraction behavior with a change in organic ~ M X ( M ) ( X=) (M)o(X)o solvent can be predicted qualitatively from a knowl- where CY is the concentration “constant” for the edge of certain of the properties of the solvents. equilibrium involved. Similarly (1) Supported in part by the joint program of the Office of Naval Research and the Atomic Energy Commission. The right to reproduce in whole or in part is granted to the U. 9. Qovernment. (2) I. Nelidow and R.M. Diamond, THISJOURNAL, 69,710 (1955). (3) H. Irving, F. J. C. Rossotti and R. J. P. Williams, J . Chem. SOC.,1906 (1955). (4) J. Saldick, Abstracts of the 126th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N. Y., September, 1954. ( 5 ) Saldick has since published a more detailed treatment. J. Saldick. THIEJOURNAL,60,600(1956),b u t not for aa general a system a8 i n the present work.

~ H . M X ~ ( H ) ( M=X (H)o(MXz)o Z) = (A)o(MXz)o ~A.MxAA)(MXZ) ~ H X)(X W ) = (H)o(X)o ~ H Z ( H ) ( Z=) (H)o(Z)o ~ A X ( AX ) ( = (A )o( X 10


(6) The choice of unipositive M + as the metal ion is for simplicity’s sake and not to indicate t h a t unipoaitive ions extract easily. They do not. For reasons t o be discussed in a later paper, certain complex ions of aome tripoeitive and dipositive metala extract most readily.



and for the association equilibria in the aqueous phase PMX(M)(X)= (MX) = (MXd PMX,(M)(X)~ PM,X*(M)~(X)~ = (M2X2) PH,MX,(H)( MX2) = (HMXz)


and for the association equilibria in the organic phase SMX(M)O(X)O = (MX)o ~ H , M X ~ (MXz)o H ) O ( = (HMX2)o ~ A , M X ~ ( A ) O ( M=X(AMX2)o Z)O ~ M ~ x ~ ( M ) o= ~ ((MzXZ)O X)O~



From this expression it can be seen that, if the average metal-containing species in the organic phase has more hydrogen, metal or halogen than the average metal-containing species in the aqueous phase, the value of D will increase with increasing (H), (M) or (X), respectively, and decreasing (H)3 or (X),. D will decrease with increasing (H), (M) or (X) and decreasing (H)o or (X), if the average metal-containing species in the organic phase has less hydrogen, metal or halogen than that in the corresponding aqueous phase. Furthermore, since the concentration of hydrogen, metal or halide ion involved is the total concentration in that phase, from whatever source, a variation in D may result even when the average metal-containing species in the two phases are the same. For if the metal halide species involved are ionic, D may depend upon the concentration of M f , H+ or X-, or even on foreign ions (such as A+ and Z- in the present system), through what shall hereafter be called a common ion effect. This is true whenever the co-ion

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ample, D may depend on (M) even though no dimers are present in either phase. If the only metal-containing species is M + in both phases, an inverse dependence of D on (M)'/z would result if the acid HX were very soluble and highly dissociated in the aqueous phase and very little so in the organic phase, i.e., (M) > (H)o. Conversely, if HX were very soluble and highly dissociated in the organic phase and poorly so in the aqueous phase, so that (X> = (M) >> (H) and (Mo) > QEX.

of an ionic metal-containing species is also the coion of some other species present in excess in one, either one, but only one, of the phases. For ex-

With the substitution of these two expressions in eq. 5

Jan., 1957



D =

Consider now the variation of D with changes in the concentration of the various aqueous ions. This can perhaps best be seen by taking the partial derivatives of the logarithm of D with respect to the logarithms of the concentrations of the ions of interest, especially since the experimental data to be presented in following papers is most readily displayed in this fashion. 1. Variation of D with Metal Concentration.-Let the denominator in eq. 7, the metal concentration in the aqueous phase, be Q, the numerator be P , so that D = P/Q. Then

The fa's are the fractions of the total metal concentration in the organic phase represented by the species indicated by subscripts, and the f's are the fractions of the total aqueous metal concentration represented by the species similarly indicated. The fa's and f's are, of course, themselves functions of the concentrations of H+, M+, A+, X-, Z-, i e . faM+


From (8) it can be seen that if the only species present in the organic'phase are neutral molecules and there are no dimers in either phase ( ~ O M X ~ O H M X ~7 ~ , ~ O M 7f~ X~ ~=+ 0), the plot of log D us. log Q will be a straight line of zero slope (Fig. la). If dimers can exist in the organic phase, b log D / b log Q = f o ~ z and ~ 2 a plot of log L) us. log Q will be a curve with a slope going from 0 at very low Q to 1 a t high Q wherefoMzXz+.1, that is, where the metalcontaining species is predominantly in the dimeric form (Fig. l b ) . Of course, a larger slope would result from higher order polymerization or ion association in the organic phase. I n the specialized system chosen here, (M2X2)ostands for not only true molecular dimerization (polymerization), but also ionic association in the organic phase (of low dielectric constant), leading to clusters containing more than one metal atom, i.e.,,ion triplets, quadruplets, etc. Such association has indeed been observed in the extraction of H+FeC14- and H+GaCI4- into certain ethers, and does contribute to an increase in D with increasing (M).7 On the other hand, if dimers can exist only in the aqueous phase, the slope of the plot of log D vs. log Q will go from zero a t low Q to - a t high Q where ~ M + ~ 1x(Fig. ~ IC). If dimers exist in both phases, the slope will have a value between 1 and - 1/2, depending upon which phase has dimers for the greater fraction of its metal-containing species. If no dimers exist, but there are ionic metal halide species in the organic phase ( ~ O M ~ = X ~f. ~ , x= ~ 0, f o + or ~ f O M x 2 - # 0) and another ionic substance




(7) (a) R . J. Myers and D. E. Metzler, J . A m . Chem. Soc.. 73,3772 (1950); (b) N. H. Nachtrieb and R. E. Fryxell. ibid.,74, 807 (1952).

with a common ion is present, i e . , H+X-, H+Z-, A+X-, a dependence of D on Q may still show up. As a simple example, consider the change in D for the distribution of the single metallic species HMXz, between water and an organic phase, with a hydrohalic acid, HX, a t a much larger concentration simultaneously present and distributing between the two phases. The aqueous phase then contains H+, MX2- and X-, while the organic phase has H+, MX2-, X-, and also undissociated H X and HMXz. At very low metal concentrations the hydrogen ion concentration in both phases is determined by the distribution and dissociation of the HX, since it is in overwhelming amounts. Here a plot of log D us. log Q will be a horizontal straight line. As the metal ion concentration is increased, a point will be reached at which the amount of H + brought into the organic phase by the MX2- will be comparable to that extracting with the X-; this increase in (H)O common to both anions represses the extraction of both X - and MX2-, and the value of D will begin to decrease. When (MX2)o>> (WO,or O I H , M X ~ ( M>> X ~OIHX(X), ) the slope of log D us. log Q approaches -'/2. But the increase in (H)oalso increases the fraction of metal-containing species in the organic phase present as associated HMXZ,so eventually D becomes independent of Q again. A plot of log D us. log Q illustrating this behavior is shown in curve d, Fig. 1. Obviously the metal concentrations a t which D begins to decrease and then becomes constant again depend upon the relative acid strengths, concentrations, and distribution of H X and HMX2, and upon the nature of the organic solvent. The stronger the acid HMXz is, and the weaker and less soluble in the organic phase that HX is, the lower the value of Q where D begins to decrease and the higher'the value of Q before D becomes constant. Conversely, the weaker HMX2 is, and the stronger and more soluble in the organic phase that H X is, the higher the value of Q a t which D begins to decrease and the sooner D achieves constancy again. If the concentrations of the acid species in the organic phase are known, the plot of log D us. log Q will then give information as to the relative acid



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strengths in that solvent. The type of behavior illustrated by curve d, Fig. l, is to be expected with oxygenated, non-water-like (non-alcoholic) organic solvents of moderate dielectric constant. If the dielectric constant is low, association (ion-pairing) will be enhanced to the point where practically only HMXz exists in the organic phase and no variation of D will occur, (right-hand horizontal region, curve d, Fig. 1). If the dielectric constant of the organic solvent is high, approaching that of water, there will be little ion association, but the hydrohalic acid, HX, present in the aqueous phase in much higher concentration than the metal, will probably become quite soluble and dissociated in the organic phase and will furnish the major portion of the hydrogen ions there, too, for all reasonably obtainable concentrations of metal.s Thus again there would

2. Variation of D with Concentration of H+X(represented by [HX])at Constant (Z) and (A).It can be seen from eq. 7 that whether D increases or decreases with increasing concentration of H+X- depends primarily upon whether the average metal-containing species in the organic or in the aqueous phase contains the larger number of hydrogen plus halide ions. But again, as in the variation with Q, even when the same species predominates in both phases, there may still be a dependence on [ H X ] through a common ion effect. The requirements are that the metal-containing species be ionic, and that H+X-, with the same coion, be present in much larger concentration in either one, but only one, of the two phases. d log D [HX] b log D [HX] b log D

(8) This is not to imply t h a t the dielectric constant of the organic solvent is the all powerful factor, Only oxygenated solvents, or those containing basic nitrogens, etc., are being considered here, i.e., ethers, esters, ketones, nitriles and alcohols, as in ref. 2 i t was shown t h a t these alone extract molybdenum(V1). Ethylene dichloride and odichlorobenzene have dielectric constants higher than some of the oxygenated solvents used and ahow negligible extraction, This Beems t o _ _ be a general phenomenon in ionic metal halide-acid halide extraction systems, and points up the importance of solvation of the metallic species and/or the hydrogen ion in the organic phase, t h a t in, the requirement of a bmio atom in the organic molecule capable of further aoiirdinatjop,

mon ion effect, upon the concentration, strength and distribution Of any other strong acid or Salt that mag be present. If MX2-- is the only metal-containing species are possible present in the Organic phase, but in the aUUe0US phase. D will initially increase with increasing [HXj. The slope of the plot of log D us. log Q depends upon the relative amountsof hydrogen ion in the organic phase furnished by HX and HMXZ, +3/2 if (H)o = (MXZ)O>> (X)Oor +2 if



(H) b log ( H ) + ( X ) b log ( X )


Jan., 1957

(MX& > (X)Oor (MXP)O > (YHZ, HZ will have little effect other than determining the initial slope of log D us. log rHX] : the rest of the curve will behave as b log D / b log (X). For example, if M + is the principal metal-containing species in the organic phase, a plot of log D us. log [HX] will start out with zero slope, rise to a maximum, and then decrease with a slope approaching - 3//z as MX2- becomes the most important metal-containing species in the aqueous phase. If MX2- is the principal metal-containing



species in the organic phase, a plot of log D us. log [HX] for CXHZ> (LHX, and then the presence of HZ will greatly change D for Mf or MX2-. As an illustration, HZ will repress the extraction of MX2- into the organic phase through the increase in concentration of the common (H)o. For, from ~H,MX~(H)(M = X( H ~ ) o ( M X ~ keeping O, (HI and (MX2) constant, an increase in (H)orequires a decrease in (MX2)o. A plot of log D us. log [HX] would start with an initial slope of +2 and rise with the slope increasing to the value (CXHZ/CYHX) at high [HX] (curve e, Fig. 3). Similarly, the presence of H+Z- in the organic phase may affect the distribution of cationic species through the resulting changes in (X)o. For with CYHZ >> C Y ~ X the , plot of log D US. log [HX] for M +





log D,


0.I log [HXI



Fig. 2.-Variation of D with H X concentration when (HZ) = (AX) = 0: (a) only MX in the organic phase, M f and MX in the aqueous one; ( b ) only MX in the organic +,MX, MXZ-, MIX: in the a ueous one; ( e ) only @%yhe organic phase, M+, MX, %XZ--, MzXz in the a ueous one; ( d ) MX2- in the organic phsse, M+, MX, M%,-, M2X2 in the aqueous one.

will not initially rise, (as when CYHZ> CYHX,the situation is l o o t reversed; the D for M + is smaller, and that for MX2- is larger, from AX than from HX solutions, and the plot of log D us. log [HX] starts with zero slope for either ion, and rises to a limiting slope of + 1 / 2 ( ~ ~ ~ /for ~ ~M~+ )or falls to the value - l / 2 (CYAX/CYHX) for MX2- at high (pure) H X (curve e, Fig. 3). Evidence exists for the “common ion” effect on the distribution quotient, D, discussed in this paper, and some of this will be presented in the following paper. This effect is a major difference between the present work and the general equations for solvent extraction presented by Irving, Rossotti and william^,^ and is an important one. Neglect of this effect by the latter authors invalidates much of their interpretation of their experimental results with the indium bromide-hydrobromic acid-methyl isobutyl ketone ~ y s t e m as , ~ their data lead to the conclusion that they are observing just this effect, and not dimerization of the indium species in the Fig. 3.-Variation of D with HX concentration when aqueous phase as they suggest. either HZ (curves a, b, c ) or AX (curves d, e) is also present It should also be re-emphasized that the equato keep the ionic strength constant; (a) only M X in the organic phase, M +,MX, MX2-, MzXz in the aqueous phase; tions derived above are for an idealized system in (b) only MX2- in the organic phase, all speciea In the which no changes are assumed to occur in the nraqueous phase, as in (a), and CYHZ ( Y H X ; (d) only MX2- in the orgnnic phase, all species in the aqueous phase, ap in (a), with the variations of concentrations described above. That is. the two phases, organic and aqueous acid, CYAXCYHX are always considered as immiscible liquids which keep their original individual properties throughout the changes considered above, and hence the constants of eq. 2, 3 and 4 are constant. Actually, of course, real two-phase systems are not so ideal, and (H) allowance must be made not only for their mutual f fOHMXs - fHMXp - -f ‘AMXg (A) solubility, but more importantly, for the changes in There is no effect on D when AX and H X are in- mutual solubility, phase volumes, dielectric consterchanged if only M X or MzXzexists in the organic tants, solvationof species, etc., whichoccur under the phase (all possible metal-containing species al- concentration changes considered. Unfortunately, lowed in the aqueous phase other than HMX2). If these solvent effects cannot be so easily expressed in HMX2 and AMXz are also allowed in the organic mathematical form as the direct effects of changes phase, D will increase or decrease with increasing in concentrations given in this paper, so they will be [HX] depending upon which one is the more solu- considered qualitatively, as corrections to the heble in the solvent, that is, whether C Y H , M X ~ ~ H , M isX ~ havior of ideal systems, when treating real systems in the following papers. If the solvent-aquelarger or smaller than ~ A , M X ~ ~ A , M X ~ . If M+, or MX2-, is the principal metal-containing ous acid system is properly chosen, these corrections species in the organic phase, the presence of AX may actually be small and the equations do seem to may increase or decrease the value of D, depending hold. If the system is such as to have large solupon the relative magnitudes of OLAX and CYHX, vent corrections, when varying the concentrations of through the common ion effect. If OLAX