The St. Louis meeting - ACS Publications

Feb 25, 2018 - tent of the Introductory College Course in Qualitative. Analysis”. Discussion led by ... Business Meeting, Senate and Division. The S...
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VOL.5, NO.3


THE ST. LOUIS MEETING The following notes are necessarily incomplete since they were written February 25th; final details of the program will appear in the April 10th issue of the News Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Registration will start a t 10 o'clock Monday morning April 16th, Hotel Chase, and will continue throughout the convention. "The registration fee, required by vote of the Council of the A. C. S. to help carry local expenses, has been fixed a t $3.00 for members and guests and at $5.00 for American non-member chemists." Those desiring hotel accommodations should communicate with Eugene S. Weil, 316 S. Commercial St., while student reservations, a t a nominal figure, may be secured by addressing the Local Secretary of the Division of Chemical Education, L. J. Wood, 1402 S. Grand. Divisional meetings for the reading and discussion of papers will begin Tuesday morning and will continue until Thursday morning, starting each morning a t 9.30 and each afternoon a t 2.00. Thirteen of the nineteen divisions of the Society will hold from one to four half-day sessions each, detailed announcement of which will appear in the April 10th News Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Program of the Division of Chemical Education. Hotel Note-The

Ballroom, Forest Park

several features of the ~eneralprogram which have been incorporated

are so indicated.

8.00 A.M. 10.00 A.M. 12.15 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 9.30 P.M.

9.30 A.M. 12.15 P.M. Note-Local

Monday, April 16th Breakfast meeting of the Executive Committee, Hotel Chase Meeting of the Senate, Hotel Chase Luncheon, Senate and Division, Hotel Chase ($1.00) Meeting of Committee of Chemical Education, Hotel Chase Entertainment (whole Society) Tuesday, April 17th Divisional Meeting-General Papers Luncheon, Forest Park Hotel ($1.00)

high-school teachers of chemistry will he guests of the Division. The President of the A . C. S., the Chairman of the Division, and the Editor of the Jounwnr, OF CAEMICAL EDUCATION will give informal addresses of welcome.



Symposium on The Teaching of Analytical Chemistry (1) J. H. Reedy, University of Illinois, "Objectives and Content of the Introductory College Course in Qualitative Analysis" Discussion led by G. W. Sears, University of Nevada



6.00 8.00

P.M. P.M.

9.30 A.M.

12.15 P.M. 2.00 P.M. 3.30 P.M.

(2) H. H. Willard, University of Michigan, "Objectives and Content of the Introductory College Course in Quantitative Analysis" Discussion led by H. V. F a x , Mallinckrodt Chemical Works ( 3 ) C. W. Foulk, Ohio State University, "Advanced Work and Graduate Courses in Analytical Chemistry" Discussion led by Stephen J. Popoff, University of Iowa Meeting of Contributing and Departmental Editors of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, Forest Park Hotel Meeting continued a t dinner, Forest Park Hotel Public Meeting (whole Society) Address by Wm. J. Mayo of the Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota. "The Advancement of Learning in Medicine through Biochemistry."

Wednesday, April 18th Symposium on Analytical Chemistry (continued) (4) Theodore D. Kelsey, Grover Cleveland High School, St. Louis, "The Teaching of Qualitative Analysis in Secondary Schools" Discussion led by J. E. Wildish, Kansas City Junior College (5) H. R. Smith, Lake View High School, Chicago, "The Teaching of Quanitative Analysis in Secondary Schools" Discussion led by F. B. Wade, Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, Ind. (6) N. H. Furman, Princeton University, "The Technic of Conducting the Introductory College Course in Qnalitative Analysis" Discussion led by L. J. Wood, St. Louis University (7) E. G. Mabin, Notre Dame University, "Technic of Conducting the Introductory College Course in Quantitative Analysis" Discussion led by J. Samuel Guy, Emory University Luncheon, Forest Park Hotel ($1.00) General Papers Business Meeting, Senate and Division

The Swampscott Meeting It is the earnest wish of the officers of the Division t o represent the wishes of a majority of the members, and to arrange for each meeting the most acceptable program possible. At the Detroit meeting of the Division last September, the feeling was expressed that the teaching of analytical chemistry and, particularly,


VOL.5, NO. 3


research in analytical chemistry are under-emphasized in America a t the present time. The Secretary was instructed to arrange a Symposium on this general topic for the St. Louis Meeting. Early in October the Senate of Chemical Education and the Contributing Editors of the JOURNAL were requested to suggest sub-topics and speakers for the proposed symposium. Acting upon the returns of this letter ballot, the secretary arranged the program as indicated above. Plans for the Swampscott Meeting, in September, 1928, are already under way. To assist the Secretary in arranging the Divisional program, each member of the Division is urged to send suggestions on the form below.


Program Ballot-Division

of Chemical Education


I suggest the following title for a Symposium a t the Swampaott meeting.


I suggest that the following persons be invited to participate in this Symposium :


.......................................................... 3. I expect to attend the St. Louis Meeting this April and to attend the Division


luncheons (please check which ones) Monday, April 16th ( ), Tuesday, April 17th ( ). and Wednesday, April 18th ( ). Remarks:

.......................................................... ..........................................................

...................... (Date)

................................ (Signed)

PLEASE MAIL A T ONCE TO R. A. Baker, Secretary, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.