The Status of Agricultural Chemicals. Trends in Pesticidal Chemicals

The Status of Agricultural Chemicals. Trends in Pesticidal Chemicals. Harold H. Shepard. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1953, 1 (12), pp 756–770. DOI: 10.10...
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U. S. Production of Some Principal insecticides In Recent Years Millions

of Pounds



Lead Arsenate Calcium Arsenate



Bcnzen Hexachforf de

















Figure 1. The trend in production of lead arsenate and calcium arsenate has been downward since the introduction of and benzene hexachloride, two major representatives of the newer synthetic organic insecticides


What’s the Status of Agricultural Chemicals?

The agricultural chemicals industry, producing insecticides, fungicides, weed killers, rodenticides, and related products, has grown at a remarkable rate since World War II. Such rapid growth, the omnipresent complications of weat her, and increasing government regulations produce a very complex situation which can change quickly and i s sensitive to a host of conditions. The influence of this industry and its products i s felt from one end of the food production chain to the other. Thus, an up-to-date review of the status of the industry i s important. From a well-informed view, trends are summarized. The Editors of AG & FOOD, during recent weeks, have gone to leaders of the industry for their views. The current picture i s presented against a background of history of the industry and the association which serves it.



HAROLD H. SHEPARD, Office of Materials and Facilities, Production and Marketing Administration, USDA


1‘)TH CENTURY, agricultural efficiency in the United States was relatively low. Most people lived and worked on farms and so there was little lack of farm labor. As agricultural machinery was developed, farm efficiency increased. A trend toward fewer workers on farms became evident, coincident with the rapid industrial growth of the country. About 727, of the population in 18210 worked in agriculture, but the proportion in 1950 was only about 15y0. O u r present standard of living would have been impossible without this development of farm machinery. Within the next few years the use of agricultui-a1 chemicals, even now just beginning in many fields, should advance as rapidly as has the use of machines since 1850. I t should be remembered that the present acreage of cultivated land cannot be increased greatly. O u r population is growing by more than 2 million persons per year, and productim must be increased to feed these additional mouths. While much can be gained by improved fertilization and by better breeds or varieties of crops and animals, spectacular gains in food production ,and conservation can be made also by the development and adoption of chemicals for many purposes throughout agriculture. This is a real challenge to science and technolURING MOST OF THE

ow. Pesticides are those agricultural chemicals which are used as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides (weed killlers), and rodenticides. Certain other materials, such as crop defoliants and hormone fruit sprays, are usually considered to belong to the same class of materials because of their similarity with respect to chemical properties and methods of application. Most pesticidal chemicals, especially the newer ones, must be mixed or processed into suitable formulations of different strengths, combinations, and physical characteristics, before they can be applied by farmers for various specific purposes. Undiluted, they could not be applied thinly enough, and their physical properties-because they are usually coarse or sticky solids or viscous liquidsmake them unsuited for clirect application. T h e technical chemicals, there-

fore, have no practical value as pesticides until they have been processed into forms suitable for application. Vast changes have occurred during the last 10 years or so in the kinds and quantities of chemicals used as pesticides by the farmers of the United States. At the end of World War I1 those materials in general use were mostly inorganic chemicals, such as lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, and copper compounds, as well as botanical products such as rotenone, pyrethrum, nicotine, and red squill. Beginning about 1945, the pattern of consumption underwent a radical change (Figure 1). The quantity of pesticidal chemicals, exclusive of accessory materials such as diluents, solvents, and emulsifiers, estimated to have been used in 1935 was somewhat in excess of 215 million pounds. By 1944 the consumption of these chemicals is believed to have grown to about 513 million pounds. During the period from 1944 to the present time, a t least 25 major pesticidal compounds not previously available commercially, to say nothing of many lesser ones, were introduced and accepted widely (Table I). T h e quantity of pesticidal chemicals, including sulfur and copper sulfate, estimated to have been used on farms in 1951 was about 1229 million pounds. Consumption in 1952 was considerably lower than in 1951. I t is the consensus of the industry that in 1953 consumption will be appreciably higher than in 1952 although not approaching the 1951 figure. YliliililiillllliliilwyIiylllllllliillll,,,,,~,,,,~,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,1II1I1I,,I illillll,II,I,,1,lllllllililllllllliiil,i,il

Harold H. Shepard has been pesticide stoff specialist for USDA’s Office of Moterials and Facilities since 1950 and is greatly responsible for the onnuol review called “The Pesticide Situation” which is so valuable to the agricultural chemicals industry. Dr. Shepard first came to the Department of Agriculture In 1 9 4 6 to toke charge of the insecticide testing laboratory ot Beltsville. Before that he was assistant professor o f entomology a t the University of Minnesota and later associate professor a t Cornell. During the war he put in two yeorr o f government service with the W a r Food Administration.

The actual amount of a material absorbed by the domestic economy within a given past period can be calculated, if suitable data on production, producers’ stocks, imports, and exports are all available. Some of such figures, thus calculated from more or less complete data, are shown in Table I1 under rhe term of “domestic disappearance.” Pesticidal chernicals, however, must pass through numerous processing and merchandising operations carried out by different persons or companies. In any one season, there will be consumed, in addition to current production, some of the material which entered the “pipeline” the previous year. Some supplies unused a t the end of the season will remain in the channels of trade until the next )-ear or even longer before being used. Variation in Pipeline SfoeXrs Not Known

No practical method is known by which to obtain reliable information regarding variations in pipeline stocks. These stocks may be inventories of the basic chemicals in the hands of formulators or of ready-mixed pesticides held by formulators, dealers, or growers. I t is believed generally true that growers seldom hold large supplies, and many dealers return their unsold stocks to the wholesaler a t the end of the season. Data showing disappearance a t the level of the chemical manufacturer, therefore, d o not reflect the wide variations in pipeline stocks that often occur. For this reason they should not be considered as a precise measure of actual consumption by growers, though they are extremely useful in such studies. Data showing actual consumption in the field are scattered and for many areas are entirely lacking. The reliability of estimates by persons in touch with control operations in the field depends largely upon personal interest in such data. Often these persons are official extension specialists whose chief responsibility is in methods of control rarher than consumption statistics. T h e Production and Marketing Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, made surveys in 1951 and in 1952 to obtain usage estimates arrived a t by a group of field specialists in each state. The results of these surveys in general checked surprisingly well with other information. Affecting individual state estimates of pesticide consumption is the fact that these are made bv different methods ac-

VOL. 1, NO. 1 2 , S E P T E M B E R 2, 1 9 5 3




Table 1.




Some Pesticidal Chemicals Introduced Commercially Since 1944“

Aldrin Allethrin “Aramite” Benzene hexachloride, gamma Captan Chlordan

Ethyl-p-nitrophenylthionobenzene phosphonate (EPN) Heptachlor Isopropylphenylcarbamate (IPC) Malathon Methoxychlor Chloroisopropylphenylcarbamate ( CIPC) Parathion Chlorophenylchlorobenzene sulfone Piperonyl butoxide Chlorophenyldimethylurea (CMU) Schr adan Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (TDE) Sodium 2,4-dichlorophenoxyethylsulfate Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Sodium trichloroacetate (TCA) 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) Demeton (in Systox) Dieldrin Tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP) Endrin Toxaphene Ethylene dibromide 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4,5-T) Warfarin 5 Other compounds fully as important as some of these have been omitted without prejudice.

information available in the particular state. Furthermore, field experts are often not familiar with the volume of these chemicals used in agricultural processing industries-true of pyrethrum and other materials used in household types of mixtures. Affecting such estimates likewise is the fact that often agricultural pesticides are put also to nonagricultural uses (for example, D D T for the control of disease-carrying insects when used by public health agencies). When the estimates for all the states are combined, individual errors are for the most part cancelled. Estimates of Usage

Shifts Most Valuable State estimates d o not provide merely

a check on disappearance data calculated from industry and foreign trade figures. Estimates from the consuming areas often supply information about the volume of chemicals used for which production data cannot be obtained directly. Perhaps most valuable are the state estimates of expected shifts in usage for the approaching growing season-figures which have formed a reliable basis for estimating national agricultural requirements. Also of much value are the patterns of distribution of usage that can be developed from the data furnished by the states. I t can be seen from Figure 1 that the production of either lead arsenate or calcium arsenate prior to 1945 was of the same order of magnitude as present-day production of leading synthetic organic insecticides such as D D T and benzene hexachloride. I t will be recalled that the arsenicals must be used a t relatively high strength or even undiluted, while such compounds as DDT are so potent that one pound will go as far in killing insects as several pounds of a n arsenical. T h e present consumption of insecticides, therefore, has increased enormously in terms of units of potency. This trend is well shown by the producers’ sales value


of the basic pesticidal chemicals produced. In 1940, this figure was about $35 million, while by 1951 it had risen to about $195 million. These figures, however, have not been adjusted for changing purchasing power of the dollar. The volume of materials sold to growers for pest control has been affected greatly by the necessity for the newer chemicals to be processed commercially into forms ready for use. Failure to control insects and other pests would result if farmers were to attempt by themselves to dilute the technical grades of synthetic organic compounds to make dusting powders or emulsion concentrates. The individual farmer cannot cope with the technical difficulties of choosing and obtaining diluents and other additives adapted to usage in specific types of mixtures. H e cannot afford the large equipment necessary for grinding and blending the ingredients of the mixtures he must use. In Table I11 are given data from the U. S. Bureau of Mines showing the growth in usage of some of the more important diluents employed in manufacturing dusting powders for pest control.

Table II.

The manufacture of emulsion concentrates for use where liquid sprays are needed has increased in much the same way as the preparation of ready-mixed dusts. These concentrates are liquid mixtures containing emulsifying agents so formulated as to mix readily with water. A rough estimate of the quantity of emulsifiers so used is 10 million pounds. Figures for emulsion concentrates, used on cotton in three states where spraying this crop has become most general, are shown in Table IV. These indicate not only the growth of the use of spray emulsions but also the effect of drouth in that area upon insecticide consumption in 1952. Application of chemicals for pest control on some types of crops is fairly uniform and predictable. This is true particularly of fruit crops where definite spray schedules are planned in advance of the growing season. In contrast is the cotton crop which can support a certain amount of boll weevil infestation without undergoing serious loss and which may suffer severely over large areas only in seasons when weather conditions favor development of this insect. The demand for cotton insecticides, therefore, is extremely variable. This fact is disturbing to the insecticide industry which must be prepared to meet a heavy demand occurring over a period of a few weeks while knowing that a n unpredictable dry spell may result in a reduction of those infestations upon which its business depends. Incomplete data indicate that consumption of cotton insecticides, both dusts and sprays expressed in field-strength dust equivalent, was about 550 million pounds in 1950 and 850 million pounds in 1951. Consumption of these materials fell off markedly in 1952 butisexpected to rise again moderately in 1953. At the present time interest in chemicals to control spider mites is active. These tiny creatures, related to spiders and ticks, often develop in increased numbers following the use of organic

Domestic Disappearance of Some Major Pesticidal Chemicals DuringlRecent Crop Years“ Pesticide







Benzene hexachloride, gamma basis 8,549,000 Calcium arsenate 38,842,000 124,573,000 Copper sulfate* 17,600,000 2,4-D (acid basis) 57,638,000 DDT 27,490,000 Lead arsenate 2,551,000 Parathion 540,000,000 Sulfur, groundc small 2,4,5-T (acid basis)

9,600,000 39,588,000 122,449,000 23,494,000 72,688,000 30,174,000 4,670,000 400,000,000 2,822,000

11,100,000 4,735,000 110,097,000 25,298,000 70,074,000 17,452,000 4,500,000 310,000,000 2,937,000

a The crop year is considered to be the period from Oct. 1 of one calendar year to thc following Sept. 30. Production and export figures for a particular month are no1 available until six weeks to three months later. * All domestic uses, including plant nutrient as well as a wide variety of other smal industrial and other uses; 1950 and 1951 figures are on a calendar year basis. c Calendar year basis.


chlorinated compounds such as DDT. Formerly, when lead arsenate spray schedules for apple orchards were followed, spider mite infestations were usually of minor importa.nce. Several synthetic acaricides (miticides) of commercial significance are now on the market and others are being developed. They are generally more effective and may be less injurious to the crop than ground sulfur, formerly the standard miticide. Synthetic miticides, furthermore, can be incorporated in emulsion concentrate formulations, while sulfur cannot. I t is known that certain species of insects and mites are becorning resistant on a wide scale to particular chemicals. Some leading insecticides now in use are gradually losing their valuls for the control of such pests. This is a factor favoring some types of chemicals and particularly certain methods of application. A number of synthetic organic fungicides have become available in recent years. Most of these are more effective for certain specific uses than sulfur or copper fungicides and, in some cases, are effective against plant diseases not controlled satisfactorily by any of the older fungicides. The adverse effects of the synthetic organic fungicides upon plant life generally are mild. They are not so damaging as elemental sulfur and the copper fungicides. Another important use of synthetic organic fungicides is in the treatment of seeds and seed beds as a protection against fungi which infect the soil or are carried on the seeds and which destroy the young plant during germination or cause damping-off af‘ter the young plant starts to grow. Chemicals that control weeds and other unwanted plant growths have come into widespread use during recent years. This development has resulted in the reclamation of much idle land which had been rendered practically useless b y weeds. and has increased the productivity of many additional acres. Chemical weed killers, being relatively simple to apply, have freed millions of man hours of labor for other productive work. Chemical control of weeds has become a recognized procedure in modern farming. Sodium chlorate is a highly effective general weed killer for use in situations where it is desired to kill all plant growth. It is also important as a cotton defoliant which does not require dew formation in order to be active. Under normal conditions, approximately two thirds of the total output of sodium chlorate is used for weed killing operations and for defoliation of cotton. Sodium chlorate was in general use as a weed killer for a number of years before the introduction of 2.4-D and other synthetic organic weed killers. The expanding use of the newer weed killers. however, has not af-

Table 111.

Quantities of Some Materials Used in Manufacturing Dusting Powders for Pest Control


1941 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952

Talc, Pyrophyllite and Ground Soapstone (Short tons)

10,479 21 454 37,012 64,954 66,952 72,700 61,100 77,000 90,418

Fuller’s Earth (Short Tons)

(not available)

Kaolin (Short Tons)

(not available)
