The subjection of glutaraldehyde to the Tollens test

Benedict test: a modified Fehling test: and a modified corrected Benedict test4. To this end, a ... A silver mirror precipitate was produced in the pr...
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The Subjection of Glutaraldehyde to the Tollens Test Redox equations1 have heen established for the Tollens testZ with respect to compounds containing two aldehyde groups such as glutaraldehyde, just as redax equations have previously been established for the Fehlingtest: the corrected Benedict test: a modified Fehling test: and a modified corrected Benedict test4. T o this end, a solution containing 200 mL of distilled water, 33.98 g (0.20 mol) of silver nitrate and 200 mL of glutaraldehyde was mixed with 4 0 mL of concentrated ammonium hydroxide in a n exceptionally clean l-L beaker. A silver mirror precipitate was produced in the process and it was salvaged for a future use after i t was filtered, washed four times with 1 L of distilled water and given ample time to dry. The molecular and the ionic redox equations with respect t o the Tollens test are









1I + 4AgN08 + GNHIOH -NHaOC-(CHd3--CONHi

+ 4NH4NOa+ 4Hz0 + 4Agl






Balancing these equations was simplified after the total valence in glutaraldehyde and in ammonium glutarate was uhrained. 'I'heTdlens teat with rcspeet toglutaraldehydeshuuld apply toother compounds having twoor morealdehyde groups in themolecule but the total valence ofcarbon in that aldehydeand in theammonium salt formed must he found morder to simplify the balancing o i there equations given that a silver mirror precipitate also is obtained in these cases.

Hogneas. T. R.; Johnson, W. C.; Armsbong. A. R. QualitativeAnalysis andChemI~~lEqulllbrlum. 5lh ed.; Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York. 1966; pp 92-105 and 217. 2 Butler, G. 0.; Berlin, K. D. Fundamentals Of Organic Chemistry meoryAndAppl1cations;Ronald: New York, 1972; p 210. Hill Jr.. W. 0. J. Chem. Educ. 1984, 61. 1085. 'Hill Jr.. W. D. J. Chem. Educ. 1987,64,984. Wllllam D. HIII, Jr. M

Volume 67

h Csmiina Central Univanlty Durham. NC 27707

Number 4

April 1990