THE SUPERIOR ELECTRIC CO. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 3, 2012 - THE SUPERIOR ELECTRIC CO. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (9), pp 13A–13A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60093a712. Publication Date: September 1954...
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Maintain Constant Voltage

with S T A B I L I N E Automatic Voltage Regulators

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All too frequently varying voltage is not suspected as the cause of process control trouble. It may have come and gone without leaving "fingerprints" — but it can throw electronic gear, solenoids and timers out of balance or out of phase and leave serious processing and recording trouble. A Stabiline Automatic Voltage

Regulator can rid you of these worries. It will assure you of a constant voltage despite line variations and voltage drops due to plant loads. Its cost is a trifle compared to the overall control gear and the material in process that it protects. Specify a Stabiline Automatic Voltage Regulator for your next control panel and add it to your present panels. Send coupon today for Stabiline Bulletin S3 5 J

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